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This primer introduces Chapel’s features for distributed domains and arrays, illustrating them using a few of Chapel’s standard distributions.
Local vs. Distributed Domains and Arrays¶
In Chapel, distributions are recipes for implementing arrays and their index sets (domains). Each distribution indicates how a domain’s indices should be mapped to locales. It also specifies how arrays declared over such distributed domains should be stored in each locale’s memory, accessed, iterated over, etc. This primer will assume you already have some familiarity with Chapel’s concepts of arrays, domains, and locales; if not, refer to their respective primers for more information.
By default, when a domain is declared, all of its indices are owned by the locale on which the current task is running. Similarly, an array declared over such a domain will store all of its elements in the current locale’s memory. For this reason, we say that Chapel domains and arrays are local by default, since they only use a single locale’s resources for their implementation. However, as this primer will demonstrate, domains and arrays can also be declared in terms of a distribution as a means of leveraging multiple locales, their memory, and processors.
Crucially, the operations supported by domains and arrays in Chapel are independent of whether they are stored on a single locale or distributed across multiple. The only difference is how and where the operations are implemented, which can have impacts on performance and scalability—positive or negative. This property makes it easy to implement and debug an algorithm on a single node, and then deploy it on a large-scale supercomputer. It also permits you to change the distributions used by a program to alter its implementation.
Properties of Typical Distributions¶
Distributions for rectangular arrays can be thought of as
distributing a d-dimensional space of possible indices over a
d-dimensional array of locales. Most distribution types are
characterized by this rank, d, as well as the index type
(idxType) used to represent indices in each dimension. For
example, a 3D distribution might map (int, int, int)
indices to
a 3D array of locales, defining which one owns any given index (i,
j, k)
. It would also specify how the array elements corresponding
a locale’s local indices are stored in memory.
Typical Chapel distributions use an “owner computes” model in which
each locale owns a subset of a domain’s indices as well as the array
elements corresponding to those indices. When forall
loops or
other data-parallel operations are executed across such distributed
domains and arrays, each locale executes the iterations
corresponding to its indices and array elements in parallel, using
its locally available processor cores.
Multiple domains may share a single distribution, even if their
index sets are different. For typical distributions, this ensures
that a given index (i, j, k)
is owned by the same locale for all
of the domains, implying that computations on matching indices will
not require communication. Domains with this property are said to
be aligned. When multiple arrays are declared in terms of a
single distributed domain, they are guaranteed to be aligned, since
they all share the same distribution.
Getting Started with Block and Cyclic Distributions¶
In this primer, we’ll introduce two common distributions: the first maps indices to locales using contiguous rectilinear blocks; the other deals indices out to locales in a round-robin fashion. To use these distributions in a Chapel program, their respective modules must be used or imported:
use BlockDist, CyclicDist;
A third and somewhat atypical distribution, replicatedDist
, is
covered in its own primer. It does not
adhere to some of the characterizations described as “typical”
For each distribution in this primer, we’ll create a distributed domain and array using that distribution. Then we’ll initialize the array using the IDs of the locales owning the elements to illustrate how indices are mapped to locales. Running this example on 6 locales does a nice job of illustrating the distribution’s characteristics.
By default, these distributions will target the entire array of
on which the program is running, heuristically
reshaping them into a d-dimensional grid whenever d is greater
than 1. When a user wants to exert more control over how the
locales are targeted—for example to specify the number of locales
in each dimension, or to target just a subset of the locales—they
may create their own array of locales and pass that in as an
argument, as we’ll see below.
First, we’ll declare the problem size to use for our 2D domains and arrays, configurable from the command-line:
config const n = 8;
Next, we’ll declare a 2-dimensional domain Space
, which will
form the basis of our distributed domains.
const Space = {1..n, 1..n};
The Block Distribution¶
The blockDist
distribution partitions a d-dimensional
bounding box across the d-dimensional target locale array. The
bounding box is divided into roughly equal-size block sections,
where each locale owns one of them.
In this example, we declare a 2-dimensional block distribution
whose bounding box is defined by Space
. We then use that
distribution instance to create a distributed domain and an array
over the domain:
const BlkDist = new blockDist(boundingBox=Space);
const BlockSpace = BlkDist.createDomain(Space);
var BA: [BlockSpace] int;
Since the code above only uses a single domain and array, it could also be written in one of the following ways for convenience:
// create the domain using an anonymous distribution
const BlockSpace = blockDist.createDomain({1..n, 1..n});
const BA: [BlockSpace] int;
// create the array using an anonymous distribution and domain
const BA = blockDist.createArray({1..n, 1..n}, int);
Or, in both versions, Space could be substituted for the domain literal, if preferred.
One motivation for declaring explicit distribution and domain variables as we’ve done here is to support the creation of aligned domains and arrays. Another is to amortize the overheads incurred by such types, since creating any distributed object requires communication and memory.
Reasoning About Ownership¶
To illustrate how our block-distributed domain and array are mapped to locales, let’s use a forall loop that assigns each array element the locale ID that stores that index/element/iteration.
forall ba in BA do
ba = here.id;
This loop relies on Chapel’s owner-computes model by querying the
locale on which a given iteration is running using here.id
. As
mentioned above, the forall loop will be executed such that each
locale will use its local processor cores to execute the iterations
that were mapped to it. As a result, each value of BA
will end
up storing the ID of the locale that owns it. We can see this
ownership map by printing the array out:
writeln("Block Array Ownership Map");
We can also determine which indices a given locale owns using the
query. This method returns a non-distributed
domain representing the indices that are local to the current
locale. As an example, the following line prints the indices that
locale 0 owns, since that is where the current task is running:
writeln("Locale 0 owns the following indices of BA: ", BA.localSubdomain());
As another example, the following code iterates over all the locales, querying the local indices and checking that the corresponding array elements have the expected value:
coforall L in Locales {
on L {
const myIndices = BA.localSubdomain();
for i in myIndices {
if BA[i] != L.id then
halt("Error: incorrect locale id");
Creating an Aligned Domain¶
Domains declared in terms of a blockDist
distribution can also
include indices outside of the bounding box. That is, the bounding
box is only used to compute a partitioning of the complete
d-dimensional space of indices and does not impose a constraint
on legal domain indices. Any indices located outside the bounding
box will be mapped to the locale that owns the nearest index within
it. For example, we can declare a larger domain than
as follows:
const BigBlockSpace = blockDist.createDomain({0..n+1, 0..n+1});
In this case, the rows and columns numbered 0
and n+1
outside of the bounding box. As a result, indices like (0, i)
will be owned by the same locale that owns (1, i)
within the
box. Similarly, index (n+1, 0)
will be owned by the locale
that owns (n, 1)
. Because BigBlockSpace
shares its
distribution with BlockSpace
, we know that any indices common to
both domains will be owned by the same locale, and that the domains
are aligned.
Specifying Target Locales¶
As mentioned above, most Chapel distributions support an optional
argument that permits you to specify your own
array of locales to be targeted. In general, the targetLocales
argument will match the rank of the distribution. For example, to
block-distribute a domain such that each locale owns a block of
rows but all of the columns, we can create a numLocales x 1
view of the locale set as follows:
We start by creating our own MyLocales
array of locale values.
Here, we use the standard array reshape()
procedure for
convenience. More generally, this array can be declared and
created like any other.
var MyLocales = reshape(Locales, {0..<numLocales, 0..0});
Then we declare a new distribution, domain, and array that makes use of this arrangement of the locales:
const BlkDist2 = new blockDist(boundingBox=Space, targetLocales=MyLocales);
const BlockSpace2 = BlkDist2.createDomain(Space);
var BA2: [BlockSpace2] int;
Now we can do a similar computation as before to see where each domain index/array element ended up:
forall ba2 in BA2 do
ba2 = here.id;
writeln("Block Array Ownership Map");
We can also use the targetLocales()
on any array to query the
locales array to which it’s mapped:
forall (l, ml) in zip(BA2.targetLocales(), MyLocales) do
if l != ml then
halt("Error: BA2.targetLocales() should equal MyLocales");
The Cyclic Distribution¶
Next, we’ll run through a similar example for the cyclicDist
distribution. This distribution also maps indices of
d-dimensional space out to a set of target locales arranged in a
conceptual d-dimensional grid. However, where blockDist
distributes contiguous blocks of indices, cyclicDist
indices to locales in a round-robin fashion. A designated
is given to the initial locale, and others are dealt
out cyclically in each dimension from there.
const CycDist = new cyclicDist(startIdx=Space.low);
const CyclicSpace = CycDist.createDomain(Space);
var CA: [CyclicSpace] int;
As with blockDist
, these declarations could be shortened to one of
the following expressions for convenience:
const CyclicSpace = cyclicDist.createDomain({1..n, 1..n});
const CA: [CyclicSpace] int;
const CA = cyclicDist.createArray({1..n, 1..n}, int);
We can then compute which locale owns each index as before:
forall ca in CA do
ca = here.id;
writeln("Cyclic Array Ownership Map");
And query the indices owned by a given locale. Note that when
using the localSubdomain()
query with cyclicDist
, the
result will be a strided set of indices for any dimension that has
more than one target locale due to the round-robin nature. For
example, locale 0’s ownership of CA is:
writeln("Locale 0 owns the following indices of CA: ", CA.localSubdomain());
However, despite the fact that the logical indices owned by a locale are strided, the array elements will still be stored compactly in a dense block of memory.
That wraps up this brief introduction to distributions in Chapel and their use in declaring distributed domains and arrays. Keep in mind that while we demonstrated only very trivial computations in this example, all of Chapel’s rich set of domain and array operations are available whether they are local or distributed.