Welcome to part 11 in our ‘Twelve Days of Chapel’ Advent of Code 2022 series. If you’re new to the series, take a look at the introductory article for background on what we’re doing.

Today’s Task and My Approach to it

Today’s challenge involves simulating a troop of monkeys as they inspect and throw our precious items amongst themselves using a fairly obtuse pattern defined by an input file. Our goal is to count the number of items each monkey inspects and to multiply the two highest counts together.

Using the description on the AoC site, the problem statement for this challenge sounds inherently sequential: It talks in terms of each monkey taking a turn, one after another, until each has had a turn, completing a round. It also talks about having the monkeys inspect the items one at a time. If implemented literally, there would be no way to compute this algorithm in parallel. So is there anything unique that Chapel can bring to the table today?

As it turns out, yes. As is often the case in parallel programming, there is a parallel approach to the problem if we focus on what we are being asked to compute rather than how we are being told to compute it. Specifically, since the operations that determine where a monkey throws a given item only depend on that item’s value and not on its relationship to other items (like its order in a list), we can inspect and throw the items in any order we wish as long we we keep accurate counts of those items. As an example, each monkey could inspect the items it is holding in parallel using a forall loop due to the independence of the items’ values.

Throwing the items is another matter, however. If a monkey uses a parallel loop to inspect its items, since there are only two monkeys it will throw the items to, it’s quite likely that it will throw multiple items at another monkey simultaneously. For that reason, it is essential that we have some parallel-safe way of catching those thrown items. In this program, I use Chapel’s standard list collection in its parallel-safe mode to accomplish this.

There’s actually another way to execute this program in parallel beyond using a forall loop to process each monkey’s items. Namely, we can simulate the monkeys themselves in parallel. We can create a task per monkey and have those tasks execute for the duration of the rounds of the game, inspecting items and throwing them to other monkeys’ tasks. In this approach, each monkey performs its work sequentially, but all of the monkeys execute concurrently in a loosely synchronous fashion. I ended up taking this approach for today’s article for two reasons:

  1. The monkeys’ item lists are not very large in practice. As a result, spinning up the tasks required to implement a forall loop only to have each task compute a small number of items felt like too much overhead. The Chapel program would spend most of its time creating and destroying tasks rather than computing with them. If the monkeys’ item lists had been much longer, the forall-based approach may have seemed more viable.

  2. Creating a task per monkey permits me to introduce you to some of Chapel’s task-parallel constructs. Task parallelism is well-suited for this type of simulation, and we have not used it yet in this series. Up until now, we’ve been using high-level data-parallel constructs such as promotion and forall loops. In contrast, Chapel’s task parallel features can be considered a lower-level and more explicit way of doing parallel computing. That said, you may still find that these features feel very high-level compared to how threading and synchronization are expressed in conventional performance-oriented languages.

For these two reasons, my approach is to execute each monkey as a distinct, independent task, inspecting and throwing its items at its own pace. The key to adhering to the turn and round structure described in AoC’s sequential version of the algorithm is to have each monkey throw items differently depending on whether the target monkey precedes it or follows it in the turn order.

Specifically, I give each monkey two lists of items, one representing those it must process in this round, and a second representing those intended for the next round. When one monkey throws an item to another whose turn precedes it, it will throw it into the list for the next round; whereas when the monkey throws an item to another whose turn follows it, it will throw it into its list for this round. This can be viewed as a form of double buffering.

That’s the high-level idea anyway. There will definitely be additional details to cover as we go.

If you like eating the icing of your cupcake first, here’s my approach to today’s challenge:

use IO, List, Collectives;

config const numRounds = 20;

class Monkey {
  const id: int,
        op: owned MathOp,
        divisor: int,
        targetMonkey: 2*int;

  var items: [0..1] list(int, parSafe=true),
      current = 0, next = 1,
      numInspected: int;

  proc currentItems() ref {
    return items[current];

  proc nextItems() ref {
    return items[next];

  proc swapItems() {
    current <=> next;

const Monkeys = readMonkeys(),
      numMonkeys = Monkeys.size;

var canFinishTurn: sync int = 0;

var bar = new barrier(numMonkeys);

coforall monkey in Monkeys {

  for 1..numRounds {

const (max, loc) = maxloc reduce zip(Monkeys.numInspected, Monkeys.domain);

Monkeys[loc].numInspected = 0;
const max2 = max reduce Monkeys.numInspected;

writeln(max * max2);

proc Monkey.processItems(canFinishTurn) {

  while (canFinishTurn.readXX() != id || currentItems().size > 0) {

    while currentItems().size > 0 {
      var item = currentItems().popBack();
      numInspected += 1;

      item = op.apply(item);
      item /= 3;

      const target = targetMonkey(item % divisor == 0);

      if (target < id) {
      } else {

  canFinishTurn.writeFF((id+1) % numMonkeys);

class MathOp {
  proc apply(item): item.type {
    halt("We should never end up calling '.apply' on the base class");

class SquareOp: MathOp {
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item * item;

class AddOp: MathOp {
  var val;
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item + val;

class MulOp: MathOp {
  var val;
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item * val;

proc opStringsToOp(operation, operand) {
  if operation == "+" {
    return new AddOp(operand:int): MathOp;
  } else {  // operation is "*"
    if operand == "old" {
      return new SquareOp(): MathOp;
    } else {
      return new MulOp(operand:int): MathOp;

iter readMonkeys() {
  do {
    yield new Monkey();
  } while stdin.matchNewline();

proc Monkey.init() {

  readf("Monkey ");
  this.id = read(int);

  readf(" Starting items:");
  var tempItems: list(int);
  do {
    const val = read(int);
  } while stdin.matchLiteral(",");

  var operation, operand: string;
  readf(" Operation: new = old %s %s", operation, operand);
  this.op = opStringsToOp(operation, operand);

  readf(" Test: divisible by ");
  this.divisor = read(int);

  var targetMonkey: 2*int;
  readf(" If true: throw to monkey %i", targetMonkey(true));
  readf(" If false: throw to monkey %i\n", targetMonkey(false));
  this.targetMonkey = targetMonkey;

  init this;
  for item in tempItems do

Data Parallelism vs. Task Parallelism

The forall loops that we’ve used up to now in this series are considered to be part of Chapel’s data-parallel features. They are typically used to perform the same computation many times in parallel for the items of a data set—like the elements of an array or collection, or the indices of a range or domain. Promotion is another form of data parallelism, since it is defined in terms of forall-loops.

As mentioned on day 3, a key property of the forall-loop is that its iterations can be executed in any order. This means that forall is not appropriate for computations in which parallel tasks must interact with each other—like monkeys throwing items to one another. The reason is that the synchronization between distinct tasks tends to rely on them running simultaneously or in a given order—two things that forall does not guarantee.

In contrast, task-parallel features in Chapel are those in which the programmer explicitly defines tasks that are to be executed in parallel, including what those tasks should compute and how they should coordinate and synchronize with one another. Parallel tasks can be created in Chapel using one of three language constructs:

All coarse-grained parallelism within Chapel is implemented using one of these three features. Sometimes this is done by using them directly; other times, it’s done indirectly—for example, by executing a forall loop whose iterand’s parallel iterator uses them.

In this article, I’ll be creating tasks using the coforall loop. But before getting there, let’s talk a bit more about how tasks are executed in Chapel.

Tasks, Threads, and Processors

In this series, we’ve talked a bit about tasks, threads, and processors in passing, like when introducing forall on day 3. Now that we’re doing a task-parallel computation with explicit synchronization, let’s get a bit more precise and introduce some terminology that I’ll be using today.

Chapel’s specification is intentionally vague about precisely how tasks are executed. This is done to permit the language to map to various parallel architectures without making too many assumptions about what they will or will not be able to handle. In practice, the details of tasks’ implementations are controlled primarily by the (set or inferred) value of the CHPL_TASKS environment variable. In this discussion and article, I’ll be focusing on Chapel’s preferred configuration, CHPL_TASKS=qthreads, which is the default on most platforms.

All Chapel tasks are ultimately implemented by the hardware’s processors, such as the multiple cores of a modern CPU. These cores execute system threads, typically POSIX threads (pthreads), which serve as vehicles for computation. In Chapel’s default configuration, its runtime creates a pthread per core, pinning it to that core for performance reasons. When Chapel features like forall or coforall loops introduce new tasks, they can be mapped down to the pthreads in a variety of ways that aren’t necessary to understand here. Whatever mapping is used, some key properties include:

In the default configuration, tasks run using cooperative multitasking. This means that a task keeps running on its thread and core until it [note:Note that this is a different use of the term 'yield' than we've seen previously in this series. Iterators use the `yield` statement to return one or more values back to their callsites. This use of 'yield' differs, referring to having a task get out of the way so that another task can use its processor.] those resources, permitting another task to take a turn with them. This is done for performance reasons, since switching between tasks too frequently can add overheads that could slow down execution.

Many low-level, high-latency Chapel operations have such task yields built into them to help ensure that tasks make progress and don’t get stuck waiting for resources. For example, some Chapel operations are said to block a task, meaning that the task will be stuck until some external event occurs. This is an obvious time for that task to yield its processor since it can’t immediately proceed anyway. Moreover, by yielding, it may permit a task to run whose actions will un-block it. This is ultimately to its benefit as well as to the program’s as a whole.

Despite the fact that task yields are built into several Chapel features, when doing explicit task-parallel programming, a user can definitely create problems for themselves if they are not aware of how their tasks use the system resources. For example, if each of the tasks currently running on the cores’s pthreads were to reach an infinite loop in the program, like:

while true {

they would effectively starve the other tasks in the program since they are not yielding their processors, and therefore are preventing other tasks from getting the chance to run.

In practice, such errors are often caused by cases that are not as simple or obvious as this one. More likely, the tasks are waiting for something to happen without yielding the processor, thereby preventing other tasks that would cause that “something” to occur from running. In one of my early drafts of today’s program, I had such a bug, in which I had 8 tasks running on my 4-core laptop. The tasks that were running were all waiting on events from the ones that were not; yet they were also not yielding, so my program would get stuck. This is a condition known as livelock in that tasks are running, yet no computational progress is being made.

Now that we’ve covered that background material, let’s start looking at some code:

Using Modules and Configuring Rounds

My program starts, as most in this series have, with a use statement indicating the modules whose features I’ll be relying on today:

use IO, List, Collectives;

IO is a module we’ve used daily in this series, and here I’ll need it once again to read and parse our input file. As seen in some previous articles, the List module provides the list collection that I’ll use for maintaining the monkeys’ items. I’m also using the Collectives module, which is new in this article. It provides a way for a number of tasks to synchronize with one another using barrier synchronization. I’ll explain these barriers in more detail once we reach their use cases in today’s code.

I also declare a config const here at the outset to specify the number of rounds in our monkey simulation.

config const numRounds = 20;

As we’ve seen in other programs, this allows me to change the number of rounds for a given execution of the program from its default of 20 using the command-line flag Chapel provides for configs. For example, I could run 10,000 rounds, as in part two, using:

$ ./day11 --numRounds=10000`

This config permits me to change how my program runs with no edits to the program text, no need to recompile, and no manual argument parsing.

Defining our Monkeys as Classes

Next, I’ll define a class named Monkey that stores all of the state that I need to associate with each of our monkeys.

Constant Monkey Fields

I start by declaring my Monkey class and its constant fields, which will be invariant across the monkey’s lifetime:

class Monkey {
  const id: int,
        op: owned MathOp,
        divisor: int,
        targetMonkey: 2*int;

The first field is the monkey’s id, as given in the input file, numbered from 0.

Next, I declare an op field, which is an owned instance of an parent class named MathOp. We’ll look at MathOp and its subclasses a bit later in the article, but for now, know that they will implement the monkey’s individual operations, like adding six to an item’s value, or squaring it. We saw classes on day 7 and learned that owned is a memory management strategy in which a single variable owns a class object at any given time. When that owner is de-allocated, so is the class. In this case, each monkey has its own unique math operation, so having it ‘own’ the class representing that operation is a natural approach.

The third field is divisor. This represents the integer value the monkey will use to check an item’s divisibility when determining who to throw it to next. For example, in the sample input, the first monkey’s divisor is 23.

Finally, I declare targetMonkey, which is a 2-tuple storing the ids of the two monkeys that this one will throw items to, depending on whether or not their worry level is divisible by divisor.

Variable Monkey Fields

Next, let’s look at the variable fields in my Monkey class:

  var items: [0..1] list(int, parSafe=true),
      current = 0, next = 1,
      numInspected: int;

The first is items, which is a 2-element array of lists. Its elements are used to implement the double-buffering strategy mentioned above: one of the lists will store the items that the monkey needs to process in the current round, and the other will store those that it needs to process in the next one. Because our items are represented as integers, I declare the list types as list(int, ...) to indicate that they store int values. I also provide an additional argument to the type signature, parSafe=true. This opts in to an implementation of the list that is designed to support concurrent operations. For example, this makes it safe for multiple monkeys to add items to a list simultaneously, or for a monkey to remove items from its list while others are adding new ones.

Next up are two integers, current and next. These are used to indicate which of the two lists represents the items to be processed in the current round, and which stores the items for the next. From one round to the next, we will swap the values of these two variables so that list 0 will store the first round’s items, list 1 will store the second round’s, then back to list 0 for round three, and so on.

The final field in Monkey is used to store the number of items that monkey inspects. This will be used to compute our final result at the end of the program.

Monkey Methods for Item Lists

Before getting to the parallel simulation, I also define a few methods to help manage and abstract away the monkey’s item lists. The first two methods hide the details of the double-buffering, returning the lists representing the current, and next, rounds’ items, respectively:

  proc currentItems() ref {
    return items[current];

  proc nextItems() ref {
    return items[next];

Note that these methods have a ref keyword after their argument list. This indicates that they will return a reference to the expression being returned rather than its value. In this case, rather than returning a copy of the list in question, they permit the callsite to refer directly to the original list. The callsites could simply refer to items[current] and items[next] directly, but by creating these methods, I give myself the ability to change the representation of the double-buffered lists without modifying the simulation code at the callsites.

The final list-related method will be used between rounds to swap the current and next list indices such that the ’next’ list of items becomes the ‘current’ one and the ‘current’ becomes the next:

  proc swapItems() {
    current <=> next;

This method uses an operator that we haven’t seen yet, the swap operator (<=>). It can be considered a shorthand for the typical way of swapping two values:

const tmp = current;
current = next;
next = tmp;

Besides being a more concise way of expressing the swap, using the swap operator can also enable optimized swap implementations for more complex data types, such as arrays.

Creating our Troop of Monkeys

Now that I’ve defined a class representing a single monkey, let’s create a whole troop of them. Here, I’m using the time-honored technique in this series of invoking an iterator, readMonkeys(), which reads the input file, yielding an unknown number of Monkey objects back to me, which I then store in an array named Monkeys:

const Monkeys = readMonkeys(),
      numMonkeys = Monkeys.size;

Though the fields within my Monkey classes will change as the program runs, the identities of those classes will not, so I declare Monkeys to be const. I then query the size of the Monkeys array and store the result in another constant, numMonkeys, as a convenience.

The I/O for today’s puzzle is the most challenging we’ve seen yet for AoC 2022. I’ll show how I approached it towards the end of this article because I’d rather focus on task-parallel programming in Chapel than teaching you to become a master of parsing input data (not that I’m a master myself).

Simulating Monkeys Using Task Parallelism

Now that I’ve defined how a single monkey is represented and have created a troop of monkeys, I’m ready to set the parallel simulation in motion using task-parallel concepts.

Chapel’s sync variables

In Chapel, when tasks need to coordinate with one another, the safest way to do so is by accessing sync or atomic variables that are declared in a scope that is visible to the tasks in question. In today’s article, I’ve decided to use sync or synchronization variables. We’ll see examples of atomic variables in our day 12 article.

In Chapel, the sync variable has several unique properties. The most significant is that, in addition to its normal value, it stores a full/empty bit which says whether that value is valid or not. Reads and writes to synchronization variables are done through methods, and these methods indicate what state the full/empty bit must be in for the operation to proceed. If the bit is not in that state, the task attempting the read or write will block, allowing other tasks to execute instead. Though this is a very important property of sync variables, it isn’t one I’ll be using today because I don’t want my monkeys to spend their time blocking when they could be processing items thrown to them from another monkey.

I do rely on some other properties of sync variables. One is that certain methods on sync variables cause the task performing the call to yield its processor to another task. This is crucial when you want to simulate more monkeys than there are processors on your system, since a monkey that fails to yield will hog its thread and processors, potentially preventing other monkeys from making crucial progress. This relates to the bug in an early draft of my program that I mentioned earlier:

In my program, I was running eight monkey tasks on four processors without performing any operations that would yield the processors. As a result, I ended up in a livelock situation: The monkeys that were running were waiting for more items to inspect, or to be told that it was safe to end their turn; but the monkeys who could give them those items or information were not running on a processor. As a result, the monkeys whose tasks were running would wait forever (or, really, until I killed the program). Using synchronization variables to coordinate between the monkeys fixed this problem since the sync variable accesses I used caused the monkeys’ tasks to yield.

Another key property of sync variables is that accesses to them imply a memory fence. At a high level, this means that all memory operations that were started before a read or write to the sync variable are guaranteed to be written to memory before the sync operation is performed. This is important due to Chapel’s memory consistency model which is a very advanced topic that I won’t be covering in today’s article. Suffice it to say, these memory fences make sync variables a very safe way to coordinate between tasks.

Tracking Turns Using a sync variable

Given that long introduction, here is my sync variable for this program, canFinishTurn:

var canFinishTurn: sync int = 0;

This variable is used to keep track of the monkeys’ turns within a round. Specifically, a challenge in my task-per-monkey model is that when a monkey is processing the items in its list and has emptied it, it’s not obvious whether its turn for this round is over or whether, once it waits a bit longer, some other monkey will throw it another item to process. This synchronization variable is designed to answer that question.

Specifically, remember that—due to the problem statement’s sequential nature—a monkey only needs to process items during the current round if they were thrown to it by a monkey whose turn preceded it—that is, a monkey with a lower ID. As a result, from the start of a round, monkey 0 knows that nobody else can throw items for it to process in this round since it is the first monkey. If any items are thrown to it, they will be stored in its list of items for the next round. Thus, when monkey 0’s list of current items is empty, it knows that it’s done with its turn and this round.

Recursively, once monkey 0 is done with its turn, no other monkeys can throw items for monkey 1 to handle during this round, because only monkey 0 preceded it in the turn order. And once monkey 1 is finished, nobody will be able to throw new items to monkey 2. And so on.

So, the synchronized canFinishTurn variable is essentially a shared way for the monkeys to know whether or not it is OK for them to finish their turn when their item list is empty—that is, whether it is guaranteed that no new items will show up needing to be processed in this round. Since this is initially true only for monkey 0, I initialize canFinishTurn to 0. As we will see a bit later on, when each monkey finishes its turn, it increments the value of this synchronization variable, permitting the monkey that follows it to end its turn once its item list is empty, and so forth.

One final note on this declaration: Recall that sync variables store a full/empty bit in addition to their value (the int represented by a sync int in this case). When a sync variable has an explicit initializer, like the = 0 in my declaration, that causes its full/empty bit to be initialized to the ‘full’ state. If it does not have an initializer, as in this declaration:

var canFinishTurn: sync int;

its full/empty bit is set to ’empty’. Since I initialized canFinishTurn in my program, it will be ‘full’ to start out (and, in fact, will remain ‘full’ for the duration of the program).

Declaring a Barrier for Coordinating Monkeys

A common form of synchronization in parallel programming is barrier synchronization. This introduces a point in the program where all tasks participating in the barrier must pause and wait for all other participating tasks to also reach the barrier. Only after all the tasks have arrived can they all proceed past the barrier.

We’ll use barriers a bit later in our computation, but to do so, we need to declare a variable representing the barrier now:

var bar = new barrier(numMonkeys);

This declares an instance of the barrier type defined by the Collectives module we used at the program’s outset. It takes an integer argument indicating the number of tasks that will participate in the barrier. Because I will create a task per monkey and will want them all to participate in the barrier synchronization, I passed in numMonkeys as that value.

Chapel’s coforall Loops

At last, we are ready to create our monkey tasks. To do this, I’m using Chapel’s coforall loop. The coforall is similar to the for and forall loops that we’ve seen before, in that it can iterate over one or more iterand expressions, binding the values yielded by those expressions to loop index variables. However, where the for loop executes its iterations sequentially using a single task and the forall loop executes them using whatever tasks its parallel iterator specifies (typically equal to the number of processor cores available to the loop), the coforall loop creates a distinct task for every one of its iterations.

As a simple example of coforall loop, consider this code:

coforall tid in 1..4 do
  writeln("Hello from task ", tid);
writeln("After the coforall");

Because iterating over this range yields four indices, the coforall will create four tasks, one for each iteration. Each task gets its own tid variable with a unique value from 1 through 4. Each task executes its own copy of the loop body, printing a unique greeting. Because the tasks are all executing concurrently and not synchronizing, the messages could appear on the console in any order.

One other property of the coforall loop is that the task which encounters the loop and spawns the per-iteration tasks will not proceed past the loop until those tasks have all completed executing their loop bodies. Thus, in the example above, though the order of the per-task messages is nondeterministic, the message “After the coforall” is guaranteed to print only after the four tasks have printed their messages and completed running. Here is the output from a sample compile and run of this program:

$ chpl hello-coforall.chpl
$ ./hello-coforall
Hello from task 2
Hello from task 1
Hello from task 3
Hello from task 4
After the coforall

Running again, we might see the first four lines printed in a completely different order, but the fifth will always be last.

(When should I use coforall vs. forall…?)

The reason Chapel has both coforall and forall loops essentially comes down to a question of efficiency. If you want to increment all of the elements in an array A, you could write:

coforall a in A do
  a += 1;

However, imagine that A was declared over the domain {1..1000, 1..1000}. Since A has a million elements, this loop has a million iterations, and the use of the coforall to drive it would create a million tasks. That’s a lot of parallelism if you’re only running on a 4-core laptop—far more than you need.

Moreover, even if you had a million cores, creating tasks only to have each perform a single + 1 operation means that your program will spend most of its time creating and destroying tasks rather than doing useful work. It would be a bit like going to the grocery store to buy one item at a time—you’d spend far more time in travel than doing the actual work of shopping. This is why Chapel has forall loops: to create a number of tasks based on the number of available processors, and then have them each do a portion of the total work, amortizing the cost of creating the tasks.

Specifically, rewriting the above coforall as a forall, like so:

forall a in A do
  a += 1;

says “Here are a bunch of independent increment operations that I want to perform in parallel. Please defer to A’s parallel iterator method to decide how to make that happen.” In practice, most parallel iterators on standard Chapel types, like ranges, domains, and arrays, will query the number of processor cores available, create a number of tasks equal to those cores, and divide up the work between those tasks. For example, on my 4-core laptop, 4 tasks would be created by default, and the million iterations of this loop would be divided into equal-sized chunks of 250,000 elements, each of which would be executed by one of the tasks.

To summarize, use a forall loop whenever the iterations of your loop are independent, particularly when the number of iterations far exceeds the number of processors available for you to run on. Use a coforall loop when you literally want to create a task per iteration; or when you must do so because the tasks need to synchronize or coordinate with one another in a way that breaks the forall loop’s assumption that the iterations can be executed in any order.

Creating Monkey Tasks with coforall Loops

Now that you know about coforall loops, we can create our tasks! This has been a lot of build-up to what is a very simple loop structure in Chapel:

coforall monkey in Monkeys {

Here, I am iterating over my Monkeys array, creating a distinct task for each monkey. If Monkeys has 8 elements, this loop will create 8 tasks. Each task or iteration will have its own monkey loop index variable referring to its unique Monkey object from the Monkeys array.

What those tasks do is governed by the body of the loop, which is as follows:

  for 1..numRounds {

Though this loop’s body is short, it’s also a bit dense because of the barrier, so let’s go through it step by step.

We start with a sequential for loop representing the rounds of the simulation. Each of our monkey tasks takes a turn in each of the rounds, and this loop essentially counts off those rounds. Because I didn’t need to refer to the round number within the loop, I didn’t bother giving it an index variable.

Within each round:

After numRounds iterations through this loop, we are done with our simulation. And then we reach the end of the coforall loop, which waits for all the monkey tasks to finish before going on to the end of the program’s execution.

Printing the Program Output

When we are done simulating our monkeys, we can read their numInspected fields to see how many items they each inspected. These fields are incremented in the processItems() method, which we haven’t seen yet, but will in just a bit. For now, you’ll have to trust me that the values have been properly incremented by the time we reach this point.

The AoC instructions ask us to find the two monkeys who inspected the most items and multiply their values together. There are a few ways one might approach this in Chapel. I did it using reductions. Specifically, I started with a maxloc reduction (introduced on day 6) to find the largest value and its index within the Monkeys array:

const (max, loc) = maxloc reduce zip(Monkeys.numInspected, Monkeys.domain);

The value itself will be stored in max and its location in loc. I then zero out that monkey’s numInspected field and run a second max reduction to find the second largest value, max2:

Monkeys[loc].numInspected = 0;
const max2 = max reduce Monkeys.numInspected;

Finally, I multiply these two values together and print them out:

writeln(max * max2);

(I could then store max back into Monkeys[loc]’s numInspected field to restore the original results for posterity, if desired; but I didn’t bother doing that here).

Processing a Monkey’s Items Using a Secondary Method

Now let’s look at my method for how a monkey processes its items. This is what’s known as a secondary method in Chapel because I have declared it outside of the Monkey class, yet within the same module that defines Monkey:

proc Monkey.processItems(canFinishTurn) {

As you can see, I associate the method with the Monkey class by qualifying the method name processItems with the Monkey. prefix.

For all intents and purposes, this secondary method is equivalent to declaring the procedure as a primary method directly within the Monkey class’s scope, as I did for currentItems(), nextItems(), and swapItems() above. So, I could have declared processItems() earlier as follows:

class Monkey {
  proc processItems(canFinishTurn) {

In this case, I used a secondary method simply so I could walk you through the code in what felt like a more logical order to me. In practice, developers may choose between primary and secondary methods for similar reasons, or just due to personal style preferences. Again, the key is that either approach is equivalent in Chapel.

As we saw at the callsite, I’m passing our sync variable, canFinishTurn into this routine so that the monkey can tell when it’s OK to stop processing items and complete its turn.

The body of processItems() is dominated by a while-loop that continues running as long as canFinishTurn does not store our ID yet:

  while (canFinishTurn.readXX() != id || currentItems().size > 0) {

As long as it does not, monkeys preceding us are still running and could throw more items to us. The loop also runs as long as there are more items in our current list that need processing, by checking the size of currentItems().

The .readXX() call on canFinishTurn is one of several methods supported for reading or writing synchronization variables. Because of their full/empty bits, sync variables can’t simply be accessed like normal variables. Instead, methods must be used that say what state the full/empty bit must be in for the read or write to start, as well as what state the operation should leave it in.

For example, a common way to read a sync variable is using the readFE() method, which says that the full/empty bit must start in the ‘full’ state (F) for the operation to proceed. If it isn’t, the task performing the read will block, yielding its processor. Once the variable is ‘full’, the task can perform the read, and will leave the full/empty bit in its ’empty’ state (E). If multiple tasks are attempting a readFE() on a single variable simultaneously, only one will succeed since whichever one performs the read will leave it ’empty’ blocking other tasks from reading. This is a very common approach for writing producer-consumer parallelism in Chapel, and an efficient use of resources since any blocked task(s) will not consume CPU resources until the variable becomes ‘full’.

In this program, we don’t really want our monkeys to block, though, since additional items may arrive that they’ll need to process before ending their turn. This is why I’ve taken the approach of keeping canFinishTurn in its ‘full’ state at all times. And since I don’t care what state the full/empty bit is in, I use .readXX() to get its value. The first X in .readXX() indicates that the read does not care whether the full/empty bit is in its ‘full’ or ’empty’ state. The second X indicates that the operation won’t change the bit’s setting as it performs the read. So this is essentially a way of “peeking” at the sync variable’s integer value without changing anything about its full/empty bit. This read also gives other tasks the opportunity to run and implies a memory fence for other loads and stores.

(An aside about a subtle bug that I hit along the way…)

While preparing my code for this article, at one point I swapped the order of my tests in this while loop as follows, thinking it might give me a slight boost in performance:

while (currentItems().size > 0 || canFinishTurn.readXX() != id) {

For my first few runs, I got the right answer; then, on a subsequent run, did not. Running some more, I found that I was getting incorrect results in about one out of every ten runs. It turns out that I had introduced a subtle race condition into my code. Specifically, my mental model was “If my current list of items has size 0 and I can finish my turn, I should exit this loop.” But what I failed to consider was the potential for a subtle race. Imagine I am monkey 3:

  • I check the size of my list of current items and find it to be 0 because I’d already cleared it out on previous iterations of this loop.

  • Meanwhile, monkey 2 is running in parallel and finds some new items for me, so it throws them into my current list because it precedes me in the turn order.

  • Then, monkey 2 decides it is done and sets canFinishTurn to my ID, 3.

  • Then, I go to read canFinishTurn, see that it stores my ID and decide it is safe for me to proceed.

  • Yet, it actually is not, because I’ve ignored the fact that new items have shown up in my list since I checked its size.

If this scenario may seem hard to imagine (“How could those changes slip in so fast?!?”), welcome to the world of modern parallel computing where multicore processors can keep these monkeys running continuously, causing operations to overlap with one another in time in just this way.

When I restored these expressions to the original order, the code became correct again: I only consider proceeding once monkey 2 has given me the go-ahead, but then will only actually proceed once I’ve verified that it hasn’t thrown me any new items since I last checked my current item list’s size.

This was a great reminder that while Chapel makes parallel programming far more straightforward than conventional techniques, parallel programming is still inherently challenging by nature. Race conditions between tasks can be subtle and difficult to anticipate, even for an experienced parallel programmer. It’s worth noting that such challenges often arise when using Chapel’s task-parallel features: Because the coordination and synchronization between tasks is under the programmer’s control, it is also their burden to make sure all the tasks are executing and synchronizing correctly. In contrast, the data-parallel features tend to provide a simpler model of parallelism to the programmer, and one that handles many common cases. All the details of creating and coordinating tasks still exist, yet they are hidden within abstractions like parallel iterators.

Whenever a monkey enters the main while loop in processItems(), it either has more items that it needs to process in the current round, or it’s not allowed to end its turn yet. The body of the while-loop checks for items and processes them if there are any:

    while currentItems().size > 0 {
      var item = currentItems().popBack();
      numInspected += 1;

This inner while-loop exists to make sure we don’t remove items from our list when it’s empty. It also serves as a means of processing as many items as possible before going back to check the synchronized canFinishTurn variable again (since reading a sync is a bit more heavyweight than reading a typical variable and could also cause us to yield our processor to another monkey).

Each time through this loop, the monkey removes an item from its current list with the .popBack() method and increments its numInspected count to track the item (see, I said you could trust me that it would!).

Next, it processes the item:

      item = op.apply(item);
      item /= 3;

The first line here applies the monkey’s operator, which will add to, multiply, or square its item’s value. Then we divide the item’s value by 3 to reflect our relief that the monkey didn’t break it, as indicated by the AoC instructions.

All that remains is to throw the item to the appropriate target monkey. We do this by seeing whether or not the item’s value modulo divisor is 0, using the result to index into our targetMonkey() tuple, storing the monkey’s ID in a constant, target:

      const target = targetMonkey(item % divisor == 0);

Note that this indexing expression relies on Chapel’s support for implicitly converting bool values to ints, where false converts to 0 and true to 1. Thus, this is essentially shorthand for:

const target = if item % divisor == 0 then targetMonkey(1) else targetMonkey(0);

We’ve actually used these conversions on previous days, such as day 8):

writeln(+ reduce visible(ForestSpace, Forest));

In this expression, visible() returns true or false, and we relied on the implicit conversion of these values into integers in order to add them up and get the number of visible trees using + reduce.

You might also notice that I’m indexing into targetMonkey using parentheses rather than square brackets. Chapel permits indexing expressions (and subroutine calls) to be written with either square brackets or parentheses, and my personal style is to typically use square brackets when indexing into arrays and parentheses for tuples.

Then, we “throw” the item to the target monkey’s items lists using the list.pushBack() method. If the target monkey’s ID is less than ours, we know that we have to throw the item to its list of items for the next round. Conversely, if the monkey’s ID is greater than ours, it will need to handle the item in this round, so we append to its current item list:

      if (target < id) {
      } else {

Each monkey continues this process until its current list of items is empty (i.e., its size is 0) and the sync variable indicates that it’s OK for it to end its turn (i.e., all of the monkeys preceding it have finished their turns, so no other items will be thrown to it in this round).

When a monkey exits the main while loop in processItems(), it finishes its turn by updating the value in canFinishTurn. This signals to the next monkey that its predecessors are done, so nobody will be throwing it any more items this round:

  canFinishTurn.writeFF((id+1) % numMonkeys);

Note that I’m using the .writeFF() method here to state that this write should only occur when the sync variable is ‘full’ and that it should leave it ‘full’. As mentioned previously, canFinishTurn() starts out ‘full’, and none of our operations—most notably the readXX() earlier—will change this state. So there is no chance of the full/empty bit being in the ’empty’ state or of this task blocking.

Also, note that the last monkey resets the value to 0 for the next round, due to the use of modular arithmetic.

(a note on the performance characteristics of this simulation…)

Before going on, it’s worth pausing to consider whether applying parallelism to this problem is worthwhile or not. On the plus side, giving each monkey its own task permits multiple monkeys to process their item lists simultaneously. On an 8-core processor, all 8 monkeys could be executing simultaneously throughout the program’s execution. Since we only create the monkey tasks once, for a long-running simulation of 10,000 rounds, the cost of creating and tearing down the tasks is amortized by the long execution time.

However, this program also has a fairly staggered, asynchronous execution pattern. While all monkeys with non-empty lists will have parallel work to do at the start of a round, monkey 0 will necessarily finish first since nobody can throw it new work; and monkey 7 may continue receiving work right up until monkey 6 finishes its turn. So unlike a well-balanced forall loop, our monkeys will necessarily have workloads that are skewed in time, with the smaller IDs finishing earlier and higher ones finishing later. This is not terrible, but it does mean that processor utilization will vary per task, and that we won’t see “perfect speedup” since not everyone can execute simultaneously the entire time.

In addition, by changing from a serial implementation to a parallel one, we’ve added synchronization overheads: The monkeys must access a sync variable to determine when their turns are over, which is more expensive than a normal variable access. The monkeys also have to interact with parallel-safe lists which add overheads relative to non-parallel-safe lists. And finally, they must enter and wait at the barrier synchronizations before proceeding. The combination of these operations adds a fair amount of overhead that would not be at all present or necessary in a simpler sequential version.

As in many of these AoC 2022 codes, the use of parallelism may not be justified from a performance perspective. The AoC site describes these challenges as having solutions that can run in 15 seconds on 10-year-old computers, presumably using serial approaches. However, it is not difficult to imagine that with a large enough set of items, or potentially a large number of monkeys and cores, the benefits of having multiple monkeys processing their long lists of tasks simultaneously would outweigh the additional overheads of coordinating between them.

And this is the promise of parallel computing: to apply it to computationally intensive problems where the overheads of introducing parallelism and coordinating between tasks are outweighed by being able to do multiple things simultaneously for long enough periods to outweigh those costs. Fortunately for the parallel programming community, the world is full of such problems even if our AoC monkey simulation may not be one of them.

As we’ve mentioned before in this series, our goal in writing these articles is not to suggest that this is the right or best way to solve these AoC problems, but to use the problems to teach you Chapel’s parallel features in a simple, well-defined setting in hopes that you can take the lessons and apply them to large, well-motivated, real-world problems that take hours or days to run without parallelism.

Using A Class Hierarchy to Represent Monkeys’ Operations

I’ve left the representation of the monkey’s operations quite vague so far, so let’s clear that up. To represent the operators, I used a little class hierarchy, consisting of a base class, MathOp:

class MathOp {
  proc apply(item): item.type {
    halt("We should never end up calling '.apply' on the base class");

The MathOp class has three subclasses, representing the three operations a monkey might do. The first represents squaring the item’s value:

class SquareOp: MathOp {
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item * item;

The other two add a value to the item or multiply the item by a value, respectively, where the other value is stored as a field within the class:

class AddOp: MathOp {
  var val;
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item + val;

class MulOp: MathOp {
  var val;
  override proc apply(item) {
    return item * val;

This is the first time we’ve seen subclasses in this series. If you’ve used object-oriented programming (OOP) in C++, Java, Smalltalk, or any other OOP language, the concept is likely familiar to you. If not, you can think of a subclass as being a specialization of its parent class. In this case, MathOp represents an abstract mathematical operation, while SquareOp, AddOp, and MulOp represent specific kinds of math operations.

Chapel subclasses are declared by specifying a parent class constraint after the class name, like : MathOp here. The reason I use a class hierarchy is to declare the monkeys’ op fields using a well-defined type, but to permit different monkeys to have different flavors of operations. All the compiler needs to know is that they are MathOps, but at execution time, each monkey will store an instance of one of the specific child classes.

Chapel’s class hierarchies support dynamic dispatch, which is specified by using the override keyword as a prefix on the child class methods that are meant to replace their parent’s. I use override on the declarations of apply() in my subclasses to indicate that when I ‘apply’ a monkey’s operation, it should use the apply() method of the specific sub-class. We saw such a call in processItems() above:

    item = op.apply(item);

For this call, the Chapel program will execute the appropriate override method in the child class that the monkey is storing. Again, this is similar to dynamic dispatch in virtually any OOP language.

To create instances of these class-based operations, I wrote the following little helper routine, which takes the two strings uniquely identifying the operator from the input (like * 19, + 6, or * old) and converts them to an instance of the appropriate class. When present, it stores the numerical operand into the class’s val field:

proc opStringsToOp(operation, operand) {
  if operation == "+" {
    return new AddOp(operand:int): MathOp;
  } else {  // operation is "*"
    if operand == "old" {
      return new SquareOp(): MathOp;
    } else {
      return new MulOp(operand:int): MathOp;

Reading the Input using an Iterator and Initializer

To read in the monkeys, I use an iterator that runs a loop, creating monkeys until it fails to find a newline (\n) in the console’s input channel, stdin:

iter readMonkeys() {
  do {
    yield new Monkey();
  } while stdin.matchNewline();

This iterator uses a different pattern than we’ve seen before. The Monkey class’s initializer (defined below) does all the heavy lifting of reading a monkey’s description from the input file. The loop simply yields those monkeys back to the callsite as they are created. The call to matchNewline() returns true if a \n is found next in the input and false otherwise (indicating we’ve reached the end of the file).

Speaking of the initializer, here it comes. Initializers can be a tricky bit of code to write in Chapel, as they must initialize a record or class’s fields in the same order that they were declared, and must also follow certain rules and constraints. Up until now, our uses of classes in this series have relied on the compiler’s default initializer in all cases. For this program, however, I wanted the initializer to read in the input file directly and save the values to their appropriate constant fields at initialization-time.

I’m already way over my target word-count, so am not able to teach you the intricacies of initializers today. Instead, let me walk you through what I did at a high level:

First, the initializer’s declaration is made using the proc keyword and the method name init(). Like processItems(), it is declared as secondary method since we’ve long since left the scope of the Monkey class:

proc Monkey.init() {

Initializers can take arguments like normal procedures, but are called using new Monkey(...) rather than <something>.init() since the whole point of them is to create something out of nothing.

Next, I read in the monkey’s ID:

  readf("Monkey ");
  this.id = read(int);

Here, I’ve used readf() to read in the fixed formatting from the file, as we’ve seen in previous days’ examples. However, I’m using a read() procedure that we have not seen. It takes a type argument, reads a value of the given type from stdin, and returns it. Here, I use the routine to read an int and initialize the id field with its value.

Next, I read in the monkey’s items list into a temporary list named tempItems:

  readf(" Starting items:");
  var tempItems: list(int);
  do {
    const val = read(int);
  } while stdin.matchLiteral(",");

I use tempItems here because an object’s fields must be initialized in order. The array of item lists is next in our input file format, yet the field is declared later in my class. So I store the values here for now, and will put off setting up the items field until later.

Next, I read the monkey’s operation and use my opStringsToOp() helper to convert it into the appropriate MathOp subclass. I use this to initialize the op field:

  var operation, operand: string;
  readf(" Operation: new = old %s %s", operation, operand);
  this.op = opStringsToOp(operation, operand);

Then I read and initialize the divisor:

  readf(" Test: divisible by ");
  this.divisor = read(int);

Then I read and store the target monkeys:

  var targetMonkey: 2*int;
  readf(" If true: throw to monkey %i", targetMonkey(true));
  readf(" If false: throw to monkey %i\n", targetMonkey(false));
  this.targetMonkey = targetMonkey;

Finally, I copy tempItems into the items field using the current items list:

  init this;
  for item in tempItems do

I do this after an init this; statement, which ensures that all remaining fields are initialized, permitting me to write arbitrary code like the loop and indexing expressions here. When Chapel reaches an init this; statement, any fields that had initializers at their declaration point (like current = 0 and next = 1) are initialized with those values. Fields that don’t are initialized to their type’s default value, as with normal variable declarations in Chapel.


And that is my program for day 11! We covered a lot of new ground here, mostly in the task parallelism realm, where we saw coforall loops, synchronization variables, and barriers for the first time. However, we also got a quick taste of some fancy IO, class hierarchies, dynamic dispatch, and our first user-defined class initializer. You can download my full solution at the top of this article or from GitHub.

You have all of the Chapel knowledge you need for part 2 of today’s challenge, though it does require some good mathematical reasoning (or a good memory depending on what math courses you’ve taken).

In particular, once we no longer divide the item values by 3 on each iteration and run for 10,000 rounds, the item values will blow up well beyond what an int in Chapel can store (the int type in Chapel is 64 bits, and signed, so can store values up to 2**63). Chapel also has a bigint type, but it can be very memory intensive, particularly since the values in part two can grow to such ridiculous magnitudes. In practice, writing the program using bigint bogs down due to excessive memory usage and operation times (believe me, I tried).

(a further hint on the part two math…)
A key insight for part two is to notice that all of the monkeys' divisor values are prime. As a result, since all their comparisons are done using modular arithmetic, we can safely reduce items’ values by the product of the monkeys’ divisors without changing the results of the % operations..

This is the penultimate article in this series. Thanks for reading this far, and please feel free to ask any questions or post any comments you have in the Blog Category of Chapel’s Discourse Page.

Updates to this article

Date Change
Apr 26, 2023 Updated to reflect barrier-related name changes in Chapel 1.30
Feb 5, 2023 Updated to reflect changes to list method names, init this; syntax, and new handling of returns after halt()s