

use UnitTest.TestError;
class TestError: Error

TestError is a base class.

var details: string
proc init(details: string = "")
override proc message()
class AssertionError: TestError

Assertion Error class. Raised when assert Function Failed

proc init(details: string = "")
class TestSkipped: TestError

TestSkipped Error Class. Raised when a test is skipped.

proc init(details: string = "")
class DependencyFound: TestError

DependencyFound Error Class. Raised when a all dependency of a test are not met.

proc init(details: string = "")
class TestIncorrectNumLocales: TestError

TestIncorrectNumLocales Error Class. Raised when test is not run with expected number of Locales.

proc init(details: string = "")
class UnexpectedLocales: TestError

UnexpectedLocales Error Class. Raised when test has locales with which it can't be run. Eg: MaxLocales < MinLocales

proc init(details: string = "")