In this second installment of our Seven Questions for Chapel Users series, we’re looking at a recent success story in which Scott Bachman used Chapel to unlock new scales of biodiversity analysis in coral reefs to study ocean health using satellite image processing. This is work that Scott started as a visiting scholar with the Chapel team at HPE, and it is just one of several projects he took on during his time with us. Since wrapping up his visit at HPE, Scott has continued to apply Chapel in his work, which he describes below.

One noteworthy thing about the computation Scott describes here is that it is just a few hundred lines of Chapel code, yet can be used to drive the CPUs and GPUs of the world’s largest supercomputers. This serves as a sharp contrast with the 100+k lines that make up the CHAMPS framework covered in our previous interview. Together, the two demonstrate the vast spectrum of code sizes that researchers are productively writing in Chapel.

This interview was conducted live (online) on August 23rd, and was edited for clarity with Scott’s assistance.

1. Who are you?

My name is Dr. Scott Bachman. I am an oceanographer currently at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and also at [C]Worthy where I’m the technical modeling lead. I have been an oceanographer for just about 10 years since my Ph.D. I have expertise in physics, fluid dynamics, and large-scale computing, at least within the scope of computational oceanography. I’m not necessarily an HPC computer whiz, but I’m pretty good by scientist standards. At NCAR we use HPC heavily—NCAR owns its own clusters. At [C]worthy we also do that, although we kind of bounce between clusters operated by DOE and NSF.

2. What do you do? What problems are you trying to solve?

In my position at NCAR, I solve problems related to ocean physics, understanding how the ocean behaves, making connections to climate change, and how we can prepare for it and mitigate risk. So one thing that I’ve done with Chapel specifically is that I wrote, or essentially translated, a code that has been used to calculate biodiversity in coral reefs.

Previously that was done serially in MATLAB, and it was creating an enormous bottleneck for the scientists because it was just not performing at all, and they were not able to do these biodiversity analyses at any kind of interesting scale—they were limited to very, very small islands and atolls. And the challenge with reefs is that they’re very scattered and also very small. This means you have to cover a massive footprint even though the individual reefs are pretty tiny.

Coral reefs are home to about 25% of all marine life at some stage of their life cycle, so even though they cover a tiny, tiny area, they are massively important for the entire oceanic food web, and therefore, so many other things.

I consider this work to benefit humankind, though I think a lot of people who don’t live near reefs don’t even understand that they’re living things. Coral reefs are home to about 25% of all marine life at some stage of their life cycle, so even though they cover a tiny, tiny area, they are massively important for the entire oceanic food web, and therefore, so many other things. I think their value in monetary terms has been calculated at something like $10 trillion. And they provide coastal protection, they provide fisheries, they can provide so many more things.

So it’s very, very important to try to conserve what reefs are left, and we’re losing them very rapidly. People in Florida, for the most part, don’t even recognize that their state has lost practically all of their reefs, which used to be world-renowned. So it’s the unfortunate property that coral reefs are hidden underneath the water, and unless you go into the water and go under, you won’t ever see them. But they’re there and they’re really, really important.

It's understandable that a lot of people are limited to the domain of running their programs serially, which is fine for the most part until you run into a problem that requires an enormous scale or enormous speed.

3. How does Chapel help you with these problems?

Chapel has helped with this particular problem due to its speed and its ease of use. As you know, climate scientists tend not to be computer scientists, even though we use computers a lot. Most of us have skill in some kind of scientific software or programming language—usually it’s Python or MATLAB. But as a community, we tend to achieve only such a level of skill with those languages that we never really get deep into the weeds unless we’re very much on the computational physics side. So it’s understandable that a lot of people are limited to the domain of running their programs serially, which is fine for the most part until you run into a problem that requires an enormous scale or enormous speed.

This problem that I have been working on for coral biodiversity was one such problem where they had really high-resolution satellite imagery with tons and tons of data; but they weren’t able to work through the data fast enough to do anything really useful. So I picked up that problem when I started working with the Chapel team at HPE, and I was able to stand up a highly, highly parallelized version of their biodiversity solver without too much trouble. I had some guidance from developers on the Chapel team like Ben Harshbarger, but otherwise Chapel’s ease-of-use was perfect for it. It let me split up these satellite images very naturally into sub-images that could be mapped to different nodes, and it was pretty much embarrassingly parallel, so it broke the door open to so much progress.

I generally ran the simulations on the NCAR supercomputer. Basically my colleagues fed me imagery to work with, and I could give it back to them in a matter of minutes after the preprocessing. So yeah, it’s this really powerful, potent thing that is only about 300 lines of code, and they’re still so excited about it. And I’m so excited about it too.

4. What initially drew you to Chapel?

My case is a bit unique in that I applied for the visiting scholar position and was able to [note: Editors' note: No coercion was needed! Scott was a great match for what we were looking for, which was for someone to bring their domain expertise and see what they could accomplish with Chapel while working within our team.]. I’ve worked with HPC code and HPC clusters quite a lot in my career, and I’ve felt the pain of working in Fortran and C and MPI. I was not super-familiar with Chapel at all prior to applying, but when I saw what it was purporting to offer as far as low barrier-to-entry and super-high performance, it definitely caught my attention—especially having encountered situations where parallel libraries like Dask with Python can be really finicky and really hard to use. It’s just like, man, there are a lot of easy problems that people can’t attack without something like Chapel. And so, yeah, I got really intrigued by it.

With the coral reef program, I was able to speed it up by a factor of, like 10,000. I would say some of that was algorithmic... but again, Chapel had the features in the language that allowed me to do it pretty succinctly.

5. What are your biggest successes that Chapel has helped achieve?

With the coral reef program, I was able to speed it up by a factor of, like 10,000. I would say some of that was algorithmic; I exploited some properties of this problem that sped it up tremendously, not even including the parallelism part. But again, Chapel had the features in the language that allowed me to do it pretty succinctly.

Reef classification as performed by Scott’s code, along with the speedup achieved

Reef classification as performed by Scott’s code, along with the speedup achieved

I think that right now we’re at two or three journal papers that have been submitted, and are at various stages of review and revision, that were made possible by this program. The code continues to be a cornerstone of this grant that we’re just starting. It’s like a three-year grant to continue this and link biological sampling with remote sensing. So they’re really leaning on me for the remote sensing and processing of that stuff, and eventually it’s going to lead to a global data set that we’ll put online. So it’s already borne a lot of fruit, and it will definitely continue to do so. And I don’t expect that the usefulness of a Chapel program like this is going to expire anytime soon. If anything, I think it’ll grow.

6. If you could improve Chapel with a finger snap, what would you do?

Oh boy, if I could improve Chapel with a finger snap, what would I do? Wishlist item one would be full GPU support. I know that’s currently in-progress, and that when I was working with you guys you wanted to take my coral program and use it as patient zero, which was cool. I don’t know how far it’s come since then but the bottom line is that the vast majority of the work we do is based on arrays and looping over arrays and stencils, doing the same operation on a bazillion points. Just having the ability to say “this problem is embarrassingly parallel, let’s run it on 15,000 GPU cores” without any real modification to the code would be nice. Having forall loops that could target multiple GPUs in this way, similar to how current ones can target multiple compute nodes…that would be amazing.

Another wishlist item, one which I know you guys are working on, is to simplify building it on some arbitrary cluster. That, to me, is one thing that, when people inquire about Chapel, I always have to tell them that once it works, it’s amazing; but that getting that first program compiling and running on a new system can be a job. This relates to the way Chapel currently exists in the programming language ecosystem. For a scientist like me, when we come to a cluster, you get on, and they’ve already got Python, Perl, C, Fortran, all the compilers, all that stuff. But Chapel, unless it’s an HPE cluster, Chapel usually does not come with it, and you have to put it on there yourself. If every system just had it available out of the box, this whole item would be a moot point.

The last one, which I think of as more of an inter-language issue, would be to ease the difficulty of reading and writing simple things like binary and text files. I wish Chapel were more like Python where you have an array and can just do array.toFile() and it’s done. With Chapel, it’s like you have to open buffers and I don’t know what else, but it’s more complex.

I told them 'Don't hire software engineers. I'll do it, and I'll write it in Chapel because I can do it by myself, and I can stand this thing up really fast.' And that is exactly what happened.

7. Anything else you’d like people to know?

Working with Chapel made such an impression on me that when I started at [C]worthy the next year, my boss wanted to pick my brain about how to do this really cutting-edge project that no-one’s ever done before. I told them “Don’t hire software engineers. I’ll do it, and I’ll write it in Chapel because I can do it by myself, and I can stand this thing up really fast.” And that is exactly what happened.

So I think, as far as my use cases, Chapel has proved itself multiple times, and I’m using it now, and next time we talk in one of these interviews, I’ll tell you about the [C]worthy project.

Thanks very much to Scott for participating in this interview series! To read or hear more about Scott’s work in coral reef biodiversity, check out his PAW-ATM 2023 paper, which was presented at SC23, or watch an earlier version of the talk, presented at CHIUW 2023.

And if you have any other questions for Scott, or comments on this series, please direct them to the 7 Questions for Chapel Users thread on Discourse.