CHIUW 2016
3rd Annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop
Call For Participation
Friday May 27 - Saturday May 28, 2016

30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
Chicago Hyatt Regency, Chicago, Illinois, USA
CHIUW 2016—the third annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, to be held in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2016—will continue our annual series of workshops designed to bring developers and users of the Chapel language ( together to report on work being done across the broad open-source community and to explore ways to advance Chapel. Attendance is open to anyone interested in Chapel, from the most seasoned Chapel user or developer to someone simply curious to learn more.
The main day of the workshop will be presentation- and discussion-based, as in previous years—essentially, a full-day mini-conference focusing on Chapel. We are also interested in holding an additional "code camp" day on Saturday, as at CHIUW 2015, to support interactive pair-programming and collaborative activities, if interest and scheduling permit.
Mini-Conference Day: The backbone of the main day of CHIUW will be composed of talks from members of the Chapel community describing work they are undertaking within the context of Chapel. Other activities during this first day will include:
- A pre-workshop introduction to Chapel for those new to the language
- A "State of the Chapel Project" talk
- A keynote by Nikhil Padmanabhan (Professor of Physics, Yale University)
- A community discussion on Chapel's next steps and future
Interested parties are encouraged to submit papers and talks using the process outlined below. The selection of speakers and final program will be decided upon by the workshop's program committee.
For CHIUW 2016, we will be accepting paper submissions for the first time, though we will also accept talk proposals without papers as in past years. We anticipate that accepted papers will be awarded longer talk slots than proposals that are talks only. Papers will be included in the IEEE IPDPS workshop proceedings which will be distributed at the conference and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the conference. All talk slides and materials developed for the workshop will be archived on the CHIUW workshop website.
Code Camp Day: Pending sufficient interest
CHIUW will also include a second "code-camp" half-day for
pair-programming and collaborative activities. This day is designed
to partner members of the core Chapel team with members of the
community who are striving to gain better knowledge of some aspect of
the Chapel code base. If you have a specific topic or activity that
you'd like to propose for this day (e.g., "I'd like to work with
someone to try coding algorithm x in Chapel" or "I'd like someone to
help me get familiar with aspect y of the Chapel
compiler/runtime/module code base"), please submit it using the
process below.
- The title of the talk
- The list of authors and their affiliations
- The presenting author
- A detailed description of the work you intend to present
Code Camp Proposals: If you have a pair-programming or collaborative activity that you would like to participate in during a code camp day at the workshop, please send a short paragraph describing it to . We hope to be able to accept all reasonable proposals, the primary constraint being the number of Chapel team members available at the workshop to participate in them. For this reason, from a planning/resource perspective, the earlier we receive these proposals the better, though we will consider additional ad-hoc activities right up to the day itself (to support ideas that come up during the mini-conference day, for example).
Other Proposals: Chapel is a community language and our intention is for CHIUW to become an increasingly community-run event, so if you have proposals for other activities that you would like to see take place at CHIUW (particularly if you're interested in leading that activity), please let us know by mailing .
- Sep 30: this call posted
Jan 15Jan 22 (AoE): paper submissions due (extended one week) - Feb 12: notification of paper acceptances
- Feb 19 (AoE): extended abstracts for talk proposals due
Feb 28Mar 7: camera-ready deadline for accepted papers - Mar 4: notification of accepted talks
- Mar 18: workshop program and extended abstracts posted to web
- May 27-28: CHIUW 2016
General Chairs:
- Tom MacDonald, Cray Inc.
- Greg Titus, Cray Inc.
- Brad Chamberlain (chair), Cray Inc.
- Mike Chu (co-chair), AMD
- Richard Barrett, Sandia National Laboratories
- Jens Breitbart, Technische Universität München
- Brian Guarraci, Cricket Health
- Jeff Hammond, Intel
- Rob Neely, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Phil Nelson, Western Washington University
- Michelle Strout, University of Arizona
- Didem Unat, KoƧ Universitesi