Checking Overload SetsΒΆ

The Chapel compiler provides an initial implementation of the Overload Sets feature. It is discussed in CHIP 20 as a solution to "hijacking" problems where program behavior can change unexpectedly as libraries it uses change.

An "overload set" is a group of functions with the same name declared in the same module. Overload sets checking is performed at each function call. It verifies that all candidate functions identified while resolving this call are defined in the same module. See the "Function Resolution" section of the language spec for resolution-related terminology.

Additionally, if the call resolves to return intent overloads, i.e. for ref, const-ref, and/or value return intents, these overloads must be defined in the same module.

The current implementation does not report an error in the following cases:

  • The best candidate is "more visible" than the other candidates. That is, it shadows the other candidates along all module import paths starting at the call.
  • If it is a method call on a class, the best candidate is defined in the same module as the class of the receiver actual argument.
  • The call already generates an "unresolved" or "ambiguous" error.
  • The candidates defined in internal modules are ignored, as if they are not present among the identified candidates.

In some cases utilizing function definitions from multiple overload sets is actually desirable. To support this, we plan to provide a way to merge overload sets. Merging is discussed in GitHub issue 12635.

The compiler provides the option --no-overload-sets-checks to work around the overload set errors when they are undesirable.

We are evaluating this feature and invite user feedback. Our open questions include:

  • Should overload sets continue to consider only module scoping, or should they be updated to differentiate, for example, between scopes inside functions?
  • What should a "merge the overload sets" declaration look like?
  • How to handle overload sets for a method call when dynamic dispatch is possible?
  • What are the situations when the currently-implemented check is too restrictive or too permissive?