A domain is a first-class representation of an index set. Domains are used to specify iteration spaces, to define the size and shape of arrays (Arrays), and to specify aggregate operations like slicing. A domain can specify a single- or multi-dimensional rectangular iteration space or represent a set of indices of a given type. Domains can also represent a subset of another domain’s index set, using either a dense or sparse representation. A domain’s indices may potentially be distributed across multiple locales as described in Domain Maps, thus supporting global-view data structures.
In the next subsection, we introduce the key characteristics of domains. In Base Domain Types and Values, we discuss the types and values that can be associated with a base domain. In Simple Subdomain Types and Values, we discuss the types and values of simple subdomains that can be created from those base domains. In Sparse Subdomain Types and Values, we discuss the types and values of sparse subdomains. The remaining sections describe the important manipulations that can be performed with domains, as well as the predefined operators and functions defined for domains.
Domain Overview¶
There are three kinds of domain, distinguished by their subset dependencies: base domains, subdomains and sparse subdomains. A base domain describes an index set spanning one or more dimensions. A subdomain creates an index set that is a subset of the indices in a base domain or another subdomain. Sparse subdomains are subdomains which can represent sparse index subsets efficiently. Simple subdomains are subdomains that are not sparse. These relationships can be represented as follows:
Domains can be further classified according to whether they are regular or irregular. A regular domain represents a rectangular iteration space and can have a compact representation whose size is independent of the number of indices. Rectangular domains, with the exception of sparse subdomains, are regular.
An irregular domain can store an arbitrary set of indices of an arbitrary but homogeneous index type. Irregular domains typically require space proportional to the number of indices being represented. All associative domain types and their subdomains (including sparse subdomains) are irregular. Sparse subdomains of regular domains are also irregular.
An index set can be either ordered or unordered depending on whether its members have a well-defined order relationship. All regular domains are ordered. All associative domains are unordered.
The type of a domain describes how a domain is represented and the operations that can be performed upon it, while its value is the set of indices it represents. In addition to storing a value, each domain variable has an identity that distinguishes it from other domains that may have the same type and value. This identity is used to define the domain’s relationship with subdomains, index types (Domain Index Types), and arrays (Association of Arrays to Domains).
The runtime representation of a domain is controlled by its domain map. Domain maps are presented in Domain Maps.
Base Domain Types and Values¶
Base domain types can be classified as regular or irregular. Dense and strided rectangular domains are regular domains. Irregular base domain types include all of the associative domain types.
These base domain types are discussed in turn in the following subsections.
Rectangular Domains¶
Rectangular domains describe multidimensional rectangular index sets. They are characterized by a tensor product of ranges and represent indices that are tuples of an integral type. Because their index sets can be represented using ranges, regular domain values typically require only \(O(1)\) space.
Rectangular Domain Types¶
Rectangular domain types are parameterized by three things:
a positiveint
value indicating the number of dimensions that the domain represents;idxType
a type member representing the index type for each dimension; andstridable
parameter indicating whether any of the domain’s dimensions will be characterized by a strided range.
If rank
is \(1\), the index type represented by a rectangular
domain is idxType
. Otherwise, the index type is the homogeneous
tuple type rank*idxType
. If unspecified, idxType
defaults to
and stridable
defaults to false
Open issue.
We may represent a rectangular domain’s index type as rank*idxType even if rank is 1. This would eliminate a lot of code currently used to support the special (rank == 1) case.
The syntax of a rectangular domain type is summarized as follows:
'domain' ( named-expression-list )
where named-expression-list
permits the values of rank
, and stridable
to be specified using standard type
Example (typeFunctionDomain.chpl).
The following declarations both create an uninitialized rectangular domain with three dimensions, with
indices:var D1 : domain(rank=3, idxType=int, stridable=false); var D2 : domain(3);
Rectangular Domain Values¶
Each dimension of a rectangular domain is a range of type
range(idxType, BoundedRangeType.bounded, stridable)
. The index set
for a rank 1 domain is the set of indices described by its singleton
range. The index set for a rank \(n\) domain is the set of all
tuples described by the tensor product of its ranges. When
expanded (as by an iterator), rectangular domain indices are ordered
according to the lexicographic order of their values. That is, the index
with the highest rank is listed first and changes most slowly. 3
Domains defined using unbounded ranges may be supported.
Literal rectangular domain values are represented by a comma-separated
list of range expressions of matching idxType
enclosed in curly
{ range-expression-list }
range-expression, range-expression-list
The type of a rectangular domain literal is defined as follows:
= the number of range expressions in the literal;idxType
= the type of the range expressions;stridable
if any of the range expressions are stridable, otherwisefalse
If the index types in the ranges differ and all of them can be promoted
to the same type, then that type is used as the idxType
. Otherwise,
the domain literal is invalid.
The expression
{1..5, 1..5}
defines a rectangular domain with typedomain(rank=2,
. It is a \(5 \times 5\) domain with the indices:\[(1, 1), (1, 2), \ldots, (1, 5), (2, 1), \ldots (5, 5).\]
A domain expression may contain bounds which are evaluated at runtime.
In the code
var D: domain(2) = {1..n, 1..n};
is defined as a two-dimensional, nonstridable rectangular domain with an index type of2*int
and is initialized to contain the set of indices \((i,j)\) for all \(i\) and \(j\) such that \(i \in {1, 2, \ldots, n}\) and \(j \in {1, 2, \ldots, n}\).
The default value of a domain type is the rank
default range values
for type:
range(idxType, BoundedRangeType.bounded, stridable)
Example (rectangularDomain.chpl).
The following creates a two-dimensional rectangular domain and then uses this to declare an array. The array indices are iterated over using the domain’s
method, and each element is filled with some value. Then the array is printed out.Thus, the code
var D : domain(2) = {1..2, 1..7}; var A : [D] int; for i in D.dim(0) do for j in D.dim(1) do A[i,j] = 7 * i**2 + j; writeln(A);produces
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Associative Domains¶
Associative domains represent an arbitrary set of indices of a given
type and can be used to describe sets or to create dictionary-style
arrays (hash tables). The type of indices of an associative domain, or
its idxType
, can be any primitive type except void
or any class
Associative Domain Types¶
An associative domain type is parameterized by idxType
, the type of
the indices that it stores. The syntax is as follows:
'domain' ( associative-index-type )
The associative-index-type
determines the idxType
of the
associative domain type.
When an associative domain is used as the index set of an array, the relation between the indices and the array elements can be thought of as a map between the values of the index set and the elements stored in the array.
Associative Domain Values¶
An associative domain’s value is simply the set of all index values that the domain describes. The iteration order over the indices of an associative domain is undefined.
Specification of an associative domain literal value follows a similar syntax as rectangular domain literal values. What differentiates the two are the types of expressions specified in the comma separated list. Use of values of a type other than ranges will result in the construction of an associative domain.
{ associative-expression-list }
non-range-expression, associative-expression-list
It is required that the types of the values used in constructing an associative domain literal value be of the same type. If the types of the indices does not match a compiler error will be issued.
Due to implementation of
over arrays it is currently not possible to use arrays as indices within an associative domain.
Open issue.
Assignment of an associative domain literal results in a warning message being printed alerting the user that whole-domain assignment has been serialized. This results from the resize operation over associative arrays not being parsafe.
Example (associativeDomain.chpl).
The following example illustrates construction of an associative domain containing string indices “bar” and “foo”. Note that due to internal hashing of indices the order in which the values of the associative domain are iterated is not the same as their specification order.
This code
var D : domain(string) = {"bar", "foo"}; writeln(D);produces the output
{foo, bar}
If uninitialized, the default value of an associative domain is the empty index set.
Indices can be added to or removed from an associative domain as described in Adding and Removing Domain Indices.
Simple Subdomain Types and Values¶
A subdomain is a domain whose indices are guaranteed to be a subset of those described by another domain known as its parent domain. A subdomain has the same type as its parent domain, and by default it inherits the domain map of its parent domain. All domain types support subdomains.
Simple subdomains are subdomains which are not sparse. Sparse subdomains are discussed in the following section (Sparse Subdomain Types and Values). A simple subdomain inherits its representation (regular or irregular) from its base domain (or base subdomain). A sparse subdomain is always irregular, even if its base domain is regular.
In all other respects, the two kinds of subdomain behave identically. In this specification, “subdomain” refers to both simple and sparse subdomains, unless it is specifically distinguished as one or the other.
Subdomains are provided in Chapel for a number of reasons: to facilitate the ability of the compiler or a reader to reason about the inter-relationship of distinct domain variables; to support the author’s ability to omit redundant domain mapping specifications; to support the compiler’s ability to reason about the relative alignment of multiple domains; and to improve the compiler’s ability to prove away bounds checks for array accesses.
Simple Subdomain Types¶
A simple subdomain type is specified using the following syntax:
'subdomain' ( domain-expression )
This declares that domain-expression
is the parent domain of this
subdomain type. A simple subdomain specifies a subdomain with the same
underlying representation as its base domain.
Open issue.
An open semantic issue for subdomains is when a subdomain’s subset property should be re-verified once its parent domain is reassigned and whether this should be done aggressively or lazily.
Simple Subdomain Values¶
The value of a simple subdomain is the set of all index values that the subdomain describes.
The default value of a simple subdomain type is the same as the default value of its parent’s type (Rectangular Domain Values, Associative Domain Values).
A simple subdomain variable can be initialized or assigned to with a
tuple of values of the parent’s idxType
. Indices can also be added
to or removed from a simple subdomain as described in
Adding and Removing Domain Indices. It is an error to
attempt to add an index to a subdomain that is not also a member of the
parent domain.
Sparse Subdomain Types and Values¶
'sparse' 'subdomain'[OPT] ( domain-expression )
This declaration creates a sparse subdomain. Sparse subdomains are irregular domains that describe an arbitrary subset of a domain, even if the parent domain is a regular domain. Sparse subdomains are useful in Chapel for defining sparse arrays in which a single element value (usually “zero”) occurs frequently enough that it is worthwhile to avoid storing it redundantly. The set difference between a sparse subdomain’s index set and that of parent domain is the set of indices for which the sparse array will store this replicated value. See Sparse Arrays for details about sparse arrays.
Sparse Subdomain Types¶
Each root domain type has a unique corresponding sparse subdomain type. Sparse subdomains whose parent domains are also sparse subdomains share the same type.
Sparse Subdomain Values¶
A sparse subdomain’s value is simply the set of all index values that the domain describes. If the parent domain defines an iteration order over its indices, the sparse subdomain inherits that order.
There is no literal syntax for a sparse subdomain. However, a variable of a sparse subdomain type can be initialized using a tuple of values of the parent domain’s index type.
The default value for a sparse subdomain value is the empty set.
The following code declares a two-dimensional dense domain
, followed by a two dimensional sparse subdomain ofD
. SinceSpsD
is uninitialized, it will initially describe an empty set of indices fromD
.const D: domain(2) = {1..n, 1..n}; var SpsD: sparse subdomain(D);
Domain Index Types¶
Each domain value has a corresponding compiler-provided index type which can be used to represent values belonging to that domain’s index set. Index types are described using the following syntax:
'index' ( domain-expression )
A variable with a given index type is constrained to take on only values available within the domain on which it is defined. This restriction allows the compiler to prove away the bound checking that code safety considerations might otherwise require. Due to the subset relationship between a base domain and its subdomains, a variable of an index type defined with respect to a subdomain is also necessarily a valid index into the base domain.
Since an index types are known to be legal for a given domain, it may also afford the opportunity to represent that index using an optimized format that doesn’t simply store the index variable’s value. This fact could be used to support accelerated access to arrays declared over that domain. For example, iteration over an index type could be implemented using memory pointers and strides, rather than explicitly calculating the offset of each index within the domain.
These potential optimizations may make it less expensive to index into arrays using index type variables of their domains or subdomains.
In addition, since an index type is associated with a specific domain or
subdomain, it carries more semantic weight than a generic index. For
example, one could iterate over a rectangular domain with integer bounds
using an int(n)
as the index variable. However, it would be more
precise to use a variable of the domain’s index type.
Open issue.
An open issue for index types is what the semantics should be for an index type value that is live across a modification to its domain’s index set—particularly one that shrinks the index set. Our hypothesis is that most stored indices will either have short lifespans or belong to constant or monotonically growing domains. But these semantics need to be defined nevertheless.
Iteration Over Domains¶
All domains support iteration via standard for
, forall
, and
loops. These loops iterate over all of the indices that the
domain describes. If the domain defines an iteration order of its
indices, then the indices are visited in that order.
The type of the iterator variable for an iteration over a domain named
is that domain’s index type, index(D)
Domains as Arguments¶
This section describes the semantics of passing domains as arguments to functions.
Formal Arguments of Domain Type¶
When a domain value is passed to a formal argument of compatible domain type by default intent, it is passed by reference in order to preserve the domain’s identity.
Domain Promotion of Scalar Functions¶
Domain values may be passed to a scalar function argument whose type matches the domain’s index type. This results in a promotion of the scalar function as defined in Promotion.
Given a function
that accepts real floating point values and an associative domainD
of typedomain(real)
can be called withD
as its actual argument which will result in the function being invoked for each value in the index set ofD
Given an array
with element typeint
declared over a one-dimensional domainD
, the array elements can be assigned their corresponding index values by writing:A = D;This is equivalent to:
forall (a,i) in zip(A,D) do a = i;
Domain Operations¶
Chapel supplies predefined operators and functions that can be used to manipulate domains. Unless otherwise noted, these operations are applicable to a domain of any type, whether a base domain or a subdomain.
Domain Assignment¶
All domain types support domain assignment.
domain-name = domain-expression
Domain assignment is by value and causes the target domain variable to take on the index set of the right-hand side expression. In practice, the right-hand side expression is often another domain value; a tuple of ranges (for regular domains); or a tuple of indices or a loop that enumerates indices (for irregular domains). If the domain variable being assigned was used to declare arrays, these arrays are reallocated as discussed in Association of Arrays to Domains.
It is an error to assign a stridable domain to an unstridable domain without an explicit conversion.
The following three assignments show ways of assigning indices to a sparse domain,
. The first assigns the domain two index values,(1,1)
. The second assigns the domain all of the indices along the diagonal from(1,1)
. The third invokes an iterator that is written toyield
indices read from a file named “inds.dat”. Each of these assignments has the effect of replacing the previous index set with a completely new set of values.SpsD = ((1,1), (n,n)); SpsD = [i in 1..n] (i,i); SpsD = readIndicesFromFile("inds.dat");
Domain Striding¶
The by
operator can be applied to a rectangular domain value in
order to create a strided rectangular domain value. The right-hand
operand to the by
operator can either be an integral value or an
integral tuple whose size matches the domain’s rank.
domain-expression 'by' expression
The type of the resulting domain is the same as the original domain but
with stridable
set to true. In the case of an integer stride value,
the value of the resulting domain is computed by applying the integer
value to each range in the value using the by
operator. In the case
of a tuple stride value, the resulting domain’s value is computed by
applying each tuple component to the corresponding range using the
Domain Alignment¶
The align
operator can be applied to a rectangular domain value in
order to change the alignment of a rectangular domain value. The
right-hand operand to the align
operator can either be an integral
value or an integral tuple whose size matches the domain’s rank.
domain-expression 'align' expression
The type of the resulting domain is the same as the original domain but
with stridable
set to true. In the case of an integer alignment
value, the value of the resulting domain is computed by applying the
integer value to each range in the value using the align
In the case of a tuple alignment value, the resulting domain’s value is
computed by applying each tuple component to the corresponding range
using the align
Domain Slicing¶
Slicing is the application of an index set to a domain. It can be written using either parentheses or square brackets. The index set can be defined with either a domain or a list of ranges.
domain-expression [ slicing-index-set ]
domain-expression ( slicing-index-set )
The result of slicing, or a slice, is a new domain value that represents the intersection of the index set of the domain being sliced and the index set being applied. The type and domain map of the slice match the domain being sliced.
Slicing can also be performed on an array, resulting in aliasing a subset of the array’s elements (Array Slicing).
Domain-based Slicing¶
If the brackets or parentheses contain a domain value, its index set is applied for slicing.
Open issue.
Can we say that it is an alias in the case of sparse/associative?
Range-based Slicing¶
When slicing rectangular domains or arrays, the brackets or parentheses
can contain a list of rank
ranges. These ranges can either be
bounded or unbounded. When unbounded, they inherit their bounds from the
domain or array being sliced. The Cartesian product of the ranges’ index
sets is applied for slicing.
The following code declares a two dimensional rectangular domain
, and then a number of subdomains ofD
by slicing intoD
using bounded and unbounded ranges. TheInnerD
domain describes the inner indices of D,Col2OfD
describes the 2nd column ofD
, andAllButLastRow
describes all ofD
except for the last row.const D: domain(2) = {1..n, 1..n}, InnerD = D[2..n-1, 2..n-1], Col2OfD = D[.., 2..2], AllButLastRow = D[..n-1, ..];
Rank-Change Slicing¶
For multidimensional rectangular domains and arrays, substituting integral values for one or more of the ranges in a range-based slice will result in a domain or array of lower rank.
The result of a rank-change slice on an array is an alias to a subset of the array’s elements as described in Rectangular Array Slicing.
The result of rank-change slice on a domain is a subdomain of the domain
being sliced. The resulting subdomain’s type will be the same as the
original domain, but with a rank
equal to the number of dimensions
that were sliced by ranges rather than integers.
Count Operator¶
The #
operator can be applied to dense rectangular domains with a
tuple argument whose size matches the rank of the domain (or optionally
an integer in the case of a 1D domain). The operator is equivalent to
applying the #
operator to the component ranges of the domain and
then using them to slice the domain as in Section Range-based Slicing.
Adding and Removing Domain Indices¶
All irregular domain types support the ability to incrementally add and
remove indices from their index sets. This can either be done using
and remove(i:idxType)
methods on a domain
variable or by using the +=
and -=
assignment operators. It is
legal to add the same index to an irregular domain’s index set twice,
but illegal to remove an index that does not belong to the domain’s
index set.
Open issue.
These remove semantics seem dangerous in a parallel context; maybe add flags to both the method versions of the call that say whether they should balk or not? Or add exceptions…
As with normal domain assignments, arrays declared in terms of a domain being modified in this way will be reallocated as discussed in Association of Arrays to Domains.
Predefined Methods on Domains¶
This section gives a brief description of the library functions provided for Domains. These are categorized by the type of domain to which they apply: all, regular or irregular. Within each subsection, entries are listed in alphabetical order.
Methods on All Domain Types¶
The methods in this subsection can be applied to any domain.
()¶ Resets this domain’s index set to the empty set.
Example (clearAssociativeDomain).
This function provides a way to produce an empty associative domain.
When run, the code
enum Counter { one, two, three }; var D : domain ( Counter ) = {, Counter.two}; writeln("D has ", D.size, " indices."); D.clear(); writeln("D has ", D.size, " indices.");prints out
D has 2 indices. D has 0 indices.
: dmap¶ Returns the domain map that implements this domain
Example (getDomainMap).
In the code
use BlockDist; proc foo(d : domain) where isSubtype(d.dist.type, Block) { writeln("Block-distributed domain"); } proc foo(d : domain) { writeln("Unknown distribution"); } var D = {1..10} dmapped Block({1..10}); foo(D);
is used in a where-clause to determine the type of the argument’s distribution. The output is:Block-distributed domain
type¶ Returns the domain type’s
(i: index(domain)): idxType¶ If
is a member of the domain, returns the ordinal value ofi
using a total ordering of the domain’s indices using 0-based indexing. Otherwise, it returns(-1):idxType
. For rectangular domains, this ordering will be based on a row-major ordering of the indices; for other domains, the ordering may be implementation-defined and unstable as indices are added and removed from the domain.
(d: domain) param¶ Returns a param
if the given domain is irregular, false otherwise.
(d: domain) param¶ Returns a param
if the given domain is rectangular, false otherwise.
(d: domain) param¶ Returns a param
if the given domain is sparse, false otherwise.
(i)¶ Returns true if the given index
is a member of this domain’s index set, and false otherwise.
Open issue.
We would like to call the type of i above idxType, but it’s not true for rectangular domains. That observation provides some motivation to normalize the behavior.
Methods on Regular Domains¶
The methods described in this subsection can be applied to regular domains only.
(d: int): range¶ Returns the range of indices described by dimension
of the domain, whered
is a value from0
The code:
for i in D.dim(0) do
for j in D.dim(1) do
iterates over the indices of a dense 2D domain D
using two
nested loops, one per dimension.
(): rank*range¶ Returns a tuple of ranges describing the dimensions of the domain.
proc domain.expand(off: integral): domain
proc domain.expand(off: rank*integral): domain
Returns a new domain that is the current domain expanded in dimension
if off
or off(d)
is positive or contracted in dimension
if off
or off(d)
is negative.
proc domain.exterior(off: integral): domain
proc domain.exterior(off: rank*integral): domain
Returns a new domain that is the exterior portion of the current domain
with off
or off(d)
indices for each dimension d
. If off
or off(d)
is negative, compute the exterior from the low bound of
the dimension; if positive, compute the exterior from the high bound.
proc domain.high: index(domain)
Returns the high index of the domain as a value of the domain’s index type.
proc domain.interior(off: integral): domain
proc domain.interior(off: rank*integral): domain
Returns a new domain that is the interior portion of the current domain
with off
or off(d)
indices for each dimension d
. If off
or off(d)
is negative, compute the interior from the low bound of
the dimension; if positive, compute the interior from the high bound.
: index(domain)¶ Returns the low index of the domain as a value of the domain’s index type.
param : int¶ Returns the rank of the domain.
: capType¶ Returns the number of indices in the domain as a value of the capacity type.
param : bool¶ Returns whether or not the domain is stridable.
proc domain.stride: int(numBits(idxType)) where rank == 1
proc domain.stride: rank*int(numBits(idxType))
Returns the stride of the domain as the domain’s stride type (for 1D domains) or a tuple of the domain’s stride type (for multidimensional domains).
proc domain.translate(off: integral): domain
proc domain.translate(off: rank*integral): domain
Returns a new domain that is the current domain translated by off
for each dimension d
Methods on Irregular Domains¶
The following methods are available only on irregular domain types.
proc +(d: domain, i: index(d))
proc +(i, d: domain) where i: index(d)
Adds the given index to the given domain. If the given index is already a member of that domain, it is ignored.
(d1: domain, d2: domain)¶ Merges the index sets of the two domain arguments.
(d: domain, i: index(d))¶ Removes the given index from the given domain. It is an error if the domain does not contain the given index.
(d1: domain, d2: domain) Removes the indices in domain
from those ind1
. It is an error ifd2
contains indices which are not also ind1
(s: int)¶ Resizes the domain internal storage to hold at least
- 3
This is also known as row-major ordering.