.. default-domain:: chpl .. module:: IOusingMPI :synopsis: HDF5 routines that rely on MPI. IOusingMPI ========== **Usage** .. code-block:: chapel use HDF5.IOusingMPI; or .. code-block:: chapel import HDF5.IOusingMPI; HDF5 routines that rely on MPI. A module to encapsulate functions that use the MPI module so that it is not initialized unless these functions are actually used. .. function:: proc hdf5WriteDistributedArray(A: [], filename: string, dsetName: string) Write the Block distributed Array `A` as an HDF5 dataset named `dsetName` in the file `filename` using parallel collective IO. This requires the hdf5-parallel library, which requires the MPI library. The file written by this function can be read in parallel with the function `hdf5ReadDistributedArray`. The write and read operations can use arrays distributed over different numbers of locales. .. function:: proc hdf5ReadDistributedArray(A, filename: string, dsetName: string) Read the HDF5 dataset named `dsetName` from the file `filename` into the distributed array `A`. Each locale reads its local portion of the array from the file. This function can read the file that is generated by `hdf5WriteDistributedArray`. Currently only Block and Cyclic distributed arrays are supported.