Featured Examples
GPU Support
Engin Kayraklioglu
A repository of GPU programming examples in Chapel
Other Examples
Optimization Algorithms
Tiago Carneiro
Large-scale exact distributed optimization algorithms including prototype for enumerating all feasible and complete configurations of the N-Queens
Advent of Code 2023
Michelle Strout
A repository of Advent of Code 2023 programs written in Chapel
Monte Carlo Simulation
Engin Kayraklioglu
Tutorial of Monte Carlo simulation written in Chapel
Layered Quasigeostrophic Model
Scott Bachman
Implements large-scale fluid dynamics in Chapel, by dividing the domain into multiple, interacting horizontal layers
Coral Reef Beta Diversity Map
Scott Bachman
A distributed application written in Chapel, that calculates coral biodiversity using satellite image analysis
Read/write NetCDF in Parallel
Scott Bachman
Library code for performing distributed reads of NetCDF files in Chapel
Read/write BMP Images
Scott Bachman
Library code for I/O of BMP image files in Chapel