Upcoming Chapel-related Events
Also check out the Chapel Community Calendar (ICS), which is a published Outlook calendar with most of the events below.2024
- November 14 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours
[See the Community Calendar above to join the Teams meeting]
- November 20 (2:00 to 3:00 PM PT):
Pangeo Showcase Presentation
Arkouda support of Python Array API and XArray, Jeremiah Corrado
- November 17-21: Chapel-related Events at
SC24 (all times
given in ET)
- Sunday, 9am–5pm,
PAW-ATM 2024:
The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop,
- 2-2:45pm: Distinguished Speaker: A case study for using Chapel within the global aerospace industry
Eric Laurendeau, Polytechnique Montreal - 2:45-3pm: User
Experience: Exploring Suffix Array Algorithms in
Michael P. Ferguson, Bonnie Hurwitz, and Shreyas Khandekar
- 2-2:45pm: Distinguished Speaker: A case study for using Chapel within the global aerospace industry
- Sunday, 9am–12:30pm,
EduHPC: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing
- Michelle Strout will present a 5-minute lightning talk Consider an Applications-First Approach for PDC
- Monday, 2–5:30pm,
WACCPD: Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives
- 2:46–2:53pm: Engin Kayraklioglu will present on Productive, Vendor-Neutral GPU Programming Using Chapel
- Monday, 2–5:30pm,
HPPSS: High Performance Python for Science at Scale
- 3:30–3:47pm: Ben McDonald will present on Exploring Data at Scale with Arkouda: A Practical Introduction–Scalable Data Science
- Monday–Thursday,
Arkouda and Chapel Demo at the HPE Booth (#2219)
- Interactive Exploratory Data Analytics (EDA) on Petabytes with Python and Arkouda, Powered by Chapel
- Sunday, 9am–5pm,
PAW-ATM 2024:
The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop,
- December 12 (10–11am PT): Chapel Office Hours
[See the Community Calendar above to join the Teams meeting]
- December 19: Anticipated release date of Chapel 2.3