

use UnitTest;


Module UnitTest provides support for automated testing in Chapel. Any function of the form

proc funcName(test: borrowed Test) throws {}

is treated as a test function. These functions must accept an object of Test Class. We use main() to run the tests.


It is intended to be used in concert with the mason test command, which automates execution of any test function.

Assert Functions

Here are the assert functions available in the UnitTest module:

Test Metadata Functions

UnitTest module also provides multiple methods for specifying test Metadata:


Basic Usage

Here is a minimal example demonstrating how to use the UnitTest module:

use UnitTest;

proc celsius2fahrenheit(x) {
  // we should be returning "(x: real * 9/5)+32"
  return (x * 9/5)+32;

proc test_temperature(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  // we were expecting 98.6 but since we missed typecasting
  // the above function returned 98.
  test.assertFalse(celsius2fahrenheit(37) == 98);



FAIL xyz.chpl: test_temperature()
AssertionError: assertFalse failed. Given expression is True

Run 1 test

FAILED failures = 1

Skipping Tests

You can skip tests unconditionally with skip and conditionally with skipIf:

use UnitTest;

/* calculates factorial */
proc factorial(x: int): int {
  return if x == 0 then 1 else x * factorial(x-1);

/*Conditional skip*/
proc test1(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  test.skipIf(factorial(0) != 1,"Base condition is wrong in factorial");
  test.assertTrue(factorial(5) == 120);

/*Unconditional skip*/
proc test2(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  test.skip("Skipping the test directly");



SKIPPED xyz.chpl: test2()
TestSkipped: Skipping the test directly

Run 1 test

OK skipped = 1

Specifying locales

You can specify the num of locales of a test using these method.

addNumLocales maxLocales minLocales

Here is an example demonstrating how to use the addNumLocales

proc test_square(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  var A: [1..numLocales] int;
  coforall i in 0..numLocales-1 with (ref A) {
    on Locales(i) {
      A[i+1] = (i+1)*(i+1);


Run 1 test


You can also specify multiple locales on which your code can run.

proc test3(test: borrowed Test) throws {

You can mention the range of locales using maxLocales and minLocales

proc test4(test: borrowed Test) throws {

Specifying Dependencies


Here is an example demonstrating how to use the dependsOn

use UnitTest;

var factArray: [1..0] int;

// calculates factorial
proc factorial(x: int): int {
  return if x == 0 then 1 else x * factorial(x-1);

proc testFillFact(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  test.skipIf(factorial(0) != 1,"Base condition is wrong in factorial");
  for i in 1..10 do

proc testSumFact(test: borrowed Test) throws {
  var s = 0;
  for i in 1..10 do
    s += factArray[i];



Run 2 tests

class Test
proc skip(reason: string = "") throws

Unconditionally skip a test.

Arguments:reason : string -- the reason for skipping
Throws TestSkipped:
proc skipIf(condition: bool, reason: string = "") throws

Skip a test if the condition is true.

  • condition : bool -- the boolean condition
  • reason : string -- the reason for skipping
Throws TestSkipped:

If the condition is true.

proc assertTrue(test: bool) throws

Assert that a boolean condition is true. If it is false, prints assert failed.

Arguments:test : bool -- the boolean condition
Throws AssertionError:
 If the assertion is false.
proc assertFalse(test: bool) throws

Assert that a boolean condition is false. If it is true, prints assert failed.

Arguments:test : bool -- the boolean condition
Throws AssertionError:
 If the assertion is true.
proc assertEqual(first, second) throws

Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the == operator.

  • first -- The first object to compare.
  • second -- The second object to compare.
Throws AssertionError:

If both the arguments are not equal.

proc assertNotEqual(first, second) throws

Assert that a first argument is not equal to second argument. Uses == operator and type to determine if both are equal or not.

  • first -- The first object to compare.
  • second -- The second object to compare.
Throws AssertionError:

If both the arguments are equal.

proc assertGreaterThan(first, second) throws

Assert that a first argument is greater than second argument. If it is false, prints assert failed and raises AssertionError.

  • first -- The first object to compare.
  • second -- The second object to compare.
Throws AssertionError:

If the first argument is not greater than second argument.

proc assertLessThan(first, second) throws

Assert that a first argument is less than second argument. If it is false, raises AssertionError.

  • first -- The first object to compare.
  • second -- The second object to compare.
Throws AssertionError:

If the first argument is not less than the second argument.

proc maxLocales(value: int) throws

Specify Max Number of Locales required to run the test

Arguments:value : int. -- Maximum number of locales with which the test can be ran.
Throws UnexpectedLocalesError:
 If value is less than 1 or minNumLocales
proc minLocales(value: int) throws

Specify Min Number of Locales required to run the test

Arguments:value : int. -- Minimum number of locales with which the test can be ran.
Throws UnexpectedLocalesError:
 If value is more than maxNumLocales
proc addNumLocales(locales: int ...?n) throws

To add locales in which test can be run.

Arguments:locales -- Multiple , separated locale values
Throws UnexpectedLocalesError:
 If locales are already added.
proc dependsOn(tests: argType ...?n) throws

Adds the tests in which the given test is depending.

Arguments:tests -- Multiple , separated First Class Test Functions.
Throws DependencyFound:
 If Called for the first time in a function.
proc main() throws

Runs the tests

Call this as
