Past Groups
- AMD: We are collaborating with AMD Research to investigate how Chapel can take advantage of the Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA).
- Argonne
National Laboratory: We are working with Pavan Balaji, Brian
Skjerven, and Wesley Bland to explore the possibility of mapping
Chapel's runtime communication interface to MPI-3's features for
one-sided communication.
- BSC / UPC: We were pursuing a collaboration with Alejandro Duran of the Nanos++ Project to implement Chapel's tasking layer using Nanos++ user-level tasks.
- Carnegie Mellon University: We have worked with Franz Franchetti and Thom Popovici to study native support for FFT computations in Chapel and the suitability of Chapel as a portable parallel back-end language for the SPIRAL program generation system.
- Colorado State University: We have collaborated with Michelle Strout, Andy Stone, and Christopher Krieger to look at parallel programming patterns and support for tilings in Chapel.
- EPCC / U. Edinburgh: We supported a study undertaken by Michele Weiland and Thom Haddow to evaluate the performance of Chapel's task-parallel features on a single locale.
Zurich: Andreas
Fichtner and Alexey Gokhberg have explored the possiblity of
using Chapel for programming seismic wave propagation
- The George Washington University: Tarek El-Ghazawi, Engin Kayraklioglu, Olivier Serres, Ahmad Anbar, and others are studying topics such as hardware support for Chapel array accesses and system support for optimizing the placement of Chapel's tasks and locales on a target system architecture by exploiting hierarchical locality.
- Heriot-Watt University: Konstantina Panagiotopoulou is working on resilience in Chapel to transparently handle hard failures in hardware via forward error recovery with task adoption.
- Indiana University: We are exploring extensions to Chapel's object-oriented features to support better interfaces (a la C++ concepts) with Jeremy Siek and Chris Wailes.
- Individual Researcher: Brian Guarraci has been exploring how to use Chapel for ARM processors, search, and Natural Language Processing applications such as a distributed word2vec.
- LLNL: We work with Jeff Keasler, Bert Still, Rob Neely, Riyaz Haque, and David Richards to study proxy applications in Chapel, such as LULESH, CoMD and LCALS.
- LLNL/Rice University: We are collaborating with Tom Epperly, and Shams Imam on extending the Babel system for HPC language interoperability to support Chapel.
- ORNL: We are
working with David Bernholdt and
Tiffany Mintz, who are exploring the notion of
"programmer-guided reliability" in Chapel as a means of
detecting and correcting silent data corruption in applications.
- ORNL: We work with a number of scientists in the Computer Science Research, Extreme Scale Systems Center, and Future Technologies groups to evaluate Chapel for applications of interest such as MADNESS.
- ORNL / Notre Dame: We were involved in a study with Srinivas Sridharan, Jeffrey Vetter, and Peter Kogge to look at asynchronous software transactional memory (STM) on distributed memory architectures in the context of Chapel.
- OSU: We worked with Gagan Agrawal and Bin Ren, to look at using Chapel's user-defined reductions to target data-intensive computations using their FREERIDE technology as a back-end. This resulted in a paper at HIPS 2011 and a poster at LCPC 2010.
- Sandia National Laboratories: We are collaborating with Sandia to implement Chapel's tasking layer and synchronization variables to hardware in an efficient manner using QThreads' user-level tasks and implementation of full-empty bit variables.
- Rice University: Vivek Sarkar, Akihiro Hayashi, and Jisheng Zhao are investigating how LLVM-based optimizations for PGAS programs can improve the performance of Chapel programs.
- Rice
Sarkar, Sagnak Tasirlar, Shams Imam, and Philippe Charles
are looking into adding support for futures to Chapel as well
as general improvements to its task parallel features.
- University of
Delaware: Stephen Siegel,
Timothy Zirkel, and Timothy McClory are investigating the use
of model checking and symbolic execution to verify Chapel
- UIUC: We worked with Vikram Adve and Robert Bocchino to study Software Transactional Memory (STM) concepts for distributed memory architectures (see Software Transactional Memory for Large-Scale Cluters from PPoPP'08 for our initial results: paper, slides).
- UIUC: We are working with David Padua, Maria Garzaran, and Albert Sidelnik to investigate the use of Chapel to program GPU accelerators.
- University of Malaga: We are working with Rafael Asenjo, Maria Angeles Navarro, Rafael Larrosa Jimenez, and Alberto Sanz on parallel I/O, bulk-copy optimizations and redistribution, and dynamic self-scheduling iterators.
- University of Maryland: Jeff Hollingsworth, Ray Chen, and Hui Zhang are investigating how Chapel can include the Active Harmony auto-tuning library and also are looking into data-centric performance analysis.
- University of Tokyo, Taura Lab: We have collaborated with Kenjiro Taura and Jun Nakashima on lightweight threading via MassiveThreads and performance evaluation of Chapel idioms.
- University of Oregon / Paratools Inc.: With Sameer Shende and Allen Malony, we are exploring the possibility of using Tau to analyze the performance of Chapel programs.
- UT Austin: With Calvin Lin and Karthik Murthy we explored possible memory consistency models for use in Chapel.
- Western Washington University: Phil Nelson has been exploring tools for comprehending the execution and performance of Chapel programs, currently included in the release as chplvis.