Fourth Annual Chapel Lightning Talks @ SC14

New Orleans, LA

Tuesday November 18th, 2014

12:15pm - 1:15pm

Call For Proposals

We are pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Chapel Lightning Talks Birds-of-a-Feather session at SC14 this November. The BoF is designed to highlight interesting work being done in or around Chapel across the broad community: research collaborations, use of Chapel in education, application studies, supporting technologies, etc.

As in previous years, we anticipate having ~6 talks @ 5 minutes each as the core of the session. We'll start with a brief overview of the Chapel project to provide context for the talks (also limited to 5 minutes) and will wrap up with a Q&A session involving all the speakers.

To propose a talk, please send the following information to by October 10th:

From the submissions, the organizers will curate a program for the BoF, attempting to emphasize diverse and novel work. We will strive to prioritize new work relative to the previous lightning talks BoFs, though speakers from previous years are definitely encouraged to submit a talk that highlights new work or progress.

Key Dates:

BoF Organizers: