Welcome to day 2 of Chapel’s Advent of Code 2022 series! If you’ve stumbled in the door by chance, you might want to check out the previous articles in this series to get the context for what we’re doing here or learn basic Chapel features that we’ll build on in today’s article.

Today’s Task and How I Approached It

Today’s challenge is to read in a mysterious guide consisting of pairs of letters, then use them to drive a game of rock-paper-scissors. In part one of the challenge, we’ll interpret the letters as being indicative of which shape our opponent throws and which one we do. A somewhat byzantine scoring system is applied, awarding points for wins and draws, as well as the shape thrown, even in the case of a loss. Our task is to add up all of the scores across the games.

For those who eat dessert first, here’s my approach to part one that I’ll be describing:

use IO;
use outcome, shape;

enum outcome {lose=0, draw=3, win=6};
enum shape {rock=1, paper, scissors};
enum entry {A=rock:int, B, C,
            X=rock:int, Y, Z};

proc beats(s1, s2) {
  return s1 == rock && s2 == scissors ||
         s1 == paper && s2 == rock ||
         s1 == scissors && s2 == paper;

proc verdict(abc, xyz) {
  const them = abc: int: shape,
        us   = xyz: int: shape;

  if them == us {
    return draw;
  } else if beats(them, us) {
    return lose;
  } else if beats(us, them) {
    return win;
  } else {
    halt("We should never get here: ", (them, us));

proc score((abc, xyz)) {
  return xyz:int + verdict(abc, xyz):int;

iter readGuide() {
  var abc, xyz: string;

  while readf("%s %s", abc, xyz) do
    yield (abc:entry, xyz:entry);

const Guide = readGuide();

writeln(+ reduce score(Guide));

In today’s program, I had the opportunity to use more interesting Chapel concepts, including our first parallel, multicore-ready computation. I also approached today’s problem with the goal of using high-level, descriptive features rather than worrying too much about code size or performance (though neither one is too shabby).

Some of the features I use in my solution include:

use Statements and Enumerated Types

My program begins with a pair of use statements:

use IO;
use outcome, shape;

The first of these, use IO; we saw yesterday, and it will again give us access to routines that we can use to read the input set. The second use statement is slightly different in that it is not making module symbols available to the scope, but symbols defined by our enumerated types, or enums. Let’s take a look at the enums themselves and then come back to this.

I defined three enums for this program, one describing the three shapes that a competitor can throw, one describing the three outcomes of a match, and one describing the six entries that can be read from the guide:

enum outcome {lose=0, draw=3, win=6};
enum shape {rock=1, paper, scissors};
enum entry {A=rock:int, B, C,
            X=rock:int, Y, Z};

In Chapel, the symbols of an enumerated type need not have values associated with them, and in practice, many enums do not. These are referred to as abstract enums, and they do not support the ability to be converted to integers. In this program, associating the enum symbols with integers permits us to do some convenient conversions, so we will define concrete enums in which each symbol has an associated int value.

For example, when scoring a match, losses count for 0 points, draws for 3, and wins for 6, so I gave our three outcome symbols their respective values. Similarly, throwing rock, paper, or scissors earns 1, 2, or 3 points. Here, I only explicitly assign the value 1 to rock, and the symbols that follow will automatically be associated with the subsequent integers.

Though I might like to map the letters to the rock, paper, and scissors enums, since that’s what they represent, currently Chapel enumerations can only be mapped to integer values. Moreover, enum constants with associated integer values do not coerce to that value; instead, casts are required to convert from an enum to int. So here, I am casting rock to an integer and associating that value with A and X, since those are the two letters we’re interpreting as ‘rock’. As before, the subsequent letters will take on the next numerical values, so B and Y will share paper’s integer value, and C and Z, scissors’.

Let’s now return to my second use statement. By default in Chapel, references to an enum’s symbols must be fully qualified, providing a form of namespace safety. For example, given the declaration of shape above, I would need to write shape.rock in my code to refer to that shape rather than simply rock. While this is a very safe default, it can also be somewhat onerous when trying to write simple programs quickly, as in AoC. For that reason, the use statement can be applied to an enum to make its symbols available to the scope, analogously to how use works with modules. In this program, I only used two of the three enums because they were the only two whose symbols I needed to refer to within the program text.

(A note on declaration orderings and visibility…)

Astute readers will note that the use statement refers to the outcome and shape types before they are defined, and this may seem strange coming from other programming languages, like C. In Chapel, a symbol defined within a scope is generally visible from anywhere within the scope, whether before or after its declaration point. As a result, it is not a problem for the use to refer to my enum types before they have even been defined.

One benefit of this approach is that procedures do not require prototypes in Chapel, as in languages like C, and they can be called whether they are defined earlier or later in a scope. As a result, Chapel programs are often written to be read from the top downwards, as in English, rather than bottom-up as in many traditional programming languages. In fact, my GitHub solution for today’s program follows this principle by putting the first statements to be executed—those that read the file—near the top of the listing. For this blog, I used a more traditional bottom-up approach simply because it lets me describe Chapel features to you in a more natural order.

Before we go on, one place where declaration order does matter is in variable declarations. For example, if I write:

var x = y;
var y = 10;

the reference to y in x’s initializer refers to the variable y defined on the next line; however, this is not legal Chapel code because variables are not permitted to be referred to before they have been initialized. So the principle of the symbols being visible throughout the scope still holds, but it is not useful in this specific context—either the declarations must have their orders swapped, or x’s initializer cannot refer to y.

Procedures in Chapel

The procedure is one of two kinds of subroutines (or simply routines) in Chapel, the other being the iterator, which we’ll see a bit later. Procedures are used to factor a segment of code away from its callsite, as in other languages. They may take arguments and/or return values. In my program, I define three procedures, beats(), verdict(), and score().

The beats() procedure

The first procedure I’m defining takes two shapes and determines whether or not the first beats the second in a game of rock-paper-scissors:

proc beats(s1, s2) {
  return s1 == rock && s2 == scissors ||
         s1 == paper && s2 == rock ||
         s1 == scissors && s2 == paper;

Procedures are introduced using the proc keyword in Chapel, followed by the name of the procedure—in this case, beats. This procedure takes two arguments, s1 and s2, which represent two shapes that have been thrown.

Note that the arguments of beats() do not have declared types, nor have I declared the procedure’s return type. Like the variable and constant declarations we saw yesterday, this is another form of type elision, provided for convenience and flexibility. In practice, the compiler will analyze the Chapel source code and determine that this procedure will take two shapes and return a bool.

(For readers familiar with C++ or generic instantiation…)

More precisely, beats() is generic in that it was written to take two arguments of any type. The compiler examines the call(s) to beats() within the program and determines that the only instantiation required is one that takes two shape arguments. It therefore creates a copy of beats() with the signature:

proc beats(them: shape, us: shape): bool {

In this way, Chapel’s generic procedures are a lot like C++ template functions, but using simpler (and arguably more intuitive) syntax.

In practice, it can often be valuable to constrain a procedure’s arguments, for documentation purposes, safety, or just to avoid confusion. For example, even though this procedure was written to accept two arguments of any type, its body compares the arguments to shape values; therefore, the procedure will only work for arguments that support comparisons with shape values—which, for our program, means only other shapes. Since we know that the procedure was only designed to take shape arguments, we could make this explicit in the code by providing argument types. We could also add a return type for the purposes of documentation and to have the compiler validate that we’re keeping our types straight. The result would look like this:

proc beats(them: shape, us: shape): bool {

In my AoC codes, I tend to write most of my routines generically since the programs are not very complicated, and to keep the code concise and flexible. However, when defining libraries for others to use, my preference is definitely to specify argument and return types as a form of creating well-defined interfaces and self-documenting code for a user.

The verdict() procedure

The next procedure I’ll define takes two arguments representing entries from the guide. It will convert those entries to shapes and then use them to determine whether we won, lost, or had a draw, returning the corresponding outcome:

proc verdict(abc, xyz) {
  const them = abc: int: shape,
        us   = xyz: int: shape;

  if them == us {
    return draw;
  } else if beats(them, us) {
    return lose;
  } else if beats(us, them) {
    return win;
  } else {
    halt("We should never get here: ", (them, us));

The constant declarations convert each argument from an entry value to a shape, leveraging the fact that we defined the entries to have integer values matching the shapes. Chapel does not support enum-to-enum casts by default and I don’t have time to teach you how to write one today, so we’ll just cast each entry to int, and then cast that int to a shape, one for our opponent and one for us.

Next, we check whether the shapes are the same, indicating a draw. If they’re not, we pass them to our beats() routine to see whether we lost or won. In each of the three cases, we return the corresponding outcome value.

The call to halt() in the final else clause should be unnecessary if my program is correct (and I believe it is!), and I could even replace the check for whether we won with a simple else clause since it’s the only other rational possibility. However, I wrote it this way in case my code had bugs, and an earlier version of it did, so this saved me some headache by pointing out my mistake blatantly rather than silently returning a win for that case.

Chapel’s halt() routine is a lot like writeln() in that it prints out all of its arguments, but then it also exits the program. For the second argument I’m passing to halt(), I’ve created a tuple of the two values, which would print out like (0, 3). We’ll see additional uses of tuples as we go.

The score() procedure

My final procedure computes the score of a round of rock-paper-scissors, given two entry values from the strategy guide:

proc score((abc, xyz)) {
  return xyz:int + verdict(abc, xyz):int;

Though it may not look like it, this procedure takes just a single argument, but that argument must be a 2-tuple. The tuple nature of the argument is indicated by the additional set of parentheses. This represents a syntactic de-tupling of the argument that is passed in, binding its component values to the argument names. Since there are two argument names, the actual argument passed in must be a 2-tuple. My reasons for taking this approach will become clear as we get further along.

If we were to create the fully typed version of this procedure, it could be written as follows:

proc score((abc, xyz): (entry, entry)): int {

This indicates that the two tuple elements are both entry values and that the procedure returns an int. A shorthand for writing homogeneous tuple types like this is:

proc score((abc, xyz): 2*entry): int {

This indicates that we are expecting a 2-tuple of entry values.

The body of this procedure is quite simple: It returns the sum of our entry’s shape and the outcome of our call to verdict() after casting both to integers.

Chapel Iterators

As mentioned above, Chapel’s second type of subroutine is the iterator, declared with the iter keyword. Iterators are like procedures in that they are used to factor code away from callsites and can be passed arguments. However, where a called procedure can only return a single time, an iterator can yield multiple values back to its callsite before ultimately returning (or, it could be written to iterate forever).

The iterator we’re going to create is named readGuide() and it will be written to read pairs of strings from the console, yielding them back to the callsite as a 2-tuple of entries:

iter readGuide() {
  var abc, xyz: string;

  while readf("%s %s", abc, xyz) do
    yield (abc:entry, xyz:entry);

We start by declaring two strings, abc and xyz, which will hold the AC and XZ values that we read in, respectively. Note that the names are simply mnemonic and have no bearing on what values the strings can hold.

To do the input for today’s entry, I’m using the IO module’s readf() routine, which supports formatted reads from the console. The format string "%s %s" indicates that we want to read two string values, separated by whitespace, into the arguments that follow—abc and xyz. readf() returns false once it cannot fulfill the requested read, such as at the end of the file). So at that point, we will exit the while loop and fall out of the iterator, returning to the callsite.

The body of the iterator’s while loop takes the two string values and casts them to their corresponding entry values. In Chapel, strings can be cast to enums and vice-versa, which tends to be very convenient in I/O situations like this one. We then form a 2-tuple of the two entry values and yield them back to the callsite.

Iterators are often used to drive loops in Chapel. For example, we could write a serial for-loop over our readGuide() iterator as follows:

for (i,j) in readGuide() { ... }

and this would cause the loop body to run for each pair of values yielded, binding them to the loop’s index variables, i and j, respectively. Another way to write this loop would be to use a single index variable:

for pair in readGuide() { ... }

In this case, pair would be a 2-tuple of entry values.

From Iterator to Array

Though loops over iterators are very common in Chapel, in this program, we’re going to use the iterator in another way, and one that is very powerful for these AoC exercises where the amount of input is typically unknown. Specifically, we’re going to use a call to the iterator to initialize a constant, Guide, representing our strategy guide.

const Guide = readGuide();

When a variable or constant is initialized using an iterator call like this, it becomes a 1-dimensional, 0-based array containing all of the yielded values. In this case, for the AoC sample input of three pairs, Guide would be equivalent to the array declaration:

const Guide: [0..<3] 2*entry = [(A, Y), (B, X), (C, Z)];

What makes this such an attractive pattern for AoC codes is that the array’s size need not be known a priori to declare the array. Moreover, arrays are very powerful and fundamental types in Chapel, particularly for use in parallel computation. So once we have our input data in an array, we can start to do cool things with it.

Argument Promotion

In this case, the cool thing we’re going to do is so subtle and powerful, you might miss it, so let’s work our way up to it. In Chapel, given a procedure that accepts a scalar value, like:

proc inc(x: int) { return x+1; }

in addition to calling the procedure with an integer argument, like inc(42), you can also call it with an argument that is an array of integers and get an array of results back. For example:

var result = inc([42, 33, 78, 45]);  // result will be the array '[43, 34, 79, 46]'

This is known as argument promotion, where the scalar formal argument is being promoted by passing it an array actual argument.

Not only is this a powerful and compact idiom, but it is also the first parallel computing concept we’ve seen in AoC 2022. Specifically, Chapel can and will evaluate promoted function calls in parallel. For example, for a large array on a sixteen-core processor, each processor will compute the function call for 1/16 of the array elements in parallel, ideally resulting in a 16x speedup as compared to iterating over the array serially and making the calls one at a time.

By now, you can probably see where this is going: By calling score(Guide), we pass our array of 2-tuples to our score() procedure, which expects a 2-tuple as its argument. This promotes the call, generating an array of resulting scores. We could then capture those scores into a new array variable as follows:

var Scores = score(Guide);  // Scores will be an array of `int` scores

Because promotion enables parallel execution, this also has the potential to parallelize the main computation in our program. The 3-element AoC sample input is small enough that its promotion will be computed serially to avoid unnecessary task creation overheads; but for the full-sized input, Chapel should use all of your laptop’s processor cores to compute the scores in parallel.

(Performance notes for this code…)

For anyone inclined to do performance studies of this Chapel program, or others, note that once you have a correct Chapel program, you should always recompile it with --fast before doing performance studies with it.

Furthermore, for this quick-running program, note that the I/O required to read the guide as input is likely to dominate the execution time of the program, potentially overwhelming any benefits gained from the parallelism here. However, for a longer-running or more computationally-intensive program, this form of implicit parallelism can result in significant performance gains. You can simulate this by putting a serial loop around the promoted call to score(Guide) to run it for a larger number of trials until it overwhelms the input time. To compare with a serial execution, try replacing the promotion with a serial for-loop that iterates over the Guide array, calling score() on each element.


At this point, all that is required is to sum all of the values returned by our promoted call, score(Guide). Because this is a common idiom in parallel computing, Chapel supports a reduce expression which can be used to collapse a collection of values down to a single result. In this case, we want to sum all of the values, so we use a + reduce expression and just print out the result using a writeln()::

writeln(+ reduce score(Guide));

One thing to note here is that Chapel is designed to avoid silently creating temporary arrays whenever possible. This is because, when working at the supercomputer scales that Chapel was built for, arrays can be massive, and allocating an extra array here or there can exhaust your memory very quickly. So where we might think of the call to score(Guide) as conceptually creating an array of results, if we reduce the call immediately rather than storing it into an explicit array, the reduction will actually combine the scalar int scores as they are returned, eliminating the need for any temporary arrays. As a result, the memory requirements for this program’s variables are essentially just the space for the Guide array and some scalar variables.

(Do we need any arrays at all…?)

We could even eliminate the space required by the Guide array by promoting score() with the invocation of the iterator itself, as follows:

writeln(+ reduce score(readGuide()));

However, my readGuide() iterator is serial, for reasons I’ll explain in a moment, which means that the promotion would be as well. As a result, this is a classic time-space tradeoff: Spend some space to store the data in an array to enable parallel computation? Or conserve the space and spend more time computing serially? In Chapel, this decision is yours to make.

My readGuide() iterator is serial because it is implemented using a serial while-loop. In practice, textual input can generally be very difficult to parallelize due to the difficulty in anticipating how many bytes each element will require. However, this program’s input is regular enough that it could be parallelized, with effort. Specifically, we could write a parallel overload of readGuide() that would use Chapel’s support for files and channels to read entries from the file in parallel. However, that is beyond the scope of this article (and series, likely).

Summary and Tips for Part Two

We covered a lot of ground today including several key features that should serve you well during AoC 2022: procedures, iterators, enums, halts, and your first introduction to arrays and parallel computing in Chapel, including promotion and reductions. In future articles, we’ll almost certainly spend more time with arrays as well as more explicit forms of concurrency in Chapel, such as parallel loops.

Like yesterday, the full code for my solution can be viewed and downloaded at the top of this article, or at GitHub, noting again that the GitHub version of the code uses my preferred top-down ordering of the code.

Refreshingly, you have all the tools you need to complete part two of today’s assignment. It’s essentially a fairly minor variation on part one in which you’ll need to redefine what entries X, Y, and Z mean, and change the interpretation of the xyz variables in the guide.

Good luck, and see you tomorrow!