Welcome to Day 9 of our ‘Twelve Days of Chapel AoC’ series! If you’re not familiar with this series, take a look at the introductory article for some background.

The Task at Hand and My Approach

If you’re anything like me, or the protagonist of todays AoC Problem, nothing puts your fear of rickety bridges at ease like writing a quantum rope simulation in Chapel. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this article!

The goal of our simulation is to track the behavior of a rope’s tail given some movements applied to its head. Each line of our input contains a direction (up, down, left, or right) and a distance (the number of spaces to move in that direction through a 2D grid). We are tasked with computing the resultant movement of the tail according to the following rules. If the tail is:

With this in mind, I’ll use the following approach: store the positions of the rope’s head and tail in two separate two-element arrays. As instructions are read from the input, we’ll update the position of the head, and then apply the above rules to compute the tail’s new position.

Per the problem statement, we also want to keep track of the number of unique grid-spaces visited by the tail. I use a set to keep track of all the places it’s been. After all the instructions have been applied, the size of the set will give us the answer to the AoC problem. (See Day 3’s post for more on sets.)

For those who like to eat the cookie dough before it goes in the oven, here’s the full code:

use IO, Set;

iter readCommands() {
  var dir: string, amt: int;
  while readf("%s %i\n", dir, amt) {
    yield (dir, amt);

var head, tail = [0, 0];

param X = 0, Y = 1;

var visited = new set(tail.type);

for (dir, amt) in readCommands() {

  for 1..amt {

    select dir {
      when "U" do head += [0, 1];
      when "D" do head -= [0, 1];
      when "L" do head -= [1, 0];
      when "R" do head += [1, 0];

    const delta = head - tail;

    if abs(delta[X]) > 1 && delta[Y] == 0
      then tail[X] += sgn(delta[X]);
    else if abs(delta[Y]) > 1 && delta[X] == 0
      then tail[Y] += sgn(delta[Y]);
    else if abs(delta[X]) + abs(delta[Y]) > 2
      then tail += sgn(delta);



Reading Instructions

To start out, I use a couple of modules from Chapel’s standard library. The IO module will give us access to a procedure used for reading the input, and the Set module will give us access to the set container type.

use IO, Set;

Like in many of the previous articles from this series, I’ll define an iterator to read the raw text input and parse out the useful information:

iter readCommands() {
  var dir: string, amt: int;
  while readf("%s %i\n", dir, amt) {
    yield (dir, amt);

Here, readf parses each line of input, looking for a string and an integer—denoted by %s and %i respectively (the full list of format specifiers can be found in the documentation).

Whenever readf encounters some text that matches the given format, it sets the variables dir and amt to the parsed values, and returns true. The iterator then yields both values in a two-tuple, and waits for the next iteration before parsing the next line.

Setting up the String/Rope

Now that we can read the input, we’ll want to set up some variables to keep track of the rope’s head and tail positions, as well as a variable to hold a collection of the tail’s past positions.

According to the problem statement, the head and tail start in the same position, and don’t need to have any specific coordinates. So I define the variables head and tail to both have a starting value of [0, 0] (a two-element array of zeros):

var head, tail = [0, 0];

I’m using the convention that the first element of these arrays denotes the x-position, and the second denotes the y-position. As such, I define a set of params that can be used to index into the arrays by name:

param X = 0, Y = 1;

With these params defined, the following two lines are equivalent:

head[0] += 1;
head[X] += 1;

Lastly, I initialize a set of arrays to keep track of the locations the tail has visited:

var visited = new set(tail.type);

The set initializer takes a single type as an argument designating the type of the values it stores. In this case, I simply query tail’s type because the set will be storing values of that type later on.

Executing the Instructions

To start executing instructions, we can consume values from our readCommands iterator in a for-loop. The tuple generated by the iterator is immediately de-tupled into it’s components dir and amt. Again, these represent the direction to move the head and how many spaces it needs to move in that direction:

for (dir, amt) in readCommands() {

Note that we aren’t using a parallel loop here, such as a forall loop. This is for a couple of reasons:

  1. readCommands is a serial iterator. To make a parallel iterator that reads from stdin would be more trouble than it’s worth for a such a small input size
  2. This problem is inherently serial anyway. In order to get the correct answer we have to apply the movements to the head of the rope one-by-one in order.

Next, the amt portion of the command is handled with another for-loop:

  for 1..amt {

You’ll probably notice that this loop looks a bit different than most used in this series so far because it has no index variable (i.e., it doesn’t look like: for i in 1..amt). This is because we don’t actually need to know which iteration is currently being executed. We only want to execute the code in the loop amt times. As such, I’ve omitted an index variable from this inner loop.

Next, we want to update head’s position based on the value of dir. With the syntax we’ve learned so far in this series, we might use the following code to do this:

if dir == "U" then head += [0, 1];
else if dir == "D" then head -= [0, 1];
else if dir == "L" then head -= [1, 0];
else if dir == "R" then head += [1, 0];

It checks dir against each of the four possibilities and then updates head by adding or subtracting an array that represents a movement along the given dimension. As in previous posts, this uses promoted operations on the array.

As you’ll notice, it looks a bit repetitive, as each line is re-checking the value of the same variable. To make this code look cleaner, we can use a select statement instead of the cascaded if-then-else construct.

Select statements work similarly to switch or match statements in other languages, and achieve the same effect as above. In the following code, I check the value of dir against each of the possibilities and execute the relevant code whenever there is a match:

    select dir {
      when "U" do head += [0, 1];
      when "D" do head -= [0, 1];
      when "L" do head -= [1, 0];
      when "R" do head += [1, 0];
more on select statements

Most languages that support this flavor of control-flow construct also support a catch-all check that can run some code if none of the other options were encountered. Chapel is no different. It has the otherwise keyword that can be placed after the when expressions.

There are a couple of ways we could have used this in our select statement:

  1. If we didn’t have total trust in the input, we could use otherwise to check for an unknown direction string. If encountered, we could stop the program and indicate what the problem was as follows:
select dir {
  when "U" do head += [0, 1];
  when "D" do head -= [0, 1];
  when "L" do head -= [1, 0];
  when "R" do head += [1, 0];
  otherwise do halt("unknown direction: ", dir);
  1. Alternatively, if we do trust the input, as with Advent of Code, we could replace the last when-expression with an otherwise-expression because we know that "R" is the only possibility remaining:
select dir {
  when "U" do head += [0, 1];
  when "D" do head -= [0, 1];
  when "L" do head -= [1, 0];
  otherwise do head += [1, 0];

More information about select-statements can be found in the Language Specification.

Moving the Tail

And lastly, we’ll update the position of tail according to the given rules.

Because the rules pertain to the relative positions of the head and tail, and not their absolute locations, I create a new variable delta to store the relative position:

    const delta = head - tail;

Note that the code above produces a new two-element array because the subtraction operation is between two arrays of the same size, and thus becomes a promoted operation. The first element of delta will contain the difference in the distance between head and tail in the x direction, and the second element will contain the distance in the y direction.

I then use delta to apply the rules for the tail’s movement. Here, there are three conditionals, each of which executes a single line, so I use the then syntax rather than wrapping the body of the conditionals in curly-braces:

    if abs(delta[X]) > 1 && delta[Y] == 0
      then tail[X] += sgn(delta[X]);
    else if abs(delta[Y]) > 1 && delta[X] == 0
      then tail[Y] += sgn(delta[Y]);
    else if abs(delta[X]) + abs(delta[Y]) > 2
      then tail += sgn(delta);

The first two conditionals check for the simpler cases where the tail is either on the same row or same column as the head, and is more than one space away.

The expressions: abs(delta[X]) > 1 and abs(delta[Y]) > 1 check whether the tail is far enough away from the head in either direction. The expressions: delta[Y] == 0 and delta[X] == 0 check that the column or row is the same.

In these cases, we want the tail to move one unit towards the head along the relevant direction. To do this, I use the sgn procedure (which is automatically included from the AutoMath module). It returns 1 if the argument is positive and -1 if the argument is negative.

For example, the first branch could have also been written more explicitly as:

if abs(delta[X]) > 1 && delta[Y] == 0 {
  if delta[X] > 0 then tail[X] += 1;
  if delta[X] < 0 then tail[X] -= 1;

If neither of the above conditions is met, I then check for the diagonal case where the tail is neither on the same row nor same column as the head, and is at least 2 positions away in any direction. Here, sgn is used again, except in a promoted fashion. The code:

tail += sgn(delta);

is essentially shorthand for these lines:

tail[X] += sgn(delta[X]);
tail[Y] += sgn(delta[Y]);

The promotion doesn’t make our code that much shorter when working with two-element arrays; however, if this problem were extended to higher dimensions, such promotions really come in handy for making code more succinct.

Finally, if none of the above conditions were met, this means the tail and head either overlapped or were within a distance of one from each other. Per the rules, we do not move the tail.

Tracking Unique Positions

At the end of each iteration, we add the tails position to the visited set. If the current position has already been visited, the set will not be modified. Otherwise, the new position will be added to the set.


At the end of the program, we print out the size of the set, giving us the total number of unique positions the tail has visited:


Conclusion and Tips for Part Two

And with that, we’ll conclude our discussion. As a review, we introduced one new concept: select-statements, which are useful for cleaning up repeated if-then-else expressions. We also discussed creating named params for indexing into arrays, as well as some promoted math operations on arrays. The full code can be downloaded from the top of this article or found on GitHub.

In part two, we are asked to extend this two-element rope/string into a 10-element rope. Much of the logic described above can be reused; however rather than using a pair of variables to represent the rope, we could use an array of two-element arrays. The array’s first element would be treated as the rope’s head and each subsequent pair of elements would be updated according to the rules used for this problem.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to check out the other AoC 2022 articles or to post any questions or comments you have in the Blog Category on Chapel’s Discourse Page. We’ll be back with the final three installments of our ‘Twelve Days of Chapel AoC’ series starting on Monday 12/12 after a brief hiatus over the weekend.