The Chapel Programming Language

Productive parallel computing at every scale.
writeln("Hello, world!");

// create a parallel task per processor core
coforall tid in 0..<here.maxTaskPar do
  writeln("Hello from task ", tid);

// print these 1,000 messages in parallel using all cores
forall i in 1..1000 do
  writeln("Hello from iteration ", i);
// print a message per compute node
coforall loc in Locales do
  on loc do
    writeln("Hello from locale ",;

// print a message per core per compute node
coforall loc in Locales do
  on loc do
    coforall tid in 0..<here.maxTaskPar do
      writeln("Hello from task ", tid, " on locale ",;

// print 1,000 messages in parallel using all nodes and cores
use BlockDist;
const Inds = blockDist.createDomain(1..1000);
forall i in Inds do
  writeln("Hello from iteration ", i, " running on locale ",;
use IO;

// read in a file containing 'city name;temperature' lines (1BRC-style)
const stats = [line in stdin.lines()] new cityTemperature(line);

record cityTemperature {
  const city: string;  // city name
  const temp: real;    // temperature

  proc init(str: string) {
    const words = str.split(";"); = words[0];
    this.temp = words[1]: real;
// set different values at runtime with command line arguments
// e.g. --n=2048 --numSteps=256 --alpha=0.8
config const n = 1000,
             numSteps = 100,
             alpha = 1.0;

const fullDomain = {1..n},
      interior   = {2..n-1};

var u: [fullDomain] real = 1.0; 
u[n/4..3*n/4] = 2.0;  // make the middle a bit hotter

var un = u;

for 1..numSteps {
  forall i in interior do  // shared-memory parallelism
    u[i] = un[i] + alpha * (un[i-1] - 2*un[i] + un[i+1]);  
  un <=> u;  // swap the two arrays

use Random, Math;

const nGpus = here.gpus.size,
      n     = Locales.size*nGpus;

var A: [1..n, 1..n] real;


// use all nodes
coforall (loc, localRowStart) in zip(Locales, 1.. by nGpus) do on loc { 
  // and all GPUs within each
  coforall (gpu, row) in zip(here.gpus, localRowStart..) do on gpu {    
    var B: [1..n] real = A[row, ..];    // copy a row from device to host
    B = asin(B);                        // compute (kernel launch)
    A[row, ..] = B;                     // copy the row back


Users Love It

The use of Chapel worked as intended: the code maintenance is very much reduced, and its readability is astonishing. This enables undergraduate students to contribute to its development, something almost impossible to think of when using very complex software.

- Éric Laurendeau, Professor, Polytechnique Montréal

A lot of the nitty gritty is hidden from you until you need to know it. ... It feels like the complexity grows as you get more comfortable -- rather than being hit with everything at once.

- Tess Hayes, Developer, Bytoa

Chapel in Production

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Using the Chapel Compiler to Develop Language Tooling

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SC24 from the Chapel Language Perspective

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Announcing Chapel 2.3!

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Quarterly Newsletter - Fall 2024

on November 15, 2024

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