Welcome to day 6 of Chapel’s Advent of Code 2022 series. We’re now just about halfway through our twelve days of Chapel AoC! For more context, check out our introductory Advent of Code 2022: Twelve Days of Chapel article for background and instructions on compiling this code.

The Task at Hand and My Approach

In brief, the challenge for today is to read in a datastream buffer (a line of characters) and to find its packet header, which is a window of 4 consecutive characters that are all unique.

My approach today will be to start with a serial solution and work towards a parallel one. Specifically, I’ll read the datastream in as a bytes value and use slicing to look at a 4-byte sliding window of the value. To see whether the bytes in that window are unique, I’ll put them into a set and check its resulting size. If it’s 4, we’ll know we’ve found our header and can stop executing, printing the offset.

For the parallel solution, I’ll take a similar approach, but using a maxloc reduction to find the header. Along the way, we’ll see some other features for the first time in this series, including configurable declarations (config), named ranges, the # operator, and a shorthand parallel loop expression. Oh, and we’ll write a single code that will work for both parts one and two, so, no homework for you tonight! (But this will be on the test…)

If you want to live your life like Merlin, here’s my complete solution for today:

use IO, Set;

config const markerLen = 4;

proc uniqueChars(window) {
  var s: set(uint(8));

  for ch in window do

  return s.size;

proc isMarker(window) {
  return uniqueChars(window) == markerLen;

var buffer: bytes;

const inds = 0..<buffer.size-markerLen;

var (_, loc) = maxloc reduce zip([i in inds] isMarker(buffer[i..#markerLen]),


Starting Out: Using Standard Modules

In this article, I’ll be taking a bottom-up approach to walking through the code. Though this isn’t my preferred style of coding in Chapel, it allows me to start with the code that is common between my serial and parallel solutions.

I start out with a use statement in order to access the standard modules I want to use today:

use IO, Set;

The IO module will be familiar to readers of this series. For those just joining us, it will provide the routine I’ll use to read our datastream. Meanwhile, the Set module provides the set datatype that I’ll use to count unique values.

A config Declaration for the Marker Length

Our next declaration uses a very common Chapel feature, but one that we have not yet seen in this series—the config declaration:

config const markerLen = 4;

This statement declares a constant (const) named markerLen, which I’ve initialized to 4. This represents the window size as well as the number of unique characters the window must contain. Like all constants in Chapel, it cannot be modified once it has been initialized.

The config keyword here means that the initial value of this constant can be overridden when running the program using a command-line flag. To illustrate this, let’s assume we were to save this code into a file named day06.chpl and compile it as usual:

$ chpl day06.chpl

If we ran the program as-is: ./day06, it would use the value of 4 for this constant, as indicated in the source code. However, we can also run it using a flag to specify a new initial value, like this:

$ ./day06 --markerLen=14

This overrides the value of 4 from the source, causing markerLen to be initialized to 14 for this program’s execution. The goal of Chapel’s config declarations is to reduce the degree to which many programs need to do argument command-line parsing for common cases, by having the compiler implement flags on the generated executable that can set the values of such constants. Of course, if you prefer, you can do your own command-line parsing as well (though I’m not covering that today).

(More details on config declarations…)

The default value of a config can also be set at compile-time, if you’d like to override the initializer in the source when you’re building the executable. For our program, this can be done as follows:

$ chpl -smarkerLen=14 day06.chpl

When overridden at compile-time, config declarations can be initialized not just with literal values, but also with expressions that would be legal if they appeared in the source code at the initialization point, such as -smarkerLen="(2*5)+4", -smarkerLen="+ reduce [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4];" or even smarkerLen="x*foo(y)", assuming x, y, and foo() have valid interpretations at markerLen’s declaration point.

In addition to config consts, Chapel also supports config var, config param, and config type declarations. A config var is similar to a config const except that the variable can be re-assigned after its initialization, just like any variable. In Chapel, param and type declarations must be well-understood by the compiler, so they don’t support overrides at execution-time, just compile-time. Recall that params are compile-time constants in Chapel. We haven’t seen type declarations in this series yet, but as you might guess, they support the declaration of type aliases. In this way, a compile-time constant or type alias can be changed from one compile to the next using the same -s flag as above.

Helper Routines for Identifying the Marker

Next up, we declare a pair of helper routines that will do the work on each of our markerLen-sized windows. The first takes in a window and counts the number of unique characters in it:

proc uniqueChars(window) {
  var s: set(uint(8));

  for ch in window do

  return s.size;

As usual, I’ve written this using inferred types, but am expecting it to take a bytes value as the window and return an int. Because I’ve written it in this generic style, in practice, it would work with any argument type whose serial iterator yields 8-bit unsigned integer values (uint(8)s).

The body of this routine is fairly straightforward: I first declare a set of 8-bit unsigned integers named s. Then I iterate over the bytes value, representing the component 8-bit values with my loop index variable ch. Then I add each value into my set s. At the end, I return the size of the set, which represents the number of unique bytes or characters within window.

My second helper routine is even simpler:

proc isMarker(window) {
  return uniqueChars(window) == markerLen;

It takes an argument, passes it along to uniqueChars() and returns whether or not the result is equal to markerLen. It is similarly generic, so will accept anything that uniqueChars() can handle and will return a bool indicating the result. I obviously could have combined these two routines into one, but for some reason it struck me as a better work decomposition to use two separate procedures.

Reading the Input Buffer

This is the simplest case of input we’ve had for AoC 2022 yet, perhaps to make up for yesterday. We only need to read a single line of data. Because we’re going to do a lot of indexing into this buffer, I’ve chosen to use a bytes type for similar reasons as in day 3: they support efficient indexing due to their simple nature and fixed-size elements.

All I have to do is declare the buffer and pass it to the readLine() routine that we’ve used for several of these exercises now:

var buffer: bytes;

A Named Range for the Sliding Window

Before getting into the details of my solution, I’ll declare a named range to represent the indices that I’ll be using to control this sliding window across the buffer:

const inds = 0..<buffer.size-markerLen;

We’ve seen several Chapel ranges in this series so far, but I believe this is the first that we’ve stored into a named constant or variable. Like other such declarations, this gives us the opportunity to create the range once and refer to it symbolically, perhaps using a name that is clearer the range expression itself. In this case, I chose to make the range a named const simply because the lines where it’s used in my two solutions were a bit cluttered when they contained the literal range 0..<buffer.size-markerLen.

Now let’s talk about value of inds, which represents the indices where I’ll want to apply my sliding window. Its low bound is 0 since bytes values like our buffer use 0-based indexing. Since our sub-buffer window will be markerLen characters (or bytes), I subtract markerLen from the buffer’s size in order to avoid indexing the buffer out-of-bounds and use this as the high bound. As in previous days’ exercises, I’m using the open-interval range syntax (..<) to indicate an exclusive upper-bound, due to the 0-based indexing.

Finding the Marker Sequentially

Before introducing my parallel solution, I’ll start with a sequential one. The main control flow is a serial for loop:

for i in inds {
  if isMarker(buffer[i..#markerLen]) {

This iterates over the range of starting indices, binding them to the loop index variable i, one at a time. I then compute the window or sub-buffer to pass to isMarker(), using a new range operator we haven’t seen yet in this series. Let’s break it down:

Specifying the Window Using an Unbounded, Counted Range

I start with the range i.., which is an unbounded range. We touched on these very briefly in yesterday’s article, but to summarize, it can be thought of as a range that starts counting from i upwards towards infinity.

I then apply the count operator (#) which says to take the first markerLen elements of the expression to which it is applied—in this case, my unbounded range. The expression i..#markerLen can be read aloud as:

“Start counting from i and give me markerLen indices.”

As a concrete example, if i were 6, i..#4 would represent 6..#4, which is equivalent to 6..9 or the sequence 6, 7, 8, 9. More precisely lo..#n is the same as lo..<lo+n, so in this context, # can be viewed as a convenient form of syntactic sugar that makes common range idioms easier to read and get right the first time.

Getting the Window’s Sub-Buffer via Slicing

We then take this range expression and use it to access buffer, giving us a markerLen-sized sub-buffer, itself represented as a new bytes value. We pass this bytes value to our isMarker() routine, which will tell us whether or not these specific byte values represent the marker we’re looking for.

As a result, the net effect of these two lines is to slide this markerLen window of indices across the entire input buffer, looking for the marker. If we find it, the conditional evaluates to true and we execute the body, which is:


Essentially, we print out the offset that follows the header by adding markerLen to the index representing the start of the marker (i). We then exit the program by calling exit(), since we’ve printed the marker we’re looking for and have nothing more to do.

Overall, pretty straightforward. Was that our shortest Aoc 2022 program yet?

Finding the Marker in Parallel

Our parallel solution is even shorter, and not much more difficult, though its code is a bit denser. Rather than running the window over our buffer serially, one element at a time, why not apply it in parallel across the buffer simultaneously? Since we are only reading the buffer and not modifying it, there is no problem if several parallel tasks are inspecting it at once, even if their windows overlap.

The one trick to getting this right is the following: What if multiple tasks find a markerLen-length sequence that meets our marker criteria? How do we know which one to return? One approach for this that I’ll use today is to use the maxloc reduction. But first, I need to introduce a few building blocks I’ll be relying on:

Parallel Loop Expressions

In earlier posts in this series, we’ve seen Chapel’s forall loop, which specifies that the iterations of a loop can and should be executed in parallel. Up until this point, all forall loops that we’ve seen have been statements. However, forall loops can also be expressions. For example, I could write:

MyArray = forall i in 1..1000 do i;

The forall-loop expression on the right-hand side specifies a parallel computation that will yield values (in this case, the indices i) back to the execution context. Arrays like MyArray support assignment overloads that take such iterable expressions and assign them, element-wise, to the array. The net effect is that the elements of MyArray would be assigned the values between 1 and 1000, respectively. In essence, this statement could be viewed as a more concise way of writing:

forall (elem, i) in zip(MyArray, 1..1000) do
  elem = i;

At the same time, the forall expression can be somewhat unwieldy due to the keywords involved. Because of this, Chapel provides an alternative, symbol-based way to write a (potentially) parallel loop expression, which looks like this:

MyArray = [i in 1..1000] i;
(Wait, why did you say ‘potentially’ there…?)
The opening and closing square brackets in this expression are often interpreted as forall and do respectively. And in most cases, that’s an appropriate interpretation, though there is one slight difference between the two forms (the reason I said “potentially” above): As mentioned on day 3, a forall loop says “invoke this iterand’s default parallel iterator method.” In contrast, Chapel’s square-bracket loop form says to invoke the parallel iterator if there is one; but if not, to fall back to the traditional serial iterator. In practice, most built-in Chapel types like ranges and arrays support parallel iterators, making the the two loop forms equivalent for those cases.

For our purposes in today’s code, think of this as a shorthand for a forall-loop expression.

Range Translations

In this computation, I also rely on the ability to translate ranges by an integer offset. As an example, consider a range like:

const r = 1..10;

The expression r+5 would result in the range 6..15. Essentially, we’ve just added 5 to every integer in the range, resulting in a new range shifted by the integer offset. Intuitive, right?

The maxloc Reduction

In previous entries in this series, we’ve seen reductions, both in expression and task intent-based forms. Both forms are used to combine a collection of values—like the elements of an array—down to a single result value. In practice we’ve exclusively used the + reduction, which combines the elements by adding them together.

Chapel has other flavors of reductions as well, such as the max and min reductions, which can be used to find the largest and smallest values in a collection. For example, given an array of student test scores named SAT, the following lines would find the lowest and highest scores in the array:

const lowest = min reduce SAT,
      highest = max reduce SAT;

Sometimes, though, it’s not enough to just find the lowest or highest value in a collection, but also where that value lives in the collection.

This is where the minloc and maxloc reductions come in. Rather than reducing a collection down to a single value, they reduce a zippered pair of collections—one representing the values and the other representing their indices—down to a tuple result: the smallest/largest value and that value’s index. When multiple positions have the same value, the location of the lowest index in the collection is returned. For example:

const (highScore, idx) = maxloc reduce zip(SAT, 1..SAT.size);

This would return the highest SAT score of any student, along with that student’s corresponding index in the range 1..SAT.size. If multiple students got the same maximum score, the index of the student appearing earliest in the array would be returned.

In practice, indexable types in Chapel generally support a .indices query that returns their indices, so a common idiom for these reductions is:

...maxloc reduce zip(X, X.indices)...

Putting it All Together

Now we have everything we need to interpret the following statement, which implements my parallel solution:

var (_, loc) = maxloc reduce zip([i in inds] isMarker(buffer[i..#markerLen]),

Starting from the right, we’re calling isMarker() identically to my serial solution, but within the loop expression [i in inds]. Because inds is a range and ranges support parallel iteration, this will act like a forall expression. This implements my loop over the windows into my buffer like before, and is the first component of the zip() passed to my maxloc reduction. Because isMarker() returns true or false, the max values will be those positions that returned true—that is, any windows that meet our marker criterion. In addition, because maxloc will return the first such occurrence, we’ll get the one we’re looking for towards the start of the datastream.

The second component I pass to maxloc’s zip() expression is the range of indices I’m iterating over, but shifted by markerLen. This will cause the location that’s returned by maxloc to be the index following the header that we need to print out.

All that’s required now is to get the result of the the maxloc reduce and print it out.

Printing the Result (ignoring part of it with _)

In de-tupling the result of the maxloc, I’m using a special Chapel identifier _, which means “This value doesn’t matter, so don’t bother naming it; just drop it on the floor.” Since we trust that AoC will give us legal input, we know that the header exists and that the maximum value will be true, so we don’t really need to capture its value into a variable. If our input source was not so trustworthy (or I was less confident my code was correct), I’d probably want to capture the maximum value and verify that it was true.

At this point, all that remains is to print out our answer, using the now-familiar writeln():



That concludes my introduction to the serial and parallel Chapel solutions that I wrote for day 6 of AoC 2022. You can browse or download the code at the top of this article or at GitHub. As mentioned at the outset, my solution solves part two as well, though you will need to read its instructions to see why (hint: it’s the config).

Thanks for reading this blog post and series, and please feel free to ask any questions or post any comments you have in the new Blog Category of Chapel’s Discourse Page.