We’re very excited to kick off the 2025 edition of our Seven Questions for Chapel Users series with the following interview with Bill Reus. Bill is one of the co-creators of Arkouda, which is one of Chapel’s flagship applications. To learn more about Arkouda and its support for interactive data analysis at massive scales, read on!

1. Who are you?

My name is Bill Reus, and I live near Annapolis, MD and the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. I am currently a data scientist doing statistical modeling and simulation for the United States government, but I began my career as an experimental chemist. In graduate school, I measured electron transport through thin films of organic molecules using an apparatus that our group invented to collect large volumes of noisy data quickly and with low cost. This approach contrasted with the typical means of studying molecular electronics, which was to spend weeks or months collecting a small number of exquisite measurements in ultra-high vacuum and at ultra-low temperature.

As it turned out, the key to making the quick-and-dirty method work was applying robust statistical analysis to the resulting noisy data, so on the path to my Ph.D., I taught myself the basics of programming and data analysis. I enjoyed these activities so much that, after graduating, I decided to switch to the burgeoning field of data science. Joining the civil service offered me the opportunity to give back to my country while launching my new career, and I have been in or around government ever since (for the last two years, I have been doing contract work for the government through a private company).

2. What do you do? What problems are you trying to solve?

Spotting malicious activity requires bringing together massive amounts of data and understanding it well enough to separate weak signal from voluminous noise.

The work I’m writing about today began in late 2018 as an exploratory effort to test the utility of data science in defending against the malicious digital activities of competing nations. Such activities regularly make the news, e.g. Russia’s hacking campaign in advance of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the recently reported espionage by a Chinese group dubbed Salt Typhoon. These groups take sophisticated measures to cover their tracks, and spotting their activity requires bringing together massive amounts of data from various sources and understanding it well enough to separate weak signal from voluminous noise.

From a computational perspective, this kind of exploratory analysis requires two things: a) resources of the scale and composition familiar to the high-performance computing (HPC) community, and b) tight interaction between human and computer. Data scientists who use tools like Jupyter and languages like Python, R, and Julia are well acquainted with the indispensable benefits of interactive computing on workstations. However, the typical front door to a supercomputer—the slurm job—is a fire-and-forget affair not conducive to exploratory analysis. What was (and still is) needed is interactive supercomputing.

Image motivating interactive supercomputing by analogy to transportation. Modes of transportation are arranged on a 2-dimensional grid of flexibility vs. power. At high flexibility and low power is a sports car representing single-node Python. At medium-high power and low flexibility are a bus and an airliner, representing cloud and HPC technologies, respectively. What data science needs is high flexibility and high power, represented by a fighter jet. The question is how to get there.

Image motivating interactive supercomputing by analogy to transportation. Modes of transportation are arranged on a 2-dimensional grid of flexibility vs. power. At high flexibility and low power is a sports car representing single-node Python. At medium-high power and low flexibility are a bus and an airliner, representing cloud and HPC technologies, respectively. What data science needs is high flexibility and high power, represented by a fighter jet. The question is how to get there.

Several technologies attempt to bridge this gap between flexibility and power in the quest for interactive supercomputing. In 2018–2019, our group tried using Spark and Dask to sift through our cybersecurity data, but we quickly ran into issues with stability and scaling. These tools have improved greatly in the last five years, but at that time it was clear to us that, although existing tools had a solid foundation in the interactive user experience, they had a ways to go before effectively leveraging the HPC. To meet our needs, we ultimately concluded that we needed to try a complementary approach: begin with a technology known to scale to hundreds of HPC nodes and build towards interactivity.

3. How does Chapel help you with these problems?

At this point, my friend and colleague Michael (Mike) Merrill supplied the crucial technical vision that led us to success. A towering figure in the HPC community, Mike was an early adopter of Chapel and had used it to run enormous computations before, so he was familiar with Chapel’s performance and scalability. Additionally, he had the foresight to envision how we could build an interactive front-end to a persistent Chapel server that would run parallel, distributed computations on data. From this idea, project Arkouda was born (pronounced ar-KOO-duh, this somewhat unwieldy name is Greek for “bear” and was a riff on our office’s penchant for bear-themed project names). Sadly, Mike passed away two years ago, but not before seeing his idea mature into a platform used by dozens of data scientists and analysts for cutting-edge cybersecurity research.

It typically took a skilled programmer with no background in Chapel mere weeks or months to begin contributing performant, scalable code.

Chapel was really the perfect language for the HPC-facing component of Arkouda. The computations supported by Arkouda run the gamut from data-parallel to task-parallel, from compute-intensive to communication-heavy, so we needed a language that could achieve world-class performance on a wide variety of tasks with as few lines of code as possible. The plot below is a comparison of Chapel against other languages on axes of code size and execution time on a set of desktop benchmarks, and it showcases Chapel’s combination of performance and productivity on a single node.

Comparison of Chapel and other programming languages on axes of compressed code size and execution time on a set of benchmarks (see this ChapelCon ‘24 talk or its slides for details). Chapel occupies the lower left corner, implying high performance from a small amount of code.

Comparison of Chapel and other programming languages on axes of compressed code size and execution time on a set of benchmarks (see this ChapelCon ‘24 talk or its slides for details). Chapel occupies the lower left corner, implying high performance from a small amount of code.

In an HPC setting, Chapel is competitive with C++/MPI/OpenMP and maintains scaling to thousands of nodes for the communication- and memory-intensive kernels that Arkouda uses heavily, like the argsort kernel whose performance is shown below. Meanwhile, the desired scope of Arkouda was ambitious, comprising anything that one might typically do with NumPy arrays or Pandas DataFrames (or similar data structures in Spark and Dask). Creating a minimum viable product in C++/MPI/OpenMP might have taken years and hundreds of thousands of lines of code, whereas our project had six months to demonstrate real results in cyber-defense. Chapel’s design as a productivity-oriented HPC language enabled us, within a few months (and approximately ten thousand lines of code), to hand our data scientists a prototype with enough functionality and performance for them to demonstrate the value of interactive supercomputing for cybersecurity.

Plot showing the scalability of Arkouda’s sort implementation on both Slingshot-11 and HDR InfiniBand.

Plot showing the scalability of Arkouda’s sort implementation on both Slingshot-11 and HDR InfiniBand.

Productivity and performance were our initial reasons for choosing Chapel, but we soon came to appreciate other, less obvious features of the language. For example, Chapel’s natural abstractions for reasoning about data locality and parallelism helped us quickly engage new developers as Arkouda grew, because it typically took a skilled programmer with no background in Chapel mere weeks or months to begin contributing performant, scalable code.

Another great facilitator of Arkouda’s development was Chapel’s portability: we could write code with a large supercomputer in mind but compile and test the code on a laptop simulating a multi-node environment for debugging. Although some performance issues can only be diagnosed in situ, Chapel’s portability allowed the developers, who did not have access to HPCs on the scale of what Arkouda users had, to catch the vast majority of issues that would have otherwise derailed users’ workflows.

But perhaps the best “feature” of Chapel proved to be the helpfulness of the team developing the Chapel language, who worked energetically hand-in-glove with the Arkouda developers to help us make the best use of Chapel functionality and maximize performance.

4. What initially drew you to Chapel?

I was on the verge of resigning myself to learning MPI when I first encountered Chapel. After writing my first Chapel program, I knew I had found something much more appealing.

I first encountered Chapel a few years before the start of Arkouda and the cybersecurity project that spawned it. I was a data scientist in the Python tradition making my first forays into the world of HPC and looking for the quickest and easiest ways to speed up my computations on single-node systems (servers and symmetric multiprocessors). I had sampled various Pythonic approaches and was not impressed, so I turned to lower-level methods like writing C extensions, multithreaded with OpenMP and callable from Python. This technique was functional if clunky, but I knew it would not take me beyond single-node execution. I was on the verge of resigning myself to learning MPI when I first encountered Chapel. After writing my first Chapel program (a parallel, distributed hello world), I knew I had found something much more appealing.

Chapel's separation of concerns immediately felt like the most natural way to think about large-scale computing. I would highly encourage anyone wanting to get into HPC programming to start with Chapel.

I quickly realized that Chapel’s parallel idioms were applicable to both threaded and node-based parallelism, and that in fact data locality in distributed memory was a separate concept in the language from parallel execution. I was hooked. This separation of concerns immediately felt—and still feels—like the most natural way to think about large-scale computing. I wish I had learned things that way from the beginning, and I would highly encourage anyone wanting to get into HPC programming to start with Chapel.

5. What are your biggest successes that Chapel has helped achieve?

As detailed above, Chapel was critical to the rapid deployment of Arkouda, which was in turn essential to pioneering interactive supercomputing for cybersecurity. At the time, no other technology had the right combination of productivity and performance, but thanks to Chapel and Arkouda, our rapid establishment of this capability caught the eye of leadership and secured a place for HPC-enabled data science in cybersecurity within the U.S. government. Although I can’t talk about specific results, I can say that the U.S. and its allies have appreciated this angle of insight into such a high-stakes domain.

6. If you could improve Chapel with a finger snap, what would you do?

Probably the biggest improvement I would love to see in Chapel is support for incremental compilation, i.e. the ability to create a shared library (think .so) that future programs can link to without recompiling. I am excited by reports that this functionality might be on the horizon!

7. Anything else you’d like people to know?

I would encourage anyone, regardless of HPC experience, to try out Chapel. And when you do, be sure to reach out to the Chapel team early and often—you’ll make friends with some great people.

We’d like to thank Bill for participating in this interview series! If you’d like to learn more about Arkouda, check out its website, be sure to watch Bill’s CHIUW 2020 keynote talk, or browse other Arkouda-related talks on Chapel’s YouTube channel.

If you have other questions for Bill, or comments on this series, please direct them to the 7 Questions for Chapel Users thread on Discourse.