

use ConcurrentMap;


import ConcurrentMap;

This module provides a fast, scalable, fine-grained concurrent map.


This module relies on the AtomicObjects package module, which has several platform restrictions in its current state:

  • It relies on Chapel extern code blocks and so requires that the Chapel compiler is built with LLVM enabled.

  • The implementation relies on using either GCC style inline assembly (for x86-64) or a GCC/clang builtin, and so is restricted to a CHPL_TARGET_COMPILER value of gnu, clang, or llvm.

  • The implementation does not work with CHPL_ATOMICS=locks.

This module was inspired by the Interlocked Hash Table [1]. It allows large critical sections that access a single table element, and can easily support multikey atomic operations. At the time of its development, ConcurrentMap outperformed Chapel’s built-in map when used in a multithreaded mode by orders of magnitude.

config param BUCKET_NUM_ELEMS = 8

Maximum number of key-value pairs stored in each leaf bucket.

config const DEFAULT_NUM_BUCKETS = 1024

Maximum number of child buckets for the root bucket.

config param MULTIPLIER_NUM_BUCKETS : real = 2

Multiplier for child bucket size. childBucketSize = MULTIPLIER_NUM_BUCKETS * parentBucketSize

class ConcurrentMap : Base(?), serializable
proc init(type keyType, type valType)
proc getToken() : owned TokenWrapper

Register the task to epoch manager.

iter these() : (keyType, valType)

Serially iterates over the key-value pairs of this map.


A tuple whose elements are a copy of one of the key-value pairs contained in this map.


While iterating the map, pre-maturely breaking the iteration loop may permanently lock the map.

iter items() : (keyType, valType)

Serially iterates over the key-value pairs of this map.


A tuple whose elements are a copy of one of the key-value pairs contained in this map.

iter keys() : keyType

Serially iterates over the keys of this map.


A copy of one of the keys contained in this map.

iter values() : valType

Serially iterates over the values of this map.


A copy of one of the values contained in this map.

iter these(param tag: iterKind)  where tag == iterKind.standalone

Iterates over the key-value pairs of this map in parallel.


A tuple whose elements are a copy of one of the key-value pairs contained in this map.

iter items(param tag: iterKind)  where tag == iterKind.standalone

Parallelly iterates over the key-value pairs of this map.


A tuple whose elements are a copy of one of the key-value pairs contained in this map.

iter keys(param tag: iterKind)  where tag == iterKind.standalone

Parallelly iterates over the keys of this map.


A copy of one of the keys contained in this map.

iter values(param tag: iterKind)  where tag == iterKind.standalone

Parallelly iterates over the values of this map.


A copy of one of the values contained in this map.

proc add(key: keyType, val: valType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) : bool throws

Adds a key-value pair to the map. Method returns false if the key already exists in the map.

  • key : keyType – The key to add to the map

  • val – The value that maps to k

  • tok – Token for EpochManager


true if key was not in the map and added with value val. false otherwise.

Return type:


proc set(key: keyType, in val: valType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) : bool throws

Sets the value associated with a key. Method returns false if the key does not exist in the map.

  • key : keyType – The key whose value needs to change

  • val : valueType – The desired value to the key key

  • tok – Token for EpochManager


true if key was in the map and its value is updated with val. false otherwise.

Return type:


proc getValue(key: keyType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) : (bool, valType) throws

Get a copy of the element stored at position key.

proc update(key: keyType, updater, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) throws

Atomically update an entry in the map in place

updater should define a this method that takes a single argument of the element type by ref intent.

If the key isn’t already present, applies the updater to a default-initialized instance of the element type.

proc contains(const key: keyType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) : bool throws

Returns true if the given key is a member of this map, and false otherwise. :arg key: The key to test for membership. :type key: keyType :arg tok: Token for EpochManager :returns: Whether or not the given key is a member of this map. :rtype: bool

proc addOrReplace(key: keyType, val: valType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) throws

If the map doesn’t contain a value at position k add one and set it to v. If the map already contains a value at position k, update it to the value v.

proc extend(m: ConcurrentMap(keyType, valType)) throws

Extends this map with the contents of the other, overwriting the values for already-existing keys.


m – The other map

proc getAndRemove(key: keyType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) throws

Remove the element at position key from the map and return its value

proc remove(key: keyType, tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) : bool throws

Removes a key-value pair from the map, with the given key.

  • key – The key to remove from the map

  • tok – Token for EpochManager


false if key was not in the map. true if it was and removed.

Return type:


proc clearMap(tok: owned TokenWrapper = getToken()) throws

Clears the contents of this map.

proc toArray() : [] (keyType, valType) throws

Returns a new 0-based array containing a copy of key-value pairs as tuples.


A new DefaultRectangular array.

Return type:

[] (keyType, valType)

proc tryReclaim()

Trigger EpochManager to reclaim any reclaimable memory.

proc keysToArray() : [] keyType throws

Returns a new 0-based array containing a copy of keys. Array is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.


A new DefaultRectangular array.

Return type:

[] keyType

proc valuesToArray() : [] valType throws

Returns a new 0-based array containing a copy of values. Array is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.


A new DefaultRectangular array.

Return type:

[] valType

proc ref deserialize(reader: fileReader(?), ref deserializer) throws
override proc serialize(writer: fileWriter(?), ref serializer) throws
operator =(ref lhs: ConcurrentMap, const ref rhs: ConcurrentMap)

Replace the content of this map with the other’s.

  • lhs – The map to assign to.

  • rhs – The map to assign from.

operator ==(const ref a: ConcurrentMap, const ref b: ConcurrentMap) : bool throws

Returns true if the contents of two maps are the same.

  • a : map – A map to compare.

  • b : map (with same keyType and valType) – A map to compare.


true if the contents of two maps are equal.

Return type:


operator !=(const ref a: ConcurrentMap, const ref b: ConcurrentMap) : bool throws

Returns true if the contents of two maps are not the same.

  • a : map – A map to compare.

  • b : map (with same keyType and valType) – A map to compare.


true if the contents of two maps are not equal.

Return type:
