
chplcheck is a linter for the Chapel programming language implemented in Python using the Python bindings for the compiler frontend. It is intended to catch stylistic mistakes and bad practices in Chapel programs. It is also intended to be customizable and extensible, using a system of named ‘rules’ that lead to warnings.

chplcheck supports the Language Server Protocol, allowing it to be used as part of your favorite editor. The following image demonstrates its’ use in Neovim:

Screenshot of code using ``chplcheck``

Getting Started

The easiest way to make chplcheck available on your command line is by using the chplcheck Makefile target. This will build the Dyno compiler frontend and the Python bindings for Dyno if needed, and place chplcheck into $CHPL_HOME/bin. Make sure that you satisfy the requirements for building the Python bindings.

make chplcheck
chplcheck --help

Saving the following file into myfile.chpl:

1record MyRecord {}
3for i in 1..10 do {
4  writeln("Hello, world!");

The linter is run as follows:

> chplcheck myfile.chpl
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:1: node violates rule CamelCaseRecords
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:3: node violates rule DoKeywordAndBlock
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:3: node violates rule UnusedLoopIndex

Enabling / Disabling Rules

Each rule, such as CamelCaseRecords, can be individually enabled or disabled from the command line using --enable-rule and --disable-rule. To silence the warning about unused loop indices such as i in the above code, we can invoke chplcheck as follows:

> chplcheck myfile.chpl --disable-rule UnusedLoopIndex
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:1: node violates rule CamelCaseRecords
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:3: node violates rule DoKeywordAndBlock

Some rules are disabled by default. One such rule is UseExplicitModules, which warns against letting Chapel automatically create the top-level module in a file.

> chplcheck myfile.chpl --enable-rule UseExplicitModules
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:1: node violates rule CamelCaseRecords
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:1: node violates rule UseExplicitModules
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:3: node violates rule DoKeywordAndBlock
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:3: node violates rule UnusedLoopIndex

All of the rules present in chplcheck right now are defined in tools/chplcheck/src/ You may reference this file to get a complete list of available rules. Rules marked with default=False are not enabled by default, and need to be turned on using the --enable-rule flag; rules without the above setting are enabled by default, and can be turned off using --disable-rule.

Rules can also be ignored on a case-by-case basis by adding a @chplcheck.ignore attribute with a string argument stating the rule to ignore. For example:

record MyRecord {}

This will suppress the warning about MyRecord not being in camelCase.


chplcheck.ignore is not fully implemented yet. It is currently only available for basic rules and usage of it may cause compile-time warnings.

Setting Up In Your Editor

chplcheck uses the Language Server Protocol (LSP) to integrate with compatible clients. Thus, if your editor supports LSP, you can configure it to display linting warnings via chplcheck. The following sections describe how to set up chplcheck in various editors, and will be updated as the Chapel team tests more editors. If your preferred editor is not listed, consider opening an issue or pull request to add it.


The built-in LSP API can be used to configure chplcheck as follows:

local lspconfig = require 'lspconfig'
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
local util = require 'lspconfig.util'

configs.chplcheck = {
  default_config = {
    cmd = {"chplcheck", "--lsp"},
    filetypes = {'chpl'},
    autostart = true,
    single_file_support = true,
    root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor,
    settings = {},

vim.cmd("autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.chpl set filetype=chpl")


Install the chapel extension from the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

Writing New Rules

Rules are written using the Python bindings for Chapel’s compiler frontend. In essence, a rule is a Python function that is used to detect issues with the AST. When registered with chplcheck, the name of the function becomes the name of the rule (which can be used to enable and disable the rule, as per the above sections). To mark a Python function as representing a rule, chplcheck’s Python API provides two decorators. These decorators correspond to the two ‘flavors’ of rules in the linter: ‘basic’ and ‘advanced’.

Basic Rules

Basic rules are specified using a pattern. This pattern represents which AST nodes should be scrutinized to check if something. The driver.basic_rule decorator is used to specify such rules. For instance, the following basic rule checks that explicit modules have PascalCase naming:

def PascalCaseModules(context, node):
    return node.kind() == "implicit" or check_pascal_case(node)

The Module argument to basic_rule specifies that the linter should call the PascalCaseModules function with each Module node it encounters. If the function returns True, no warning should be emitted. If the function returns False, the linter should produce a warning. The conditional returns True for all implicit modules, regardless of their name: this is because implicit modules are named after the file they are in, so the user cannot “fix” the code by editing it. For explicit modules, a helper function check_pascal_case is used to ensure that the node’s name is appropriately cased.

Patterns can be more advanced than simply specifying an AST node type. The following rule makes more use of patterns by specifying that it should be applied only to if-statements that just have a boolean literal as their condition.

@driver.basic_rule([Conditional, BoolLiteral,])
def BoolLitInCondStmt(context, node):
    return False

Advanced Rules

Sometimes, specifying a pattern is not precise enough to implement a rule. For example, a linting check might require considering two sibling nodes or other less-straightforward relationships than “does it match the pattern?”. This is the purpose of advanced rules. These functions are called with the root AST node (usually a top-level Module). Then, it is the responsibility of the function to find and yield AST nodes that should be warned about. For instance, at the time of writing, the following code implements the rule checking for unused formals.

def UnusedFormal(context, root):
    formals = dict()
    uses = set()

    for (formal, _) in chapel.each_matching(root, Formal):
        # For now, it's harder to tell if we're ignoring 'this' formals
        # (what about method calls with implicit receiver?). So skip
        # 'this' formals.
        if == "this":

        # extern functions have no bodies that can use their formals.
        if formal.parent().linkage() == "extern":

        formals[formal.unique_id()] = formal

    for (use, _) in chapel.each_matching(root, Identifier):
        refersto = use.to_node()
        if refersto:

    for unused in formals.keys() - uses:
        yield formals[unused]

This function performs _two_ pattern-based searches: one for formals, and one for identifiers that might reference the formals. It then emits a warning for each formal for which there wasn’t a corresponding identifier.

Adding Custom Rules

Developers may have their own preferences for their code they would like to be enforced by a linter. Rather than adding their own rule to, developers can load a custom rule file that contains all of their custom rules.

For example, the following code is a complete definition of two new rules for chplcheck. Note that the top-level function must be named rules and take one argument.

# saved in file ``
import chapel

def rules(driver):

  def NoFunctionFoo(context, node):
    return != "foo"

  @driver.basic_rule(chapel.Variable, default=False)
  def NoVariableBar(context, node):
    return != "bar"

To use these rules with chplcheck, use the --add-rules command line argument.

Saving the following file into myfile.chpl:

1proc foo() {
2  var bar = 10;

The linter is run as follows:

> chplcheck myfile.chpl --add-rules path/to/my/ --enable-rule NoVariableBar
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:1: node violates rule NoFunctionFoo
path/to/myfile/myfile.chpl:2: node violates rule NoVariableBar