Despite its name, the Chapel compiler isn’t just for compiling Chapel programs.
As a benefit of an ongoing rewrite — an effort the team
has nicknamed Dyno — Chapel’s front-end is being redesigned to be more
modular and re-usable. This direction has allowed the team to separate
Chapel’s documentation tool, chpldoc
from the compiler and make it a standalone tool. In addition,
as we’ve written about before, we used the new
front-end to develop a language server, chpl-language-server
, and a linter, chplcheck
The new front-end is not just for use by the core Chapel team; by using the new compiler library, anyone can develop their own tools that interact with Chapel’s source code. In this post, I’ll tell you how you can do that, and give other examples of what can be done. The library is written in C++, but I find that its Python bindings are an excellent way to get started and iterate on language tooling.
Getting Started
The process for installing the Python bindings to the compiler is well-documented elsewhere, and may well change after I write this post as the bindings become more mature, so I will not go over it here.
Let’s start with something simple. The Chapel convention is that record types should
have names that start with a lowercase letter (more specifically, Chapel
records should be in camelCase
). Let’s write a script that finds all record
declarations in a given file, and makes sure that they follow this convention.
The full code is below; I will explain it in detail in subsequent paragraphs.
Let’s break this piece of code down and go piece-by-piece. At the top, we have some imports. For the most part, these are the standard library. The only one specific to the Chapel compiler — as you might have guessed — is the following:
from chapel import *
For convenience, I import the entire module.
Next up, I define a function that
checks if a string is in camelCase
. Its definition isn’t so important
to this post, but feel free to expand the explanation below if you’re interested.
(Click here to see how is_camel_case
The is_camel_case
function uses a regular expression
to check if a string is in the desired format.
This expression might look a little daunting. All it does, however, is specify that the first character should
be a lowercase letter ([a-z]
), after which can follow any number or lowercase
letters (+
means “one or more”). After that, any number of chunks can follow
that start with an uppercase letter ([A-Z]
A special exception is made for words made up of only uppercase letters,
to allow for acronyms such as GPU
The regular expression below is precisely the one used by the Chapel linter,
def is_camel_case(name: str):
return re.fullmatch(r"([a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]*|\d+)*|[A-Z]+)?", name)
Finally, we get to the code that makes use of the compiler front-end. At the
core of Dyno is the Context
object. I will go into more detail about this
later. For now, it’s sufficient to understand that the Context
keeps track
of all of the compiler state, including its configuration, the source code
being compiled, and any information that has been extracted from it. With
the context in hand, we can parse whatever file the user has given us on
the command line:
context = Context()
modules = context.parse(sys.argv[1])
A Chapel file is a collection of modules.
When the file is parsed, the Chapel compiler will return a list of these modules.
All that’s left is to look at all the records in the given file, and check
if their names are in camelCase
. If they are not, we print a message.
for module in modules:
for record, _ in each_matching(module, Record):
if not is_camel_case(
print("Record name is not in camel case:",
The each_matching
function is provided by the chapel
module; it takes
as arguments a pattern and a place to search for that pattern. In our case,
the pattern is simply Record
(representing record declarations in the source
code), and the place is the module
object. For each piece of code that
matches the pattern, the function will return a tuple containing the matching
object. It also returns a second value, which we ignore here; this value
is used when the pattern is more complex and we want to extract more information
from the matching object. The program is traversed recursively by each_matching
so it would return nested records as well.
Running the script on the following Chapel file:
I get the following output:
Record name is not in camel case: NotFine
What I presented here is a very simplified implementation of what goes on
in the chplcheck
linter! In just 14 lines, we were able to get started
on developing language tooling.
Abstract Syntax Trees
The Chapel compiler, like most others, for the most part does not work with the textual representation of the code. Instead, through a process called parsing, the compiler converts the source code into a tree representation; specifically, an abstract syntax tree (AST). ASTs naturally encode the precedence of operators, nesting of expressions, and other syntactic information that is harder to retrieve from the program text.
As an example, take a look at the following program and its AST representation.

All Chapel code is eventually contained within a module. Thus, a Module
is at the root of the syntax tree. Each node has children that represent
other pieces of code contained within it. Since the module in the above program
contains two statements, these two statements are children of this module.
The first statement is a variable declaration. This is represented using a
node. The node contains the name of the
variable being declared, x
. The only child of this node is the expression
that is being used to initialize x
, which is 1+2*3
. Because multiplication
has a higher precedence than addition, that expression is interpreted as
. So, the multiplication is “contained” within the addition, and
the multiplication node (OpCall *
) is a child of the addition node
(OpCall +
The second is a call to writeln
with the variable x
. This is represented by
a function call node. The children of this call are the “called expression”
(in this case, the writeln
procedure) and the arguments being passed
(in this case, the variable x
Each type of node in the tree can be used as a pattern. The ones we’ve seen
so far are Record
, Module
, Variable
, OpCall
, IntLiteral
, FnCall
and Identifier
. To drive the point home, we can print the value of each
integer literal and each binary operation in the program.
Found an operation: +
Found an operation: *
Found a literal: 1
Found a literal: 2
Found a literal: 3
The types of nodes in the Chapel AST form a Python class hierarchy. For instance,
both the FnCall
and the OpCall
nodes inherit from a Call
node. If
you wanted to match all calls, using the Call
node as a pattern would
match both function and operator calls. Similarly, all loops that have index
variables (e.g., for
, foreach
, forall
) inherit from an IndexableLoop
base class. I’ve included the entire list of available classes, organized
in a tree, below. Because it is quite large, I’ve collapsed it to avoid taking
up too much vertical space; you can click the sentence below to expand it.
(Click here to see the Dyno class hierarchy)
├── AnonFormal
├── As
├── Array
├── Attribute
├── AttributeGroup
├── Break
├── Catch
├── Cobegin
├── Conditional
├── Comment
├── Continue
├── Delete
├── Domain
├── Dot
├── EmptyStmt
├── ErroneousExpression
├── ExternBlock
├── FunctionSignature
├── Identifier
├── Implements
├── Import
├── Include
├── Init
├── Label
├── Let
├── New
├── Range
├── Require
├── Return
├── Select
├── Throw
├── Try
├── Use
├── VisibilityClause
├── When
├── WithClause
├── Yield
├── SimpleBlockLike
│ ├── Begin
│ ├── Block
│ ├── Defer
│ ├── Local
│ ├── Manage
│ ├── On
│ ├── Serial
│ └── Sync
├── Loop
│ ├── DoWhile
│ ├── While
│ └── IndexableLoop
│ ├── BracketLoop
│ ├── Coforall
│ ├── For
│ ├── Forall
│ └── Foreach
├── Literal
│ ├── BoolLiteral
│ ├── ImagLiteral
│ ├── IntLiteral
│ ├── RealLiteral
│ ├── UintLiteral
│ └── StringLikeLiteral
│ ├── BytesLiteral
│ ├── CStringLiteral
│ └── StringLiteral
├── Call
│ ├── FnCall
│ ├── OpCall
│ ├── PrimCall
│ ├── Reduce
│ ├── Scan
│ ├── Tuple
│ └── Zip
└── Decl
├── MultiDecl
├── TupleDecl
├── ForwardingDecl
└── NamedDecl
├── EnumElement
├── Function
├── Interface
├── Module
├── TypeQuery
├── ReduceIntent
├── VarLikeDecl
│ ├── Formal
│ ├── TaskVar
│ ├── VarArgFormal
│ └── Variable
└── TypeDecl
├── Enum
└── AggregateDecl
├── Class
├── Record
└── Union
The exact class hierarchy may differ depending on the version of Chapel. I used the following script to generate the formatted version above, which can be used to get an up-to-date version.
When writing Chapel tooling, the AST nodes are one of the primary ways in
which a programmer interacts with a Chapel program. The various methods provided
by AST node classes, as well as other available features, are documented in
the auto-generated chapel
module documentation
(in particular, the documentation for classes, including AST node classes, starts with AggregateDecl
The Python bindings also generate a .pyi
file which contains the same information,
and can be used for Python type checking and autocompletion in editors.
More Patterns and the chapel.replace
I’ve mentioned before that AST nodes can be used as patterns. However,
not all patterns are just AST nodes. The chapel
module supports writing
more complicated patterns, which can help find more specific pieces of code.
For this section, we’ll implement a somewhat limited and impractical version
of a common transformation: constant folding. This transformation replaces
operations on known values with their result. Thus, a program like:
var x = 1+2;
Might be transformed into:
var x = 3;
I would like to stress that this transformation will be limited — we will simplify
into 1+6
, not 7
, and we will only handle integers — and impractical, in the sense
that the Chapel compiler already performs constant folding as a part of
compiling a program (so transforming a source file in this way will not
have any advantages). However, implementing this transformation will allow us
to play with more sorts of patterns.
Another form of pattern in Chapel’s API is a list. When the pattern is
a list, the first element will be matched against AST nodes, whereas the
subsequent elements will be matched against the children of the matched node.
Thus, [OpCall, IntLiteral, IntLiteral]
is a pattern that matches any
binary operation whose operands are integer literals. The expression 2*3
will match this pattern, but 1+2*3
, as a whole, will not. Running the following
Python code:
for module in modules:
for op, _ in each_matching(module, [OpCall, IntLiteral, IntLiteral]):
print("Found an operation:", op.op())
on our previous example file, one-two-three.chpl
, produces the following output, which excludes the addition:
Found an operation: *
A powerful feature of the pattern API is being able to store parts of the matched
AST into a dictionary. Specifically, replacing IntLiteral
with ("?x", IntLiteral)
will still match the same type of node, but will store the match into
key "x"
of the dictionary. This can be used to conveniently retrieve child AST nodes
that are nested deeper in the tree. We can adjust our pattern to do this:
for module in modules:
pattern = [OpCall, ("?lhs", IntLiteral), ("?rhs", IntLiteral)]
for op, vars in each_matching(module, pattern):
print("Found an operation:", op.op())
print("Left operand:", vars["lhs"].text())
print("Right operand:", vars["rhs"].text())
Note that the variable we previously ignored — the second element of the
tuple yielded by each_matching
— is now stored into the dictionary variable
. Running the script above produces:
Found an operation: *
Left operand: 2
Right operand: 3
Given this information, we can work on simplification. For the time being, let’s just implement the four basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
def simplify(opnode, lhs, rhs):
op = opnode.op()
lhs_val = int(lhs.text())
rhs_val = int(rhs.text())
if op == "+":
return lhs_val + rhs_val
elif op == "-":
return lhs_val - rhs_val
elif op == "*":
return lhs_val * rhs_val
elif op == "/":
return lhs_val // rhs_val
return None
for module in modules:
pattern = [OpCall, ("?lhs", IntLiteral), ("?rhs", IntLiteral)]
for op, vars in each_matching(module, pattern):
result = simplify(op, vars["lhs"], vars["rhs"])
if result is not None:
(first_line, _) = op.location().start()
print("I would simplify an expression on line", first_line, "to", result)
Running it on the example above, one-two-three.chpl
, the script produces:
I would simplify an expression on line 1 to 6
To actually perform the simplification, we will use the chapel.replace
This module is specifically provided to help modify Chapel programs via their ASTs.
The core feature of this module is the run
function, which takes a Python
function that finds nodes to replace and then takes over the execution
of the Python program to transform it into a command-line replacer. To
make use of this, all we need to do is turn the outer loop over modules into
a function. Instead of calling print
, this function should yield the
node-to-replace, as well as the new textual value to replace it with.
def simple_constant_fold(rc, module):
for op, vars in each_matching(module, [OpCall, ("?lhs", IntLiteral), ("?rhs", IntLiteral)]):
result = simplify(op, vars["lhs"], vars["rhs"])
if result is not None:
yield (op, str(result))
Running this file as follows:
python one-two-three.chpl
var x = 1+6;
The following is the complete script we developed in this section:
Using Semantic Information
So far, all of the things we’ve done with our Python scripts have been syntactic: they looked solely at the structure of the program, without needing to make sense of the program’s meaning.
What does it mean to look at the program’s meaning? For an example, take a look at the following program:
use IO;
writeln(ioMode : string);
This is a valid Chapel program, and it prints ioMode
. Where did
come from, though? There certainly isn’t a definition of that
type in this snippet. The answer is that ioMode
has been
brought in through the use IO
statement at the top of the program. If we
were to write a version of the program that was only slightly different,
it would not compile:
use IO except ioMode;
writeln(ioMode : string); // error: ioMode is not defined
To understand whether or not an identifier like ioMode
is valid in a given
scope, we need to understand what the surrounding statements
— such as use IO
— actually do, and how they affect the program.
This is what I mean by the “meaning” of the program. In the field of programming
languages, the “meaning” of a program is often referred to as its semantics.
“A major advantage of using the Chapel compiler library to develop language tooling is that it can be queried for semantic information, which would be very hard to replicate in a standalone tool.
Following the semantics can be tricky. In the first example, even though ioMode
doesn’t occur in
the use
statement, it’s brought into scope from the IO
module. In the
second example, even though ioMode
is explicitly mentioned, it’s excluded,
and therefore not in scope. A major advantage of using the Chapel compiler
library to develop language tooling is that it can be queried for semantic
information, which would be very hard to replicate in a standalone tool.
To show this off, let’s write a script which I will dub “docbot”. It will
read a Chapel program, find all references to standard variables and types,
and print out links to their documentation on the Chapel website. We start
out as before, except that this time, I configure context
’s search paths.
When using semantic information, it's important to enable Dyno to access
the standard modules. This is true in part because the standard modules define
a number of essential Chapel procedures (e.g., writeln
More importantly, many Chapel features (ranges,
arrays, tuples) are defined using module code. When querying type information
in particular, these features will be inscrutable without the standard modules.
The empty lists I use as arguments indicate that I am not overriding any
of the default search paths.
For this program, the “secret ingredient” will be the to_node
method. This method, defined on Identifier
and Dot
nodes (which represent
something like x.y
One caveat to using to_node
is that it does not perform call resolution.
Chapel supports function overloading, which means that without type information,
it's not always possible to determine what the foo
refers to. Type checking is far more complicated than
name resolution (hence, slower), and is still an active area of work within
It's possible to use type resolution to retrieve refers-to information,
but this is not done by to_node
, and doing so is prone
to running into limitations of Dyno's current implementation.
] and returns the AST
node of that definition. The following Chapel program is commented with
some examples:
The to_node
method uses the exact same process as the Chapel compiler
when performing name resolution. This has two important consequences:
- You do not have to handle any of it yourself. There’s no need to worry
about scopes, shadowing,
s andimport
s, or any of the other complexities of name resolution. - The information you get will always match what the Chapel compiler would see. This guarantees correctness, in the sense of matching the reference implementation.
To implement “docbot”, we once again iterate over all the
modules, and for each node that’s an Identifier
or a Dot
node, we use
to compute what the node refers to. All that’s left then is to
print the associated link, as well as the line that it occurs on.
I’ve glossed over finding the documentation links for the referenced definitions.
There is a way to do this, but it’s not particularly critical for the point of
this demonstration. As a result, I will relegate its explanation to the appendix;
it’s sufficient to take for granted a function find_doc_link
, which, given
an AST node of a standard library definition, generates a link to its documentation.
The above example uses a set
pattern, which is used to match either of
its arguments. Thus, set([Identifier, Dot])
will match either an Identifier
or a Dot
Running this script on the following Chapel program:
Results in the following output:
On line 1, URL:
On line 1, URL:
On line 3, URL:
On line 4, URL:
On line 4, URL:
All of these links work and take us to the Chapel docs!
You can view or download the complete
script below.
To go further with semantic information, you might use the following methods:
can be used to trigger type resolution and figure out what type a given node has. This can be invoked on any AST node, though only expression-like nodes will return a meaningful result.resolve
gives you access to more of the resolution information. In addition to including thetype
above, it also includes the results of function resolution, if any, which make it possible to inspect what overloads were selected when resolving calls.resolve_via
can be used to perform resolution within generic instantiations. This method is used to implement the “generic views” in the Chapel Language Server.
Next Steps
I hope this article has given you a taste of what the Chapel front-end library
can do. The Dyno effort is not just a project to improve or rewrite the code
of the Chapel compiler; its goals also include allowing others to leverage
the compiler for their own purposes. The Python bindings are a great way
to get started with this, though the full API is also available in C++.
Please see the chpldoc
source code
for an example of using the C++ API, and the
source code for larger examples of using the Python API.
Appendix: Building Documentation URLs
This appendix describes how “docbot” generates URLs to documentation.
One thing to know is that the Chapel documentation of the standard modules
is organized by module. Thus, the IO
module will have its own page, as would
the List
module, and so on. If we find that an Identifier
to some declaration, we will need to find which module it comes from.
The parent_symbol
finds the symbol — function declaration, module,
record, etc. — inside which the given node is being defined. We simply keep
traversing the AST upwards until we find a module (as I mentioned before,
all Chapel code is contained within some module).
There are two more helper functions I ended up using. One of these is build_url
which builds the name of the HTML file corresponding to a particular module.
This name is not just the module name, because some modules can be nested
inside of others (e.g., we might have OuterModule.InnerModule.html
). Thus,
this function traverses upwards through the AST to build a fully-qualified module
The last bit is finding the right definition within its module’s page. Chapel
provides HTML IDs for each definition. For a module-level variable or type declaration,
the ID is just its name. For something like an element of an enumeration (e.g.,
the r
in ioMode
), the ID is fully qualified (i.e., ioMode.r
). The
function takes care of getting this piece.
Finally, find_doc_link
puts all of this together: