
The following documentation shows functions and methods used to manipulate and process Chapel strings.

The string type in Chapel represents a sequence of UTF-8 characters and is most often used to represent textual data.

Methods Available in Standard Modules

Besides the functions below, some other modules provide routines that are useful for working with strings. The IO module provides format which creates a string that is the result of formatting. It also includes functions for reading and writing strings. The Regex module also provides some routines for searching within strings.

Casts from String to a Numeric Type

The string type supports casting to numeric types. Such casts will convert the string to the numeric type and throw an error if the string is invalid. For example:

var number = "a":int;

throws an error when it is executed, but

var number = "1":int;

stores the value 1 in number.

To learn more about handling these errors, see the Language-Specification page on Error Handling.

Unicode Support

Chapel strings use the UTF-8 encoding. Note that ASCII strings are a simple subset of UTF-8 strings, because every ASCII character is a UTF-8 character with the same meaning.

Non-Unicode Data and Chapel Strings

For doing string operations on non-Unicode or arbitrary data, consider using bytes instead of string. However, there may be cases where string must be used with non-Unicode data. Examples of this are file system and path operations on systems where UTF-8 file names are not enforced.

In such scenarios, non-UTF-8 data can be escaped and stored in a string in a way that it can be restored when needed. For example:

var myBytes = b"Illegal \xff sequence";  // \xff is non UTF-8
var myEscapedString = myBytes.decode(policy=decodePolicy.escape);

will escape the illegal 0xFF` byte and store it in the string. The escaping strategy is similar to Python’s “surrogate escapes” and is as follows.

  • Each individual byte in an illegal sequence is bitwise-or’ed with 0xDC00 to create a 2-byte codepoint.

  • Then, this codepoint is encoded in UTF-8 and stored in the string buffer.

This strategy typically results in storing 3 bytes for each byte in the illegal sequence. Similarly escaped strings can also be created with createCopyingBuffer using a C buffer.

An escaped data sequence can be reconstructed with encode:

var reconstructedBytes = myEscapedString.encode(policy=encodePolicy.unescape);
writeln(myBytes == reconstructedBytes);  // prints true

Alternatively, escaped sequence can be used as-is without reconstructing the bytes:

var escapedBytes = myEscapedString.encode(policy=encodePolicy.pass);
writeln(myBytes == escapedBytes);  // prints false


Strings that contain escaped sequences cannot be directly used with unformatted I/O functions such as writeln. Formatted I/O can be used to print such strings with binary formatters such as %|s.


The standard FileSystem, Path and IO modules can use escaped strings as described above for paths and file names.

Lengths and Offsets in Unicode Strings

For Unicode strings, and in particular UTF-8 strings, there are several possible units for offsets or lengths:

  • bytes

  • codepoints

  • graphemes

Most methods on the Chapel string type currently work with codepoint units by default. For example, size returns the length in codepoints and int values passed into this are offsets in codepoint units.

It is possible to indicate byte or codepoint units for indexing in the string methods by using arguments of type byteIndex or codepointIndex respectively.

For speed of indexing with their result values, find() and rfind() return a byteIndex.


Support for grapheme units is not implemented at this time.

Using the byteIndex and codepointIndex types

A value of type byteIndex or codepointIndex can be passed to certain string functions to indicate that the function should operate with units of bytes or codepoints. Passing a codepointIndex has the same behavior as passing an integral type. See this for an example.

Both of these types can be created from an int via assignment or cast. They also support addition and subtraction with int. Finally, values of same types can be compared.

For example, the following function returns a string containing only the second byte of the argument:

proc getSecondByte(arg:string) {
  var offsetInBytes = 1:byteIndex;
  return arg[offsetInBytes];

Whereas the following function returns a string containing only the second codepoint of the argument:

proc getSecondCodepoint(arg:string) {
  var offsetInCodepoints = 1:codepointIndex;
  return arg[offsetInCodepoints];

Predefined Routines on Strings

The string type:

type string

supports the following methods:

proc type string.createBorrowingBuffer(x: string) : string


‘createBorrowingBuffer’ is unstable and may change in the future

Creates a new string which borrows the internal buffer of another string. If the buffer is freed before the string returned from this function, accessing it is undefined behavior.


x : string – Object to borrow the buffer from


A new string

proc type string.createBorrowingBuffer(x: c_ptr(?t), length = strLen(x)) : string throws


‘createBorrowingBuffer’ is unstable and may change in the future

Creates a new string which borrows the memory allocated for a c_ptr. If the buffer is freed before the string returned from this function, accessing it is undefined behavior.

  • x : c_ptr(uint(8)) or c_ptr(int(8)) – The buffer to borrow from

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters.


A new string

proc type string.createBorrowingBuffer(x: c_ptrConst(?t), length = strLen(x)) : string throws


‘createBorrowingBuffer’ is unstable and may change in the future

Creates a new string which borrows the memory allocated for a c_ptrConst. If the buffer is freed before the string returned from this function, accessing it is undefined behavior.

  • x : c_ptrConst(uint(8)) or c_ptrConst(int(8)) – The buffer to borrow from

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters.


A new string

proc type string.createBorrowingBuffer(x: c_ptr(?t), length: int, size: int) : string throws


‘createBorrowingBuffer’ is unstable and may change in the future

Creates a new string which borrows the memory allocated for a c_ptr. If the buffer is freed before the string returned from this function, accessing it is undefined behavior.

  • x : c_ptr(uint(8)) or c_ptr(int(8)) – The buffer to borrow from

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.

  • size – Size of memory allocated for x in bytes


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters.


A new string

proc type string.createAdoptingBuffer(x: c_ptr(?t), length = strLen(x)) : string throws

Creates a new string which takes ownership of the memory allocated for a c_ptr. The buffer will be freed when the string is deinitialized.

  • x : c_ptr(uint(8)) or c_ptr(int(8)) – The buffer to take ownership of

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters. In that event, this function does not free x; that is the caller’s responsibility.


A new string

proc type string.createAdoptingBuffer(x: c_ptrConst(?t), length = strLen(x)) : string throws

Creates a new string which takes ownership of the memory allocated for a c_ptrConst. The buffer will be freed when the string is deinitialized.

  • x : c_ptrConst(uint(8)) or c_ptrConst(int(8)) – The buffer to take ownership of

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters. In that event, this function does not free x; that is the caller’s responsibility.


A new string

proc type string.createAdoptingBuffer(x: c_ptr(?t), length: int, size: int) : string throws

Creates a new string which takes ownership of the memory allocated for a c_ptr. The buffer will be freed when the string is deinitialized.

  • x : c_ptr(uint(8)) or c_ptr(int(8)) – The buffer to take ownership of

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.

  • size – Size of memory allocated for x in bytes


A DecodeError: if x contains non-UTF-8 characters. In that event, this function does not free x; that is the caller’s responsibility.


A new string

proc type string.createCopyingBuffer(x: c_ptrConst(?t), length = strLen(x), policy = decodePolicy.strict) : string throws

Creates a new string by creating a copy of the memory allocated for a c_ptrConst.

  • x : c_ptrConst(uint(8)) or c_ptrConst(int(8)) – The buffer to copy

  • length : int – Length of x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.

  • policy

    • decodePolicy.strict raises an error

    • decodePolicy.replace replaces the malformed character with UTF-8 replacement character

    • decodePolicy.drop drops the data silently

    • decodePolicy.escape escapes each illegal byte with private use codepoints


A DecodeError: if decodePolicy.strict is passed to the policy argument and x contains non-UTF-8 characters.


A new string

proc type string.createCopyingBuffer(x: c_ptr(?t), length = strLen(x), size = length + 1, policy = decodePolicy.strict) : string throws

Creates a new string by creating a copy of a buffer.

  • x : c_ptr(uint(8)) or c_ptr(int(8)) – The buffer to copy

  • length : int – Length of the string stored in x in bytes, excluding the optional terminating null byte.

  • size : int – Size of memory allocated for x in bytes. This argument is ignored by this function.

  • policydecodePolicy.strict raises an error, decodePolicy.replace replaces the malformed character with UTF-8 replacement character, decodePolicy.drop drops the data silently, decodePolicy.escape escapes each illegal byte with private use codepoints


A DecodeError: if decodePolicy.strict is passed to the policy argument and x contains non-UTF-8 characters.


A new string

proc string.size : int

The number of codepoints in the string.

proc string.indices : range

The indices that can be used to index into the string (i.e., the range 0..<this.size)

proc string.numBytes : int

The number of bytes in the string.

proc string.numCodepoints : int

The number of codepoints in the string, assuming the string is correctly-encoded UTF-8.

proc string.localize() : string


string.localize() is unstable and may change in a future release

Gets a version of the string that is on the currently executing locale.


A shallow copy if the string is already on the current locale, otherwise a deep copy is performed.

proc string.c_str() : c_ptrConst(c_char)


‘string.c_str()’ has moved to ‘CTypes’. Please ‘use CTypes’ to access ‘c_str

Get a c_ptrConst(c_char) from a string. The returned c_ptrConst shares the buffer with the string.


This can only be called safely on a string whose home is the current locale. This property can be enforced by calling string.localize() before string.c_str(). If the string is remote, the program will halt.

For example:

var my_string = "Hello!";
on different_locale {
  printf("%s", my_string.localize().c_str());

A c_ptrConst(c_char) that points to the underlying buffer used by this string. The returned c_ptrConst(c_char) is only valid when used on the same locale as the string.

proc string.encode(policy = encodePolicy.pass) : bytes

Returns a bytes from the given string. If the string contains some escaped non-UTF8 bytes, policy argument determines the action.


policyencodePolicy.pass directly copies the (potentially escaped) data, encodePolicy.unescape recovers the escaped bytes back.



iter string.items() : string

Iterates over the string character by character.

For example:

var str = "abcd";
for c in str.items() {


iter string.these() : string

Iterates over the string character by character, yielding 1-codepoint strings. (A synonym for string.items)

For example:

var str = "abcd";
for c in str {


iter string.bytes() : uint(8)

Iterates over the string byte by byte.

iter string.codepoints() : int(32)

Iterates over the string Unicode character by Unicode character.

proc string.toByte() : uint(8)

The value of a single-byte string as an integer.

proc string.byte(i: int) : uint(8)

The value of the i th byte as an integer.

proc string.toCodepoint() : int(32)

The value of a single-codepoint string as an integer.

proc string.codepoint(i: int) : int(32)

The value of the i th multibyte character as an integer.

proc string.this(i: byteIndex) : string

Return the codepoint starting at the i th byte in the string


A new string with the complete multibyte character starting at the specified byte index from 0..#string.numBytes

proc string.this(i: codepointIndex) : string

Return the i th codepoint in the string. (A synonym for string.item)


A new string with the complete multibyte character starting at the specified codepoint index from 0..#string.numCodepoints

proc string.this(i: int) : string

Return the i th codepoint in the string. (A synonym for string.item)


A new string with the complete multibyte character starting at the specified codepoint index from 1..string.numCodepoints

proc string.item(i: codepointIndex) : string

Return the i th codepoint in the string


A new string with the complete multibyte character starting at the specified codepoint index from 1..string.numCodepoints

proc string.item(i: int) : string

Return the i th codepoint in the string


A new string with the complete multibyte character starting at the specified codepoint index from 0..#string.numCodepoints

proc string.this(r: range(?)) : string throws  where r.idxType == byteIndex

Slice a string. Halts if r is non-empty and not completely inside the range 0..<string.size when compiled with –checks. –fast disables this check.


r – range of the indices the new string should be made from


throws a CodepointSplitError: if slicing results in splitting a multi-byte codepoint.


A new string that is a substring within 0..<string.size. If the length of r is zero, an empty string is returned.

proc string.isEmpty() : bool

  • true – when the string is empty

  • false – otherwise

proc string.startsWith(patterns: string ...) : bool

patterns – A varargs list of strings to match against.


  • true – when the string begins with one or more of the patterns

  • false – otherwise

proc string.endsWith(patterns: string ...) : bool

patterns – A varargs list of strings to match against.


  • true – when the string ends with one or more of the patterns

  • false – otherwise

proc string.find(pattern: string, indices: range(?) = this.byteIndices: range(byteIndex)) : byteIndex
  • pattern – the string to search for

  • indices – an optional range defining the substring to search within, default is the whole string. Halts if the range is not within 0..<string.size


the index of the first occurrence of pattern within a string, or -1 if the pattern is not in the string.

proc string.rfind(pattern: string, indices: range(?) = this.byteIndices: range(byteIndex)) : byteIndex
  • pattern – the string to search for

  • indices – an optional range defining the substring to search within, default is the whole string. Halts if the range is not within 0..<string.size


the index of the first occurrence from the right of pattern within a string, or -1 if the pattern is not in the string.

proc string.count(pattern: string, indices: range(?) = this.indices) : int
  • pattern – the string to search for

  • indices – an optional range defining the substring to search within, default is the whole string. Halts if the range is not within 0..<string.size


the number of times pattern occurs in the string

proc string.replace(pattern: string, replacement: string, count: int = -1) : string
  • pattern – the string to search for

  • replacement – the string to replace pattern with

  • count – an optional integer specifying the number of replacements to make, values less than zero will replace all occurrences


a copy of the string where replacement replaces pattern up to count times

iter string.split(sep: string, maxsplit: int = -1, ignoreEmpty: bool = false) : string

Splits the string on sep yielding the substring between each occurrence, up to maxsplit times.

  • sep – The delimiter used to break the string into chunks.

  • maxsplit – The number of times to split the string, negative values indicate no limit.

  • ignoreEmpty

    • When true – Empty strings will not be yielded,

      and will not count towards maxsplit

    • When false – Empty strings will be yielded when

      sep occurs multiple times in a row.

iter string.split(maxsplit: int = -1) : string

Works as above, but uses runs of whitespace as the delimiter.


maxsplit – The number of times to split the string, negative values indicate no limit.

proc string.join(const ref x: string ...) : string

Returns a new string, which is the concatenation of all of the string passed in with the contents of the method receiver inserted between them.

var myString = "|".join("a","10","d");
writeln(myString); // prints: "a|10|d"

xstring values to be joined


A new string

proc string.join(const ref x) : string

Returns a new string, which is the concatenation of all of the string passed in with the contents of the method receiver inserted between them.

var tup = ("a","10","d");
var myJoinedTuple = "|".join(tup);
writeln(myJoinedTuple); // prints: "a|10|d"

var myJoinedArray = "|".join(["a","10","d"]);
writeln(myJoinedArray); // prints: "a|10|d"

x – An array or tuple of string values to be joined


A new string

proc string.strip(chars: string = " \t\r\n", leading = true, trailing = true) : string
  • chars – A string containing each character to remove. Defaults to “ \t\r\n”.

  • leading – Indicates if leading occurrences should be removed. Defaults to true.

  • trailing – Indicates if trailing occurrences should be removed. Defaults to true.


A new string with leading and/or trailing occurrences of characters in chars removed as appropriate.

proc string.partition(sep: string) : 3*(string)

Splits the string on sep into a 3*string consisting of the section before sep, sep, and the section after sep. If sep is not found, the tuple will contain the whole string, and then two empty strings.

proc string.dedent(columns = 0, ignoreFirst = true) : string


string.dedent is subject to change in the future.

Remove indentation from each line of a string.

This can be useful when applied to multi-line strings that are indented in the source code, but should not be indented in the output.

When columns == 0, determine the level of indentation to remove from all lines by finding the common leading whitespace across all non-empty lines. Empty lines are lines containing only whitespace. Tabs and spaces are the only whitespaces that are considered, but are not treated as the same characters when determining common whitespace.

When columns > 0, remove columns leading whitespace characters from each line. Tabs are not considered whitespace when columns > 0, so only leading spaces are removed.

  • columns – The number of columns of indentation to remove. Infer common leading whitespace if columns == 0.

  • ignoreFirst – When true, ignore first line when determining the common leading whitespace, and make no changes to the first line.


A new string with indentation removed.

proc string.isUpper() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are either uppercase (A-Z) or uncased (not a letter).


  • true – if the string contains at least one uppercase character and no lowercase characters, ignoring uncased characters.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isLower() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are either lowercase (a-z) or uncased (not a letter).


  • true – when there are no uppercase characters in the string.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isSpace() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are whitespace (’ ‘, ‘\t’, ‘\n’, ‘\v’, ‘\f’, ‘\r’).


  • true – when all the characters are whitespace.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isAlpha() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are alphabetic (a-zA-Z).


  • true – when the characters are alphabetic.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isDigit() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are digits (0-9).


  • true – when the characters are digits.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isAlnum() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are alphanumeric (a-zA-Z0-9).


  • true – when the characters are alphanumeric.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isPrintable() : bool

Checks if all the characters in the string are printable.


  • true – when the characters are printable.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.isTitle() : bool

Checks if all uppercase characters are preceded by uncased characters, and if all lowercase characters are preceded by cased characters.


  • true – when the condition described above is met.

  • false – otherwise

proc string.toLower() : string

A new string with all uppercase characters replaced with their lowercase counterpart.


The case change operation is not currently performed on characters whose cases take different number of bytes to represent in Unicode mapping.

proc string.toUpper() : string

A new string with all lowercase characters replaced with their uppercase counterpart.


The case change operation is not currently performed on characters whose cases take different number of bytes to represent in Unicode mapping.

proc string.toTitle() : string

A new string with all cased characters following an uncased character converted to uppercase, and all cased characters following another cased character converted to lowercase.


The case change operation is not currently performed on characters whose cases take different number of bytes to represent in Unicode mapping.

operator =(ref lhs: string, rhs: string) : void

Copies the string rhs into the string lhs.

operator string.+(s0: string, s1: string) : string

A new string which is the result of concatenating s0 and s1

operator *(s: string, n: integral) : string

A new string which is the result of repeating s n times. If n is less than or equal to 0, an empty string is returned.

The operation is commutative. For example:

writeln("Hello! " * 3);
writeln(3 * "Hello! ");

Results in:

Hello! Hello! Hello!
operator string.+=(ref lhs: string, const ref rhs: string) : void

Appends the string rhs to the string lhs.

proc ref string.appendCodepointValues(codepoints: int ...) : void


‘string.appendCodepointValues’ is unstable and may change in the future

Appends the codepoint values passed to the string this.

Any argument not in 0..0x10FFFF is not valid Unicode codepoint. This function will append the replacement character 0xFFFD instead of such invalid arguments.

proc codepointToString(i: int(32)) : string

A new string storing the complete multibyte character sequence that corresponds to the codepoint value i.