
A conversion converts an expression of one type to another type, possibly changing its value. In certain cases noted below the source expression can be a type expression. We refer to these two types the source and target types. Conversions can be either implicit (Implicit Conversions) or explicit (Explicit Conversions).

Implicit Conversions

An implicit conversion is a conversion that occurs implicitly, that is, not due to an explicit specification in the program. Implicit conversions occur at the locations in the program listed below. Each location determines the target type. The source and target types of an implicit conversion must be allowed. They determine whether and how the expression’s value changes.

An implicit conversion occurs at each of the following program locations:

  • In an assignment, the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment is converted to the type of the variable or another lvalue on the left-hand side of the assignment.
  • In a variable or field declaration, the initializing expression is converted to the type of the variable or field. The initializing expression is the r.h.s. of the = in the declaration, if present, or in the field initialization statement in an initializer.
  • The actual argument of a function call or an operator is converted to the type of the corresponding formal argument, if the formal’s intent is param, in, const in, or an abstract intent (Abstract Intents) with the semantics of in or const in.
  • The actual type argument of a function call or an operator is converted to the corresponding formal argument of the type intent or the this formal of a type method. See Implicit Type Argument Conversions.
  • If the formal argument’s intent is out, the formal argument is converted to the type of the corresponding actual argument upon function return.
  • The return or yield expression within a function without a ref return intent is converted to the return type of that function.
  • The condition of a conditional expression, conditional statement, while-do or do-while loop statement is converted to the boolean type. See Implicit Statement Bool Conversions.

Implicit conversions are not applied for actual arguments passed to ref or const ref formal arguments.

Implicit conversions are allowed between the following source and target types, as defined in the referenced subsections:

In addition, an implicit conversion from a type to the same type is allowed for any type. Such conversion does not change the value of the expression.

Implicit conversion is not transitive. That is, if an implicit conversion is allowed from type T1 to T2 and from T2 to T3, that by itself does not allow an implicit conversion from T1 to T3.

Implicit Numeric and Bool Conversions

Implicit conversions among numeric types are allowed when all values representable in the source type can also be represented in the target type, retaining their full precision. In addition, implicit conversions from types int(64) and uint(64) to types real(64) and complex(128) are allowed, even though they may result in a loss of precision.


We allow these additional conversions because they are an important convenience for application programmers. Therefore we are willing to lose precision in these cases. The largest real and complex types are chosen to retain precision as often as as possible.

Any boolean type can be implicitly converted to any other boolean type, retaining the boolean value. Any boolean type can be implicitly converted to any integral type by representing false as 0 and true as 1, except (if applicable) a boolean cannot be converted to int(1).


We disallow implicit conversion of a boolean to a real, imaginary, or complex type because of the following. We expect that the cases where such a conversion is needed will more likely be unintended by the programmer. Marking those cases as errors will draw the programmer’s attention. If such a conversion is actually desired, a cast Explicit Conversions can be inserted.

Legal implicit conversions with numeric and boolean types may thus be tabulated as follows:

Source Type bool(\(t\)) uint(\(t\)) int(\(t\)) real(\(t\)) imag(\(t\)) complex(\(t\))
bool(\(s\)) all \(s,t\) all \(s,t\) all \(s\); \(2 \le t\)      
uint(\(s\))   \(s \le t\) \(s < t\) \(s \le mant(t)\)   \(s \le mant(t/2)\)
uint(64)       real(64)   complex(128)
int(\(s\))     \(s \le t\) \(s \le mant(t)+1\)   \(s \le mant(t/2)+1\)
int(64)       real(64)   complex(128)
real(\(s\))       \(s \le t\)   \(s \le t/2\)
imag(\(s\))         \(s \le t\) \(s \le t/2\)
complex(\(s\))           \(s \le t\)

Here, \(mant(i)\) is the number of bits in the (unsigned) mantissa of the \(i\)-bit floating-point type. [1] Conversions for the default integral and real types (uint, complex, etc.) are the same as for their explicitly-sized counterparts.

Implicit Compile-Time Constant Conversions

A parameter of numeric type can be implicitly converted to any other numeric type if the value of the parameter can be represented exactly by the target type. This rule does not allow conversions from real to imag, or from complex to a non-complex type. It does allow conversions from real or imag to complex.

Implicit Class Conversions

An expression of class type can be implicitly converted to the borrow type; to a nilable type; or to a parent class type. The value nil can be implicitly converted to any nilable class type.

First, class types can be converted to the corresponding borrowed type. For example, owned C can be implicitly converted to borrowed C, and shared C? can be implicitly converted to borrowed C?. This coercion is equivalent to calling the .borrow() method. See Class Lifetime and Borrows. For example:

Example (implicit-conversion-to-borrow.chpl).

class C { }
var c:owned C = new owned C();

proc f(arg: borrowed C) { }
f(c); // equivalent to f(c.borrow())

Second, an expression of non-nilable class type can be implicitly converted to the nilable class type. Continuing the above example:

Example (implicit-conversion-to-nilable.chpl).

var b:borrowed C = c.borrow();

proc g(arg: borrowed C?) { }
g(b); // equivalent to g(b:borrowed C?)

Third, an implicit conversion from class type D to another class type C is allowed when D is a subclass of C.

Any combination of these three conversions is allowed.

Implicit Type Argument Conversions

An implicit type argument conversion applies only when a type actual is passed to a formal with the type intent. This includes the this formal of a type method. In this case, a subset of Implicit Class Conversions (Implicit Class Conversions) applies, in addition to Implicit Conversions To Generic Types (Implicit Conversions To Generic Types).


The details are forthcoming.

Implicit Statement Bool Conversions

In the condition of an if-statement, while-loop, and do-while-loop, the following implicit conversions to bool are supported:

  • An expression of integral type is taken to be false if it is zero and is true otherwise.
  • An expression of a class type is taken to be false if it is nil and is true otherwise.

Implicit Conversions To Generic Types

When the target type T is generic (Generic Types), an implicit conversion is allowed when there is an instantiation of this type such that an implicit conversion is allowed between the source type and that instantiation by another rule in this section.

That instantiation is taken to be the instantiated type of the variable, field, formal argument, or the return type whose declared type is the generic type T.

The conversions in this subsection apply when the source is either an expression or a type expression.

Explicit Conversions

Explicit conversions require a cast in the code. Casts are defined in Casts. Explicit conversions are supported between more types than implicit conversions, but not between all types.

The explicit conversions are a superset of the implicit conversions. In addition to the following definitions, an explicit conversion from a type to the same type is allowed for any type. Such conversion does not change the value of the expression.

Explicit Numeric Conversions

Explicit conversions are allowed from any numeric type or boolean to bytes or string, and vice-versa.

When a bool is converted to a bool, int or uint of equal or larger size, its value is zero-extended to fit the new representation. When a bool is converted to a smaller bool, int or uint, its most significant bits are truncated (as appropriate) to fit the new representation.

When a int, uint, or real is converted to a bool, the result is false if the number was equal to 0 and true otherwise.

When an int is converted to a larger int or uint, its value is sign-extended to fit the new representation. When a uint is converted to a larger int or uint, its value is zero-extended. When an int or uint is converted to an int or uint of the same size, its binary representation is unchanged. When an int or uint is converted to a smaller int or uint, its value is truncated to fit the new representation.


There are several kinds of integer conversion which can result in a loss of precision. Currently, the conversions are performed as specified, and no error is reported. In the future, we intend to improve type checking, so the user can be informed of potential precision loss at compile time, and actual precision loss at run time. Such cases include: When an int is converted to a uint and the original value is negative; When a uint is converted to an int and the sign bit of the result is true; When an int is converted to a smaller int or uint and any of the truncated bits differs from the original sign bit; When a uint is converted to a smaller int or uint and any of the truncated bits is true;


For integer conversions, the default behavior of a program should be to produce a run-time error if there is a loss of precision. Thus, cast expressions not only give rise to a value conversion at run time, but amount to an assertion that the required precision is preserved. Explicit conversion procedures would be available in the run-time library so that one can perform explicit conversions that result in a loss of precision but do not generate a run-time diagnostic.

When converting from a real type to a larger real type, the represented value is preserved. When converting from a real type to a smaller real type, the closest representation in the target type is chosen. [2]

When converting to a real type from an integer type, integer types smaller than int are first converted to int. Then, the closest representation of the converted value in the target type is chosen. The exact behavior of this conversion is implementation-defined.

When converting from real(k) to complex(2k), the original value is copied into the real part of the result, and the imaginary part of the result is set to zero. When converting from a real(k) to a complex(j) such that j > 2k, the conversion is performed as if the original value is first converted to real(j/2) and then to j.

The rules for converting from imag to complex are the same as for converting from real, except that the imaginary part of the result is set using the input value, and the real part of the result is set to zero.

Explicit Tuple to Complex Conversion

A two-tuple of numerical values may be converted to a complex value. If the destination type is complex(128), each member of the two-tuple must be convertible to real(64). If the destination type is complex(64), each member of the two-tuple must be convertible to real(32). The first member of the tuple becomes the real part of the resulting complex value; the second member of the tuple becomes the imaginary part of the resulting complex value.

Explicit Enumeration Conversions

Explicit conversions are allowed from any enumerated type to bytes or string and vice-versa, including param conversions. For enumerated types that are either concrete or semi-concrete (see Enumerated Types), conversions are supported from the enum to any numeric or boolean type, including param conversions. Explicit conversions are also supported from integer values back to concrete or semi-concrete enumerated types.

When converting from an enum to a bytes or string, the value becomes the name of the enumerator.

When converting from a bytes or string to an enum, the result is the constant whose name matches the source value. If no matching value exists, an IllegalArgumentError is thrown.

For a semi-concrete enumerated type, if a numeric conversion is attempted for a constant with no underlying integer value, it will generate a compile-time error for a param conversion or throw an IllegalArgumentError otherwise.

When converting from an enum to an integer type, the value is first converted to the enum’s underlying integer type and then to the target type, following the rules above for converting between integers.

When converting from an enum to a real, imaginary, or complex type, the value is first converted to the enum’s underlying integer type and then to the target type.

When converting from an enum to a boolean type, the value is first converted to the enum’s underlying integer type. If the result is zero, the value of the bool is false; otherwise, it is true.

When converting from an integer value to an enum, the value is converted to the enum’s underlying integer type and then converted to the matching symbol. If no symbol has the given integer value, an IllegalArgumentError is thrown.

Explicit Class Conversions

An expression of static class type C can be explicitly converted to a class type D provided that C is derived from D or D is derived from C.

When at run time the source expression refers to an instance of D or it subclass, its value is not changed. Otherwise, the cast fails and the result depends on whether or not the destination type is nilable. If the cast fails and the destination type is not nilable, the cast expression will throw a classCastError. If the cast fails and the destination type is nilable, as with D?, then the result will be nil.

An expression of class type can also be converted to a different nilability with a cast. For conversions from a nilable class type to a non-nilable class type, the cast will throw a NilClassError if the value was actually nil.

In some cases a new variant of a class type needs to be computed that has different nilability or memory management strategy. Supposing that T represents a class type, then these casts may compute a new type:

  • T:owned - new management is owned, nilability from T
  • T:shared - new management shared, nilability from T
  • T:borrowed - new management borrowed, nilability from T
  • T:unmanaged - new management unmanaged, nilability from T
  • T:class - non-nilable type with specific concrete or generic management from T
  • T:class? - nilable type with specific concrete or generic management from T
  • T:owned class - non-nilable type with owned management
  • T:owned class? - nilable type with owned management
  • T:shared class - non-nilable type with shared management
  • T:shared class? - nilable type with shared management
  • T:borrowed class - non-nilable type with borrowed management
  • T:borrowed class? - nilable type with borrowed management
  • T:unmanaged class - non-nilable type with unmanaged management
  • T:unmanaged class? - nilable type with unmanaged management

The conversions in this subsection apply when the source is either an expression or a type expression.

Explicit Range Conversions

An expression of stridable range type can be explicitly converted to an unstridable range type, changing the stride to 1 in the process.

Explicit Domain Conversions

An expression of stridable domain type can be explicitly converted to an unstridable domain type, changing all strides to 1 in the process.

Explicit String to Bytes Conversions

An expression of string type can be explicitly converted to a bytes. However, the reverse is not possible as a bytes can contain arbitrary bytes. Instead, bytes.decode() method should be used to produce a string from a bytes.

Explicit Type to String Conversions

A type expression can be explicitly converted to a string. The resultant string is the name of the type.

Example (explicit-type-to-string.chpl).

For example:

var x: real(64) = 10.0;

This program will print out the string "real(64)".

[1]For the IEEE 754 format, \(mant(32)=24\) and \(mant(64)=53\).
[2]When converting to a smaller real type, a loss of precision is expected. Therefore, there is no reason to produce a run-time diagnostic.