writeln("Hello, Chapel readers!");

Welcome to the Chapel blog! The goal of this site is to host short, informal articles about the Chapel parallel programming language. Over time, you can expect to see articles teaching language concepts, describing new features or performance results, sharing user experiences, reporting on community events, and other Chapel-related topics. Our intent is that this will be a space for more in-depth content than our Twitter or Facebook feeds can handle, and in more of a browse-at-your-own-speed format than our YouTube channel.

If you’d like to keep up to date with the articles posted on this blog, check out our RSS feed. You can point your newsreader to our feed url to receive full-text articles as they are published.

Wanted: Your Thoughts and Feedback

If there is content you would be interested in seeing on the blog—or an article you’d like to propose writing for it—please let us know in the Chapel Discourse forums. The Discourse Blog Category will also be our primary way of commenting on blog articles or asking questions about them, at least to start out.

We’re considering the coming month to be our “soft launch” of the blog, and will likely be tuning things as we go, so your feedback on the look, feel, and navigation of the site’s content will be particularly valuable during this time.

About Chapel

If you’re not familiar with Chapel, it is a general-purpose programming language that makes parallel programming far more productive than conventional approaches. Chapel supports scalable parallelism, permitting code to be developed using a laptop’s multi-core processor, and then recompiled to run across the nodes and cores of a commodity cluster, cloud instance, or massive-scale supercomputer. Though Chapel code tends to be reasonably concise and readable, the resulting performance can compete with or beat standard high-performance computing (HPC) approaches, such as Fortran/C/C++, OpenMP, MPI, and/or CUDA.

If you’re interested in learning more about Chapel, stick around and keep reading! Alternatively, you can browse the Chapel website and/or reach out to the community via Discourse, Gitter, or some other mechanism.

What’s Next?

During the month of December, several members of the Chapel team at HPE will be participating in Advent of Code 2022. Our intention is to blog about the first twelve days’ worth of exercises as a means of introducing Chapel features and shaking out quirks in the blog. We encourage you to follow along, either as a reader of the resulting articles, or by writing up your own Chapel-based solutions.

Again, welcome to the Chapel blog!