


import LAPACK;

Chapel idiomatic wrappers for the LAPACK library.


Because of the volume of procedures provided, and because their behavior is virtually unchanged, in-depth documentation on each procedure’s purpose and use is not given here.

Consult the Netlibs LAPACK site, and the Netlibs and Intel LAPACK documents for that information.

Additionally, only a small set of LAPACK procedures have been tested for correctness.

Differences from LAPACK

The XYYZZZ naming convention for procedures has been only slightly modified with the removal of the type identifier in the procedure name, creating a set of polymorphic procedures under the name YYZZZ.

Procedure arguments have been simplified. Using the original Fortran documentation, groupings of arguments pertaining to matrices and arrays were found, and encapsulated by Chapel arrays.

For example, instead of

LAPACKE_sgesv(matrix_order : lapack_memory_order, n : c_int, nrhs : c_int, ref a : [] c_float, lda : c_int, ref ipiv : [] c_int, ref b : [] c_float, ldb : c_int) : c_int;

the arguments n, nrhs, lda, and ldb can be encapsulated by properties of Chapel arrays and their domains, giving the LAPACK procedure:

gesv(matrix_order : lapack_memory_order, ref a : [] real(32), ref ipiv : [] c_int, ref b : [] real(32) ): c_int;

This requires that your matrices are stored in a two dimensional form.

Type Adjustments

The LAPACKE types lapack_int, lapack_float, lapack_double, lapack_complex_float, lapack_complex_double, and lapack_logical are not defined at all, but rather are replaced by the types c_int, real(32), real(64), complex(64), complex(128), and c_int respectively.

The lapack_memory_order enumeration is a replacement for the c_int constants LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR and LAPACK_COL_MAJOR defined by LAPACK and used by matrix_order which is an argument present in essentially all procedures. The value of each enumeration is equivalent (both in type and value) of the LAPACK constants. However the constants are also provided and can be used as well.

The LAPACK_SELECT types are function pointer types, whose procedures need to be declared and implemented in C, then be declared as extern var on the Chapel side. See the dgees test ($CHPL_HOME/test/library/packages/LAPACK/dgees.chpl) for a concrete example.

Compiling with LAPACK

Using this module require that you have LAPACK (binaries and C interface) on your system, as it is not bundled with Chapel.

You can download and build the Netlibs LAPACK , if it is not already installed, and this section will assume usage of the Netlibs LAPACK. You must also have libgfortran installed on your system (typically installed along with gcc).

To compile with LAPACK, Chapel needs to know:

  1. Where the LAPACKE header (lapacke.h) is.

  2. Where the libgfortran binary is (sometimes it is not to be found by ld).

  3. Where the various LAPACK binaries (lapacke, lapack, and refblas) are.

Once the details are worked out, compiling is quite simple and nearly identical to how one would compile a C program to work with LAPACK.

chpl -I/path/to/lapack/header/file \
     -L/path/to/gfortran/library/file -lgfortran \
     -L/path/to/lapack/library/files  -llapacke -llapack -lrefblas \

As an example,

chpl -I$HOME/LAPACK/lapacke/include \
     -L/usr/lib/gcc/stuff -lgfortran \
     -L$HOME/LAPACK -llapacke -llapack -lrefblas \

would be the command to use if Netlibs LAPACK had been built in $HOME/LAPACK, and the libgfortran binary found to be located in /usr/lib/gcc/stuff

You can refer to the COMPOPTS file of the LAPACK test suit ($CHPL_HOME/test/library/packages/LAPACK/) for an example

Future Work

We anticipate the following additions:

  1. Better documentation on each individual procedure, mostly derived from the original Fortran documentation.

  2. Larger test coverage of the provided procedures.

  3. Enumerated values for arguments of procedures that currently take strings to denote different options.

enum LapackImpl { lapack, mkl, off }

Available LAPACK implementations for lapackImpl

enum constant lapack
enum constant mkl
enum constant off
config param lapackImpl = LapackImpl.lapack

Specifies which header filename to include, based on the lapack implementation.

Most LAPACK implementations rely on lapacke.h, which is used when lapackImpl = lapack, the default setting.

  • LapackImpl.lapack includes lapacke.h (default)

  • LapackImpl.mkl includes mkl_lapacke.h

  • includes nothing


MKL does not currently support the low-level LAPACK_* interface, due to breaking naming conventions.

config param lapackHeader = ""

Manually specifies the header filename to include. This flag overrides. the header determined by lapackImpl.

This flag should only be necessary if using an LAPACK implementation with a unique header name that is not supported by lapackImpl. However, no guarantees can be made about this module working with untested implementations.

proc isLAPACKType(type t) param : bool

Return true if type is supported by LAPACK


External function pointer type LAPACK_C_SELECT1.


External function pointer type LAPACK_Z_SELECT1.


External function pointer type LAPACK_C_SELECT2.


External function pointer type LAPACK_D_SELECT2.


External function pointer type LAPACK_S_SELECT2.


External function pointer type LAPACK_Z_SELECT2.


External function pointer type LAPACK_S_SELECT3.


External function pointer type LAPACK_D_SELECT3.

const LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR : c_int

External const LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR.

const LAPACK_COL_MAJOR : c_int

External const LAPACK_COL_MAJOR.





enum lapack_memory_order { row_major = 101 : c_int, column_major = 102: c_int }

Mirrors the LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR and LAPACK_COL_MAJOR consts defined by LAPACK.

The enum values values are the same as the const value such that lapack_memory_order.row_major == LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR and lapack_memory_order.column_major == LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, allowing the enum to be used with pure LAPACK procedures.

enum constant row_major = 101 : c_int
enum constant column_major = 102 : c_int
proc bdsdc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, compq: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref vt: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), ref iq: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sbdsdc for the type real(32).

proc bdsdc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, compq: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref vt: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), ref iq: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dbdsdc for the type real(64).

proc bdsqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref vt: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sbdsqr for the type real(32).

proc bdsqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref vt: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dbdsqr for the type real(64).

proc bdsqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref vt: [] complex(64), ref u: [] complex(64), ref c: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cbdsqr for the type complex(64).

proc bdsqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref vt: [] complex(128), ref u: [] complex(128), ref c: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zbdsqr for the type complex(128).

proc disna(job: string, m: c_int, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref sep: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sdisna for the type real(32).

proc disna(job: string, m: c_int, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref sep: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ddisna for the type real(64).

proc gbbrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), ref pt: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbbrd for the type real(32).

proc gbbrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), ref pt: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbbrd for the type real(64).

proc gbbrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref q: [] complex(64), ref pt: [] complex(64), ref c: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbbrd for the type complex(64).

proc gbbrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref q: [] complex(128), ref pt: [] complex(128), ref c: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbbrd for the type complex(128).

proc gbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbcon for the type real(32).

proc gbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbcon for the type real(64).

proc gbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbcon for the type complex(64).

proc gbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbcon for the type complex(128).

proc gbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbequ for the type real(32).

proc gbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbequ for the type real(64).

proc gbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbequ for the type complex(64).

proc gbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbequ for the type complex(128).

proc gbequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbequb for the type real(32).

proc gbequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbequb for the type real(64).

proc gbequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbequb for the type complex(64).

proc gbequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbequb for the type complex(128).

proc gbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbrfs for the type real(32).

proc gbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbrfs for the type real(64).

proc gbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbrfs for the type complex(64).

proc gbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbrfs for the type complex(128).

proc gbrfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbrfsx for the type real(32).

proc gbrfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbrfsx for the type real(64).

proc gbrfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbrfsx for the type complex(64).

proc gbrfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbrfsx for the type complex(128).

proc gbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbsv for the type real(32).

proc gbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbsv for the type real(64).

proc gbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbsv for the type complex(64).

proc gbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbsv for the type complex(128).

proc gbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), ref rpivot: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbsvx for the type real(32).

proc gbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), ref rpivot: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbsvx for the type real(64).

proc gbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), ref rpivot: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbsvx for the type complex(64).

proc gbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), ref rpivot: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbsvx for the type complex(128).

proc gbsvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbsvxx for the type real(32).

proc gbsvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbsvxx for the type real(64).

proc gbsvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbsvxx for the type complex(64).

proc gbsvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbsvxx for the type complex(128).

proc gbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbtrf for the type real(32).

proc gbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbtrf for the type real(64).

proc gbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbtrf for the type complex(64).

proc gbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, m: c_int, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbtrf for the type complex(128).

proc gbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgbtrs for the type real(32).

proc gbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgbtrs for the type real(64).

proc gbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgbtrs for the type complex(64).

proc gbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgbtrs for the type complex(128).

proc gebak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32), ref v: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgebak for the type real(32).

proc gebak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64), ref v: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgebak for the type real(64).

proc gebak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32), ref v: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgebak for the type complex(64).

proc gebak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64), ref v: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgebak for the type complex(128).

proc gebal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgebal for the type real(32).

proc gebal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgebal for the type real(64).

proc gebal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgebal for the type complex(64).

proc gebal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgebal for the type complex(128).

proc gebrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref tauq: [] real(32), ref taup: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgebrd for the type real(32).

proc gebrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref tauq: [] real(64), ref taup: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgebrd for the type real(64).

proc gebrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref tauq: [] complex(64), ref taup: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgebrd for the type complex(64).

proc gebrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref tauq: [] complex(128), ref taup: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgebrd for the type complex(128).

proc gecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] real(32), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgecon for the type real(32).

proc gecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] real(64), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgecon for the type real(64).

proc gecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] complex(64), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgecon for the type complex(64).

proc gecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] complex(128), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgecon for the type complex(128).

proc geequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeequ for the type real(32).

proc geequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeequ for the type real(64).

proc geequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeequ for the type complex(64).

proc geequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeequ for the type complex(128).

proc geequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeequb for the type real(32).

proc geequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeequb for the type real(64).

proc geequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref rowcnd: real(32), ref colcnd: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeequb for the type complex(64).

proc geequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref rowcnd: real(64), ref colcnd: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeequb for the type complex(128).

proc gees(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_S_SELECT2, ref a: [] real(32), ref sdim: c_int, ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref vs: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgees for the type real(32).

proc gees(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_D_SELECT2, ref a: [] real(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref vs: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgees for the type real(64).

proc gees(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_C_SELECT1, ref a: [] complex(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref w: [] complex(64), ref vs: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgees for the type complex(64).

proc gees(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_Z_SELECT1, ref a: [] complex(128), ref sdim: c_int, ref w: [] complex(128), ref vs: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgees for the type complex(128).

proc geesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_S_SELECT2, sense: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref sdim: c_int, ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref vs: [] real(32), ref rconde: real(32), ref rcondv: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeesx for the type real(32).

proc geesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_D_SELECT2, sense: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref vs: [] real(64), ref rconde: real(64), ref rcondv: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeesx for the type real(64).

proc geesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_C_SELECT1, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref w: [] complex(64), ref vs: [] complex(64), ref rconde: real(32), ref rcondv: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeesx for the type complex(64).

proc geesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvs: string, sort: string, chlapack_select: LAPACK_Z_SELECT1, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref sdim: c_int, ref w: [] complex(128), ref vs: [] complex(128), ref rconde: real(64), ref rcondv: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeesx for the type complex(128).

proc geev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref vl: [] real(32), ref vr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeev for the type real(32).

proc geev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref vl: [] real(64), ref vr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeev for the type real(64).

proc geev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref w: [] complex(64), ref vl: [] complex(64), ref vr: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeev for the type complex(64).

proc geev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref w: [] complex(128), ref vl: [] complex(128), ref vr: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeev for the type complex(128).

proc geevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref vl: [] real(32), ref vr: [] real(32), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32), ref abnrm: real(32), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeevx for the type real(32).

proc geevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref vl: [] real(64), ref vr: [] real(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64), ref abnrm: real(64), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeevx for the type real(64).

proc geevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref w: [] complex(64), ref vl: [] complex(64), ref vr: [] complex(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(32), ref abnrm: real(32), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeevx for the type complex(64).

proc geevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref w: [] complex(128), ref vl: [] complex(128), ref vr: [] complex(128), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref scale: [] real(64), ref abnrm: real(64), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeevx for the type complex(128).

proc gehrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgehrd for the type real(32).

proc gehrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgehrd for the type real(64).

proc gehrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgehrd for the type complex(64).

proc gehrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgehrd for the type complex(128).

proc gejsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, joba: string, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobr: string, jobt: string, jobp: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref sva: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref v: [] real(32), ref stat: [] real(32), ref istat: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgejsv for the type real(32).

proc gejsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, joba: string, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobr: string, jobt: string, jobp: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref sva: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref v: [] real(64), ref stat: [] real(64), ref istat: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgejsv for the type real(64).

proc gelq2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgelq2 for the type real(32).

proc gelq2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgelq2 for the type real(64).

proc gelq2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgelq2 for the type complex(64).

proc gelq2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgelq2 for the type complex(128).

proc gelqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgelqf for the type real(32).

proc gelqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgelqf for the type real(64).

proc gelqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgelqf for the type complex(64).

proc gelqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgelqf for the type complex(128).

proc gels(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgels for the type real(32).

proc gels(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgels for the type real(64).

proc gels(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgels for the type complex(64).

proc gels(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgels for the type complex(128).

proc gelsd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgelsd for the type real(32).

proc gelsd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgelsd for the type real(64).

proc gelsd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgelsd for the type complex(64).

proc gelsd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgelsd for the type complex(128).

proc gelss(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgelss for the type real(32).

proc gelss(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgelss for the type real(64).

proc gelss(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgelss for the type complex(64).

proc gelss(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgelss for the type complex(128).

proc gelsy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref jpvt: [] c_int, rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgelsy for the type real(32).

proc gelsy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgelsy for the type real(64).

proc gelsy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, rcond: real(32), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgelsy for the type complex(64).

proc gelsy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref jpvt: [] c_int, rcond: real(64), ref rank: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgelsy for the type complex(128).

proc geqlf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqlf for the type real(32).

proc geqlf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqlf for the type real(64).

proc geqlf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqlf for the type complex(64).

proc geqlf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqlf for the type complex(128).

proc geqp3(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqp3 for the type real(32).

proc geqp3(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqp3 for the type real(64).

proc geqp3(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqp3 for the type complex(64).

proc geqp3(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqp3 for the type complex(128).

proc geqpf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqpf for the type real(32).

proc geqpf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqpf for the type real(64).

proc geqpf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqpf for the type complex(64).

proc geqpf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref jpvt: [] c_int, ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqpf for the type complex(128).

proc geqr2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqr2 for the type real(32).

proc geqr2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqr2 for the type real(64).

proc geqr2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqr2 for the type complex(64).

proc geqr2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqr2 for the type complex(128).

proc geqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqrf for the type real(32).

proc geqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqrf for the type real(64).

proc geqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqrf for the type complex(64).

proc geqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqrf for the type complex(128).

proc geqrfp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgeqrfp for the type real(32).

proc geqrfp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgeqrfp for the type real(64).

proc geqrfp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgeqrfp for the type complex(64).

proc geqrfp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgeqrfp for the type complex(128).

proc gerfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgerfs for the type real(32).

proc gerfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgerfs for the type real(64).

proc gerfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgerfs for the type complex(64).

proc gerfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgerfs for the type complex(128).

proc gerfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgerfsx for the type real(32).

proc gerfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgerfsx for the type real(64).

proc gerfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgerfsx for the type complex(64).

proc gerfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgerfsx for the type complex(128).

proc gerqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgerqf for the type real(32).

proc gerqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgerqf for the type real(64).

proc gerqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgerqf for the type complex(64).

proc gerqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgerqf for the type complex(128).

proc gesdd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref vt: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesdd for the type real(32).

proc gesdd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref vt: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesdd for the type real(64).

proc gesdd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref u: [] complex(64), ref vt: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgesdd for the type complex(64).

proc gesdd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref u: [] complex(128), ref vt: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgesdd for the type complex(128).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesv for the type real(32).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesv for the type real(64).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgesv for the type complex(64).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgesv for the type complex(128).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref chlapack_iter: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsgesv for the type real(64).

proc gesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref chlapack_iter: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zcgesv for the type complex(128).

proc gesvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobvt: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref vt: [] real(32), ref superb: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesvd for the type real(32).

proc gesvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobvt: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref vt: [] real(64), ref superb: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesvd for the type real(64).

proc gesvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobvt: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref u: [] complex(64), ref vt: [] complex(64), ref superb: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgesvd for the type complex(64).

proc gesvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobvt: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref u: [] complex(128), ref vt: [] complex(128), ref superb: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgesvd for the type complex(128).

proc gesvj(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, joba: string, jobu: string, jobv: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref sva: [] real(32), mv: c_int, ref v: [] real(32), ref stat: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesvj for the type real(32).

proc gesvj(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, joba: string, jobu: string, jobv: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref sva: [] real(64), mv: c_int, ref v: [] real(64), ref stat: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesvj for the type real(64).

proc gesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), ref rpivot: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesvx for the type real(32).

proc gesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), ref rpivot: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesvx for the type real(64).

proc gesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), ref rpivot: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgesvx for the type complex(64).

proc gesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), ref rpivot: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgesvx for the type complex(128).

proc gesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgesvxx for the type real(32).

proc gesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgesvxx for the type real(64).

proc gesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgesvxx for the type complex(64).

proc gesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref r: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgesvxx for the type complex(128).

proc getf2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgetf2 for the type real(32).

proc getf2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgetf2 for the type real(64).

proc getf2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgetf2 for the type complex(64).

proc getf2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgetf2 for the type complex(128).

proc getrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgetrf for the type real(32).

proc getrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgetrf for the type real(64).

proc getrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgetrf for the type complex(64).

proc getrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgetrf for the type complex(128).

proc getri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgetri for the type real(32).

proc getri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgetri for the type real(64).

proc getri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgetri for the type complex(64).

proc getri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgetri for the type complex(128).

proc getrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgetrs for the type real(32).

proc getrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgetrs for the type real(64).

proc getrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgetrs for the type complex(64).

proc getrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgetrs for the type complex(128).

proc ggbak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32), ref v: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggbak for the type real(32).

proc ggbak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64), ref v: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggbak for the type real(64).

proc ggbak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32), ref v: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggbak for the type complex(64).

proc ggbak(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, side: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64), ref v: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggbak for the type complex(128).

proc ggbal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggbal for the type real(32).

proc ggbal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggbal for the type real(64).

proc ggbal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggbal for the type complex(64).

proc ggbal(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggbal for the type complex(128).

proc gges(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_S_SELECT3, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref sdim: c_int, ref alphar: [] real(32), ref alphai: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref vsl: [] real(32), ref vsr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgges for the type real(32).

proc gges(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_D_SELECT3, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref alphar: [] real(64), ref alphai: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref vsl: [] real(64), ref vsr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgges for the type real(64).

proc gges(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_C_SELECT2, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref alpha: [] complex(64), ref beta: [] complex(64), ref vsl: [] complex(64), ref vsr: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgges for the type complex(64).

proc gges(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_Z_SELECT2, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref sdim: c_int, ref alpha: [] complex(128), ref beta: [] complex(128), ref vsl: [] complex(128), ref vsr: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgges for the type complex(128).

proc ggesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_S_SELECT3, sense: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref sdim: c_int, ref alphar: [] real(32), ref alphai: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref vsl: [] real(32), ref vsr: [] real(32), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggesx for the type real(32).

proc ggesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_D_SELECT3, sense: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref alphar: [] real(64), ref alphai: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref vsl: [] real(64), ref vsr: [] real(64), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggesx for the type real(64).

proc ggesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_C_SELECT2, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref sdim: c_int, ref alpha: [] complex(64), ref beta: [] complex(64), ref vsl: [] complex(64), ref vsr: [] complex(64), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggesx for the type complex(64).

proc ggesx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvsl: string, jobvsr: string, sort: string, selctg: LAPACK_Z_SELECT2, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref sdim: c_int, ref alpha: [] complex(128), ref beta: [] complex(128), ref vsl: [] complex(128), ref vsr: [] complex(128), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggesx for the type complex(128).

proc ggev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref alphar: [] real(32), ref alphai: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref vl: [] real(32), ref vr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggev for the type real(32).

proc ggev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref alphar: [] real(64), ref alphai: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref vl: [] real(64), ref vr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggev for the type real(64).

proc ggev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref alpha: [] complex(64), ref beta: [] complex(64), ref vl: [] complex(64), ref vr: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggev for the type complex(64).

proc ggev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref alpha: [] complex(128), ref beta: [] complex(128), ref vl: [] complex(128), ref vr: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggev for the type complex(128).

proc ggevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref alphar: [] real(32), ref alphai: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref vl: [] real(32), ref vr: [] real(32), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32), ref abnrm: real(32), ref bbnrm: real(32), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggevx for the type real(32).

proc ggevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref alphar: [] real(64), ref alphai: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref vl: [] real(64), ref vr: [] real(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64), ref abnrm: real(64), ref bbnrm: real(64), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggevx for the type real(64).

proc ggevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref alpha: [] complex(64), ref beta: [] complex(64), ref vl: [] complex(64), ref vr: [] complex(64), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(32), ref rscale: [] real(32), ref abnrm: real(32), ref bbnrm: real(32), ref rconde: [] real(32), ref rcondv: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggevx for the type complex(64).

proc ggevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, balanc: string, jobvl: string, jobvr: string, sense: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref alpha: [] complex(128), ref beta: [] complex(128), ref vl: [] complex(128), ref vr: [] complex(128), ref ilo: c_int, ref ihi: c_int, ref lscale: [] real(64), ref rscale: [] real(64), ref abnrm: real(64), ref bbnrm: real(64), ref rconde: [] real(64), ref rcondv: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggevx for the type complex(128).

proc ggglm(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref y: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggglm for the type real(32).

proc ggglm(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref y: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggglm for the type real(64).

proc ggglm(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref y: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggglm for the type complex(64).

proc ggglm(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref y: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggglm for the type complex(128).

proc gghrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgghrd for the type real(32).

proc gghrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgghrd for the type real(64).

proc gghrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgghrd for the type complex(64).

proc gghrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgghrd for the type complex(128).

proc gglse(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgglse for the type real(32).

proc gglse(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgglse for the type real(64).

proc gglse(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref c: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgglse for the type complex(64).

proc gglse(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref c: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgglse for the type complex(128).

proc ggqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref taua: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref taub: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggqrf for the type real(32).

proc ggqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref taua: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref taub: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggqrf for the type real(64).

proc ggqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref taua: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref taub: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggqrf for the type complex(64).

proc ggqrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref taua: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref taub: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggqrf for the type complex(128).

proc ggrqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref taua: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref taub: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggrqf for the type real(32).

proc ggrqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref taua: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref taub: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggrqf for the type real(64).

proc ggrqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref taua: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref taub: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggrqf for the type complex(64).

proc ggrqf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref taua: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref taub: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggrqf for the type complex(128).

proc ggsvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref alpha: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref u: [] real(32), ref v: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), ref iwork: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggsvd for the type real(32).

proc ggsvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref alpha: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref u: [] real(64), ref v: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), ref iwork: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggsvd for the type real(64).

proc ggsvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref alpha: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref u: [] complex(64), ref v: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64), ref iwork: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggsvd for the type complex(64).

proc ggsvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref alpha: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref u: [] complex(128), ref v: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128), ref iwork: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggsvd for the type complex(128).

proc ggsvp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), tola: real(32), tolb: real(32), ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref u: [] real(32), ref v: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sggsvp for the type real(32).

proc ggsvp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), tola: real(64), tolb: real(64), ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref u: [] real(64), ref v: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dggsvp for the type real(64).

proc ggsvp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), tola: real(32), tolb: real(32), ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref u: [] complex(64), ref v: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cggsvp for the type complex(64).

proc ggsvp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobu: string, jobv: string, jobq: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), tola: real(64), tolb: real(64), ref k: c_int, ref l: c_int, ref u: [] complex(128), ref v: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zggsvp for the type complex(128).

proc gtcon(norm: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), du2: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgtcon for the type real(32).

proc gtcon(norm: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), du2: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgtcon for the type real(64).

proc gtcon(norm: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), du2: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgtcon for the type complex(64).

proc gtcon(norm: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), du2: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgtcon for the type complex(128).

proc gtrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), ref dlf: [] real(32), ref df: [] real(32), ref duf: [] real(32), du2: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgtrfs for the type real(32).

proc gtrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), ref dlf: [] real(64), ref df: [] real(64), ref duf: [] real(64), du2: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgtrfs for the type real(64).

proc gtrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), ref dlf: [] complex(64), ref df: [] complex(64), ref duf: [] complex(64), du2: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgtrfs for the type complex(64).

proc gtrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), ref dlf: [] complex(128), ref df: [] complex(128), ref duf: [] complex(128), du2: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgtrfs for the type complex(128).

proc gtsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgtsv for the type real(32).

proc gtsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgtsv for the type real(64).

proc gtsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgtsv for the type complex(64).

proc gtsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgtsv for the type complex(128).

proc gtsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), ref dlf: [] real(32), ref df: [] real(32), ref duf: [] real(32), du2: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgtsvx for the type real(32).

proc gtsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), ref dlf: [] real(64), ref df: [] real(64), ref duf: [] real(64), du2: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgtsvx for the type real(64).

proc gtsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), ref dlf: [] complex(64), ref df: [] complex(64), ref duf: [] complex(64), du2: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgtsvx for the type complex(64).

proc gtsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), ref dlf: [] complex(128), ref df: [] complex(128), ref duf: [] complex(128), du2: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgtsvx for the type complex(128).

proc gttrf(n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), du2: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgttrf for the type real(32).

proc gttrf(n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), du2: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgttrf for the type real(64).

proc gttrf(n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), du2: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgttrf for the type complex(64).

proc gttrf(n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), du2: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgttrf for the type complex(128).

proc gttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref du: [] real(32), du2: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sgttrs for the type real(32).

proc gttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref du: [] real(64), du2: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dgttrs for the type real(64).

proc gttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(64), ref d: [] complex(64), ref du: [] complex(64), du2: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cgttrs for the type complex(64).

proc gttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, trans: string, n: c_int, ref dl: [] complex(128), ref d: [] complex(128), ref du: [] complex(128), du2: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zgttrs for the type complex(128).

proc hbev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbev for the type complex(64).

proc hbev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbev for the type complex(128).

proc hbevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbevd for the type complex(64).

proc hbevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbevd for the type complex(128).

proc hbevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbevx for the type complex(64).

proc hbevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbevx for the type complex(128).

proc hbgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref bb: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbgst for the type complex(64).

proc hbgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref bb: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbgst for the type complex(128).

proc hbgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref bb: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbgv for the type complex(64).

proc hbgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref bb: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbgv for the type complex(128).

proc hbgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref bb: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbgvd for the type complex(64).

proc hbgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref bb: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbgvd for the type complex(128).

proc hbgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref bb: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbgvx for the type complex(64).

proc hbgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref bb: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbgvx for the type complex(128).

proc hbtrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref q: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chbtrd for the type complex(64).

proc hbtrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref q: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhbtrd for the type complex(128).

proc hecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_checon for the type complex(64).

proc hecon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhecon for the type complex(128).

proc heequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cheequb for the type complex(64).

proc heequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zheequb for the type complex(128).

proc heev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cheev for the type complex(64).

proc heev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zheev for the type complex(128).

proc heevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cheevd for the type complex(64).

proc heevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zheevd for the type complex(128).

proc heevr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cheevr for the type complex(64).

proc heevr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zheevr for the type complex(128).

proc heevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cheevx for the type complex(64).

proc heevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zheevx for the type complex(128).

proc hegst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chegst for the type complex(64).

proc hegst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhegst for the type complex(128).

proc hegv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chegv for the type complex(64).

proc hegv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhegv for the type complex(128).

proc hegvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chegvd for the type complex(64).

proc hegvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhegvd for the type complex(128).

proc hegvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chegvx for the type complex(64).

proc hegvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhegvx for the type complex(128).

proc herfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cherfs for the type complex(64).

proc herfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zherfs for the type complex(128).

proc herfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cherfsx for the type complex(64).

proc herfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zherfsx for the type complex(128).

proc hesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chesv for the type complex(64).

proc hesv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhesv for the type complex(128).

proc hesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chesvx for the type complex(64).

proc hesvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhesvx for the type complex(128).

proc hesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chesvxx for the type complex(64).

proc hesvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhesvxx for the type complex(128).

proc hetrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chetrd for the type complex(64).

proc hetrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhetrd for the type complex(128).

proc hetrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chetrf for the type complex(64).

proc hetrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhetrf for the type complex(128).

proc hetri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chetri for the type complex(64).

proc hetri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhetri for the type complex(128).

proc hetrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chetrs for the type complex(64).

proc hetrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhetrs for the type complex(128).

proc hfrk(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, trans: string, alpha: real(32), ref a: [] complex(64), beta: real(32), ref c: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chfrk for the type complex(64).

proc hfrk(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, trans: string, alpha: real(64), ref a: [] complex(128), beta: real(64), ref c: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhfrk for the type complex(128).

proc hgeqz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] real(32), ref t: [] real(32), ref alphar: [] real(32), ref alphai: [] real(32), ref beta: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_shgeqz for the type real(32).

proc hgeqz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] real(64), ref t: [] real(64), ref alphar: [] real(64), ref alphai: [] real(64), ref beta: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dhgeqz for the type real(64).

proc hgeqz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] complex(64), ref t: [] complex(64), ref alpha: [] complex(64), ref beta: [] complex(64), ref q: [] complex(64), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chgeqz for the type complex(64).

proc hgeqz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compq: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] complex(128), ref t: [] complex(128), ref alpha: [] complex(128), ref beta: [] complex(128), ref q: [] complex(128), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhgeqz for the type complex(128).

proc hpcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpcon for the type complex(64).

proc hpcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpcon for the type complex(128).

proc hpev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpev for the type complex(64).

proc hpev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpev for the type complex(128).

proc hpevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpevd for the type complex(64).

proc hpevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpevd for the type complex(128).

proc hpevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpevx for the type complex(64).

proc hpevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpevx for the type complex(128).

proc hpgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref bp: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpgst for the type complex(64).

proc hpgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref bp: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpgst for the type complex(128).

proc hpgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref bp: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpgv for the type complex(64).

proc hpgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref bp: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpgv for the type complex(128).

proc hpgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref bp: [] complex(64), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpgvd for the type complex(64).

proc hpgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref bp: [] complex(128), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpgvd for the type complex(128).

proc hpgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref bp: [] complex(64), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpgvx for the type complex(64).

proc hpgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref bp: [] complex(128), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpgvx for the type complex(128).

proc hprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chprfs for the type complex(64).

proc hprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhprfs for the type complex(128).

proc hpsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpsv for the type complex(64).

proc hpsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpsv for the type complex(128).

proc hpsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chpsvx for the type complex(64).

proc hpsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhpsvx for the type complex(128).

proc hptrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref tau: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chptrd for the type complex(64).

proc hptrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref tau: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhptrd for the type complex(128).

proc hptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chptrf for the type complex(64).

proc hptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhptrf for the type complex(128).

proc hptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chptri for the type complex(64).

proc hptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhptri for the type complex(128).

proc hptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chptrs for the type complex(64).

proc hptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhptrs for the type complex(128).

proc hsein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, eigsrc: string, initv: string, chlapack_select: [] c_int, ref h: [] real(32), ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref vl: [] real(32), ref vr: [] real(32), mm: c_int, ref m: c_int, ref ifaill: [] c_int, ref ifailr: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_shsein for the type real(32).

proc hsein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, eigsrc: string, initv: string, chlapack_select: [] c_int, ref h: [] real(64), ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref vl: [] real(64), ref vr: [] real(64), mm: c_int, ref m: c_int, ref ifaill: [] c_int, ref ifailr: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dhsein for the type real(64).

proc hsein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, eigsrc: string, initv: string, chlapack_select: [] c_int, ref h: [] complex(64), ref w: [] complex(64), ref vl: [] complex(64), ref vr: [] complex(64), mm: c_int, ref m: c_int, ref ifaill: [] c_int, ref ifailr: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chsein for the type complex(64).

proc hsein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, eigsrc: string, initv: string, chlapack_select: [] c_int, ref h: [] complex(128), ref w: [] complex(128), ref vl: [] complex(128), ref vr: [] complex(128), mm: c_int, ref m: c_int, ref ifaill: [] c_int, ref ifailr: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhsein for the type complex(128).

proc hseqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] real(32), ref wr: [] real(32), ref wi: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_shseqr for the type real(32).

proc hseqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] real(64), ref wr: [] real(64), ref wi: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dhseqr for the type real(64).

proc hseqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] complex(64), ref w: [] complex(64), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_chseqr for the type complex(64).

proc hseqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, job: string, compz: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref h: [] complex(128), ref w: [] complex(128), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zhseqr for the type complex(128).

proc lacgv(n: c_int, ref x: [] complex(64), incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clacgv for the type complex(64).

proc lacgv(n: c_int, ref x: [] complex(128), incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlacgv for the type complex(128).

proc lacn2(n: c_int, ref v: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref isgn: [] c_int, ref est: real(32), ref kase: c_int, ref isave: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slacn2 for the type real(32).

proc lacn2(n: c_int, ref v: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref isgn: [] c_int, ref est: real(64), ref kase: c_int, ref isave: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlacn2 for the type real(64).

proc lacn2(n: c_int, ref v: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref est: real(32), ref kase: c_int, ref isave: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clacn2 for the type complex(64).

proc lacn2(n: c_int, ref v: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref est: real(64), ref kase: c_int, ref isave: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlacn2 for the type complex(128).

proc lacpy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slacpy for the type real(32).

proc lacpy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlacpy for the type real(64).

proc lacpy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clacpy for the type complex(64).

proc lacpy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlacpy for the type complex(128).

proc lacp2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clacp2 for the type complex(64).

proc lacp2(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlacp2 for the type complex(128).

proc lag2c(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref sa: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlag2c for the type complex(128).

proc lag2d(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref sa: [] real(32), ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slag2d for the type real(32).

proc lag2s(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref sa: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlag2s for the type real(64).

proc lag2z(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref sa: [] complex(64), ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clag2z for the type complex(64).

proc lagge(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref a: [] real(32), ref iseed: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slagge for the type real(32).

proc lagge(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref a: [] real(64), ref iseed: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlagge for the type real(64).

proc lagge(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref a: [] complex(64), ref iseed: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clagge for the type complex(64).

proc lagge(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, kl: c_int, ku: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref a: [] complex(128), ref iseed: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlagge for the type complex(128).

proc lamch(cmach: string) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slamch for the type real(32).

proc lamch(cmach: string) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlamch for the type real(64).

proc lange(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slange for the type real(32).

proc lange(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlange for the type real(64).

proc lange(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clange for the type complex(64).

proc lange(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlange for the type complex(128).

proc lanhe(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clanhe for the type complex(64).

proc lanhe(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlanhe for the type complex(128).

proc lansy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slansy for the type real(32).

proc lansy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlansy for the type real(64).

proc lansy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clansy for the type complex(64).

proc lansy(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlansy for the type complex(128).

proc lantr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, diag: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slantr for the type real(32).

proc lantr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, diag: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlantr for the type real(64).

proc lantr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, diag: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_float

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clantr for the type complex(64).

proc lantr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, norm: string, uplo: string, diag: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_double

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlantr for the type complex(128).

proc larfb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, direct: string, storev: string, ref v: [] real(32), ref t: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slarfb for the type real(32).

proc larfb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, direct: string, storev: string, ref v: [] real(64), ref t: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlarfb for the type real(64).

proc larfb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, direct: string, storev: string, ref v: [] complex(64), ref t: [] complex(64), ref c: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clarfb for the type complex(64).

proc larfb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, direct: string, storev: string, ref v: [] complex(128), ref t: [] complex(128), ref c: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlarfb for the type complex(128).

proc larfg(n: c_int, ref alpha: real(32), ref x: [] real(32), incx: c_int, ref tau: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slarfg for the type real(32).

proc larfg(n: c_int, ref alpha: real(64), ref x: [] real(64), incx: c_int, ref tau: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlarfg for the type real(64).

proc larfg(n: c_int, ref alpha: complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), incx: c_int, ref tau: complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clarfg for the type complex(64).

proc larfg(n: c_int, ref alpha: complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), incx: c_int, ref tau: complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlarfg for the type complex(128).

proc larft(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, direct: string, storev: string, n: c_int, k: c_int, ref v: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref t: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slarft for the type real(32).

proc larft(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, direct: string, storev: string, n: c_int, k: c_int, ref v: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref t: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlarft for the type real(64).

proc larft(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, direct: string, storev: string, n: c_int, k: c_int, ref v: [] complex(64), ref tau: [] complex(64), ref t: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clarft for the type complex(64).

proc larft(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, direct: string, storev: string, n: c_int, k: c_int, ref v: [] complex(128), ref tau: [] complex(128), ref t: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlarft for the type complex(128).

proc larfx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, ref v: [] real(32), tau: real(32), ref c: [] real(32), ref work: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slarfx for the type real(32).

proc larfx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, ref v: [] real(64), tau: real(64), ref c: [] real(64), ref work: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlarfx for the type real(64).

proc larfx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, ref v: [] complex(64), tau: complex(64), ref c: [] complex(64), ref work: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clarfx for the type complex(64).

proc larfx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, ref v: [] complex(128), tau: complex(128), ref c: [] complex(128), ref work: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlarfx for the type complex(128).

proc larnv(idist: c_int, ref iseed: [] c_int, n: c_int, ref x: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slarnv for the type real(32).

proc larnv(idist: c_int, ref iseed: [] c_int, n: c_int, ref x: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlarnv for the type real(64).

proc larnv(idist: c_int, ref iseed: [] c_int, n: c_int, ref x: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clarnv for the type complex(64).

proc larnv(idist: c_int, ref iseed: [] c_int, n: c_int, ref x: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlarnv for the type complex(128).

proc laset(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, alpha: real(32), beta: real(32), ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slaset for the type real(32).

proc laset(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, alpha: real(64), beta: real(64), ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlaset for the type real(64).

proc laset(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, alpha: complex(64), beta: complex(64), ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_claset for the type complex(64).

proc laset(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, alpha: complex(128), beta: complex(128), ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlaset for the type complex(128).

proc lasrt(id: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slasrt for the type real(32).

proc lasrt(id: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlasrt for the type real(64).

proc laswp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), k1: c_int, k2: c_int, ref ipiv: [] c_int, incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slaswp for the type real(32).

proc laswp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), k1: c_int, k2: c_int, ref ipiv: [] c_int, incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlaswp for the type real(64).

proc laswp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), k1: c_int, k2: c_int, ref ipiv: [] c_int, incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_claswp for the type complex(64).

proc laswp(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), k1: c_int, k2: c_int, ref ipiv: [] c_int, incx: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlaswp for the type complex(128).

proc latms(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, dist: string, ref iseed: [] c_int, sym: string, ref d: [] real(32), mode: c_int, cond: real(32), dmax: real(32), kl: c_int, ku: c_int, pack: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slatms for the type real(32).

proc latms(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, dist: string, ref iseed: [] c_int, sym: string, ref d: [] real(64), mode: c_int, cond: real(64), dmax: real(64), kl: c_int, ku: c_int, pack: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlatms for the type real(64).

proc latms(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, dist: string, ref iseed: [] c_int, sym: string, ref d: [] real(32), mode: c_int, cond: real(32), dmax: real(32), kl: c_int, ku: c_int, pack: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clatms for the type complex(64).

proc latms(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, dist: string, ref iseed: [] c_int, sym: string, ref d: [] real(64), mode: c_int, cond: real(64), dmax: real(64), kl: c_int, ku: c_int, pack: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlatms for the type complex(128).

proc lauum(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_slauum for the type real(32).

proc lauum(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dlauum for the type real(64).

proc lauum(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_clauum for the type complex(64).

proc lauum(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zlauum for the type complex(128).

proc opgtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref ap: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sopgtr for the type real(32).

proc opgtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref ap: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dopgtr for the type real(64).

proc opmtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, uplo: string, trans: string, ref ap: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sopmtr for the type real(32).

proc opmtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, uplo: string, trans: string, ref ap: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dopmtr for the type real(64).

proc orgbr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorgbr for the type real(32).

proc orgbr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorgbr for the type real(64).

proc orghr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorghr for the type real(32).

proc orghr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorghr for the type real(64).

proc orglq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorglq for the type real(32).

proc orglq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorglq for the type real(64).

proc orgql(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorgql for the type real(32).

proc orgql(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorgql for the type real(64).

proc orgqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorgqr for the type real(32).

proc orgqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorgqr for the type real(64).

proc orgrq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorgrq for the type real(32).

proc orgrq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorgrq for the type real(64).

proc orgtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sorgtr for the type real(32).

proc orgtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dorgtr for the type real(64).

proc ormbr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormbr for the type real(32).

proc ormbr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormbr for the type real(64).

proc ormhr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormhr for the type real(32).

proc ormhr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, ilo: c_int, ihi: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormhr for the type real(64).

proc ormlq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormlq for the type real(32).

proc ormlq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormlq for the type real(64).

proc ormql(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormql for the type real(32).

proc ormql(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormql for the type real(64).

proc ormqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormqr for the type real(32).

proc ormqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormqr for the type real(64).

proc ormrq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormrq for the type real(32).

proc ormrq(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormrq for the type real(64).

proc ormrz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, l: c_int, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormrz for the type real(32).

proc ormrz(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, trans: string, k: c_int, l: c_int, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormrz for the type real(64).

proc ormtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, uplo: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sormtr for the type real(32).

proc ormtr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, side: string, uplo: string, trans: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dormtr for the type real(64).

proc pbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbcon for the type real(32).

proc pbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbcon for the type real(64).

proc pbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbcon for the type complex(64).

proc pbcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbcon for the type complex(128).

proc pbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbequ for the type real(32).

proc pbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbequ for the type real(64).

proc pbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbequ for the type complex(64).

proc pbequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbequ for the type complex(128).

proc pbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbrfs for the type real(32).

proc pbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbrfs for the type real(64).

proc pbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbrfs for the type complex(64).

proc pbrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbrfs for the type complex(128).

proc pbstf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kb: c_int, ref bb: [] real(32), ldbb: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbstf for the type real(32).

proc pbstf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kb: c_int, ref bb: [] real(64), ldbb: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbstf for the type real(64).

proc pbstf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kb: c_int, ref bb: [] complex(64), ldbb: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbstf for the type complex(64).

proc pbstf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kb: c_int, ref bb: [] complex(128), ldbb: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbstf for the type complex(128).

proc pbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbsv for the type real(32).

proc pbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbsv for the type real(64).

proc pbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbsv for the type complex(64).

proc pbsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbsv for the type complex(128).

proc pbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref afb: [] real(32), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbsvx for the type real(32).

proc pbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref afb: [] real(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbsvx for the type real(64).

proc pbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref afb: [] complex(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbsvx for the type complex(64).

proc pbsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref afb: [] complex(128), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbsvx for the type complex(128).

proc pbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbtrf for the type real(32).

proc pbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbtrf for the type real(64).

proc pbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbtrf for the type complex(64).

proc pbtrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbtrf for the type complex(128).

proc pbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spbtrs for the type real(32).

proc pbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpbtrs for the type real(64).

proc pbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpbtrs for the type complex(64).

proc pbtrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpbtrs for the type complex(128).

proc pftrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spftrf for the type real(32).

proc pftrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpftrf for the type real(64).

proc pftrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpftrf for the type complex(64).

proc pftrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpftrf for the type complex(128).

proc pftri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spftri for the type real(32).

proc pftri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpftri for the type real(64).

proc pftri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpftri for the type complex(64).

proc pftri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpftri for the type complex(128).

proc pftrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spftrs for the type real(32).

proc pftrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpftrs for the type real(64).

proc pftrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpftrs for the type complex(64).

proc pftrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpftrs for the type complex(128).

proc pocon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spocon for the type real(32).

proc pocon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpocon for the type real(64).

proc pocon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpocon for the type complex(64).

proc pocon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpocon for the type complex(128).

proc poequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spoequ for the type real(32).

proc poequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpoequ for the type real(64).

proc poequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpoequ for the type complex(64).

proc poequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpoequ for the type complex(128).

proc poequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spoequb for the type real(32).

proc poequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpoequb for the type real(64).

proc poequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpoequb for the type complex(64).

proc poequb(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, ref a: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpoequb for the type complex(128).

proc porfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sporfs for the type real(32).

proc porfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dporfs for the type real(64).

proc porfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cporfs for the type complex(64).

proc porfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zporfs for the type complex(128).

proc porfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sporfsx for the type real(32).

proc porfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dporfsx for the type real(64).

proc porfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cporfsx for the type complex(64).

proc porfsx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, equed: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zporfsx for the type complex(128).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sposv for the type real(32).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dposv for the type real(64).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cposv for the type complex(64).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zposv for the type complex(128).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref chlapack_iter: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsposv for the type real(64).

proc posv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref chlapack_iter: c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zcposv for the type complex(128).

proc posvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sposvx for the type real(32).

proc posvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dposvx for the type real(64).

proc posvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cposvx for the type complex(64).

proc posvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zposvx for the type complex(128).

proc posvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref af: [] real(32), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sposvxx for the type real(32).

proc posvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref af: [] real(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dposvxx for the type real(64).

proc posvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref af: [] complex(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref rpvgrw: real(32), ref berr: [] real(32), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(32), err_bnds_comp: [] real(32), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cposvxx for the type complex(64).

proc posvxx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref af: [] complex(128), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref rpvgrw: real(64), ref berr: [] real(64), n_err_bnds: c_int, err_bnds_norm: [] real(64), err_bnds_comp: [] real(64), nparams: c_int, ref params: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zposvxx for the type complex(128).

proc potrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spotrf for the type real(32).

proc potrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpotrf for the type real(64).

proc potrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpotrf for the type complex(64).

proc potrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpotrf for the type complex(128).

proc potri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spotri for the type real(32).

proc potri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpotri for the type real(64).

proc potri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpotri for the type complex(64).

proc potri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpotri for the type complex(128).

proc potrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spotrs for the type real(32).

proc potrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpotrs for the type real(64).

proc potrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpotrs for the type complex(64).

proc potrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpotrs for the type complex(128).

proc ppcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sppcon for the type real(32).

proc ppcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dppcon for the type real(64).

proc ppcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cppcon for the type complex(64).

proc ppcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zppcon for the type complex(128).

proc ppequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sppequ for the type real(32).

proc ppequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dppequ for the type real(64).

proc ppequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref s: [] real(32), ref scond: real(32), ref amax: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cppequ for the type complex(64).

proc ppequ(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref s: [] real(64), ref scond: real(64), ref amax: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zppequ for the type complex(128).

proc pprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref afp: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spprfs for the type real(32).

proc pprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref afp: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpprfs for the type real(64).

proc pprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpprfs for the type complex(64).

proc pprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpprfs for the type complex(128).

proc ppsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sppsv for the type real(32).

proc ppsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dppsv for the type real(64).

proc ppsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cppsv for the type complex(64).

proc ppsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zppsv for the type complex(128).

proc ppsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref afp: [] real(32), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sppsvx for the type real(32).

proc ppsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref afp: [] real(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dppsvx for the type real(64).

proc ppsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(32), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cppsvx for the type complex(64).

proc ppsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref equed: string, ref s: [] real(64), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zppsvx for the type complex(128).

proc pptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spptrf for the type real(32).

proc pptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpptrf for the type real(64).

proc pptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpptrf for the type complex(64).

proc pptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpptrf for the type complex(128).

proc pptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spptri for the type real(32).

proc pptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpptri for the type real(64).

proc pptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpptri for the type complex(64).

proc pptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpptri for the type complex(128).

proc pptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spptrs for the type real(32).

proc pptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpptrs for the type real(64).

proc pptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpptrs for the type complex(64).

proc pptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpptrs for the type complex(128).

proc pstrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(32), ref piv: [] c_int, ref rank: c_int, tol: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spstrf for the type real(32).

proc pstrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] real(64), ref piv: [] c_int, ref rank: c_int, tol: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpstrf for the type real(64).

proc pstrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(64), ref piv: [] c_int, ref rank: c_int, tol: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpstrf for the type complex(64).

proc pstrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, ref a: [] complex(128), ref piv: [] c_int, ref rank: c_int, tol: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpstrf for the type complex(128).

proc ptcon(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sptcon for the type real(32).

proc ptcon(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dptcon for the type real(64).

proc ptcon(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64), anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cptcon for the type complex(64).

proc ptcon(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128), anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zptcon for the type complex(128).

proc pteqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spteqr for the type real(32).

proc pteqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpteqr for the type real(64).

proc pteqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpteqr for the type complex(64).

proc pteqr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpteqr for the type complex(128).

proc ptrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref df: [] real(32), ref ef: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sptrfs for the type real(32).

proc ptrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref df: [] real(64), ref ef: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dptrfs for the type real(64).

proc ptrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64), ref df: [] real(32), ref ef: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cptrfs for the type complex(64).

proc ptrfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128), ref df: [] real(64), ref ef: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zptrfs for the type complex(128).

proc ptsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sptsv for the type real(32).

proc ptsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dptsv for the type real(64).

proc ptsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cptsv for the type complex(64).

proc ptsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zptsv for the type complex(128).

proc ptsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref df: [] real(32), ref ef: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sptsvx for the type real(32).

proc ptsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref df: [] real(64), ref ef: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dptsvx for the type real(64).

proc ptsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64), ref df: [] real(32), ref ef: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cptsvx for the type complex(64).

proc ptsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128), ref df: [] real(64), ref ef: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zptsvx for the type complex(128).

proc pttrf(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spttrf for the type real(32).

proc pttrf(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpttrf for the type real(64).

proc pttrf(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpttrf for the type complex(64).

proc pttrf(n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpttrf for the type complex(128).

proc pttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_spttrs for the type real(32).

proc pttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dpttrs for the type real(64).

proc pttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] complex(64), ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cpttrs for the type complex(64).

proc pttrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] complex(128), ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zpttrs for the type complex(128).

proc sbev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbev for the type real(32).

proc sbev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbev for the type real(64).

proc sbevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbevd for the type real(32).

proc sbevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbevd for the type real(64).

proc sbevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbevx for the type real(32).

proc sbevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbevx for the type real(64).

proc sbgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref bb: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbgst for the type real(32).

proc sbgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref bb: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbgst for the type real(64).

proc sbgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref bb: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbgv for the type real(32).

proc sbgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref bb: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbgv for the type real(64).

proc sbgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref bb: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbgvd for the type real(32).

proc sbgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref bb: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbgvd for the type real(64).

proc sbgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref bb: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbgvx for the type real(32).

proc sbgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, ka: c_int, kb: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref bb: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbgvx for the type real(64).

proc sbtrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref q: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssbtrd for the type real(32).

proc sbtrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, vect: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, kd: c_int, ref ab: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref q: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsbtrd for the type real(64).

proc sfrk(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, trans: string, alpha: real(32), ref a: [] real(32), beta: real(32), ref c: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssfrk for the type real(32).

proc sfrk(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, transr: string, uplo: string, trans: string, alpha: real(64), ref a: [] real(64), beta: real(64), ref c: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsfrk for the type real(64).

proc spcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspcon for the type real(32).

proc spcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspcon for the type real(64).

proc spcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(32), ref rcond: real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cspcon for the type complex(64).

proc spcon(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, anorm: real(64), ref rcond: real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zspcon for the type complex(128).

proc spev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspev for the type real(32).

proc spev(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspev for the type real(64).

proc spevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspevd for the type real(32).

proc spevd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspevd for the type real(64).

proc spevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspevx for the type real(32).

proc spevx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspevx for the type real(64).

proc spgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref bp: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspgst for the type real(32).

proc spgst(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref bp: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspgst for the type real(64).

proc spgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref bp: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspgv for the type real(32).

proc spgv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref bp: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspgv for the type real(64).

proc spgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref bp: [] real(32), ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspgvd for the type real(32).

proc spgvd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref bp: [] real(64), ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspgvd for the type real(64).

proc spgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref bp: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspgvx for the type real(32).

proc spgvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, itype: c_int, jobz: string, rang: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref bp: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64), ref ifail: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspgvx for the type real(64).

proc sprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref afp: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssprfs for the type real(32).

proc sprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref afp: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsprfs for the type real(64).

proc sprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_csprfs for the type complex(64).

proc sprfs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zsprfs for the type complex(128).

proc spsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspsv for the type real(32).

proc spsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspsv for the type real(64).

proc spsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cspsv for the type complex(64).

proc spsv(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zspsv for the type complex(128).

proc spsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref afp: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32), ref x: [] real(32), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sspsvx for the type real(32).

proc spsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref afp: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64), ref x: [] real(64), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dspsvx for the type real(64).

proc spsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref afp: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64), ref x: [] complex(64), ref rcond: real(32), ref ferr: [] real(32), ref berr: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cspsvx for the type complex(64).

proc spsvx(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, fact: string, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref afp: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128), ref x: [] complex(128), ref rcond: real(64), ref ferr: [] real(64), ref berr: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zspsvx for the type complex(128).

proc sptrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref tau: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssptrd for the type real(32).

proc sptrd(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref tau: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsptrd for the type real(64).

proc sptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssptrf for the type real(32).

proc sptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsptrf for the type real(64).

proc sptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_csptrf for the type complex(64).

proc sptrf(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zsptrf for the type complex(128).

proc sptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssptri for the type real(32).

proc sptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsptri for the type real(64).

proc sptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_csptri for the type complex(64).

proc sptri(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zsptri for the type complex(128).

proc sptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(32), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_ssptrs for the type real(32).

proc sptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] real(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dsptrs for the type real(64).

proc sptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(64), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_csptrs for the type complex(64).

proc sptrs(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, uplo: string, n: c_int, ref ap: [] complex(128), ref ipiv: [] c_int, ref b: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zsptrs for the type complex(128).

proc stebz(rang: string, order: string, n: c_int, vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref m: c_int, ref nsplit: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sstebz for the type real(32).

proc stebz(rang: string, order: string, n: c_int, vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref m: c_int, ref nsplit: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dstebz for the type real(64).

proc stedc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sstedc for the type real(32).

proc stedc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dstedc for the type real(64).

proc stedc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cstedc for the type complex(64).

proc stedc(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, compz: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128)) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zstedc for the type complex(128).

proc stegr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] real(32), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sstegr for the type real(32).

proc stegr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] real(64), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dstegr for the type real(64).

proc stegr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(32), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref z: [] complex(64), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cstegr for the type complex(64).

proc stegr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), vl: real(64), vu: real(64), il: c_int, iu: c_int, abstol: real(64), ref m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref z: [] complex(128), ref isuppz: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zstegr for the type complex(128).

proc stein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int, ref z: [] real(32), ref ifailv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_sstein for the type real(32).

proc stein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int, ref z: [] real(64), ref ifailv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_dstein for the type real(64).

proc stein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), m: c_int, ref w: [] real(32), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int, ref z: [] complex(64), ref ifailv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_cstein for the type complex(64).

proc stein(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(64), ref e: [] real(64), m: c_int, ref w: [] real(64), ref iblock: [] c_int, ref isplit: [] c_int, ref z: [] complex(128), ref ifailv: [] c_int) : c_int

Wrapped procedure of LAPACKE_zstein for the type complex(128).

proc stemr(matrix_order: lapack_memory_order, jobz: string, rang: string, n: c_int, ref d: [] real(32), ref e: [] real(32), vl: real(32), vu: real(32)