

Introducing Chapel: A Programming Language for Productive Parallel Computing from Laptops to Supercomputers [ Video ] Brad Chamberlain, LinuxCon / Open Source Summit North America 2023, Vancouver BC, May 11, 2023

This introduction to Chapel provides the language's motivation and brief comparisons with familiar languages and HPC programming models. It then introduces some of Chapel's core features for parallelism and locality, showing how they have recently been extended to also support GPUs. It wraps up by providing a peek into some of the flagship applications that are using Chapel.

Vendor-Neutral GPU Programming in Chapel [ Video | Demos ] Jade Abraham and Engin Kayrakloglu, HPE Developer Meetup, online, July 31, 2024

This is a talk with demos that introduces the use of Chapel to program GPUs in a vendor-neutral manner.

High-Performance Programming and Execution of a Coral Biodiversity Mapping Algorithm Using Chapel [ Paper ] Scott Bachman, PAW-ATM 2023, Denver, CO, November 13, 2023

This talk describes the use of Chapel to estimate the biodiversity of coral reefs using satellite image analysis.

Implementing Scalable Matrix-Vector Products for the Exact Diagonalization Methods in Quantum Many-Body Physics [ Paper ] Tom Westerhout, PAW-ATM 2023, Denver, CO, November 13, 2023.

This talk describes the use of Chapel to compute exact diagonalization methods on distributed systems, as used when simulating small quantum systems.

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