

use CTypes;


import CTypes;

Defines C types and related routines to support interoperability.

This module provides access to common C types for the purpose of calling between Chapel and C, declaring variables using C’s types, etc. It also contains routines in support of working with C types.

See C Interoperability, and Interoperability for additional information about interoperating between Chapel and C (or other languages).

type c_int = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘int’ type

type c_uint = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘uint’ type

type c_long = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘long’ type

type c_ulong = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘unsigned long’ type

type c_longlong = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘long long’ type

type c_ulonglong = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘unsigned long long’ type

type c_char = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘char’ type

type c_schar = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘signed char’ type

type c_uchar = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘unsigned char’ type

type c_short = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘short’ type

type c_ushort = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘unsigned short’ type

type c_intptr = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘intptr_t’ type

type c_uintptr = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘uintptr_t’ type

type c_ptrdiff = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘ptrdiff_t’ type

type c_size_t = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘size_t’ type

type c_ssize_t = integral

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘ssize_t’ type

type c_float = real(32)

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘float’ type

type c_double = real(64)

The Chapel type corresponding to the C ‘double’ type

type c_FILE

Chapel type alias for a C FILE

A FILE* can be represented with c_ptr(c_FILE)

type c_void_ptr = c_ptr(void)


c_void_ptr is deprecated, use ‘c_ptr(void)’ instead.

A Chapel type alias for void* in C. Casts from integral types to c_void_ptr as well as casts from c_void_ptr to integral types are supported and behave similarly to those operations in C.

type c_ptr : writeSerializable

Represents a local C pointer for the purpose of C integration. This type represents the equivalent to a C language pointer eltType*. Instances of this type support assignment to other instances or nil, == or != comparison with nil, and casting to another c_ptr type.

c_ptr(void) represents an opaque pointer with special functionality, corresponding to void* in C. Casts from integral types to c_ptr(void) as well as casts from c_ptr(void) to integral types are supported and behave similarly to those operations in C. Casting a c_ptr(void) to or from a c_ptr(t) of any pointee type is allowed.

Casting directly to a c_ptr of another pointee type is supported, but will emit a safety warning for casts that can lead to violation of C’s strict aliasing rule. Casting to a char pointee type or across signedness, or through an intermediate cast to c_ptr(void), will not generate a warning.

As with a Chapel class, a c_ptr can be tested non-nil simply by including it in an if statement conditional, like so:

var x: c_ptr = c_ptrTo(...);
if x then do writeln("x is not nil");
if !x then do writeln("x is nil");

Additionally, a c_ptr can be output like so:

var x: c_ptr = c_ptrTo(...);
writeln(x); // outputs nil or e.g. 0xabc123000000
type eltType

The type that this pointer points to, which can be queried like so:

var x: c_ptr = c_ptrTo(...);
if x.eltType == c_int then do writeln("x is an int pointer");
proc this(i: integral) ref

Retrieve the i’th element (zero based) from a pointer to an array. Does the equivalent of ptr[i] in C.

proc deref() ref

Get element pointed to directly by this pointer. If the pointer refers to an array, this will return ptr[0].

proc serialize(writer, ref serializer) throws

Print this pointer

type c_ptrConst : writeSerializable

Like c_ptr, but for a pointer to const data. In C, this is equivalent to the type const eltType*.

type eltType

The type that this pointer points to, which can be queried like so:

var x: c_ptrConst = c_ptrToConst(...);
if x.eltType == c_int then do writeln("x is a const int pointer");
proc this(i: integral) const ref

Retrieve the i’th element (zero based) from a pointer to an array. Does the equivalent of ptr[i] in C. Provides a const ref which cannot be used to modify the element.

proc deref() const ref

Get element pointed to directly by this pointer. If the pointer refers to an array, this will return ptr[0]. Provides a const ref which cannot be used to modify the element.

proc serialize(writer, ref serializer) throws

Print this pointer

type c_array : writeSerializable

This type represents a C array with fixed size. A variable of type c_array can coerce to a c_ptr with the same element type. In that event, the pointer will be equivalent to c_ptrTo(array[0]). A c_array behaves similarly to a homogeneous tuple except that its indices start at 0 and it is guaranteed to be stored in contiguous memory. A c_array variable has value semantics. Declaring one as a function-local variable will create the array elements in the function’s stack. Assigning or copy initializing will result in copying the elements (vs resulting in two pointers that refer to the same elements). A nil c_array is not representable in Chapel.

type eltType

The array element type, which can be queried like so:

var x: c_array = c_ptrToConst(...);
if x.eltType == c_int then do writeln("x is an array of ints");
param size

The fixed number of elements, which can be queried like so:

var x: c_array = c_ptrToConst(...);
writeln("x has ", x.size, " elements.");
proc init(type eltType, param size)

Default-initializes a c_array, where each element gets the default value of eltType.

proc ref this(i: integral) ref: eltType

Retrieve the i’th element (zero based) from the array. Does the equivalent of arr[i] in C. Includes bounds checking when such checks are enabled.

proc ref this(param i: integral) ref: eltType

As with the previous function, returns the i’th element (zero based) from the array. This one emits a compilation error if i is out of bounds.

proc serialize(writer, ref serializer) throws

Print the elements

proc init=(other: c_array)

Moves the elements from other to this.

operator c_array.=(ref lhs: c_array, rhs: c_array)

Copy the elements from one c_array to another. Raises an error at compile time if the array sizes or element types do not match.

operator =(ref lhs: c_ptr, ref rhs: c_array)

Get a pointer to the first element in rhs, essentially decaying the c_array to a c_ptr.

proc c_ptrTo(ref x: ?t)

Returns a c_ptr to any Chapel object.

For most types, the returned c_ptr will simply point to the memory address of the Chapel variable, and have element type matching the type of the passed-in variable. However, this procedure has special behavior for variables of the following types, and will return a pointer that is potentially more useful:

  • array types: Returns a pointer to the first element of the array, with pointer element type matching the array’s element type.

  • class types: Returns a c_ptr(void) to the heap instance of the class variable.

  • string type: Returns a c_ptr(c_uchar) to the underlying buffer of the string.

  • bytes type: Returns a c_ptr(c_uchar) to the underlying buffer of the bytes.

To avoid this special behavior and just get the variable address naively regardless of type, use c_addrOf instead. c_ptrTo has identical behavior to c_addrOf on types other than those with special behavior listed above.


The existence of the c_ptr has no impact on the lifetime of the object it points to. In many cases the object will be stack allocated and could go out of scope even if this c_ptr remains.


x – The by-reference argument to get a pointer to. Domains are not supported, and will cause a compiler error.


A c_ptr to the argument passed by reference, with address and element type potentially depending on special behavior for the the type as described above.

proc c_ptrToConst(const ref x: ?t): c_ptrConst(t)

Like c_ptrTo, but returns a c_ptrConst which disallows direct modification of the pointee.

proc c_addrOf(ref x: ?t): c_ptr(t)

Returns a c_ptr to the address of any Chapel object.

Note that the behavior of this procedure is identical to c_ptrTo for scalar types and records. It only differs for arrays, strings, bytes, and class variables; see documentation of c_ptrTo for special behavior on those types.

proc c_addrOfConst(const ref x: ?t): c_ptrConst(t)

Like c_addrOf, but returns a c_ptrConst which disallows direct modification of the pointee.

proc c_sizeof(type t): c_size_t

Return the size in bytes of a type, as with the C sizeof built-in.


This method is intended for C interoperability. To enhance flexibility, it is possible to request the sizes of Chapel types. However, be aware:

  • Chapel types are not necessarily stored in contiguous memory

  • Behavior of c_sizeof with Chapel types may change

  • Behavior given a Chapel class type is not well-defined

proc c_offsetof(type t, param fieldname: string): c_size_t  where isRecordType(t)

Return the offset of a field in a record.


This method is intended for C interoperability. To enhance flexibility, it is possible to request the offset of elements within a Chapel record. However, be aware:

  • Chapel types are not necessary stored in contiguous memory

  • Behavior of c_offsetof may change

  • Behavior given a Chapel class type field is not well-defined

proc allocate(type eltType, size: c_size_t, clear: bool = false, alignment: c_size_t = 0): c_ptr(eltType)


‘allocate’ is unstable, and may be renamed or moved

Allocate memory.

This uses the Chapel allocator. Memory allocated with this function should eventually be freed with deallocate.

  • eltType – the type of the elements to allocate

  • size – the number of elements to allocate space for

  • clear – whether to initialize all bits of allocated memory to 0

  • alignment – Memory alignment of the allocation, which must be a power of two and a multiple of c_sizeof(c_ptr(void)). Alignment of 0 is invalid and taken to mean default alignment.


a c_ptr(eltType) to allocated memory

proc deallocate(data: c_ptr(void))


‘deallocate’ is unstable, and may be renamed or moved

Free memory that was allocated with allocate.


data – the c_ptr to memory that was allocated. Note that both c_ptr(t) and c_ptr(void) can be passed to this argument.

proc strLen(x: c_ptr(?t)): int


the strLen function is unstable and may change or go away in a future release

Get the number of bytes in a c_ptr(int(8)) or c_ptr(uint(8)), excluding the terminating null.


x – c_ptr(int(8)) or c_ptr(uint(8)) to get length of


the number of bytes in x, excluding the terminating null

proc strLen(x: c_ptrConst(?t)): int


the strLen function is unstable and may change or go away in a future release

Get the number of bytes in a c_ptrConst(int(8)) or c_ptrConst(uint(8)), excluding the terminating NULL.


x – c_ptrConst(int(8)) or c_ptrConst(uint(8)) to get length of


the number of bytes in x, excluding the terminating NULL

proc string.c_str(): c_ptrConst(c_char)


‘string.c_str()’ is unstable and may change in a future release

Get a c_ptrConst(c_char) from a string. The returned c_ptrConst(c_char) shares the buffer with the string.


This can only be called safely on a string whose home is the current locale. This property can be enforced by calling localize() before string.c_str(). If the string is remote, the program will halt.

For example:

var myString = "Hello!";
on differentLocale {
  writef("%s", myString.localize().c_str());


A Chapel string is capable of containing NULL characters and any C routines relying on NULL terminated buffers may incorrectly process the mid-string NULL as the terminating NULL.


A c_ptrConst(c_char) that points to the underlying buffer used by this string. The returned c_ptrConst(c_char) is only valid when used on the same locale as the string.

proc bytes.c_str(): c_ptrConst(c_char)


‘bytes.c_str()’ is unstable and may change in a future release

Gets a c_ptrConst(c_char) from a bytes. The returned c_ptrConst(c_char) shares the buffer with the bytes.


This can only be called safely on a bytes whose home is the current locale. This property can be enforced by calling localize() before bytes.c_str(). If the bytes is remote, the program will halt.

For example:

var myBytes = b"Hello!";
on differentLocale {
  writef("%s", myBytes.localize().c_str());


Chapel bytes are capable of containing NULL bytes and any C routines relying on NULL terminated buffers may incorrectly process the mid-buffer NULL as the terminating NULL.


A c_ptrConst(c_char) that points to the underlying buffer used by this bytes. The returned c_ptrConst(c_char) is only valid when used on the same locale as the bytes.