Domain Maps

A domain map specifies the implementation of the domains and arrays that are mapped using it. That is, it defines how domain indices and array elements are mapped to locales, how they are stored in memory, and how operations such as accesses, iteration, and slicing are performed. Each domain and array is mapped using some domain map.

A domain map is either a layout or a distribution. A layout describes domains and arrays that exist on a single locale, whereas a distribution describes domains and arrays that are partitioned across multiple locales.

A domain map is represented in the program with an instance of a domain map class. Chapel provides a set of standard domain map classes. Users can create domain map classes as well.

Domain maps are presented as follows:

Domain Maps for Domain Types

Each domain type has a domain map associated with it. This domain map is used to map all domain values of this type (Domain Maps for Domain Values).

If a domain type does not have a domain map specified for it explicitly as described below, a default domain map is provided by the Chapel implementation. Such a domain map will typically be a layout that maps the entire domain to the locale on which the domain value is created or the domain or array variable is declared.

A domain map can be specified explicitly by providing a dmap value in a dmapped clause:

  domain-type `dmapped' dmap-value


A dmap value consists of an instance of a domain map class wrapped in an instance of the predefined record dmap. The domain map class is chosen and instantiated by the user. dmap behaves like a generic record with a single generic field, which holds the domain map instance.


The code

use BlockDist;
var MyBlockDist: dmap(Block(rank=2));
declares a variable capable of storing dmap values for a two-dimensional Block distribution. The Block distribution is described in more detail in the standard library documentation. See:


The code

use BlockDist;
var MyBlockDist: dmap(Block(rank=2)) = new dmap(new Block({1..5,1..6}));

creates a dmap value wrapping a two-dimensional Block distribution with a bounding box of {1..5, 1..6} over all of the locales.


The code

use BlockDist;
var MyBlockDist = new dmap(new Block({1..5,1..6}));
type MyBlockedDom = domain(2) dmapped MyBlockDist;

defines a two-dimensional rectangular domain type that is mapped using a Block distribution.

The following syntactic sugar is provided within the dmapped clause. If a dmapped clause starts with the name of a domain map class, it is considered to be an initialization expression as if preceded by new. The resulting domain map instance is wrapped in a newly-created instance of dmap implicitly.


The code

use BlockDist;
type BlockDom = domain(2) dmapped Block({1..5,1..6});

is equivalent to

use BlockDist;
type BlockDom = domain(2) dmapped new dmap(new Block({1..5,1..6}));

Domain Maps for Domain Values

A domain value is always mapped using the domain map of that value’s type. The type inferred for a domain literal (Rectangular Domain Values) has a default domain map.


In the following code

use BlockDist;
var MyDomLiteral = {1..2,1..3};
var MyBlockedDom: domain(2) dmapped Block({1..5,1..6}) = MyDomLiteral;

MyDomLiteral is given the inferred type of the domain literal and so will be mapped using a default map. MyBlockedDom is given a type explicitly, in accordance to which it will be mapped using a Block distribution.

A domain value’s map can be changed explicitly with a dmapped clause, in the same way as a domain type’s map.

  domain-expression `dmapped' dmap-value


In the following code

use BlockDist;
var MyBlockedDomLiteral1 = {1..2,1..3} dmapped new dmap(new Block({1..5,1..6}));
var MyBlockedDomLiteral2 = {1..2,1..3} dmapped Block({1..5,1..6});

both MyBlockedDomLiteral1 and MyBlockedDomLiteral2 will be mapped using a Block distribution.

Domain Maps for Arrays

Each array is mapped using the domain map of the domain over which the array was declared.


In the code

use BlockDist;
var Dom: domain(2) dmapped Block({1..5,1..6}) = {1..5,1..6};
var MyArray: [Dom] real;

the domain map used for MyArray is the Block distribution from the type of Dom.

Domain Maps Are Not Retained upon Domain Assignment

Domain assignment (Domain Assignment) transfers only the index set of the right-hand side expression. The implementation of the left-hand side domain expression, including its domain map, is determined by its type and so does not change upon a domain assignment.


In the code

use BlockDist;
var Dom1: domain(2) dmapped Block({1..5,1..6}) = {1..5,1..6};
var Dom2: domain(2) = Dom1;

Dom2 is mapped using the default distribution, despite Dom1 having a Block distribution.


In the code

use BlockDist;
var Dom1: domain(2) dmapped Block({1..5,1..6}) = {1..5,1..6};
var Dom2 = Dom1;

Dom2 is mapped using the same distribution as Dom1. This is because the declaration of Dom2 lacks an explicit type specifier and so its type is defined to be the type of its initialization expression, Dom1. So in this situation the effect is that the domain map does transfer upon an initializing assignment.