CHIUW 2019

The ACM SIGPLAN 6th Annual
Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

co-located with PLDI 2019 / ACM FCRC 2019

Saturday-Sunday June 22-23, 2019
Phoenix, AZ, USA


Call For Participation

(click here for the CHIUW 2019 Program)


CHIUW 2019 is the sixth annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, held in conjunction with PLDI 2019 and ACM FCRC 2019, and sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN. CHIUW's goal is to serve as a forum where users and developers of the Chapel language ( can gather to exchange ideas and report on work being done with Chapel and in support of it. Anyone is welcome to attend, from long-term Chapel enthusiasts to those simply curious to learn more.


Topics of interest for CHIUW include:

  • User experiences writing applications in Chapel
  • Improvements to the Chapel language or its implementation
  • Performance or benchmark studies in Chapel
  • Libraries or tools for Chapel programmers
  • Comparisons to other programming models
  • Uses of Chapel in education
  • Other topics likely to be of interest to Chapel programmers


CHIUW 2019 is a full-day workshop consisting of Chapel-related presentations. With sufficient interest, we may also add a second day focused on coding in Chapel. In more detail:

Talks Day: The main day of CHIUW will primarily be made up of submitted presentations describing Chapel-related research and development being undertaken by the community. Those interested in submitting research papers or talks should refer to the Submissions section below.

Other workshop activities will include:

  • A keynote talk from Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Laboratory
  • A pre-workshop introduction to Chapel for those new to the language
  • A "State of the Chapel Project" talk
  • An impromptu lightning talks session and/or
  • A panel/community discussion on Chapel priorities and next steps

Coding Day: Pending interest, CHIUW 2019 will also include a coding session on June 23rd. In past instances of CHIUW, this day has been used for activities like writing specific computations in Chapel, exploring Chapel support for GPUs, teaching users how to write distributions, and getting Chapel running on AWS. Some possible ideas for this year include holding a hackathon to add functionality to Chapel library modules or to port a standard suite of coding patterns to Chapel. That said, we'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions as to what would make this day most valuable to you. Let us know at:


Submissions to CHIUW 2019 can made in one of two forms: (1) full research papers and (2) talk proposals. Accepted papers will be published as workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Papers that are not accepted for publication at CHIUW 2019 will automatically be considered for the talk-only track. The final set of talks will be selected by the workshop's program and steering committees. All presentation materials will be archived on the CHIUW 2019 website.

Paper Submissions: If you have novel Chapel-related work that you would like to publish at CHIUW as part of its official proceedings, please prepare your manuscript using the official SIGPLAN format (using the 'sigplan' subformat) and submit it via EasyChair by the submission deadline below. Paper submissions should not exceed 10 pages and should use 10pt fonts.

In submitting a paper, authors should be aware of the SIGPLAN Republication policy and SIGPLAN Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism. In addition, authors of accepted papers will need to choose between one of the following options with respect to copyright:

  1. Authors retain copyright of the work and grant ACM a non-exclusive permission-to-publish license (and, optionally, license the work with a Creative Commons license)
  2. Authors retain copyright of the work and grant ACM an exclusive permssion-to-publish license
  3. Authors transfer copyright of the work to ACM.
Authors are also encouraged to publish auxiliary material (e.g., source code, test data, additional technical materials) that will help others reproduce their work, and will retain copyright over such material. For more information, please refer to the following pages on ACM Copyright Policy and ACM Author Rights.

Talk-only Proposals: To propose a talk at CHIUW without an accompanying research paper, please send a short description (2 pages or less) of what you would like to present. CHIUW talks may preview work that's not ready/intended for publication and/or recap work that has previously been published elsewhere. Talk proposals will be evaluated based on their expected level of interest to the CHIUW audience and should include:
  • The title of the talk
  • The list of contributors and their affiliations
  • The presenting author
  • A clear description of the talk's contents
  • Preliminary results or supporting materials (if appropriate / available)

Submit your talk proposal via EasyChair by the submission deadline below.

Other Ideas?

Due to its focus on an open-source language, CHIUW is designed to become an increasingly community-driven event. To that end, if there is some other activity that you would like to help make happen at CHIUW, please let us know by mailing

Key Dates

  • Jan 31: this call made available
  • Mar 22 Mar 29 (AoE): paper and talk submissions due
  • Apr 26: notification of acceptances
  • May 10: camera-ready deadline
  • Jun 22: CHIUW 2019
  • Jun 23: potential coding day


Register for CHIUW 2019 via PLDI registration page. If you will only be attending CHIUW, select the "PLDI'19 Workshops and Tutorials Saturday" option. If you wish to attend additional days at PLDI and/or FCRC, look around on the registration site as there are many activities to choose from. Note that early registration closes on May 24th. Also, note that registration is not required to attend the coding day on Sunday.


Various benefits are offered by the SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee to SIGPLAN / ACM members, such as travel and lodging assistance for student authors, or assistance for members who need who need a companion care-provider in order to attend. For details, please refer to the SIGPLAN PAC page.

Code of Conduct

CHIUW is dedicated to providing a harassment-free workshop experience, and abides by the SIGPLAN Conference Code of Conduct Policy.


General Chair:

  • Benjamin Robbins, Cray Inc.
Steering Committee:
  • Michael Ferguson, Cray Inc.
  • Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University

Program Committee:
  • Brad Chamberlain (chair), Cray Inc.
  • Maryam Dehnavi (co-chair), University of Toronto
  • Rafael Asenjo, University of Malaga
  • Michael Ferguson, Cray Inc.
  • Oscar Hernandez, ORNL
  • Hang Liu, UMass Lowell
  • Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University
  • Tyler Simon, UMBC
  • Didem Unat, KoƧ University
  • Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Amsterdam
  • Rich Vuduc, Georgia Tech
  • David Wonnacott, Haverford College