This blog post is a follow-up to the first episode in this series, which focused
on Chapel’s C interoperability features for reading files in NetCDF format. In
the previous post we used Chapel’s extern
keyword to interface with the NetCDF
C library, and were able to learn some information about our dataset that we
will need to store it in a Chapel array. We had not run into any trouble
regarding the fact that the dataset’s shape was unknown beforehand, but in this
post we will highlight some complications that arise (and how to handle them!).
Finally, we will take advantage of Chapel’s task parallel features to store our
dataset in an array that is distributed across locales, where a locale in Chapel
is a group of processors and their memory, such as a compute node in a cluster or
supercomputer. Storing the data in distributed arrays will set us up for fast,
parallel computations further down the road.
The combined code from Part 1 and this post can be seen here:
Recap of Part 1
The above code block is a concise, combined version of the code that was
presented in Part 1. Here, we have created all the infrastructure we need to
know the ID and shape of the dataset we want to read. We have stored the
variable ID in datid
, the number of dimensions in ndims
, and the length of
each dimension in an array, dimlens
. Thus far, the code has been agnostic to
the shape of the dataset; once ndims
is known, it would have simply allocated
enough heap space for the dimids
and dimlens
arrays to handle whatever the
shape is. Creating the arrays to store the dataset will be a different story,
This block follows immediately after the for-loop calling nc_inq_dimlen()
where we now call two procedures, CreateDomain()
and DistributedRead()
below). The biggest thing to notice here is that I have used branching logic
at this step, depending on how many dimensions our dataset has. This is because
in Chapel the dimensionality of [note:In Chapel, a domain is a language feature representing an index set. In practice, domains are used to declare arrays and specify iteration spaces. As an example {1..100, 1..100}
is a domain value representing a 2D 100×100 index set. ] and arrays has to be known at compile-time (contrast this to an interpreted language like Python, which allows arrays
of any rank to be created interactively). This constraint is one reason that Chapel is
able to achieve such high performance and optimization for array operations.
In practice, this means that I have to create a different set of instructions
for each possible dimension of the dataset (essentially telling the compiler to
prepare for each potential incoming array rank). This clearly would become a
pain if the NetCDF file contained data with a large number of dimensions, as a
lot of boilerplate code would need to be written to handle all possible cases
(though this logic could be hidden from the user by pushing it into a library
routine, instead of calling directly into C as is done here).
Here, we are assuming that we’re only interested in reading “typical” climate
science datasets, which tend to have no more than 4 dimensions. An else
statement halts the program and returns an error message if the user reads a
dataset with more than 4 dimensions.
Sidebar: reducing boilerplate code #1
There are some obvious repetitions in the previous code block, namely its
reliance on repeated lines of very similar (i.e. boilerplate) code, which
causes us to stop at the ndims==4
case to keep the program size from
sprawling. Here is an alternative pattern that semantically achieves the same
result, except in a much more concise way:
config param maxDims = 4;
if ndims > maxDims then
halt("Current build can't read " + numdims:string + "-dimensional arrays.\n"
"Recompile with -smaxDims=" + numdims:string + " to support them.");
for param p in 1..maxDims {
if ndims == p {
var dom_in = CreateDomain(p, dimlens);
DistributedRead(filename, datid, dom_in);
The for
loop here allows us to handle datasets with up to 4 dimensions,
which, of course, is an arbitrary choice — we could substitute larger integers,
if desired, though this would incur extra compile time. Note that an
error message has also been included to handle the case when ndims
is greater
than maxDims
. In practice one would probably use the largest dimensionality
that he or she would expect to encounter in the NetCDF file.
Preparing for Distributed I/O
The procedure CreateDomain()
takes as input an integer literal to represent
the number of dimensions, as well as our array dimlens
to inform the shape of
the domain we need to create. We then create and return a domain, stored
in the variable dom_in
back at the callsite.
The range of each dimension i
is from 0
to dimlens[i]-1
which is expressed in CreateDomain()
using the ..<
operator. We will use
to create our distributed array in the next step.
Sidebar: reducing boilerplate code #2
The above code block suffers from the same repetitive patterns that we encountered previously, so here is another alternative pattern to tidy this up. I have chosen to put this code in the Sidebar to keep the main discussion at an introductory level, and to keep the more advanced syntax here from derailing the tutorial:
proc CreateDomain(param numDims, indicesArr) {
var indices: numDims*range;
for param i in 0..<numDims do
indices[i] = 0..<indicesArr[i];
return {(...indices)};
Executing the Distributed I/O
After we have created our domain in the previous code block, our program
calls DistributedRead()
to actually perform the parallelized reading of the
dataset. This procedure takes as input arguments the domain, dom_in
, as well
as filename
and datid
, since we have to open up the NetCDF file
on each locale where we wish to do the reading. Note that I also include here the
definition of another procedure, tuplify()
, which will be used shortly.
Our first task inside DistributedRead()
is to use the BlockDist
module to create
a block-distributed version of dom_in
, which we call D
. Essentially D
is a
partitioning of dom_in
that is evenly distributed across our locales, in
preparation for having each locale read only its own chunk of the dataset. We
then create a distributed array using this domain called dist_array
, which
contains elements of type real(64)
(note that this only specifies the type
that our dataset will be stored as, not its type in the NetCDF file. That is,
the data type of the incoming dataset does not have to be real(64)
, thanks to
NetCDF cleverly distinguishing between internal and external types; see for details). Since
will be used to store the incoming dataset, there is no need to
assign values to it at this time, so all elements initially have a value
of zero.
We now use a coforall
loop and an on-clause, on loc
, to create a
task-parallel reading of our NetCDF file. The code block inside the curly
braces of the coforall
loop executes on each locale, so our objective here is
to make the program read in only the part of the dataset from the NetCDF file
that should be stored on that particular locale, and to store it to the
corresponding part of dist_array
The first line inside the loop creates an extern
declaration of the function
we need for reading, nc_get_vara_double()
. As in Part 1, the corresponding C
version of this function declaration is in the commented text on line 91. This
function has two arguments that we need to construct carefully that lets us do
the distributed read: startp
and countp
. These are pointers to variables
and count
, respectively, which represent hyperslabs, which is a
really just a concise way of saying “rectilinear chunks of the dataset”.
is a tuple that represents which element of the dataset to start
reading at, and count
is another tuple that represents the size of the chunk
that we want to read. Notice that the assignment start
uses a
procedure, tuplify()
(shown earlier), to ensure that it always has the
tuple type (this is mainly used as a guardrail against the ndims=1
for which the first
method would return a scalar instead. Tuples
are needed here to be compatible with the way we have to loop over these arrays,
i.e. start[i]
; the compiler would not allow a scalar to be indexed like this).
For start
we use the localSubdomain().first
method to specify the first
element of D
that belongs to this locale, and for count
we use
to obtain the size of the chunk to read. We then convert
the elements of start
and count
into the c_size_t
type that is required
by nc_get_vara_double()
Now it is time to open our file again, except this time it is opened on each
locale since it is inside the coforall
loop and on
-clause. Here, we avoid
a “gotcha” that is crucial to point out! Notice that we passed filename
into the DistributedRead()
procedure as a Chapel string, and then inside the
statement we used the c_str()
method to cast it into a c_ptrConst(c_char)
Why could we not just pass it into DistributedRead()
as a C string in the first
place? It turns out that C pointer types like c_ptrConst(c_char)
can only point to local memory, so a routine like nc_open()
accept a pointer to remote data, which is what would happen if one created a
pointer to local data on one locale and then referenced it on another locale.
Essentially this means that if filename
is already a C string before
entering the coforall
loop its string data will not be broadcast to each other locale,
and the actual argument inside nc_open()
will have a pointer to arbitrary memory
instead. So be careful when playing with C interoperability in a distributed
Finally, we can call the nc_get_vara_double()
function to perform the read,
keeping in mind that we need to point to dist_array[start]
so that the local
reading occurs at the correct part of dist_array
. After the coforall
terminates, the DistributedRead()
procedure returns the now-filled dist_array
to us, with the distributed dataset stored within. Note that if we wanted to do
operations on/with this array once it is returned, we would have to declare a
variable in main()
to receive it, e.g. var myArray = DistributedRead(...);
In this post we have built upon the C interoperability lessons from Part 1 and
added some distributed task parallelism on top. We got to use some elegant Chapel syntax
to specify where to start reading the dataset on each locale, and which part of
to put that chunk in. Hopefully this has been a good use case to
demonstrate these features of Chapel, and will help users get started with
their own codes that interoperate with C.
Of course for succinctness we have omitted some details that may have caught
the reader’s attention. Here, we hard-coded a real(64)
type to store our input
dataset, but what if we want our dataset to be stored using another type, like
32-bit float or even an integer? Is there a way to handle all possible data
types succinctly, without a load of boilerplate code? Is the default blockDist
distribution always the best one to use? What if we want to do arithmetic
along one axis of our dataset, but that axis is split across multiple locales?
Wouldn’t it be better if we kept that axis all on a single locale, and how do
we do that? Lastly, NetCDF has a _FillValue
attribute that tells the user
which parts of the dataset contain values that should be ignored; how can we
deal with that in Chapel, and in particular, this code?
For answers to these questions, stay tuned for future articles on these topics!
Updates to this article
Date | Change |
Apr 4, 2024 | Replaced used of deprecated c_string with c_ptrConst(c_char) |
Apr 4, 2024 | Replaced used of deprecated Block with blockDist |