CHIUW 2022

The 9th Annual
Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

June 9-10, 2022
free and online in a virtual format

(click here for the CHIUW 2022 Program)


Call For Papers and Talks


CHIUW 2022 is the 9th annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, which serves as a forum where users and developers of the Chapel programming language ( can meet to report on work being done with Chapel, exchange ideas, and forge new collaborations. Anyone interested in parallel programming and Chapel is encouraged to attend CHIUW, from long-term enthusiasts to those simply curious to learn more. This year's CHIUW will be online and there will be no registration fees.


Topics of interest for CHIUW include:

  • User experiences writing applications in Chapel
  • Improvements to the Chapel language, compiler, and runtime
  • Performance or benchmark studies involving Chapel
  • Libraries or tools for Chapel programmers
  • Comparisons to other parallel programming models
  • Uses of Chapel in education
  • Hands-on activities for the Coding Day
  • Related topics likely to be of interest to Chapel enthusiasts


CHIUW 2022 is a full-day, independent, virtual workshop consisting of participant-driven Coding Day (June 9) and Chapel-related presentations and sessions (June 10). Those interested in submitting papers and Coding Day activities should refer to the Submissions section below. Other workshop activities will include:

  • A keynote talk by Hal Finkel at the Department of Energy in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) titled "Community Research Priorities for Next-Generation Scientific Computing"
  • a pre-workshop introduction to Chapel for those new to the language
  • a "State of the Chapel Project" talk
  • a free-form community discussion on Chapel priorities and next steps

All participants at CHIUW will be expected to follow the Chapel Code of Conduct.


Submissions to CHIUW 2022 can be made in the following forms:

  1. Research papers: 5-8 pages, excluding references

    Research papers can describe novel R&D being undertaken by the authors, or an update on ongoing efforts that are of interest to Chapel community. Papers will be evaluated by the program committee using typical standards for academic research papers, including plagiarism (and self-plagiarism). Research papers should be prepared using the ACM conference submission format. We strongly recommend checking that each line is numbered to ease and enrich the review process.

    Acceptance to CHIUW 2022 does not preclude papers from being published elsewhere, and authors are encouraged to submit their work to other venues.

  2. Talk proposals: 1-4 pages, excluding references (if any)

    To propose a talk at CHIUW, submit an extended abstract describing what you intend to present. CHIUW talks can preview work that is not yet ready for publication, recap work that the speaker has already published, and/or describe work that is not intended for publication. Talk proposals will be evaluated by the program and steering committees based on their expected level of interest to the CHIUW audience. Talk proposals should be formatted reasonably where using the same template as the research papers is an option, though not a requirement.

  3. Coding Day activities:

    Coding Day is an opportunity to engage with an experienced Chapel developer such as a member of Chapel's core team on a hands-on coding task or to gain in-depth experience with some aspect of Chapel. To apply to participate in Coding Day, please fill out this form by May 13. Coding Day applications do not go through EasyChair.

Please submit your manuscript for either form via EasyChair by the submission deadline below.

Review Process

A single-blind reviewing process will be used for manuscripts. Conflicts of interest (COI) will be observed, such as shared affiliations and previous co-authorships (within the past four years), or advising relationships (at any time). PC members will not review a paper whose authors include someone with whom they have a COI.

Presenting Your Work

Depending on scheduling constraints, each accepted research paper and talk proposal will get 15-25 minutes of presentation time, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Research papers that are not accepted for publication at CHIUW 2022 will automatically be considered as a talk proposal submission, as well. If accepted as such, authors will have the option to submit a shorter version of their work for the final version. Coding Day participants are strongly encouraged to present a short talk and/or a virtual poster during the second day of CHIUW.

Accepted submissions will be made available through the CHIUW 2022 website.

Questions, Concerns, Suggestions?

If you have any questions or suggestions to improve CHIUW, please comment under the public announcement on Chapel's Discourse page.

Planned Timeline




General Chair:

  • Michelle Strout, HPE
Program Committee:
  • Engin Kayraklioglu (chair), HPE
  • Josh Milthorpe (co-chair), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Simon Bourgault-Côté, Polytechnique Montreal
  • Jason DeVinney, Center for Computing Sciences
  • Jim Dinan, NVidia
  • Paul Hargrove, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Akihiro Hayashi, Georgia Tech
  • Cathie Olschanowsky, Boise State University
  • Matthieu Parenteau, Bombardier Inc.
  • Mark Raugas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Andy Stone, HPE
  • David Wonnacott, Haverford College
Steering Committee:
  • Brad Chamberlain, HPE
  • Mike Merrill, U.S. DOD
  • Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University
  • Didem Unat, Koc University