Building Larger Packages

For packages that span multiple files, the main module is designated by the module that shares the name with the package directory and the name field in the Mason.toml file.

If a main procedure is used as the program’s entry point, it should be located in the main module. If no main procedure is present in the main module, program execution will begin at the first line of the main module.

While not recommended with mason libraries that are going to be added to the mason registry, passing an -- -M compilation argument, as outlined below, can make building your mason application easier.

Alternatively, for mason libraries, submodules should be used to avoid conflicting namespaces for users of your library. A submodule can be included in a mason project by adding a directory with the same name as the parent module, and placing source files for submodules in that directory. For example, in the directory structure below, the submodule subMod can be included in the main module myPackage by using include module SubMod; in the main module’s source file (see Including Sub-Modules from Separate Files for more):

 ├── Mason.lock
 ├── Mason.toml
 ├── example/
 ├── src/
 │   ├── myPackage.chpl
 │   └── myPackage/
 │       └── SubMod.chpl
 ├── target/
 │   ├── debug/
 │   │   └── myPackage
 │   ├── example/
 │   └── test/
 └── test/

To use modules located in sub-directories (without using submodules), all sub-directory paths must be passed to mason with the -- -M <src/subdirectory> flag. Note the -- which tells mason to forward all remaining flags directly to the Chapel Compiler. For example, lets say MyPackage’s structure is as follows:

 ├── Mason.lock
 ├── Mason.toml
 ├── example/
 ├── src/
 │   ├── myPackage.chpl
 │   └── util/
 │       └── myPackageUtils.chpl
 ├── target/
 │   ├── debug/
 │   │   └── myPackage
 │   ├── example/
 │   └── test/
 └── test/

The following command would be used to build MyPackage with the myPackageUtils module:

mason build -- -M src/util/MyPackageUtils.chpl