

All Chapel programs automatically use this module by default. An explicit use statement is not necessary.

Basic types and utilities in support of I/O operation.


The module name ‘ChapelIO’ is unstable. If you want to use qualified naming on the symbols within it, please use or import the IO module.

Most of Chapel’s I/O support is within the IO module. This section describes automatically included basic types and routines that support the IO module.


The writeln function allows for a simple implementation of a Hello World program:

writeln("Hello, World!");
// outputs
// Hello, World!

The ‘serialize’ and ‘deserialize’ Methods

A Chapel program can implement serialize and deserialize methods on a user-defined data type to define how that type is deserialized from a fileReader or serialized to a fileWriter. The method signatures for non-class types are:

proc T.serialize(writer: fileWriter(locking=false, ?),
                 ref serializer: ?st) throws

proc ref T.deserialize(reader: fileReader(locking=false, ?),
                       ref deserializer: ?dt) throws

The signatures for classes are slightly different:

override proc T.serialize(writer: fileWriter(locking=false, ?),
                          ref serializer: ?st) throws

override proc T.deserialize(reader: fileReader(locking=false, ?),
                            ref deserializer: ?dt) throws

The serializer and deserializer arguments must satisfy the Serializer API and the Deserializer API, respectively.

Basic Usage

Implementations of serialize and deserialize methods are not necessarily required to utilize their serializer and deserializer arguments, and can instead trivially read and write from their fileReader and fileWriter arguments. For example:

// A record 'R' that serializes as an integer
record R : writeSerializable {
  var x : int;

  proc serialize(writer: fileWriter(locking=false, ?),
                 ref serializer: ?st) {

var val = new R(5);
writeln(val); // prints '5'

Using Serializers and Deserializers

Serializers and Deserializers support a variety of methods to support serializing various kinds of types. These methods can be used to serialize or deserialize a type in a format-agnostic way. For example, consider a simple ‘point’ type:

record point : writeSerializable {
  var x : int;
  var y : int;

The default implementation of point’s serialize method will naturally serialize point as a record. In the default serialization format, this would look something like (x = 2, y = 4). In the JSON serialization format, the output would instead be {"x":4, "y":2}. While this may be perfectly acceptable, what if the author of point wished to always serialize a point as a tuple?

Serializers and Deserializers have “start” methods that begin serialization or deserialization of a type, and then return a helper object that implements methods to continue the process. To begin serializing point as a tuple, a user may invoke the startTuple method on the serializer, passing in the fileWriter to use when writing serialized output and the number of elements in the tuple. The returned value from startTuple is a helper object that implements writeElement and endTuple methods:

proc point.serialize(writer: fileWriter(locking=false, ?),
                     ref serializer: ?st) {
  // Start serializing and get the helper object
  // '2' represents the number of tuple elements to be serialized
  var ser = serializer.startTuple(writer, 2);

  ser.writeElement(x); // serialize 'x' as a tuple element
  ser.writeElement(y); // serialize 'y' as a tuple element

  // End serialization of the tuple

Now, when using different Serializers like the defaultSerializer or the jsonSerializer, the point type can be serialized without introducing special cases for each format:

use IO, JSON;

var p = new point(4, 2);

// Prints '(4, 2)' in the default serialization format

// Prints '[4, 2]' in the JSON serialization format
var jsonWriter = stdout.withSerializer(jsonSerializer);

A similar API exists for deserialization that would allow for deserializing a point as a tuple. Please refer to the IO Serializers technote for more detail on the various kinds of types that can be serialized and deserialized. As of Chapel 1.32 the supported type-kinds are Classes, Records, Tuples, Arrays, Lists, and Maps.

Compiler-Generated Default Methods

Default serialize methods are created for all types for which a user-defined serialize method is not provided.

Classes will be serialized as a ‘Class’ type-kind using the Serializer API, and will invoke their parent serialize method before serializing their own fields.

Records will be serialized as a ‘Record’ type-kind using the Serializer API, and will serialize each field in the record.

Default deserialize methods are created for all types for which a user-defined deserialize method is not provided. The default deserialize methods will mirror the relevant API calls in the default serialize methods.

For more information on the default serialization format, please refer to the defaultSerializer and defaultDeserializer types.

If the compiler sees a user-defined implementation of the serialize method, the deserialize method, or the deserializing initializer, then the compiler may choose to not automatically generate any of the other unimplemented methods. This is out of concern that the user has intentionally deviated from the default implementation of serialization and deserialization.

Types with compiler-generated versions of these methods do not need to explicitly indicate that they satisfy any of the relevant serialization interfaces (such as writeSerializable).


Note that it is not currently possible to read and write circular data structures with these mechanisms.

The readThis() and writeThis() Methods


readThis and writeThis methods are deprecated. Please use serialize and deserialize methods instead. Until readThis and writeThis methods are removed, any compiler-generated implementations of the ‘serialize’ and ‘deserialize’ methods will attempt to invoke readThis and writeThis methods for the sake of compatibility.

A Chapel program can implement readThis and writeThis methods on a custom data type to define how that type is read from a fileReader or written to a fileWriter. readThis accepts a fileReader as its only argument and the file must be readable. writeThis accepts a fileWriter as its only argument and the file must be writable. If neither of these methods is defined, a default version of readThis and writeThis will be generated by the compiler.

Note that arguments to readThis and writeThis may be locked; as a result, calling methods on the fileReader or fileWriter in parallel from within a readThis or writeThis may cause undefined behavior. Additionally, performing I/O on a global fileReader or fileWriter that is the same as the one readThis or writeThis is operating on can result in a deadlock. In particular, these methods should not refer to stdin, stdout, or stderr explicitly or implicitly (such as by calling the global writeln function). Instead, these methods should only perform I/O on the fileReader or fileWriter passed as an argument.

Note that the procedures readLiteral and writeLiteral may be useful when implementing readThis and writeThis methods. These methods are not included by default.

This example defines a writeThis method - so that there will be a function resolution error if the record NoRead is read.

record NoRead {
  var x: int;
  var y: int;
  proc writeThis(f) throws {
  // Note that no readThis function will be generated.
var nr = new NoRead();
// prints out
// hello

// Note that read(nr) will generate a compiler error.

Default writeThis and readThis Methods

Default writeThis methods are created for all types for which a user-defined writeThis method is not provided. They have the following semantics:

  • for a class: outputs the values within the fields of the class prefixed by the name of the field and the character =. Each field is separated by a comma. The output is delimited by { and }.

  • for a record: outputs the values within the fields of the class prefixed by the name of the field and the character =. Each field is separated by a comma. The output is delimited by ( and ).

Default readThis methods are created for all types for which a user-defined readThis method is not provided. The default readThis methods are defined to read in the output of the default writeThis method.

Additionally, the Chapel implementation includes writeThis methods for built-in types as follows:

  • for an array: outputs the elements of the array in row-major order where rows are separated by line-feeds and blank lines are used to separate other dimensions.

  • for a domain: outputs the dimensions of the domain enclosed by { and }.

  • for a range: output the lower bound of the range, output .., then output the upper bound of the range. If the stride of the range is not 1, output the word by and then the stride of the range. If the range has special alignment, output the word align and then the alignment.

  • for tuples, outputs the components of the tuple in order delimited by ( and ), and separated by commas.

These types also include readThis methods to read the corresponding format. Note that when reading an array, the domain of the array must be set up appropriately before the elements can be read.


Note that it is not currently possible to read and write circular data structures with these mechanisms.

proc write(const args ...?n)

Equivalent to try! stdout.write. See IO.fileWriter.write

proc writeln(const args ...?n)

Equivalent to try! stdout.writeln. See IO.fileWriter.writeln

proc writef(fmt: ?t, const args ...?k)  where isStringType(t) || isBytesType(t)

Equivalent to try! stdout.writef. See FormattedIO.fileWriter.writef.