Welcome to day 10 of Chapel’s Advent of Code 2022 series. Having taken a little break for the weekend, we’re ready to dive into the remaining three problems in our Twelve Days of Chapel. Check out that linked introductory post if you would like more context on the series!

The Task at Hand and My Approach

It wouldn’t be Advent of Code without a problem involving some virtual machine. In today’s challenge, we are given a virtual computer with a single register (memory cell) X, and two operations: addx and noop. The addx operation is used to add a number to the X register (subtractions can be achieved by adding negative numbers to X), and noop does nothing. Each instruction takes some time to execute: the noop instruction takes one step, while addx takes two steps. We are tasked with determining the values of the register X at particular times, which realistically means we have to figure out what X is equal to after every step.

My approach for this problem uses concepts that we’ve already covered in previous articles, with the notable exceptions of scan expressions and array reshaping. By expressing our computation as a scan, we can elegantly solve the first part of today’s puzzle. Chapel’s scan expressions, just like its reduce expressions, are executed in parallel, so our solution immediately benefits from Chapel’s multitasking capabilities. Array reshaping leads to some very clean code when it comes to drawing the output of the CRT monitor for part two.

If you are a fan of palindromes, here is the complete solution for the day:

use IO;

iter ops() {
  yield 1; // Initial state
  for line in stdin.lines().strip() {
    select line[0..3] {
      when "noop" do yield 0;
      when "addx" {
        yield 0;
        yield line[5..] : int;

const deltas = ops(),
      cycles = deltas.size,
      Xs: [1..cycles] int = + scan deltas,

      interesting = 20..220 by 40;

writeln(+ reduce (Xs[interesting] * interesting));

config const crtRows = 6,
             crtCols = 40;

const Screen = {0..<crtRows, 0..<crtCols};

const spritePos = reshape(Xs[1..Screen.size], Screen);

const pixels = [(row, col) in Screen]
  if abs(col - spritePos[row, col]) <= 1 then "#" else ".";

As usual, before we begin, let’s bring in our old friend, the IO module.

use IO;

And now, onward to our first task — parsing!

An Iterator to Represent Operations

The first order of business is to read in the puzzle input, and turn it into a representation that is convenient for simulating the tiny virtual computer. The instructions we’re reading look like this:

addx 3
addx -5

In the world of our little processor, only one thing can change at any given step: the value of X can go up or down by a certain amount. We can therefore represent the effects of the noop and addx instructions as a [note: I think there's a curious analogy between the integers we create and CPU micro-operations. Just like a CPU might break down complex instructions into smaller ones, we break individual operations like noop and addx into smaller pieces (changes to the register). ] each integer will indicate that one step took place, and that during that step, the register X changed by the amount stored in the integer. Let’s call such a change to X a delta. My solution defines an iterator that reads input from the console and yields deltas.

iter ops() {
  yield 1; // Initial state
  for line in stdin.lines().strip() {
    select line[0..3] {
      when "noop" do yield 0;
      when "addx" {
        yield 0;
        yield line[5..] : int;

The first statement in the iterator is a yield that produces a fixed value of 1. As indicated by the comment, this encodes the initial state of the CPU. This first value will end up — unchanged — in the very beginning of our history of values of X. If we wanted the CPU to start at 100 instead of 1, we could simply change this statement to yield 100;.

Next, my solution iterates over every line in the input. Here I use stdin.lines(), which is an iterator that yields a single string for each line from the program’s input stream. These strings contain the newline character \n, which I don’t want; I get rid of it by calling the strip() method on each string. Note that it looks like I’m calling strip() on the iterator, stdin.lines(), itself — this is another example of promotion in Chapel. We first covered promotion in our day 2 article.

For each line of input, what’s yielded depends on the instruction; we can identify the instruction by its first four characters, which I retrieve by slicing the line (see the day 3 article for an introduction to slicing). From there, the two options are:

That completes the iterator of deltas, ops. For a set of instructions like the ones in the problem statement:

addx 3
addx -5

the following integers would be yielded by ops:

1 0 0 3 0 -5

Using Scans to Compute Values of X at Every State

How do we go from a series of deltas to a series of register values? It’s pretty easy: to get the value of X after a certain number of steps, we just have to sum up all the changes that have happened so far. Thus, for the initial state, we just take the first element yielded by ops; for the second state we sum the first two elements; for the third, we sum up the first three. The words “summing” might evoke memories of + reduce, and these memories would be on the right track. However, there’s a difference between what we can get with + reduce and what we need: reductions compute a single value from an iterable, whereas we want to have a whole array of items, each representing reductions over some prefix of a sequence!

This is where Chapel’s scan expressions come in. They do exactly what I just described above: given an iterable and a binary operation, they compute and yield partial reductions up to and including each element. For example, take the following array:

var A = [1, 2, 3, 4];

We can apply a + scan to compute partial sums of its elements:

writeln(+ scan A); // Prints 1 3 6 10

We can also use a * scan to compute the factorials of the numbers 1 through 4:

writeln(* scan A); // Prints 1 2 6 24

Note that although the answer is the same, the way scan performs the factorial computation above is not the same as writing something like the following:

writeln([i in A.domain] * reduce A[..i]); // Prints 1 2 6 24

In this last snippet, for each index of A, we use a * reduce to compute the partial product of the elements up to that index. The difference is that scans don’t do extra work; the sum for the first three elements, for instance, can be computed just by adding the third element to the sum of the first two. Thus, there’s no need to re-run a reduction for each prefix: the result can be computed incrementally.

It gets even better: just as reduce expressions are parallel operations in Chapel, so too are scan expressions. Even though it seems like computing partial sums is a serial algorithm (“add 1, then add 2, then add 3…”), the following code is also not how scan operates:

for i in A.indices[..<A.size-1] do
  A[i+1] *= A[i];

Whereas that last snippet of code is serial, there are ways to break scans into concurrent pieces (see the Parallel Algorithms section on Wikipedia’s page on prefix sums), and Chapel applies such techniques. Thus, we get cleaner code and better performance — nice!

We can apply a + scan to our ops() iterator to create a sequence of partial sums. These partial sums, as we have discussed, work out to be the values of X at each step. I perform the computation as follows:

const deltas = ops(),
      cycles = deltas.size,
      Xs: [1..cycles] int = + scan deltas,

In this snippet, I first collect the output of the iterator into an array, deltas. I then retrieve the array’s size into another variable, cycles. Finally, I use a + scan on deltas to compute the partial sums, storing the result into a new array Xs. By default, this new array Xs would be 0-indexed just like the deltas array it’s computed from. However, the problem statement starts counting CPU steps at 1 (i.e., it’s 1-indexed). I therefore explicitly specify the domain of Xs to be 1..cycles, which makes it use 1-indexing and helps me write cleaner code down the line.

Slicing and Operator Promotion to Compute Signal Strengths

The next thing we need to do is to compute the signal strengths at six different indices. The problem asks for strengths at 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, and 220. The first step we can take is notice that the numbers go up by 40 each time, and express them as a range:

      interesting = 20..220 by 40;

This way of representing the interesting indices is both more concise and less error-prone: we only have to keep track of three constants instead of six. Also, because interesting is a range, we can use slicing to get the values of Xs at each of the required time steps. This would look like:

writeln(Xs[interesting]); // Prints 21 19 18 21 16 18 for sample input

In the above statement, we took advantage of the fact that we declared Xs to be 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed. The interesting range is built based on the problem description, which counts from one, making its indices a perfect match for the 1-based Xs array.

The values of the register X are not signal strengths, though! To compute the signal strengths, we must multiply the value of X at a particular step by the number of that step. Fortunately, we already have both ingredients for computing signal strengths: the six values of X (in Xs[interesting]) as well as the indices of these six values (in interesting itself). We can multiply these two lists of values element-by-element — thus computing the desired signal strengths – by using Chapel’s operator promotion (first seen in our day 8 article).

writeln(Xs[interesting] * interesting);
// Prints 420 1140 1800 2940 2880 3960 for sample input

All that’s left is to sum up the signal strengths, which we can do using a reduction.

writeln(+ reduce (Xs[interesting] * interesting));

That’s our answer to part one!

Displaying the CRT Output

In part two, we discover that the value of the register is actually moving a three-pixel sprite. A CRT monitor, which is drawing on a screen pixel-by-pixel, draws a # if the current column overlaps with the sprite’s position, and a . if the current column does not.

The first thing I do is encode the information about the CRT into a few helper variables. I made the variables config consts (first seen in our day 6 article) so that it’s possible to change the CRT’s size from the command line.

config const crtRows = 6,
             crtCols = 40;

I then use the information to create a new two-dimensional domain representing the possible pixel positions on the CRT’s screen.

const Screen = {0..<crtRows, 0..<crtCols};

Iterating over Screen would give us the positions (row and column) of each pixel that the CRT draws, in order. It would be nice to associate the corresponding value of the register X (i.e., the location of the sprite) with each of these scan positions. To do so, we can make use of Chapel’s reshape function.

Reshaping lets us “reorganize” the elements of an array: for instance, we could turn an 8-element one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional 2-by-4 array, or a three-dimensional 2-by-2-by-2 array. The elements of the resulting array are the same as those of the original. In the case of this problem, we want to arrange the sprite positions from Xs (a one-dimensional array) into the same shape as our CRT monitor, to match them up with each row and column.

const spritePos = reshape(Xs[1..Screen.size], Screen);

In the above snippet, I use slicing to retrieve only the first Screen.size positions from Xs, since the puzzle input leaves us with slightly more steps than we need to draw the screen. Then, I call reshape with the resulting slice, and the Screen domain. This tells Chapel to make spritePos a two-dimensional array, with crtRows rows and crtCols columns, whose elements are taken from the first crtRows * crtCols sprite positions in Xs.

Now: how do we know when the CRT’s current column overlaps with the sprite? The sprite is three pixels wide, and centered at the value of the register X at a particular time step. Thus, a column overlaps with the sprite if it’s no more than one pixel away from its center. We can express this in terms of an absolute value:

abs(col - X) <= 1

The above expression produces a boolean. We can get the correct symbol from this boolean (# when it’s true, or . when it’s false) by using an if-expression:

if abs(col - X) <= 1 then '#' else '.'

Since we have just reshaped our Xs into a two-dimensional array matching our Screen, we can figure out the value of X simply by accessing that array at a particular row and column:

if abs(col - spritePos[row, col]) <= 1 then '#' else '.'

That last piece of code gives us the value of a particular pixel in the CRT monitor. All that’s left is to compute the value of every pixel in the monitor. We can accomplish this using a parallel loop expression (which we covered in our day 6 article).

const pixels = [(row, col) in Screen]
  if abs(col - spritePos[row, col]) <= 1 then "#" else ".";

Since Chapel knows the pixels variable is in the shape of Screen, it knows to print it line-by-line, and we get our desired output.


That’s it for both parts of today’s solution! This time, we used scan expressions to elegantly compute partial sums of an array (though they can be used to compute any partial reduction). We also made use of reshape to rearrange a one-dimensional array into a more desirable form — one that matched up directly with our two-dimensional CRT screen.

Our solution is automatically parallel because of the scan and the loop expression we used to define our pixels variable. This once again highlights Chapel’s power: we expressed our solution using natural, high-level patterns, and the language took care of making them parallel.

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to ask any questions or post any comments you have in the new Blog Category of Chapel’s Discourse Page.