Welcome to day 5 of Chapel’s Advent of Code 2022 series! For more context, check out our introductory Advent of Code 2022: Twelve Days of Chapel article for background and instructions on compiling this code.

The Task at Hand and My Approach

In brief, the challenge for today is to read in an initial configuration of crates in stacks, followed by various commands that indicate how to move a subset of the crates in one stack to another. This problem is fairly sequential by nature since the list of moves needs to be processed in order.

For those who like to hear the punchline before the joke, here is our solution to part one of this challenge in Chapel:

use IO, List;

var Stacks = initStacks();

var num, from, to : int;
while readf("move %i from %i to %i\n", num, from, to) {

  for i in 1..num {
    const crate = Stacks[from].popBack();

for stack in Stacks {


iter readInitState() {
  var line: string;
  while readLine(line) && line.size > 1 do
    yield line;

proc initStacks() {
  const InitState = readInitState();

  param charsPerStack = 4;

  var numStacks = InitState.last.size / charsPerStack;

  enum crateID {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
                N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z};

  var Stacks: [1..numStacks] list(crateID);

  for i in 0..<InitState.size-1 by -1 {

    ref line = InitState[i];

    // do a zippered iteration over the stack IDs and
    // offsets where crate names will be
    for (offset, stackIdx) in zip(1..<line.size by charsPerStack, 1.. ) {

      const char = line[offset];
      if (char != " ") {  // blank means no crate here
        Stacks[stackIdx].pushBack(char: crateID);


  return Stacks;

For this problem, our general approach is to use an array of conceptual stacks that represent the state of the elves’ shipping dock. The stack is a natural data structure for cases like this where elements can only be added to, or removed from, one end of a sequential list of items (in this case, our stack of crates). Meanwhile, the array gives us the ability to directly access a given stack so that we can add crates to it, or remove them.

As it turns out, Chapel’s standard library doesn’t currently support a stack data type (which we should really address… Recall that Chapel is an open-source project if you’d like to help out in this regard! :D ); however, it does have a list type that will serve the purpose just as well.

For many of us on the team, the most challenging part of this program turned out to be creating the initial array of stacks by parsing the input’s representation of the starting state:

[N] [C]
[Z] [M] [P]
 1   2   3

We’ll describe how to do this in the latter part of this article, using zippered iteration, strided ranges, unbounded ranges, and references. But first, let’s start with territory that should be a bit more familiar to those who’ve been following this series.

Initial Declarations

At the start of the program, we indicate which modules we will need:

use IO, List;

IO is the module that we’ll rely on for helping us read the input. Meanwhile, List provides the standard list datatype that we’ll use for our stacks.

Next, we declare and initialize our array of Stacks using a helper routine that we’ve written to do all of the fancy parsing needed:

var Stacks = initStacks();

As usual, we are leaning on Chapel’s type inference here, where Chapel will infer Stacks to be an array of lists because that is what initStacks() returns. As mentioned above, we’ll look at the implementation of initStacks() a bit later in this article. For now, understand that each list it returns will be storing the crates in its respective stack, from bottom to top. Let’s start by looking into how to move the crates between stacks now that they’re set up.

Reading Rearrangement Procedure Commands

With the Stacks in their initial state, we are ready to read in and execute the rearrangement procedure. All of the steps of the procedure follow a very structured format in the input, making them a good match for the readf() routine. See yesterday’s post for a detailed description of readf() and its use in various examples.

Specifically, in this case, we declare three int variables representing the stack number, the source, and the destination. We then use a readf() to express the pattern we’re expecting on each line, using %i to indicate where an int should be read:

var num, from, to : int;
while readf("move %i from %i to %i\n", num, from, to) {

Note that our format string ends with a newline character (\n). This is because the first thing in the string is a literal string ("move"), which must exactly match the input and will not skip over whitespace. If we did not consume the newline, we would get a mismatch when trying to read the second line of input.

Because these commands are the last thing to appear in the input stream, when we hit the end-of-file, readf() will return false and we’ll exit this loop.

Moving Crates within an Array of Lists

To execute the command, we need to remove the specified number of crates from one stack, adding them to another as we go. We use the following for-loop over the range 1..num to iterate for the specified number of crates to move, num.

  for i in 1..num {
    const crate = Stacks[from].popBack();

For each crate, we index into the array of stacks using the from and to indices to access the stacks that we’ll be adjusting. To take the top crate off of a stack, we use the .popBack() method provided by lists, which removes and returns the final element in the list. We store this into a local constant, crate. Then, we use the list’s .pushBack() method to add the crate to the end of the destination stack (equivalent to the .push() method on a true stack datatype). Note that these two statements could also be written in one as follows:


Once we exit this nested loop over commands and moves, we are done with the rearrangement procedure.

Writing out the Top Crates

All that remains for the computation is to print out which crates are at the top of each stack. Here, we do that by iterating over the Stacks array using a for-loop. When using a for or forall loop to iterate over an array in this way, the loop index variable (stack in this case) will refer to the elements of the array. In this case, it means that stack will refer to the lists in the Stacks array one at a time.

for stack in Stacks {

Within the loop, we use the list’s .last method to get the final element of each stack (the top() using typical stack operations). Because we want all of the crate IDs to be concatenated together in the output, we print them out using write(), which is similar to the writeln() routine we’ve used to print output on previous days. However, where writeln() prints a newline character after all of its arguments have been printed, write() does not. This will cause our crate names to come out adjacent to one another.

Then, once we’ve exited the loop, we use a final writeln() with no arguments to terminate the output with a linefeed (equivalently, we could have used write("\n");):


An Inherently Sequential Program?

One of our goals in this blog series is to teach you how to use Chapel to write programs that execute in parallel. However, today’s challenge is not particularly well-suited to parallelism. Even if we were to read all of the rearrangement commands into an array, we couldn’t really execute the array of commands in parallel using a forall loop as we have on previous days, because each command must be completed before the next one in order to get a correct solution.

Or must it…?

There actually are approaches one could take to parallelize the rearrangement procedure, but they are more complex than what we’ve seen up to this point, so let’s push the discussion of such approaches into a sidebar:

(How we could apply some parallelism to the rearrangement procedure…)

The key to parallelizing this computation is to realize that it’s not that each command must be completed before the next one, but that it must be completed before the next command that accesses the same stacks. So while we wouldn’t be able to simply use a forall to iterate over the commands and execute them in parallel, we could use parallel tasks to execute the commands in another way.

Specifically, imagine having an array of locks, one per stack, which would say whether or not that stack’s crates were currently being modified. When looping over the commands using our serial for loop, we would check to see whether the from and to stack locks were being held. If not, we could grab them for ourselves to indicate that we were going to modify those stacks’ crates. Then, we could create an asynchronous task using Chapel’s begin statement to move the specified number of crates between those stacks and release the crates’ locks when finished.

Once that task was created (but not yet complete), the for loop could then go on to the next command, see whether its locks were free, and execute a distinct task to run it. If, instead, the locks were held, the main task would wait until they were free before proceeding.

Rather than the very structured data parallelism that we used in previous days, this is a very asynchronous task-based approach. And in truth, it would not be terribly difficult to write in Chapel.

So why didn’t we do it?

Primarily because it felt like overkill for this situation. The time required to move a number of crates from one stack to another is very small, and relative to the time required to check the locks, take the locks, create a task, and release the locks, it is unlikely that using asynchronous tasks would result in any real speedup. In addition, with such a small number of stacks, it is unlikely that very many tasks would be able to execute simultaneously, since the chances of them needing to access the same stacks would be high.

But is that a good reason? After all, yesterday we used data parallelism even though the problem size wasn’t necessarily large enough to see benefits from it.

So then, maybe it’s just because we didn’t think of it soon enough. Or that we had a sufficient number of serial Chapel concepts to teach today without it. We’ll keep an eye out for other opportunities to use Chapel’s task parallelism and synchronization features in future articles, though.

Meanwhile, on with our sequential solution!

Reading the Initial State of the Stacks

“All” that remains is to read in the initial state of the stacks. We start by defining an iterator that reads all of the initial input lines and yields them, similar to previous days’ approaches:

iter readInitState() {
  var line: string;
  while readLine(line) && line.size > 1 do
    yield line;

This iterator uses the same readLine() routine we’ve seen in previous days to read in lines one at a time, storing them in the string line. In addition to exiting out of the loop if we reach the end-of-file (EOF), we’ll also exit if we find an empty line. Such a line will only have the newline character in it, so will fail the line.size > 1 check. For today’s input format, since a blank line is used to separate the initial state from the commands, that’s the reason we’ll exit this iterator.

Parsing the Initial State

The readInitState() iterator is called by the helper procedure initStacks() that we called at the start of the program:

proc initStacks() {
  const InitState = readInitState();

This stores the array of lines representing the sketch of the initial state into InitState as an array of strings. Now let’s go through the rest of this procedure a few lines at a time.

The next line declares a param—a compile-time constant—representing the number of characters of input that are used to represent each stack in the input configuration:

  param charsPerStack = 4;

This value is 4 to account for the opening bracket ([), the crate’s letter (AZ), the closing bracket (]), and the whitespace that follows ( or \n).

Next, we compute the number of stacks that the input represents:

  var numStacks = InitState.last.size / charsPerStack;

Here, we’re using the .last method that is available on arrays to access the last line of input. For the sample input, this will be the one that contains the numerical stack labels, like:

 1   2   3

We take the line’s size using the .size query supported by strings and divide by charsPerStack to get the number of stacks represented by each line. As mentioned on day 3, using the param charsPerStack is equivalent to just typing 4 here, but results in more self-descriptive code (and code that is potentially more maintainable if the input format changes in the future, say to support 6 characters per stack and 3-character labels).

As mentioned on day 2, computing with enum values can be much faster than strings, so we declare an enum representing the possible crate IDs in order to support a faster execution:

  enum crateID {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
                N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z};

Specifically, since executing the commands involves moving crates from one stack to the next, copying an enum around is a simple load/store instruction. In contrast, copying strings around tends to be much more expensive since they have variable length and are typically stored on the heap.

Note that crateID is an abstract enum because it does not associate integer values with the symbols. In this program, we have no need of such values, so we just treat the enum as a set of names.

Declaring Arrays in Chapel

Next, let’s (finally!) declare our array of stacks.

Though we’ve computed on arrays throughout this series, all the arrays we’ve used up until now have been defined by capturing the invocation of an iterator. Here, we’ll see our first explicit array declaration in this series.

In Chapel, an array type is specified as a set of indices enclosed in square brackets, followed by the array’s element type. Here’s our declaration for this program:

  var Stacks: [1..numStacks] list(crateID);

For a dense 1D array like this one, a common way to specify the indices is using a range expression. Chapel’s rectangular arrays are defined in terms of both low and high bounds, so a programmer can use 0-based arrays, 1-based arrays, arrays indexed from -3..3 or whatever is most natural for them. Here we’re indicating that we want to refer to our stacks as 1, 2, 3, …, numStacks, to reflect the numbering given by the AoC problem statement.

The element type of our array is list(crateID) indicating that it will be a list of our enumerated type representing the crate IDs.

Using Strided Ranges to Populate the Stacks of Crates

Our last lines are also our most complex. In them, we’ll iterate over the lines in InitState representing the crates, converting the strings into initial values for our stacks. Because we want to fill the stacks from the bottom upwards, we’ll iterate over the lines of input backwards. We do this in Chapel using a strided range (or, more precisely, a range with a stride other than the default of 1).

The stride of a range is the value that’s used to count from one integer to the next. By default, ranges like 1..n have a stride of 1 in Chapel since they represent consecutive integers. Chapel supports a by operator that can be applied to a range in order to count by a different stride. For example 1..n by 2 would represent the odd integers between 1 and n: 1, 3, 5, …

The by operator is also how we count down in Chapel. Users often mis-assume that writing:

for i in 10..1

will count down from 10 to 1, and for good reason—it seems like it could/should. However, in Chapel, when a range’s low bound (to the left of ..) exceeds its high bound (to the right of ..), as in the loop above, it is considered an empty or degenerate range. As a result, it will not iterate at all, and control will skip to the statement that follows it. Instead, to count downwards in Chapel, we write:

for i in 1..10 by -1

The negative stride says to start at the high bound (10), applying the stride until we reach or exceed the low bound (1).

In this program, since we want to iterate over all lines other than the last (which contained the stack labels), we write:

  for i in 0..<InitState.size-1 by -1 {

Since our InitState array uses Chapel’s default 0-based indexing, this starts at the second-to-last line (the final one containing crates) and counts backwards until the initial line number (0).

A Reference Variable for Readabiliy

Now, for line i, we need to search through that line looking for crates. Let’s start by coming up with a more concise and descriptive way of referring to the line than InitState[i] (the ith element of the InitState array). We’ll do this by using a ref declaration in Chapel to store a reference to the array element in question:

    ref line = InitState[i];

This is similar to saying var line = InitState[i]; except that instead of creating a new string variable storing a copy of the string, the ref declaration simply creates a name that refers to an existing variable’s value rather than copying it and creating a new one. This is more efficient, particularly for string data like, which can be expensive to copy (well, expensive relative to copying an integer, or just referring to an existing string). Any subsequent references to line will be like referring to InitState[i] directly.

Zippered iteration, Unbounded Ranges, and another Strided Range

Now, let’s parse the line into the crates it contains. What we want to do is simultaneously iterate through:

  1. the stacks in our Stacks array, ready to add new elements to them

  2. the characters in our line of input that correspond to crate IDs (or blank spaces for non-crate entries)

Chapel supports zippered iteration, which is a great way to iterate over multiple things simultaneously like this. It is a way to to drive a for or forall loop using multiple iterand expressions simultaneously. As an example, the loop:

for (a, i) in zip(MyArray, 1..n)

would associate the loop variables a and i to the corresponding values yielded by iterating over MyArray and the range 1..n, respectively. In the first iteration of the loop, a would be a reference to the first element of MyArray and i to 1; in the second, a is the second MyArray element and i is 2; and so on. Generally speaking, the things zipped together must be of the same size, and if they are not, the program is erroneous. For example, MyArray needs to have n elements for this loop to be correct.

In practice, zippered iterations like this yield tuples of values, and the index declaration (a, i) is simply de-tupling that result into distinct index variables.

Another way to write this loop would be:

for tup in zip(MyArray, 1..)

This time, we are storing the tuple of array values and indices into a single index variable, tup. So it will be a 2-tuple of MyArray’s element type and an int.

The other change here is that we’ve used an unbounded range in the zip() expression—that is, one that has a missing bound. In a zippered context like this, we say that the first iterand in the zip() is the leader and subsequent iterands are followers. When an unbounded range is used as a follower, as in this loop, it will automatically conform to the size of the leader. Thus, this would be a way to associate integers with array elements without having to know how large the array was.

Now we have all the tools necessary to iterate simultaneously over the characters in our line of input and the stacks. We write this loop as:

    // do a zippered iteration over the stack IDs and
    // offsets where crate names will be
    for (offset, stackIdx) in zip(1..<line.size by charsPerStack, 1.. ) {

In this zip() expression, the leader is the range 1..<line.size by charsPerStack. This describes the characters in the input that will contain crate IDs (or be blank). Specifically, since strings use 0-based indexing, we start at offset 1 to skip past the initial [ at the start of the line. Then, to make sure we don’t go past the end of the line, we define the high bound of the range as line.size. We use an open-interval range (..<) due to the 0-based indexing. Finally, we use the by operator to apply a stride of charsPerStack (4) to skip over the intervening characters (], , [) and on to the next crate label.

The follower iterand is the range 1.. which will count off the corresponding stacks. Because the input format always extends lines out to their full length even when the tail end of the line is blank, we could have written this 1..numStacks without problems. But here, we’re using an unbounded range because we can, nothing is lost, and if a future version of the file format removed all trailing spaces on the line, the loop would still work correctly.

We de-tuple the results of the zippering into an offset within the line where the crateID is and a stackIdx indicating the stack’s index within our array. As a visualization of this zippering, here is a simple diagram showing the offsets into the string, the first line of input, and the offset and stackIdx values that would be yielded by this loop:

0..<line.size::  0123456789...
input:           [Z] [M] [P]
offset:           1   5   9  (skipping through the raw offsets by 4)
stackIdx:         1   2   3

Converting Characters to Crate IDs

Now that we’ve got our offset into the line and stackIdx, all that remains is to convert the character at that offset into one of our enum values. Here’s the code to do that:

      const char = line[offset];
      if (char != " ") {  // blank means no crate here
        Stacks[stackIdx].pushBack(char: crateID);

We start by capturing the substring of line at offset into a variable named char—really a string storing a single letter. Then we check to see whether the character is a blank, which would indicate a stack that has no more crates in it. If it is not, we cast the character to a crateID and append it to the corresponding stack. Piece of cake.

All that remains is to return our array of stacks:


  return Stacks;

and do the actual computation from the top of this article (which seemed relatively simple by comparison, wouldn’t you agree?).

Even though this input parsing was tricky, Chapel’s support for zippered iteration, strided ranges, unbounded ranges, references, and string-to-enum casts makes it not so bad. There are plenty of places to make off-by-one errors or get an index wrong, but Chapel’s execution-time bounds-checking made working through them not so bad in practice.

(A Parting Note on Printing Enums…)

Speaking of enums and strings, recall that way back at the top of the program, we printed out our crates using:

for stack in Stacks {

At the time, we hadn’t really discussed what type we were storing in our stacks, and the computation itself didn’t really care. Now that we know we were storing stacks of enums, this demonstrates a nice property of Chapel enums: that they can be printed out. Specifically, if our final conceptual configuration was:

[M] [C] [P]
 1   2   3

This loop would print out the values crateID.M, crateID.C, and crateID.D stored at the tops of the stacks, which would render as:


Pretty nice!

Summary and Tips for Part Two

And that’s our solution to part one of day three! If you understand the code in this post (available for download at the top of this post or at GitHub), you have all the tools you need to complete part two. As a hint, as you pop values from one stack, you can append them to a temporary list. Then pop the values from the temporary list onto the destination stack to reverse their order. Alternatively, list.getAndRemove() takes an integer argument and will return the element at that position in the list. See the List module documentation for further information about using lists.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and feel free to make comments or ask questions by creating a thread in the new Chapel Blog Discourse Category.

Updates to this article

Date Change
Feb 5, 2023 Updated to reflect changes to the list interface