Function-Static Variables


This work is under active development. As such, the interface is unstable and expected to change.

It is likely the final version of this feature will not be implemented using an attribute.


Chapel has limited support for marking variables as ‘function static’. Doing so causes them to have similar semantics to C++ block-static variables. In other words, a variable declared as ‘function static’ will be initialized once when the function is first executed; subsequent calls to the function will re-use the existing value of the variable. This can be useful for re-using results of computations that do not change between function invocations. For instance, one might compute a lookup table on the first invocation of a function, and simply access that lookup table in subsequent runs. The following program demonstrates this, pre-computing the Fibonacci numbers:

use CTypes;
use Time;

config param tableSize = 10000;

proc computeExpensiveTable(seed1: real, seed2: real) {
    writeln("Computing an expensive table");
    var toReturn: c_array(real, tableSize);

    toReturn[0] = seed1;
    toReturn[1] = seed2;
    for i in 2..<tableSize {
        toReturn[i] = toReturn[i-1] + toReturn[i-2];

    return toReturn;

proc getNthElement(x: int): real {
    ref table = computeExpensiveTable(1, 1);
    return table[x];

writeln("Element 0: ", getNthElement(0));
writeln("Element 1: ", getNthElement(1));
writeln("Element 100: ", getNthElement(100));

The output of the above program is as follows:

Computing an expensive table
Element 0: 1
Element 1: 1
Element 100: 5.73148e+20

Importantly, the ‘computing’ line is only printed once, despite the three invocation of getNthElement. The static variable in the above snippet is table. It’s marked static using the @functionStatic annotation. Because of this annotation, the initialization expression of table is only executed during the first call to getNthElement.

One important aspect of the snippet above is that the variable was declared using the ref intent. The reason for this is that table is assigned from the (stored) cached result. Thus, if the var or const intents were used, each invocation of the function would result in copying the table from the memoized result to the local variable. If the table is large enough to warrant memoization, the copy could be expensive.

Generic Functions

In generic functions with static variables, one instance of the static variable is created for each instantiation. Consider the following example:

proc defaultValueForType(type x: numeric): x do return 0;
proc defaultValueForType(type x: string): x do return "";

proc genericFunction(arg) {
    ref acc = defaultValueForType(arg.type);

    acc += arg;
    return acc;

writeln(genericFunction(" world"));

In this example, one copy of the accumulator is created for each of the functions instantiations (int, real and string). As a result, the output of the program is as follows:

hello world


The initialization of function-static variables is implicitly synchronized using Chapel’s atomic types. As a consequence, it’s safe to call a function with static variables from multiple concurrent threads, as well as from multiple locales. In the latter case, the variable is stored on the first locale to initialize it; support for alternative ways of sharing the data (e.g., replicating the precomputed data to all locales) is considered future work.

Sharing Kinds

Currently, Chapel’s static variables support two sharing kinds: “compute-or-retrieve” and “compute-per-locale”. The former is the default; under this mode, the first locale to reach a function-static variable computes the variable’s initial value, and the variable is stored on that locale. Other locales that subsequently call the function access the variable remotely. For example, the following program:

proc computeInitialValue() do return 0;

proc getAndIncrement(): real {
    ref myVar = computeInitialValue();
    myVar += 1;
    writeln("I'm on locale ", here, ", the variable is on locale ", myVar.locale);
    return myVar;

for loc in Locales do on loc {

Produces the following output when executed using 4 locales:

I'm on locale LOCALE0, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE0, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE1, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE1, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE2, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE2, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE3, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE3, the variable is on locale LOCALE0

The variable myVar is shared across all locales, and each locale sees the effect of incrementing it. On the other hand, because the first locale is the one to call getAndIncrement, the variable is stored there.

The code would behave the same way if the computeOrRetrieve sharing kind were explicitly specified.

ref myVar = computeInitialValue();

The other supported sharing kind is “compute-per-locale”. When using this sharing kind, each locale gets its own copy of the static variable. When a locale reaches the variable’s declaration, it independently computes the initial value. Subsequent changes to the static variable are only visible to the locale. The purpose for this approach is to support the pre-computation of values “near” where the computation takes place. This way, each locale can reference its own copy of the pre-computed data, without the need for any communication. By changing the sharing kind to computePerLocale:

ref myVar = computeInitialValue();

The output of the whole program changes to the following:

I'm on locale LOCALE0, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE0, the variable is on locale LOCALE0
I'm on locale LOCALE1, the variable is on locale LOCALE1
I'm on locale LOCALE1, the variable is on locale LOCALE1
I'm on locale LOCALE2, the variable is on locale LOCALE2
I'm on locale LOCALE2, the variable is on locale LOCALE2
I'm on locale LOCALE3, the variable is on locale LOCALE3
I'm on locale LOCALE3, the variable is on locale LOCALE3


The computePerLocale sharing kind currently suffers from a memory leak. The copies of static variables that are not on the initial locale are not destroyed when the program exists. As a result, the memory associated with them is leaked, and their destructors are not invoked. This is considered a bug and will be fixed in a future release.

Implementation Details

A variable with the @functionStatic annotation is effectively hoisted to the module that contains its parent function. During the function’s invocation, the code initializing the variable is replaced with a conditional that checks if the variable has been initialized. This check includes synchronization with other threads and/or locales. If the variable has not been initialized, and the current thread is the first to perform the check, the initialization expression is executed and the result is stored in the hoisted variable. As an example, the above getNthElement function is transformed into something like the following:

var precomputed: _staticWrapper(c_array(real, tableSize));
proc getNthElement(x: int): real {
    if precomputed.callerShouldComputeValue() {
      precomputed.setValue(computeExpensiveTable(1, 1));
    ref table = precomputed.getValue();
    return table[x];

The above snippet highlights the importance of the ref intent: in the transformed code, the table variable is assigned to the result of calling precomputed.getValue(). This result is returned by reference, but if table were a value, it would be copied.

Presently, the value is stored in a heap-allocated container class. Thus, by default, _staticWrapper stores nil; when the value is set using setValue, a new instance of the container class is allocated and stored within _staticWrapper.


The current implementation has the following limitations:

  • Variables whose types have a runtime component (arrays and domains) cannot be stored in function-static variables. This is because the type of the initialization expression can only be fully determined at runtime, which makes it impossible to hoist the variable to the module level as described in Implementation Details.

  • There is limited support for alternative ways of sharing the data between locales. The current implementation supports storing data on a single locale, or re-computing it on all locales. Alternative sharing modes (e.g., computing the value once and replicating it to all locales) are desirable.

  • Split-initialization of static variables is not supported.

Future Work

As noted at the beginning of this page, the current implementation is a work in progress. The following items are considered future work:

  • Proper language-level support that doesn’t simply use an attribute. This might include a keyword or some kind of type.

  • Better ergonomics for the user. Using ref does not seem like the ideal long-term solution.

  • Investigation of how to support types with runtime components.

  • Support for alternative ways of sharing static variables between locales.