This section contains definitions declared in the chpl::types namespace.
namespace types¶
size_t hashSubstitutionsMap(const CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap &subs)¶
void stringifySubstitutionsMap(std::ostream &streamOut, StringifyKind stringKind, const CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap &subs)¶
class AnyClassType : public chpl::types::ManageableType¶
This class represents the generic
typeclass. It inherits from ManageableType so that it can be used with decorators and managers.Public Functions
~AnyClassType() = default¶
inline virtual Type::Genericity genericity() const override¶
This function returns an enum Genericity value to indicate if the type is concrete, generic, generic with defaults, or maybe generic (e.g. depending on the fields).
This function needs to be defined by subclasses.
Public Static Functions
static const AnyClassType *get(Context *context)¶
~AnyClassType() = default¶
class AnyType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents a generic type that can instantiate to any type.
Public Functions
~AnyType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
~AnyType() = default¶
class ArrayType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
This class represents an array type e.g.
[1..10] int
.Public Functions
inline QualifiedType domainType() const¶
inline QualifiedType eltType() const¶
~ArrayType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static const ArrayType *getArrayType(Context *context, const QualifiedType &domainType, const QualifiedType &eltType)¶
inline QualifiedType domainType() const¶
class BasicClassType : public chpl::types::ManageableType¶
This class represents an class type (e.g.
class C
) without considering decorators.Public Functions
~BasicClassType() = default¶
inline const BasicClassType *parentClassType() const¶
Return the parent class type, or nullptr if this is the ‘object’ type.
inline bool isObjectType() const¶
Return true if this type is the ‘object’ type.
bool isSubtypeOf(const BasicClassType *parentType, bool &converts, bool &instantiates) const¶
Returns true if this class type is a subclass of the passed parent class type or an instantiation of a passed generic class type or a combination of the two.
The argument ‘convert’ is set to true if passing required using a parent type and ‘instantiates’ is set to true if it requires instantiation.
inline const BasicClassType *instantiatedFrom() const¶
If this type represents an instantiated type, returns the type it was instantiated from.
This is just instantiatedFromCompositeType() with the result cast to BasicClassType.
Public Static Functions
static const BasicClassType *get(Context *context, ID id, UniqueString name, const BasicClassType *parentType, const BasicClassType *instantiatedFrom, CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap subs)¶
static const BasicClassType *getRootClassType(Context *context)¶
static const BasicClassType *getReduceScanOpType(Context *context)¶
~BasicClassType() = default¶
class BoolType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents a bool type, e.g.
.Note that
normally has width8
is a separate type.Public Functions
~BoolType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
~BoolType() = default¶
class BuiltinType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents a builtin type that only needs a name to be used by resolution.
For example,
.Types that are used very commonly (e.g. AnyType, UnknownType) should get their own classes.
Types that have need for different fields (e.g. PrimitiveType) should get their own classes.
Public Functions
~BuiltinType() = default¶
const char *c_str() const¶
Returns a C string for the name of this BuiltinType.
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static void gatherBuiltins(Context *context, std::unordered_map<UniqueString, const Type*> &map)¶
~BuiltinType() = default¶
class ClassType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents an class type including a memory management decorator. E.g. if we have
class C
, thenborrowed C?
orshared C
are ClassTypes.Public Functions
~ClassType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
inline ClassTypeDecorator decorator() const¶
Returns the ClassTypeDecorator for this ClassType. This decorator indicates the memory management strategy.
inline const Type *manager() const¶
Returns the manager for this ClassType, or nullptr if the decorator does not indicate a managed type. This can return a record type or AnyOwnedType / AnySharedType.
inline const ManageableType *manageableType() const¶
Returns the type being managed
inline const BasicClassType *basicClassType() const¶
Returns the basic class type
const ClassType *withDecorator(Context *context, ClassTypeDecorator decorator) const¶
Returns the version of this ClassType with the passed decorator
const RecordType *managerRecordType(Context *context) const¶
Returns the recordType for the manager. This will be instantiated, e.g. as ‘_owned(C)’ for some class C.
Public Static Functions
static const ClassType *get(Context *context, const ManageableType *manageableType, const Type *manager, ClassTypeDecorator decorator)¶
~ClassType() = default¶
class ClassTypeDecorator¶
This class stores a class type decorator that describes a memory management strategy.
It wraps a ClassTypeDecoratorEnum value so that it is easy to call methods on it.
Public Types
enum ClassTypeDecoratorEnum¶
enumerator BORROWED¶
enumerator UNMANAGED¶
enumerator MANAGED¶
enumerator MANAGED_NONNIL¶
enumerator GENERIC¶
enumerator GENERIC_NONNIL¶
enumerator BORROWED¶
Public Functions
inline explicit ClassTypeDecorator(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum val)¶
~ClassTypeDecorator() = default¶
inline ClassTypeDecoratorEnum val() const¶
Returns the ClassTypeDecoratorEnum value
inline ClassTypeDecorator removeNilable() const¶
Returns a decorator based on this one but with unknown nilability
inline ClassTypeDecorator addNonNil() const¶
Returns a decorator based on this one but that is non-nilable
inline ClassTypeDecorator addNilable() const¶
Returns a decorator based on this one but that is nilable
inline ClassTypeDecorator toBorrowed() const¶
Returns a decorator based on this one but with borrowed management (preserving nilability)
inline bool isUnknownNilability() const¶
Returns true if this decorator has unknown nilability
inline bool isNonNilable() const¶
Returns true if this decorator is non-nilable
inline bool isNilable() const¶
Returns true if this decorator is nilable
inline bool isBorrowed() const¶
Returns true if this decorator represents a borrowed type (e.g. borrowed C)
inline bool isUnmanaged() const¶
Returns true if this decorator represents a unmanaged type (e.g. unmanaged C)
inline bool isManaged() const¶
Returns true if this decorator represents a managed type (e.g. owned or shared)
inline bool isUnknownManagement() const¶
Returns true if this decorator has unknown management
inline ClassTypeDecorator combine(ClassTypeDecorator actual) const¶
Combines decorators assuming that
is a formal and the passed decorator is an actual
inline ClassTypeDecorator copyNilabilityFrom(ClassTypeDecorator other) const¶
inline bool operator==(ClassTypeDecorator other) const¶
inline bool operator!=(ClassTypeDecorator other) const¶
inline size_t hash() const¶
inline void swap(ClassTypeDecorator other)¶
Public Static Functions
static inline ClassTypeDecoratorEnum getIthDecorator(int i)¶
Given an integer i with 0 <= i < NUM_DECORATORS returns a decorator with that number. This can be used to iterate over the possible decorators.
static inline ClassTypeDecoratorEnum removeNilableFromDecorator(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline ClassTypeDecoratorEnum addNonNilToDecorator(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline ClassTypeDecoratorEnum addNilableToDecorator(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorUnknownNilability(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorNonNilable(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorNilable(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorBorrowed(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorUnmanaged(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorManaged(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static inline bool isDecoratorUnknownManagement(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum d)¶
static ClassTypeDecoratorEnum combineDecorators(ClassTypeDecoratorEnum formalDecorator, ClassTypeDecoratorEnum actualDecorator)¶
enum ClassTypeDecoratorEnum¶
class ComplexType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents a complex type, e.g.
.Public Functions
~ComplexType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width of this complex (64 or 128 bits, including both components
inline int componentBitwidth() const¶
Returns the bit width of a single component of this complex (which is half of bitwidth() )
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
Public Static Functions
static const ComplexType *get(Context *context, int bitwidth)¶
~ComplexType() = default¶
class CompositeType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents an aggregate type which is a type that contains other elements as fields. Subclasses include BasicClass, Record, Union, and Tuple types.
This class itself does not represent the field types. Instead, it uses the uAST ID of the class/record/union. For a generic type, it also uses a SubstitutionsMap.
(Storing field types in this class would present significant challenges for computing this type in an immutable way within the query framework).
For a generic-with-default type, the main type (with no substitutions) is generic, and the defaulted version is an instantiation of that.
E.g., for
record R { type t = int; }
,the CompositeType for R with no substitutions is a generic type when the version with the default is needed, it will be computed as a CompositeType for R with the substitution t->int which is instantiated from the above type.
Subclassed by chpl::types::ArrayType, chpl::types::DomainType, chpl::types::ManageableType, chpl::types::RecordType, chpl::types::TupleType, chpl::types::UnionType
Public Types
using SubstitutionsMap = std::unordered_map<ID, types::QualifiedType>¶
A SubstitutionsMap stores a mapping from uAST ID of a field or formal argument to the QualifiedType for it.
When a generic type or function is instantiated, the SubstitutionsMap describes the types that are used to instantiate it. For example, if we have
record R { type t; }
is the RecordType with SubstitutionsMap containing a mapping fromt
.Similarly, if we have
proc f(a, param b) { }
f(1.0, 2)
creates an instantiation off
with the SubstitutionsMap containing a mapping froma
and a mapping fromb
using SubstitutionPair = std::pair<ID, QualifiedType>¶
using SortedSubstitutions = std::vector<SubstitutionPair>¶
Public Functions
virtual ~CompositeType() = 0¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
inline const ID &id() const¶
Return the uAST ID associated with this CompositeType
inline UniqueString name() const¶
Returns the name of the uAST associated with this CompositeType
inline const CompositeType *instantiatedFromCompositeType() const¶
If this type represents an instantiated type, returns the type it was instantiated from.
This function always returns the fully generic type and never a partial instantiation. That is, the result will either be nullptr or result->instantiatedFrom() will be nullptr.
inline bool isInstantiationOf(Context *context, const CompositeType *genericType) const¶
Returns true if ‘this’ is an instantiation of genericType
inline const SubstitutionsMap &substitutions() const¶
Returns the substitutions map
SortedSubstitutions sortedSubstitutions() const¶
Returns the substitutions sorted by key ID
inline types::QualifiedType substitution(ID declId) const¶
Returns the substitution for a particular declId, or an empty QualifiedType if no substitution was found.
Public Static Functions
static const RecordType *getStringType(Context *context)¶
Get the string type
static const RecordType *getRangeType(Context *context)¶
Get the range type
static const RecordType *getBytesType(Context *context)¶
Get the bytes type
static const RecordType *getLocaleType(Context *context)¶
Get the locale type
static const RecordType *getLocaleIDType(Context *context)¶
Get the chpl_localeID_t type
static const RecordType *getDistributionType(Context *context)¶
Get the _distribution type
static const RecordType *getOwnedRecordType(Context *context, const BasicClassType *bct)¶
Get the record _owned implementing owned
Get the record _shared implementing shared
using SubstitutionsMap = std::unordered_map<ID, types::QualifiedType>¶
class CPtrType : public chpl::types::PtrType¶
Public Functions
inline bool isConst() const¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
inline bool isConst() const¶
class CStringType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents the string type.
Public Functions
~CStringType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static const CStringType *get(Context *context)¶
~CStringType() = default¶
class DomainType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
This class represents a domain type e.g.
.NB: This type’s representation is a work-in-progress and subject to change.
In practice this type is represented by the
record in ChapelDomain, but does not follow all of the normal record rules. The record implementation primarily exists as a composite type with some fields and on which we can call methods.Furthermore, this type currently represents its type and param properties entirely in the compiler, i.e., not as fields in _domain. These properties are stored in the SubstitutionsMap for this type.
TODO: Should _domain store type and param fields directly for ‘idxType’, etc.?
Public Functions
int rankInt() const¶
inline const QualifiedType &rank() const¶
inline const QualifiedType &idxType() const¶
inline const QualifiedType &strides() const¶
inline const QualifiedType &parSafe() const¶
~DomainType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static const DomainType *getGenericDomainType(Context *context)¶
Return the generic domain type
static const DomainType *getRectangularType(Context *context, const QualifiedType &instance, const QualifiedType &rank, const QualifiedType &idxType, const QualifiedType &strides)¶
Return a rectangular domain type
static const DomainType *getAssociativeType(Context *context, const QualifiedType &idxType, const QualifiedType &parSafe)¶
Return an associative domain type
static const QualifiedType &getDefaultDistType(Context *context)¶
Get the default distribution type
int rankInt() const¶
class EnumType : public chpl::types::Type¶
Public Functions
~EnumType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
inline UniqueString name() const¶
Return the name of the uAST associated with this EnumType
inline bool isAbstract() const¶
An enum type is abstract if none of its constants have an initializer part defined.
inline bool isConcrete() const¶
An enum type is concrete if its first constant has an initializer part defined.
inline bool isSemiConcrete() const¶
An enum type is semi-concrete if some of its constants, but not the first constant, have an initializer part defined.
Public Static Functions
static const EnumType *getIterKindType(Context *context)¶
Get the type representing an iterator’s “iteration kind”.
static const std::map<UniqueString, QualifiedType> *getParamConstantsMapOrNull(Context *context, const EnumType *et)¶
Given an enum type ‘et’, get a map from the name of each constant in ‘et’ to each constant represented as a param value. If there are multiple enum constants with the same name (which means the AST is semantically incorrect), then only the first constant is added to the map. Returns ‘nullptr’ if ‘et’ is ‘nullptr’ or has an empty ID, or if it does not have any AST representing it.
~EnumType() = default¶
class ErroneousType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents an erroneous type - that is, a type used as an error sentinel type. Errors with this type should be ignored.
Public Functions
~ErroneousType() = default¶
Public Static Functions
static const ErroneousType *get(Context *context)¶
~ErroneousType() = default¶
class ExternType : public chpl::types::Type¶
Public Functions
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
inline UniqueString linkageName() const¶
Public Static Functions
static const ExternType *get(Context *context, UniqueString linkageName, ID id)¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
class FnIteratorType : public chpl::types::IteratorType¶
Public Functions
inline const resolution::TypedFnSignature *iteratorFn() const¶
Public Static Functions
static const FnIteratorType *get(Context *context, const resolution::PoiScope *poiScope, const resolution::TypedFnSignature *iteratorFn)¶
inline const resolution::TypedFnSignature *iteratorFn() const¶
class HeapBufferType : public chpl::types::PtrType¶
Public Functions
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static const HeapBufferType *get(Context *context)¶
static const HeapBufferType *get(Context *context, const Type *eltType)¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
class ImagType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents a imag type, e.g.
.Public Functions
~ImagType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
~ImagType() = default¶
class IntType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents an int type, e.g.
.Public Functions
~IntType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
~IntType() = default¶
class IteratorType : public chpl::types::Type¶
Subclassed by chpl::types::FnIteratorType, chpl::types::LoopExprIteratorType, chpl::types::PromotionIteratorType
Public Functions
inline const resolution::PoiScope *poiScope() const¶
inline const resolution::PoiScope *poiScope() const¶
class LoopExprIteratorType : public chpl::types::IteratorType¶
Public Functions
inline const QualifiedType &yieldType() const¶
inline bool isZippered() const¶
inline bool supportsParallel() const¶
inline const QualifiedType &iterand() const¶
Public Static Functions
static const LoopExprIteratorType *get(Context *context, QualifiedType yieldType, const resolution::PoiScope *poiScope, bool isZippered, bool supportsParallel, QualifiedType iterand, ID sourceLocation)¶
inline const QualifiedType &yieldType() const¶
class ManageableType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
General subclass for “things that have management”. Mostly this will be basic class types (e.g., the
inmanaged C?
), but we also want to share the code for adding management and nilability to the genericclass
typeclass. So bothC
(and other Chapel subclasses ofRootClass
) andclass
will inherit from ManageableType.Subclassed by chpl::types::AnyClassType, chpl::types::BasicClassType
class NilType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents the type of
.Public Functions
~NilType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
~NilType() = default¶
class NothingType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents the nothing type.
Public Functions
~NothingType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Public Static Functions
static const NothingType *get(Context *context)¶
~NothingType() = default¶
class Param¶
This is the base class for classes that represent a param value.
Functions like someParam->isUint32Param() / someParam->toUint32Param() are available and generated for all Param subclasses.
Public Functions
virtual ~Param() = 0¶
void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const¶
virtual void serialize(Serializer &ser) const¶
virtual bool isNonZero() const = 0¶
virtual bool isZero() const = 0¶
Public Static Functions
static QualifiedType fold(Context *context, const chpl::uast::AstNode *astForErr, chpl::uast::PrimitiveTag op, QualifiedType a, QualifiedType b)¶
static const Param *deserialize(Deserializer &des)¶
static uint64_t binStr2uint64(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
static uint64_t octStr2uint64(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
static uint64_t decStr2uint64(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
static int64_t decStr2int64(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
static uint64_t hexStr2uint64(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
static double str2double(const char *str, size_t len, std::string &err)¶
struct ComplexDouble¶
Public Functions
inline ComplexDouble(double re, double im)¶
inline explicit operator bool() const¶
inline bool operator==(const ComplexDouble &other) const¶
inline bool operator!=(const ComplexDouble &other) const¶
inline size_t hash() const¶
inline ComplexDouble(double re, double im)¶
struct EnumValue¶
struct NoneValue¶
virtual ~Param() = 0¶
class PrimitiveType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents a primitive numeric type (e.g.
) that can have a width.Subclassed by chpl::types::BoolType, chpl::types::ComplexType, chpl::types::ImagType, chpl::types::IntType, chpl::types::RealType, chpl::types::UintType
Public Functions
~PrimitiveType() = default¶
virtual int bitwidth() const = 0¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const = 0¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
virtual const char *c_str() const = 0¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
Compute a string representing this type.
Public Static Functions
static const PrimitiveType *getWithNameAndWidth(Context *context, UniqueString name, int bitwidth)¶
Get the PrimitiveType according to name and bitwidth, or nullptr if the name or bitwidth are invalid.
~PrimitiveType() = default¶
class PromotionIteratorType : public chpl::types::IteratorType¶
Public Functions
inline const resolution::TypedFnSignature *scalarFn() const¶
inline const resolution::SubstitutionsMap &promotedFormals() const¶
Public Static Functions
static const PromotionIteratorType *get(Context *context, const resolution::PoiScope *poiScope, const resolution::TypedFnSignature *scalarFn, resolution::SubstitutionsMap promotedFormals)¶
inline const resolution::TypedFnSignature *scalarFn() const¶
class PtrType : public chpl::types::Type¶
Subclassed by chpl::types::CPtrType, chpl::types::HeapBufferType
class QualifiedType¶
This class represents a combination of 3 things: a Type subclass pointer representing a Chapel type a Kind representing variable kind or intent (e.g. ref, value, const) a param value for when the Kind is PARAM.
This combination is the type information that the resolver needs.
Public Functions
inline QualifiedType()¶
inline Kind kind() const¶
Returns the kind of the expression this QualifiedType represents
inline const Type *type() const¶
Returns the Type subclass that represents the type part of this QualifiedType
inline const Param *param() const¶
Returns the param value for this QualifiedType. Note that an uninstantiated param formal will have kind() == PARAM but won’t yet have a param value.
inline bool hasTypePtr() const¶
inline bool hasParamPtr() const¶
inline Type::Genericity typeGenericity() const¶
Returns the fast-to-compute genericity of the contained Type pointer. Does not include consideration of fields. If the type can have fields and they have not been considered, returns Type::MAYBE_GENERIC.
To consider fields, use the getTypeGenericity.
inline Type::Genericity genericity() const¶
Returns the fast-to-compute genericity of this QualifiedType. Does not include consideration of fields. If the type can have fields and they have not been considered, returns Type::MAYBE_GENERIC.
To consider fields, use the getTypeGenericity.
inline bool isUnknown() const¶
inline bool isUnknownKindOrType() const¶
inline bool isErroneousType() const¶
inline bool isGenericOrUnknown() const¶
inline bool isUnknownOrErroneous() const¶
inline bool isType() const¶
Returns true if kind is TYPE
inline bool isParam() const¶
Returns true if kind is PARAM
bool isParamTrue() const¶
Returns ‘true’ if storing a BoolParam ‘true’ or a numeric param storing nonzero; ‘false’ otherwise
bool isParamFalse() const¶
Returns ‘true’ if storing a BoolParam ‘false’; ‘false’ otherwise
bool isParamKnownTuple() const¶
Returns ‘true’ if storing a tuple type whose constituent types are all known params.
inline bool isConst() const¶
Returns true if the value cannot be modified directly (but might be modified by some other aliasing variable). In particular, returns true for all kinds other than REF and VALUE.
inline bool isImmutable() const¶
Returns true if the type refers to something immutable (that cannot be modified by any task / other reference to it).
inline bool isRef() const¶
Returns true if the value is a reference, whether constant or mutable.
inline bool isIn() const¶
Returns true if the value is an in-intent formal, whether constant or mutable.
inline bool isNonConcreteIntent() const¶
Returns true if the kind is one of the non-concrete intents (unknown, default intent, or const intent) and false otherwise.
bool needsSplitInitTypeInfo(Context *context) const¶
Returns true if the type might need to get more info from split-init.
inline bool operator==(const QualifiedType &other) const¶
inline bool operator!=(const QualifiedType &other) const¶
inline void swap(QualifiedType &other)¶
inline size_t hash() const¶
void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const¶
Public Static Functions
static bool update(QualifiedType &keep, QualifiedType &addin)¶
Public Static Attributes
static const Kind DEFAULT_INTENT = uast::Qualifier::DEFAULT_INTENT¶
static const Kind CONST_INTENT = uast::Qualifier::CONST_INTENT¶
static const Kind REF_MAYBE_CONST = uast::Qualifier::REF_MAYBE_CONST¶
static const Kind TYPE_QUERY = uast::Qualifier::TYPE_QUERY¶
static const Kind PARENLESS_FUNCTION = uast::Qualifier::PARENLESS_FUNCTION¶
static const Kind INIT_RECEIVER = uast::Qualifier::INIT_RECEIVER¶
inline QualifiedType()¶
class RealType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents a real type, e.g.
.Public Functions
~RealType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
~RealType() = default¶
class RecordType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
This class represents a record type, e.g., if we have
record R
, thenR
refers to a RecordType.Public Functions
~RecordType() = default¶
inline const RecordType *instantiatedFrom() const¶
If this type represents an instantiated type, returns the type it was instantiated from.
This is just instantiatedFromCompositeType() with the result cast to RecordType.
Public Static Functions
static const RecordType *get(Context *context, ID id, UniqueString name, const RecordType *instantiatedFrom, CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap subs)¶
Get a record type for an ID, possibly instantiated with substitutions
~RecordType() = default¶
class TupleType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
This class represents a tuple type e.g.
(int, real)
.Public Functions
~TupleType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
inline int numElements() const¶
Returns the number of tuple elements. Returns ‘-1’ if the size is not known.
QualifiedType elementType(int i) const¶
Return the type of the i’th element
inline bool isStarTuple() const¶
Return true if this is a star tuple - that is, all of the element types are the same.
inline bool isParamKnown() const¶
Return true if this tuple’s elements are all non-generic params, e.g., (param b: bool = true, param i: int = 0).
inline bool isVarArgTuple() const¶
inline bool isKnownSize() const¶
QualifiedType starType() const¶
Public Static Functions
static const TupleType *getValueTuple(Context *context, std::vector<const Type*> eltTypes, bool makeConst = false)¶
Return a value tuple type based on the vector of actual types. The types are made const if
is set to true.
static const TupleType *getReferentialTuple(Context *context, std::vector<const Type*> eltTypes, bool makeConst = false)¶
Return a referential tuple type based on the vector of actual types. The types are made const if
is set to true.
static const TupleType *getQualifiedTuple(Context *context, std::vector<QualifiedType> eltTypes)¶
static const TupleType *getStarTuple(Context *context, QualifiedType paramSize, QualifiedType starEltType)¶
~TupleType() = default¶
class Type¶
This is the base class for classes that represent a type.
Functions like someType->isRecord() / someType->toRecord() are available and generated for all Type subclasses.
Subclassed by chpl::types::AnyType, chpl::types::BuiltinType, chpl::types::CStringType, chpl::types::ClassType, chpl::types::CompositeType, chpl::types::EnumType, chpl::types::ErroneousType, chpl::types::ExternType, chpl::types::IteratorType, chpl::types::NilType, chpl::types::NothingType, chpl::types::PrimitiveType, chpl::types::PtrType, chpl::types::UnknownType, chpl::types::VoidType
Public Types
enum Genericity¶
enumerator CONCRETE¶
A concrete type e.g. ‘int’
enumerator GENERIC¶
A generic type, e.g. ‘integral’
A type that is generic but has a default for each generic field. E.g. ‘record R { type t = int; }’.
enumerator MAYBE_GENERIC¶
When we need more information to decide if the type is generic. It might depend on fields, e.g.
enumerator CONCRETE¶
Public Functions
virtual Genericity genericity() const = 0¶
This function returns an enum Genericity value to indicate if the type is concrete, generic, generic with defaults, or maybe generic (e.g. depending on the fields).
This function needs to be defined by subclasses.
virtual ~Type() = 0¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, chpl::StringifyKind stringKind) const¶
template<typename TargetType>
inline bool is() const¶ Check if this type is particular subclass. The call someType->is<IntType>() returns whether or not someType is an IntType.
bool isStringType() const¶
returns true if this represents the string type
bool isBytesType() const¶
returns true if this represents the bytes type
bool isLocaleType() const¶
returns true if this represents the locale type
inline bool isStringLikeType() const¶
returns true if it’s string, bytes, or c_string type
inline bool isIntegralType() const¶
returns true if it’s an int or uint type of any width
inline bool isNumericType() const¶
returns true if it’s a numeric type of any width; that includes int, uint, real, imag, complex
inline bool isNumericOrBoolType() const¶
returns true if it’s a numeric type or bool type of any width
inline bool isPointerLikeType() const¶
returns true for a type that is a kind of pointer
bool isNilablePtrType() const¶
returns true for a pointer type that can store nil
bool isUserRecordType() const¶
Returns true for a type that is a user-defined record. The compiler treats some internal types as records but the language design does not insist that they are.
bool hasPragma(Context *context, uast::pragmatags::PragmaTag p) const¶
Returns true if the this type has the pragma ‘p’ attached to it.
const CompositeType *getCompositeType() const¶
If ‘this’ is a CompositeType, return it. If ‘this’ is a ClassType, return the basicClassType. Otherwise, returns nullptr.
template<typename TargetType>
inline const TargetType *to() const¶ Try cast to a type known at compile-time. The call someType->to<IntType>() returns nullptr if someType is not an IntType, and cast to IntType if it is.
template<typename TargetType>
inline TargetType *to()¶
Public Static Functions
static void gatherBuiltins(Context *context, std::unordered_map<UniqueString, const Type*> &map)¶
static bool isPod(Context *context, const Type *t)¶
Given a type ‘t’, determine if ‘t’ is “plain-old-data” (POD).
If ‘t’ is marked with the pragma “plain old data” then it is always considered to be POD, and no further evaluation takes place.
If ‘t’ is the sync type, the single type, an atomic type, the array type, or the domain type, then ‘t’ is not POD.
If ‘t’ is a class with ‘owned’ or ‘shared’ management, then ‘t’ is not POD.
If ‘t’ is a record, class, or union type, and any member of ‘t’ is not POD, then ‘t’ is not POD.
If ‘t’ is a record or union type with a user-defined ‘deinit’, ‘init=’, or assignment operator, then ‘t’ is not POD.
If ‘t’ is generic then it is considered to be not POD for the purposes of this evaluation.
All other cases are considered to be POD.
enum Genericity¶
class UintType : public chpl::types::PrimitiveType¶
This class represents a uint type, e.g.
.Public Functions
~UintType() = default¶
inline virtual int bitwidth() const override¶
Returns the bit width selected for numeric types. Returns 8 for the default sized bool.
inline virtual bool isDefaultWidth() const override¶
Returns true if this PrimitiveType has the default width.
inline virtual const char *c_str() const override¶
Returns a C string for the name of this PrimitiveType.
~UintType() = default¶
class UnionType : public chpl::types::CompositeType¶
This class represents a union type, e.g., if we have
union U
, thenU
refers to a UnionType.Public Functions
~UnionType() = default¶
inline const UnionType *instantiatedFrom() const¶
If this type represents an instantiated type, returns the type it was instantiated from.
This is just instantiatedFromCompositeType() with the result cast to UnionType.
Public Static Functions
static const UnionType *get(Context *context, ID id, UniqueString name, const UnionType *instantiatedFrom, CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap subs)¶
~UnionType() = default¶
class UnknownType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents an unknown type when the type is not known because it is not yet established.
Public Functions
~UnknownType() = default¶
Public Static Functions
static const UnknownType *get(Context *context)¶
~UnknownType() = default¶
class VoidType : public chpl::types::Type¶
This class represents the void type.
Public Functions
~VoidType() = default¶
virtual void stringify(std::ostream &ss, StringifyKind stringKind) const override¶
~VoidType() = default¶
namespace detail¶
namespace paramtags¶
size_t hashSubstitutionsMap(const CompositeType::SubstitutionsMap &subs)¶