The Manifest File

The Mason.toml manifest file is written in TOML (more information on the TOML format below). Each time a new package is created in Mason a standard TOML file is included in the top-level directory of the package.

For example, Mason.toml:

authors = ["Sam Partee <>"]
chplVersion = "1.16.0"
license = "None"
name = "MyPackage"
version = "0.1.0"

curl = '1.0.0'

The chplVersion field indicates Chapel releases compatible with this package. There are a number of accepted formats:

"1.16.0"         # 1.16.0 or later
"1.16"           # 1.16.0 or later
"1.16.0..1.19.0" # 1.16 through 1.19, inclusive

By default, chplVersion is set to represent the current Chapel release or later. For example, if you are using the 1.16 release, chplVersion will be 1.16.0.

The license field indicates the software license under which the package is distributed. Any of the licenses available at the SPDX License List can be used for Mason packages. The license field defaults to None.

TOML is the configuration language chosen by the chapel team for configuring programs written in chapel. A TOML file contains the necessary information to build a chapel program using mason. View documentation for the TOML format here: TOML Spec.

The Lock File

The lock file Mason.lock is generated after running a mason update command. The user should never manually edit the lock file as it is intended to “lock” in the settings of a certain package build iteration. Mason.lock is added by default to the .gitignore when a new package is created. If your intention is to create a binary application package thats lock file should not change, removing Mason.lock from your .gitignore could be a good idea. An example of a lock file is written below as if generated from the earlier example of a Mason.toml:

authors = ["Sam Partee <>"]
chplVersion = "1.16.0..1.16.0"
dependencies = ['curl 1.0.0']
license = "None"
name = "MyPackage"
source = ""
version = "0.1.0"

chplVersion = "1.16.0..1.16.0"
license = "None"
name = 'curl'
source = ''
version = '1.0.0'