Checking for Nil Dereferences

The Chapel compiler includes two different mechanisms to check for nil dereferences. First, at compile-time, the compiler looks for places where it can prove a nil will be dereferenced or a method called on nil. When it can find such a case, it raises an error.

The second mechanism is a run-time check inserted at each method call on an object. It checks that the receiver object is not nil. These checks are on by default and can be disabled by --fast, --no-checks, or --no-nil-checks.

Example of Compile-time Nil Checking

Consider this example program:

// ex.chpl

class MyClass {
  var x: int;
  proc method() { }

var obj: MyClass; // default initializes obj to store nil

var x = new owned MyClass(1);
var y = x.release(); // now x stores nil

Compiling this program will produce the following compilation errors:

ex.chpl:9: error: attempt to dereference nil
ex.chpl:9: note: variable obj is nil at this point
ex.chpl:8: note: this statement may be relevant
ex.chpl:13: error: attempt to dereference nil
ex.chpl:12: note: this statement may be relevant

Limitations of Compile-time Nil Checking

The compiler analysis for nil checking only does per-function analysis using very conservative alias analysis rules. It cannot detect all cases where a nil is dereferenced. Here are some limitations of the analysis:

  • it gives up in certain complex control flow situations
  • it does not track may-alias sets
  • it is not interprocedural

Nonetheless we hope that the additional checking provided by this pass is useful. If you run into a surprising case where it reports an error, please file a bug report. Also, note that using the compiler flag --no-compile-time-nil-checking will disable these checks. However, the exact nature of the checking and the name of the flag are likely to change in future releases.