CHIUW: Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Advance Program

CHIUW—the Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, to be held in conjunction with IPDPS 2014—will be the first in what is anticipated to be an annual series of workshops designed to bring developers and users of the Chapel language ( together to report on work being done with the language across the broad open-source community. Attendance is open to anyone interested in Chapel, from the most seasoned Chapel user or developer to someone simply curious to learn more.


8:30 - 9:00:  Welcome, Introduction to Chapel, State of the Project [slides]
Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
Technical Talks: Application Studies
9:00 - 9:30:  User Experiences with a Chapel Implementation of UTS [extended abstract | slides]
Claudia Fohry (Universität Kassel, Germany), Jens Breitbart (Technische Universität München, Germany)
9:30 - 10:00:  Evaluating Next Generation PGAS Languages for Computational Chemistry [extended abstract | slides]
Daniel Chavarria-Miranda, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Joseph Manzano, Abhinav Vishnu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
10:00 - 10:30:  Break
Technical Talks: Language Extensions
10:30 - 11:00:  Programmer-Guided Reliability in Chapel [extended abstract | slides]
David E. Bernholdt, Wael R. Elwasif, Christos Kartsaklis, Seyong Lee, Tiffany M. Mintz (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
11:00 - 11:30:  Towards Interfaces for Chapel [extended abstract | slides (pptx | pdf)]
Chris Wailes, Jeremy G. Siek (Indiana University)
Technical Talks: Compiler Optimizations
11:30 - 12:00:  Affine Loop Optimization using Modulo Unrolling in Chapel [extended abstract | slides]
Aroon Sharma, Rajeev Barua (University of Maryland), Michael Ferguson (Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences)
12:00 - 1:00:  Lunch (on your own)
Keynote Talk
1:00 - 1:45:  Walking to the Chapel [slides]
Robert Harrison (Stony Brook University/Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Abstract: MADNESS is a general-purpose numerical environment that sits upon a scalable runtime that consciously includes elements "borrowed" from other projects including Charm++ and the HPCS programming languages, including Chapel; it is also designed to be interoperable with "legacy" code. But as I have said to Chapel's architects several times, maintaining our own runtime is just an unpleasant transitional phase and we are looking for a permanent home—is that home Chapel? I'll give you some flavor of what MADNESS does and how, with the objective of starting a conversation and seeding collaborations.
Bio: Professor Robert Harrison is a distinguished expert in high-performance computing and is the Endowed Chair and Director of the newly formed, $20M-endowed Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University. Through a joint appointment with Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Professor Harrison has also been named Director of the Computational Science Center at BNL. Dr. Harrison comes to Stony Brook from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he was Director of the Joint Institute of Computational Science, Professor of Chemistry and Corporate Fellow. He has a prolific career in high-performance computing with over one hundred publications on the subject, as well as extensive service on national advisory committees.
Technical Talks: Compiler Optimizations (continued)
1:45 - 2:15:  LLVM Optimizations for PGAS Programs [extended abstract | slides]
Akihiro Hayashi, Rishi Surendran, Jisheng Zhao, Vivek Sarkar (Rice University), Michael Ferguson (Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences)
Technical Talks: Runtime Improvements
2:15 - 2:45:  Opportunities for Integrating Tasking and Communication Layers [extended abstract | slides]
Dylan T. Stark, Brian W. Barrett (Sandia National Laboratories)
2:45 - 3:15:  Caching in on Aggregation [extended abstract | slides]
Michael Ferguson (Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences)
3:15 - 3:30:  Break
Community/Panel Discussion
3:30 - 4:30:  Community/Panel Discussion [slides]
The concluding session will be an open discussion between some featured panelists and members of the community/audience about Chapel's future and priorities going forward, or anything else of interest to those in attendance.
4:30:  Adjourn for Dinner, Drinks, whatever (on your own)


Steering Committee:


Call For Participation (for archival purposes)