Learning Chapel
Here are various ways to learn about Chapel, depending on your style of learning:
"I like to read."- "I'd like to read something short that would give me a taste of Chapel's features."
- See this series of annotated "Hello World" variants which introduce a few core Chapel features for task-parallelism, data-parallelism, and distributed computing.
- "I'd like to read a more in-depth overview of Chapel's background, features, and plans."
Read the Chapel
chapter from Programming
Models for Parallel Computing from MIT Press.
- "I'd like to read an extensive example-oriented introduction to Chapel."
- See our series of articles about writing the first twelve Advent of Code 2022 challenges in Chapel on the Chapel blog.
- "I'd like to read a more complete description of Chapel."
- See the online documentation including the language specification.
"I like to watch programming demos."
"I like to read code."
"I like to learn by coding."