Past Chapel-related Events
- December 12: Chapel 2.2 was released today!
- December 12 (10–11am PT): Chapel Office Hours
[See the Community Calendar above to join the Teams meeting]
- November 20:
Pangeo Showcase Presentation at 4pm EST
Arkouda support of Python Array API and XArray, Jeremiah Corrado
- November 17-21: Chapel-related Events at
SC24 (all times
given in ET)
- Sunday, 9am–5pm,
PAW-ATM 2024:
The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop,
- 2-2:45pm: Distinguished Speaker: A case study for using Chapel within the global aerospace industry
Eric Laurendeau, Polytechnique Montreal - 2:45-3pm: User
Experience: Exploring Suffix Array Algorithms in
Michael P. Ferguson, Bonnie Hurwitz, and Shreyas Khandekar
- 2-2:45pm: Distinguished Speaker: A case study for using Chapel within the global aerospace industry
- Sunday, 9am–12:30pm,
EduHPC: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing
- 10am: Engin Kayraklioglu will present a lightning talk entitled Consider an Applications-First Approach for PDC on behalf of Michelle Strout
- Sunday, 6:30pm,
CHUG: Chapel Users Group Happy Hour
- We'll meet at Der Biergarten for our annual get-together. This is a low-key social event. If you are interested in Chapel or parallel productivity, please join us!
- Monday, 2–5:30pm,
WACCPD: Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives
- 2:46–2:53pm: Engin Kayraklioglu will present on Productive, Vendor-Neutral GPU Programming Using Chapel
- Monday, 2–5:30pm,
HPPSS: High Performance Python for Science at Scale
- 3:30–3:47pm: Ben McDonald will present on Exploring Data at Scale with Arkouda: A Practical Introduction–Scalable Data Science
- Monday–Thursday,
Arkouda and Chapel Demo at the HPE Booth (#2219)
- Interactive Exploratory Data Analytics (EDA) on Petabytes with Python and Arkouda, Powered by Chapel
- Sunday, 9am–5pm,
PAW-ATM 2024:
The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop,
- November 14 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours
[See the Community Calendar above to join the Teams meeting]
- October 31: (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Demo Session
Topic: GPU programming in Chapel by Engin Kayraklioglu
[See the Community Calendar above to join the Teams meeting]
October 17 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours[Cancelled due to scheduling conflicts this week] - October 11 (11–12 AM ET):
Michael Ferguson's JHU-APL Colloquium talk
Parallel Programming with the Chapel Language
- October 3: (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Demo Session
Topic: Jade demonstrating the Image module in Chapel [video]
- September 23-27 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel-related Talks at
- VF2-PS: Parallel and Scalable Subgraph Monomorphism in Arachne
Mohammad Dindoost, Oliver Alvarado Rodriguez (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.), Sounak Bagchi (Edison Academy Magnet School), Palina Pauliuchenka, Zhihui Du, David A Bader (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)
- A Deployment Tool for Large Scale Graph Analytics Framework
Garrett R Gonzalez-Rivas, Zhihui Du, David A Bader (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)
- VF2-PS: Parallel and Scalable Subgraph Monomorphism in Arachne
- September 26: Chapel 2.2 was released today!
- September 19 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours
- September 5 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Demo Session
Topic: Parallel IO in Chapel with Jeremiah Corrado
- August 28: paper presentation at Euro-Par 2024:
- August 22 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours
- August 8 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Demo Session
[Join Meeting]
Topic: Chapel Language Server in VS Code with Daniel Fedorin - July 31: Vendor-Neutral
GPU Programming in Chapel
an HPE Developer Meetup, online and free - July 31: submission deadline for PAW-ATM 2024
- July 25 (10–11 AM PT): Chapel Office Hours
[Join Meeting]
- July 11 (10–11 AM, PT): Chapel Demo Session
[Join Meeting]
Topic: Getting Started with Chapel: Functions, Loops, and Arrays - June 27: Chapel 2.1 was released today!
- June 5–7: ChapelCon '24
- May 27–31: paper presentations at IPDPS 2024:
May 27:Performance Portability of the Chapel Language on Heterogeneous Architectures, Josh Milthorpe (ORNL / ANU), HCW 2024Adaptive Prefetching for Fine-grain Communication in PGAS Programs, Thomas Rolinger (NVIDIA)GPU-Accelerated Tree-Search in Chapel: Comparing Against CUDA and HIP on Nvidia and AMD GPUs, Guillaume Helbecque (U. Luxembourg, U. Lille), PDCO 2024 - May 9: Chapel events at CUG 2024
- May 7: Chapel talk at PNW PLSE
- April 16: LinuxCon
/ Open Source Summit North America talk:
- April 12: talk/demo submissions for ChapelCon '24 due
- March 21: Chapel 2.0 was released!
- December 14: release date of Chapel 1.33.0
- November 12–17: Chapel-related events at SC23
- November 12: Tutorial: Introduction
to High-Performance Parallel Distributed Computing Using Chapel,
UPC++, and Coarray Fortran
- November 13: Workshop: PAW-ATM 2023
- Paper Presentation: Implementing
Scalable Matrix-Vector Products for the Exact Diagonalization Methods
in Quantum Many-Body Physics [using Chapel], Tom Westerhout
- Paper Presentation: High-Performance
Programming and Execution of a Coral Biodiversity Mapping Algorithm
Using Chapel, Scott Bachman
- Panel Discussion: Charting Paths to Success with Alternatives to MPI+X, chaired by Michelle Strout
- Paper Presentation: Implementing
Scalable Matrix-Vector Products for the Exact Diagonalization Methods
in Quantum Many-Body Physics [using Chapel], Tom Westerhout
- November 13: Workshop: EduHPC-23
- Parallel Assignment: 1D Heat Equation in Chapel, Jeremiah Corrado
- November 13: CHUG 2023 at
~6pm at Rhein Haus
- ad hoc: Meet and talk with members of the Chapel team
- November 12: Tutorial: Introduction
to High-Performance Parallel Distributed Computing Using Chapel,
UPC++, and Coarray Fortran
- September 28: Chapel 1.32.0 was released
- September 21: doc freeze for Chapel 1.32.0
- September 20: code freeze for Chapel 1.32.0
- September 14: feature freeze for Chapel 1.32.0
- July 26–27: Virtual
Tutorial: Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Distributed
Computing using Chapel, UPC++ and Coarray Fortran
- July 24: Submission deadline for PAW-ATM 2023
- June 26: PASC23 Minisymposium
Practical Examples of Productivity and Performance in Chapel
(in the Performance Portability Solutions beyond C++ to Support Future Workflows minisymposium) - June 22: Chapel 1.31 was released
- June 1–2: CHIUW 2023
- May
1926: 'camera-ready' deadline for CHIUW 2023 - May 18: RMACC
HPC Sympsosium tutorial:
- May 11: LinuxCon/Open
Source Summit North America 2023 talk:
- May 10: CUG 2023
talk: Arkouda:
A High-Performance Data Analytics Framework
- May 9: PNW PLSE 2023 talk: Parallel Programming with Chapel
- March 23: release date for Chapel 1.30.0
- March 16: doc freeze for Chapel 1.30.0
- March 15: code freeze for Chapel 1.30.0
- March 9: feature freeze for Chapel 1.30.0
- December 15: Release date of Chapel 1.29.0
- November 14‐17: events at SC22
- Nov 14: PAW-ATM 2022: the 5th
annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X
- Nov 14: CHUG 2022 after PAW-ATM at
Sapa House
- Nov 17: Using Chapel to Develop Practical, Scalable Applications BoF
- Nov 14: PAW-ATM 2022: the 5th
annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X
- October 13: paper presentation: Compiler
Optimization for Irregular Memory Access Patterns in PGAS
Programs by Thomas Rolinger et al. at LCPC
- September 16: Chapel Choose
Your Own Adventure project at the Grace Hopper Celebration Open
Source Day
- September 15: Release date of Chapel 1.28.0
- September 7/8: Code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.28
- September 1: Feature freeze for Chapel 1.28
- August 22–23: Invited talk on asynchronous
task-based aggregation at AMTE 2022
at Euro-Par 2022
- June 30: Release date of Chapel 1.27.0
- June 23: Code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.27
- June 16: Feature freeze for Chapel 1.27
- June 9–10: CHIUW 2022
- June 3: talk on distributed tree search in Chapel
at PDCO 2022
at IPDPS 2022
- May 12: participating in Rapid Prototyping for
Exascale: from Idea to Performance-Portable Applications, ECP
Community BOF Days
- April
1522: submission deadline for CHIUW 2022 - April 20: public online talk: Chapel: Making
parallel computing as easy as Py(thon), from laptops to
supercomputers (HPE DEV Munch &
- March 31: release date of Chapel 1.26.0
- March 21: Code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.26
- March 14: Feature freeze for Chapel 1.26
- February 28–March 1: Brad gives a plenary talk and serves as a panelist at the DOE Programming Systems Research Forum
- February 24–26: Chapel participation at SIAM PP22 Minisymposia:
- Achieving Productivity at Scale with Chapel in User Applications
- Chapel Overview and Future Opportunities and Challenges for Chapel, Michelle Strout and Brad Chamberlain (HPE)
- Experiences with Chapel in Cosmology from Data Analysis to Simulations, Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale)
- Arkouda: Interactive Supercomputing for Data Analytics Made Possible by Chapel, Mike Merrill (U.S. Gov't)
- A Case Study on the Impact of Chapel within an Academic Computational Aerodynamic Laboratory, Éric Laurendeau (Polytechnique Montreal)
- Code Generation and Transformation in HPC on Heterogeneous Platforms
- Generating GPU Kernels from Chapel's Features for Parallelism And Locality, Engin Kayraklioglu et al. (HPE)
- Achieving Productivity at Scale with Chapel in User Applications
- January 19: Chapel talk for the Northwest C++ Users' Group
- January 13: Chapel webinar for Ookami user community
- December 9: release date of Chapel 1.25.1
- November 19: events at SC21:
- Participation at PAW-ATM 2021 workshop:
- Panel discussion featuring Chapel users Eric Laurendeau (Polytechnique Montreal) and Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University)
- Paper presentation, Towards High Productivity and Performance for Irregular Applications in Chapel, by Thomas Rolinger (University of Maryland)
- Panel discussion featuring Brad Chamberlain at RSDHA 2021 workshop
- October 18: Chapel talk by Brad Chamberlain at Charm++
- October 13: Chapel talks by Michelle Strout and Engin
Kayraklioglu at LCPC 2021.
- September 23: Chapel 1.25.0 was released
- September 16: keynote on Chapel and Arkouda
optimizations at OpenSHMEM and
Related Technologies Workshop 2021
- September 14: Code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.25
- September 7: Feature freeze for Chapel 1.25
- July 22: Chapel talk
AN21 in the Practical
and Efficient Partitioned Global Address Space Support for Data Intensive
Applications minisymposium.
- June 4: CHIUW 2021: the 8th
annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop
April 9April 16: Submissions due for CHIUW 2021 - April 15: Chapel 1.24.1 was released
- March 18: Chapel 1.24.0 was released
- March 8: code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.24
- March 1: feature freeze for Chapel 1.24
- November 12: PAW-ATM 2020
at SC20 (online /
virtual event)
- October 15: release date of Chapel 1.23
- October 7: keynote at PACT'20 (online), Compiling
Chapel: Keys to Making Parallel Programming Productive at
Scale by Brad Chamberlain
- October 5: code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.23
- September 28: feature freeze for Chapel 1.23
July 24July 31: paper and talk submission deadline for PAW-ATM 2020 - July 6–7: online talk, Arkouda: Terascale Data
Science at Interactive Rates at SciPy 2020
- May 22: CHIUW 2020
at IPDPS 2020online (due to Covid-19)
- April 16: Release date of Chapel 1.22.0
March 19:April 9: Release date of Chapel 1.21.0 -
March 23:March 30: Code/doc freeze for Chapel 1.21.0 -
March 16:March 23: Feature freeze for Chapel 1.21.0 - February 12: Chapel talk at Puget Sound Programming Python meet-up (PuPPy): Arkouda: Data Science at Massive Scales and Interactive Rates
- November 17: Chapel-related events at SC19:
9:00–5:30: PAW-ATM 2019 workshop (full schedule here)
9:00–9:10: Alternatives to MPI Introduction
Brad Chamberlain, Cray/HPE
11:10–11:30: Simulating Ultralight Dark Matter with Chapel: An Experience Report
Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University
3:50–4:10: Arkouda: NumPy-like arrays at massive scale backed by Chapel
Mike Merrill, DOD
4:10–5:30: Panel Discussion: Applications in Alternatives to MPI+X
Michael Ferguson, Cray/HPE
6:00–?:??: CHUG 2019: the 10th Annual Chapel Users Group meet-up
Meet up with members of the Chapel team and community for drinks, dinner, discussion, and/or bocce (?) at the Rhein Haus, Denver (location tentative; watch this space or social media for updates). - September 19: Chapel 1.20.0 was released
- August 15: Submission deadline for PAW-ATM 2019
- June 22: CHIUW 2019, the
6th annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop
- June 19: Chapel participation in panel
at ISC 2019, Frankfurt
- June 14: Chapel talk at HPC
Knowledge Meeting `19,
- March 21: Release date for Chapel 1.19.0
- February 25: Chapel talk at SIAM CSE19 in the Performance Portability and Numerical Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Science minisymposium.
- December 12: Chapel talk at the Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy) meet-up
- November 16: Chapel talk and panel participation at the PAW-ATM workshop at SC18, Dallas TX.
- September 20: Chapel 1.18.0 was released today!
- July 19: Chapel talk at the PuPPy Scientific Computing SIG, Seattle WA (details)
- May 25-26: CHIUW 2018: The Fifth Annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, at IPDPS 2018, Vancouver BC, Canada
- May 22: CUG 2018 talk: Chapel Comes of Age: Making Scalable Programming Productive, Stockholm, Sweden
- May 14: PNW PLSE 2018 talk: Chapel Comes of Age: Productive Parallelism at Scale, Redmond WA
- April 5: Chapel 1.17 was released today!
- March 8: Chapel: Task-Based Communication in a Productive Langue, at SIAM PP18 Minisymposium: High Performance Communication with Lots of Threads and Tasks, Tokyo, Japan
- February 21: talk at the Northwest C++ Users Group: Chapel's Multiresolution Programming Model: Mixing high-level parallel abstractions with lower-level control, Brad Chamberlain, Redmond, WA
- December 6: Chapel talk
at SeaLang meetup in
Bellevue, WA
- November 12-16: Chapel events at SC17
- Sunday, Nov. 12 @3:30pm:
demo: Chapel: Open-Source Productive Parallel Programming at Scale at OpenSuCo 2017
Ben Albrecht and Brad Chamberlain (Cray Inc.)
- Monday, Nov. 13 @10:30am:
talk: Cosmological Particle-Mesh Simulations in Chapel at PAW 2017
Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University) and Ben Albrecht (Cray Inc.)
- Monday, Nov. 13 @3:30pm:
PGAS Languages Panel at PAW 2017
Brad Chamberlain (Cray Inc.) and other panelists
- Monday, Nov. 13 @5:45pm:
CHUG: 8th annual Chapel Users Group meet-up / happy hour at Rhein Haus
Chapel users, developers, and you?
Join us for beers (and root beers), fresh pretzels, wursts (and veggiewursts), and possibly...bocce?
- Tuesday, Nov. 14-Thursday, Nov. 16, all day:
poster: Cosmological Particle-Mesh Simulations in Chapel (PGAS booth)
Ben Albrecht (Cray Inc.) and Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University)
- Sunday, Nov. 12 @3:30pm:
- October 26: Chapel presentation at Dagstuhl seminar on
Performance Portability in Extreme Scale Computing: Metrics,
Challenges, Solutions
- October 19: Chapel talk at
the 2017 US LLVM
Developers' Meeting in San Jose, CA
- October 5: Chapel 1.16 is released!
- June 15: Chapel talk at the Programming on Modern HPC Architectures—Efficiency and Portability workshop at the EAGE 2017 Conference & Exhibition in Paris, France
- June 2–3: CHIUW 2017: the 4th annual Chapel Implementers and Users workshop at IPDPS in Orlando, FL
- June 2: invited talk, A Language Designer's Perspective on Benchmarking Suites and Competitions at the EMBRACE workshop at IPDPS in Orlando, FL
- April 25–29: ACCU 2017
Conference, Bristol UK:
- A Programmers Guide to Chapel workshop/tutorial
- The Audacity of Chapel: Scalable Programming Done Right keynote
- A Programmers Guide to Chapel workshop/tutorial
- April 6: Chapel 1.15 released!
- April 3: application deadline for GSoC 2017
- March 27: early registration deadline for CHIUW 2017 at IPDPS.
- January 20: deadline for CHIUW 2017 submissions.
- November 13-17: SC16
- Sunday: Chapel tutorial: Productive Programming in Chapel: A Computation-Driven Introduction, 8:30am–5pm
- Sunday: Women in HPC Workshop, 9am–5:30pm
- Improving Chapel's Array Initialization, Lydia Duncan (Cray)
- ...and much more— see the workshop website for further details.
- Sunday: CHUG Chapel Users Group Happy Hour, ~5:30pm, Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana, 260 200 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
- Monday: PAW
PGAS Applications Workshop, 2pm–5:30pm
- A Study of the Bucket-Exchange Pattern in the PGAS Model Using the ISx Integer Sort Mini-Application Jacob Hemstad (University of Minnesota / Sandia), Ulf Hanebutte (Intel), Ben Harshbarger and Brad Chamberlain (Cray)
- Optimizing PGAS overhead in a multi-locale Chapel implementation of CoMD, David Richards and Riyaz Haque (LLNL)
- PGAS Applications Panel chaired by Brad Chamberlain (Cray)
- ...and much more—see the workshop website for further details.
- Tuesday: talk to Engin Kayraklioglu, awesome Chapel
intern/student, 10am–noon, The GWU Booth (#4066)
Engin has a poster describing his Chapel-related work from
his internship at Cray and since returning to school.
- Wednesday: Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) BoF
- Thursday: talk to a Chapel developer, 10am–noon, PGAS Booth (#537), exhibit floor
- October 19: Chapel talk at Northwest C++ Users Group Meeting
- October 6: Chapel 1.14.0 was released
- August 4: Chapel participation at ATPESC 2016
- June 21: Chapel participation in a Parallel
Programming Panel at ISC
- June 14: Chapel version 1.13.1 released to address bugs
in version 1.13.0, particularly a race condition that was
introduced in reductions.
- June 14: Chapel keynote at ARRAY 2016
- May 27-28: CHIUW 2016:
The 3rd annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop (to be held at
IPDPS 2016 in Chicago, IL)
- April 7: Chapel 1.13.0 was released
- March 25: Google Summer of Code applications due.
- March 15: Chapel talk at Pacific
Northwest Programming Languages and Software Engineering Meeting
- March 10: Chapel talk at HPDC 2016 TPC
- February 19: talk-only submission deadline for CHIUW 2016
- February 4: Chapel
talk at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- January 19: Chapel talk at Women
Techmakers Community Talks meeting, Seattle, WA.
- January 15: paper submission deadline for CHIUW 2016
- November 15-19: Chapel events at SC15, Austin, TX:
- Workshop Talk: LLVM-based Communication Optimizations for PGAS Programs
What? Research talk on LLVM-based optimizations for Chapel
Who's Speaking? Akahiro Hiyashi (Rice University)
What's the Context? LLVM-HPC2015 workshop
Who's Organizing? Hal J. Finkel
Who Can Attend? Anyone with a Sunday workshop registration
When? Sunday, Nov. 15, 10:30-11am (LLVM-HPC2015 runs 9am-5:30pm)
Where? Hilton Salon E
- Tutorial: Productive Programming in Chapel: A Computation-Driven Approach
What? Chapel tutorial with hands-on sessions
Who's Organizing Lydia Duncan, Michael Ferguson (Cray Inc.)
Who Can Attend? Anyone with a Sunday tutorial registration
When? Sunday, Nov. 15, 1:30-5pm
Where? room 19B - Q & A: Ask a Chapel Developer
What? Talk to a member of the Chapel team
Who's Organizing? Lydia Duncan, Michael Ferguson (Cray Inc.)
Who Can Attend? Anyone with access to the exhibition floor
When? Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov 17-18, 3:30pm-4pm
Where? Cray Inc. booth (#1833)
- BoF: Towards Standardized, Portable and Lightweight User-Level Threads and Tasks
What? Characterization of Chapel tasking as input to community discussion
Who's Speaking? Michael Ferguson (Cray Inc.)
Who's Organizing? Pavan Balaji, Sangmin Seo (Argonne)
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC15 registration
When? Wednesday, Nov. 18, 5:30-7pm
Where? room 19AB
- Happy Hour: CHUG: 6th Annual Chapel Users Group Happy Hour
What? Social gathering
Who's Organizing? Lydia Duncan, Michael Ferguson (Cray Inc.)
Who Can Attend? Anyone interested in socializing with Chapel-minded folks
When? Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7:15pm-???
Where? The Bonneville
- SWAG: Chapel Fortune Cookies!
What? Little cookies that predict your programming future
Who's Organizing? Lydia Duncan (Cray Inc.)
Who Can Partake? Anyone with access to the exhibition floor
When? all week (while supplies last)
Where? PGAS booth (#723)
- November 17-20: Chapel participation in NII Shonan
Meeting: Putting
Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing at the Fingertips of
Domain Experts
- October 1: Release date for Chapel 1.12.0
- September 16-18: Chapel events at PGAS 2015 (Washington
- Tutorial (Sept 16): Productive Programming in Chapel: A Computation-Driven Introduction, Brad Chamberlain and Michael Ferguson, Cray Inc.
- Invited Talk (Sept 17): The Future of PGAS Programming from a Chapel perspective, Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
- Research Paper Talk (Sept 17): Caching Puts and Gets in a PGAS Language Runtime, Michael Ferguson, Cray Inc.
- August 6: Chapel presentation and hands-on session
- June 24-25: Chapel participation in PADAL
Workshop `15
- June 13-14: CHIUW 2015 in Portland, OR. The call for participation is currently open.
- April 2: Chapel 1.11 released
- February 7: The First Workshop on High Performance Scripting Languages will include a talk on our recent Python-Chapel interoperability work (Scripting Language Performance Through Interoperability) (at PPoPP 2015)
- November 16th-20th: SC14, New Orleans, LA
- Tutorial: A Computation-Driven Introduction to Parallel Programming in Chapel
What? Half-day tutorial introducing Chapel via sample
Who's Organizing? Brad Chamberlain, Greg Titus, Sung-Eun Choi (Cray), Michael Ferguson (LTS)
Who Can Attend? Anyone with a Sunday tutorial registration
When? Sunday, November 16, 8:30am - noon
Where? room 388 - Exhibition Floor: Chapel Hierarchical Locales: Adaptable Portability for Exascale Node Architectures
What? Exhibit describing Chapel's hierarchical locale
Who's Organizing? Greg Titus, Sung-Eun Choi, Brad Chamberlain (Cray)
Who Can Attend? Anyone whose registration gives access to the exhibits
When? Mon 7-9pm, Tue-Wed 10am-6pm, Thurs 10am-3pm
Where? booth #233, exhibition hall - BoF: Chapel Lightning Talks 2014
What? Five-minute talks on Chapel efforts from members of the community
Who's Organizing? Sung-Eun Choi (Cray) and Richard Barrett (Sandia)
Who's Speaking?- Chapel Overview, Greg Titus (Cray Inc.)
- CoMD in Chapel: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, David Richards (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Chapel for Python Programmers: How to stop worrying and love the curly bracket, Simon Lund (University of Copenhagen)
- Chapel Iterators: Providing Tiling for the Rest of Us, Ian Bertolacci (Colorado State University)
- Chapel I/O: Getting to Your Data Wherever It Is, Timothy Zakian (Indiana University)
- LLVM-based Communication Optimizations for Chapel, Akihiro Hayashi (Rice University)
- COHX: CHAPEL ON HSA+XTQ (Adventures of a PGAS Language in a Heterogeneous World), Deepak Majeti (Rice University)
When? Tuesday, November 18, 12:15-1:15pm
Where? room 293 - BoF: LLVM in HPC: Uses and Desires
What? Chapel's use of LLVM will be featured as part of a broader panel
Who's Organizing? Hal Finkel (Argonne), Jim Cownie (Intel)
Who's Speaking? Michael Ferguson (LTS) for Chapel
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC14 registration
When? Tuesday, November 18, 12:15-1:15pm
Where? room 283-84-85 - Talk: Chapel Hierarchical Locales: Adaptable Portability for Exascale Node Architectures
What? Talk describing Chapel's hierarchical locale models
Who's Speaking? Greg Titus (Cray)
Who Can Attend? Anyone whose registration gives access to the exhibits
When? Tuesday, November 18, 4:30-5:00pm
Where? Emerging Technologies Theater, booth 233
- Poster: Orthogonal Scheduling of Stencil Computations with Chapel Iterators
What? Use of Chapel abstractions to support tilings
Who's Presenting? Ian Bertolacci (Colorado State University)
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC14 Technical Program Registration
When? Tuesday, November 18, 5:15-7pm
Where? Posters session, New Orleans Theater Lobby
- BoF: Programming Abstractions for Data Locality
What? Chapel's locality-oriented abstractions, as part of a broader panel
Who's Organizing? Didem Unat (Koç University), John Shalf (LBNL), Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zürich)
Who's Speaking? Brad Chamberlain (Cray) for Chapel
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC14 registration
When? Wednesday, November 19, 12:15-1:15pm
Where? room 391-92
- BoF: PGAS: The Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Model
What? an introduction to PGAS models, including Chapel
Who's Organizing? Tarek El-Ghazawi (GWU), Lauren Smith (DOD)
Who's Speaking? Sung-Eun Choi (Cray) for Chapel
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC14 registration
When? Wednesday, November 19, 12:15-1:15pm
Where? room 273
- BoF: Chapel Users Group Meeting
What? General Chapel information session and open Q&A, discussion
Who's Organizing? the Chapel developer community
Who Can Attend? Anyone with an SC14 registration
When? Wednesdsay, November 19, 5:30-7pm
Where? room 383-84-85
- Happy Hour: CHUG: 5th Annual Chapel Users Group Happy Hour
What? Social gathering
Who's Organizing? the Chapel developer community
Who Can Attend? Anyone interested in socializing with Chapel-minded folks
When? Wednesday, November 19, 7:15pm-???
Where? Mulate's, 201 Julia St
- October 2nd: Chapel 1.10 released
- August 3rd-15th: Participation in the Argonne Extreme Scale
Computing Training Program
- June 3rd-4th: Participation in the DOE ASCR Exascale Computing
Systems Productivity Workshop
- May 23rd: CHIUW: Chapel
Implementers and Users Workshop at IPDPS, Phoenix AZ
- April 28th-29th: Participation in the Padal Workshop, Lugano
- April 25th: Seminar talk at ETH, Zurich Switzerland
- ~April 17th: release of Chapel 1.9
- April 16th: Chapel talk at the Northwest C++ Users' Group, Redmond WA
- March 28th-30th: Chapel participation at the (SICM)2 Parallel Computing Workshop
- March 8th: Chapel in
education workshop at SIGCSE 2014, Atlanta GA
- February 18th–21st: Chapel minisymposia talks
at PP14: SIAM
Conference on Parallel Programming for Scientific Computing
- Chapel
Language Features for Hierarchical Tiling and Exascale
Architectures at MS10:
Hierarchical and Iteration Space Tiling (part 2 of 2)
- Co-Design Via Proxy Applications: MiniMD in Chapel at MS78: Co-Design with Proxy Applications and Programming Abstractions: Results and Experiences (part 2 of 2)
- Chapel
Language Features for Hierarchical Tiling and Exascale
Architectures at MS10:
Hierarchical and Iteration Space Tiling (part 2 of 2)
- November 17th-22nd: SC13, Denver, CO
- Booth Presence: Chapel: An Emerging Parallel Programming Language
- What: Chapel poster/handouts/demos in the Emerging
Technologies booth
Who: Chapel development team members
When: anytime the show floor is open (and there are no conflicting events)
Where: booth #3547
- Poster: Towards Co-Evolution of Auto-Tuning and Parallel Languages
Who: Ray S. Chen, University of Maryland
When: Tuesday 5:15-7:00pm
Where: Posters Session (Mile High Pre-Function)
- BoF: Chapel Lightning Talks 2013
What/Who: Five minute talks connecting Chapel to the following topics:
- Education: Programming Zero to Parallel Hero... In Six Hours, Tim Stitt, University of Notre Dame
- MPI-3: Chapel over MPI-3, Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
- HDFS: Enabling Big Data in Chapel, Michael Ferguson, Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences
- Autotuning: Competing with the Best, Ray S. Chen, University of Maryland
- Futures: Begin Expressions, Shams Imam, Rice University
- MiniMD: MiniMD in Chapel, Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
Where: 601/603
- Talk: Hierarchical Locales: Exposing the Node Architecture in Chapel
Who: Sung-Eun Choi, Cray Inc.
When: Tuesday, 3:20-3:40pm
Where: KISTI booth #3713
- Talk: Chapel: An Emerging Parallel Programming Language
Who: Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
When: Wednesday, 4:30-4:45pm
Where: HPC Impact Theatre (booth #3947)
- Happy Hour: CHUG: 4th Annual Chapel Users Group Happy Hour
Who: anyone interested in hanging out with Chapel-minded folks
When: Wednesday, 5pm-???
Where: Pi Bar
- HPC Educators Program: High-Level Parallel Programming Using Chapel
Who: David Bunde, Knox College and Kyle Burke, Colby College
When: Thursday, 1:30-5pm
Where: 708/710/712
- October 19th: invited talk at Pacific
Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
- October 17th: Chapel version 1.8.0 released
- August 1st: Multiresolution Global-View Programming in
Chapel lecture at Argonne Training Program on
Extreme-Scale Computing
- June 29th-July 2nd: invited talk at Lyon Keynotes on
HPC Languages event
- May 9th: State of the Chapel Union talk at CUG 2013
- April 22nd-25th: attending Salishan Conference on
High-Speed Computing
- April 15th-16th: Presentation on the Chapel runtime at the
11th Annual Charm++ workshop at UIUC
- April 10th-12th: Tutorial
and Presentations in Bergen, Norway, sponsored by the Bergen Language Design Laboratory
- February 26: presentation on codesign using LULESH in Chapel at SIAM CSE13
- November 11-15: SC12, Salt Lake City,
- Sunday, Nov 11th, 8:30am-noon: Tutorial: Productive
Programming in Chapel: a language for general, locality-aware
parallelism, room 251-E.
- Monday, Nov 12th, 5pm-7pm (or later): 3rd annual Chapel
Users Group (CHUG) Happy Hour, Squatter's
Pub Brewery.
- Tuesday, Nov 13th, 12:15pm-1:15pm: BoF: The
2012 HPC Challenge Awards, room 355-A.
See Chapel go head-to-head with X10, Charm++, and XcalableMP
for the title of "most productive" programming model.
- Tuesday, Nov 13th, 2pm-4pm: Chapel team member at PGAS
booth (#2137)
- Wednesday, Nov 14th, 12:15pm-1:15pm: BoF:
Chapel Lightning Talks 2012, room 255-A.
Featuring talks on application studies, improved task
parallel abstractions, autotuning, hierarchical locales, task
teams, and LLVM.
- Wednesday, Nov 14th, 3pm-3:20pm Invited talk,
"An Overview of Chapel: a productive parallel programming language" at
the First KIISE-KOCSEA HPC SIG Joint Workshop on High Performance and
Throughput Computing, KISTI Booth, Exhibition Hall
- (Note that the workshop as a whole runs from 2-6pm)
- Wednesday, Nov 14th, 5:30pm-7:00pm: BoF: DARPA's
High Productivity Computing Systems Program: A Final
Report, room 255-D
- Wednesday, Nov 14th, 5:30pm-7:00pm: BoF: Using
Application Proxies for Exascale Preparation, room 250-C
Featuring a lightning talk on studying LULESH in Chapel
- Thursday, Nov 15th, 10:30am-noon: Chapel team member at
PGAS booth (#2137)
- Thursday, Nov 15th, 1:30pm-5:00pm: HPC Educators
Program: High-level
Parallel Programming Using Chapel, room 255-D
- Thursday, Nov 15th, 2pm-3pm: Chapel team member at PGAS booth (#2137)
- Sunday, Nov 11th, 8:30am-noon: Tutorial: Productive
Programming in Chapel: a language for general, locality-aware
parallelism, room 251-E.
- October 18: Chapel 1.6.0 release
- October 11-12: tentative talk at PGAS 2012 workshop:
"State of the Chapel Union"
- October 10: talk at PGAS-X 2012
workshop: "Hierarchical Locales"
- September 13: talk at HPC
Advisory Council Spain Conference 2012: "Multiresolution
Parallel Programming with Chapel"
- June 12-14: Chapel talk at AMD Fusion
Developer Summit
- April: Chapel 1.5.0 release
- February 6th-8th: Chapel plenary talk and tutorial at the 40th SPEEDUP Workshop on High-Performance Computing, University of Basel, Switzerland
- January 26th: Chapel colloquium talk at UW CSE, Seattle, WA
- December 14th-15th: Chapel talk, tutorial, and pair programming at LLNL
- November 14th-18th: SC11 in Seattle, WA
- November 14th: full-day Chapel tutorial (8:30-5:00)
- November 14th: 2nd annual Chapel Users Group (CHUG) happy hour
- (Museum Room, Pike Brewing Company, 1415 First Ave) (5:30-7:30 or whenever...)
- November 15th: HPC Challenge BoF (12:15-1:15)
- November 15th: Chapel staff at PGAS booth (booth #124) (2:00-4:00)
- November 16th: Chapel staff at PGAS booth (booth #124) (10:00-noon)
- November 16th: Chapel Lightning Talks BoF (12:15-1:15)
- November 16th: Chapel staff at PGAS booth (booth #124) (4:00-6:00)
- November 17th: Chapel staff at PGAS booth (booth #124) (10:00-noon)
- November 17th: Punctuated Equilibrium at Exascale Panel/BoF (5:30-7:00)
- November 18th: half-day Chapel outreach tutorial (8:30-12:00)