

use BlockDist;


import BlockDist;
record blockDist: writeSerializable

The blockDist distribution partitions the indices specified by a boundingBox domain into contiguous blocks, mapping each block to a distinct locale in a targetLocales array. The indices within the bounding box are partitioned as evenly as possible across the target locales. An index outside the bounding box is mapped to the same locale as the nearest index within the bounding box.


The blockDist distribution was, until recently, a class named Block. Today, Block is still supported in a deprecated form, yet is an alias to the blockDist record here. In our experience, most uses of Block in distribution contexts should continue to work, but updating to blockDist is requested going forward due to the deprecation.

More precisely, an index idx is mapped to targetLocales[locIdx], where locIdx is computed as follows.

In the 1-dimensional case, for a blockDist distribution with:




[0..n-1] locale

locIdx is computed from idx as follows:

if idx is …

locIdx is …

low <= idx <= high

floor((idx-low)*N / (high-low+1))

idx < low


idx > high


In the multidimensional case, idx and locIdx are tuples of indices; boundingBox and targetLocales are multi-dimensional; and the above computation is applied in each dimension.


The following code declares a domain D distributed over a blockDist distribution with a bounding box and index set equal to the non-distributed domain Space. It then declares an array A over that domain. The forall loop sets each array element to the ID of the locale to which it is mapped.

use BlockDist;

const Space = {1..8, 1..8};
const Dist = new blockDist(boundingBox=Space);
const D = Dist.createDomain(Space);
var A: [D] int;

forall a in A do
  a =;


When run on 6 locales, the output is:

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

Data-Parallel Iteration

As demonstrated by the above example, a forall loop over a blockDist-distributed domain or array executes each iteration on the locale owning the index in question.

By default, parallelism within each locale is applied to that locale’s block of indices by creating a task for each available processor core (or the number of local indices if it is less than the number of cores). The local domain indices are then statically divided as evenly as possible between those tasks.

Initializer Arguments

The blockDist initializer is defined as follows:

proc blockDist.init(
  boundingBox: domain(?),
  targetLocales: [] locale  = Locales)

The arguments boundingBox (a domain) and targetLocales (an array) define the mapping of any index of idxType type to a locale as described above.

The rank of targetLocales must match the rank of the distribution, or be 1. If the rank of targetLocales is 1, a greedy heuristic is used to reshape the array of target locales so that it matches the rank of the distribution and each dimension contains an approximately equal number of indices.

Convenience Factory Methods

It is common for a blockDist-distributed domain or array to be declared using the same indices for both its boundingBox and its index set (as in the example using Space above). It is also common to not override any of the other defaulted initializer arguments. In such cases, factory methods can be used for convenience and to avoid repetition.

These methods take a domain or series of ranges as arguments and return a new block-distributed domain or array. For example, the following declarations create new 5 x 5 block-distributed domains and arrays using {1..5, 1..5} as both the bounding box and index set:

use BlockDist;

var BlockDom1 = blockDist.createDomain({1..5, 1..5});
var BlockDom2 = blockDist.createDomain(1..5, 1..5);
var BlockArr1 = blockDist.createArray({1..5, 1..5}, real);
var BlockArr2 = blockDist.createArray(1..5, 1..5, real);

The helper methods on blockDist have the following signatures:

proc type createDomain(dom: domain, targetLocales = Locales)

Create a block-distributed domain. The provided domain is used as the boundingBox.

proc type createDomain(rng: range(?)..., targetLocales = Locales)

Create a block-distributed domain from a series of ranges. The ranges are also used to construct the boundingBox.

proc type createArray(dom: domain, type eltType, targetLocales = Locales)

Create a default-initialized block-distributed array whose indices match those of the given domain.

proc type createArray(rng: range(?)..., type eltType, targetLocales = Locales)

Create a default-initialized block-distributed array using a domain constructed from the series of ranges.

proc type createArray(dom: domain, type eltType, initExpr, targetLocales = Locales)

Create a block-distributed array whose indices match those of the given domain.

The array’s values are initialized using initExpr which can be any of the following:

  • a value coercible to eltType — all elements of the array will be assigned with this value

  • an iterator expression with compatible size and type — the array elements will be initialized with the values yielded by the iterator

  • an array of compatible size and type — the array will be assigned into the distributed array


blockDist.createArray with an initExpr formal is unstable and may change in a future release

proc type createArray(rng: range(?)..., type eltType, initExpr, targetLocales = Locales)

Create a block-distributed array using a domain constructed from the series of ranges.

The array’s values are initialized using initExpr which can be any of the following:

  • a value coercible to eltType — all elements of the array will be assigned with this value

  • an iterator expression with compatible size and type — the array elements will be initialized with the values yielded by the iterator

  • an array of compatible size and type — the array will be assigned into the distributed array


blockDist.createArray with an initExpr formal is unstable and may change in a future release

proc createDomain(dom: domain(?))

Create a block-distributed domain over an existing blockDist by copying the index space from the passed domain.

proc createDomain(rng: range(?)...)

Create a block-distributed domain from a series of ranges over an existing blockDist.

Sparse Subdomains

When a sparse subdomain is created from a block-distributed domain, the resulting sparse domain will share the same block distribution across locales. The sparse layout used in this sparse subdomain can be controlled with the sparseLayoutType initializer argument to blockDist.

The following example demonstrates a block-distributed sparse domain and array:

 use BlockDist;

 const Space = {1..8, 1..8};

 // Declare a dense, blockDist-distributed domain.
 const DenseDom = blockDist.createDomain(Space);

 // Declare a sparse subdomain.
 // Since DenseDom is blockDist-distributed, SparseDom will be as well.
 var SparseDom: sparse subdomain(DenseDom);

 // Add some elements to the sparse subdomain.
 // SparseDom.bulkAdd is another way to do this that allows more control.
 SparseDom += [ (1,2), (3,6), (5,4), (7,8) ];

 // Declare a sparse array.
 // This array is also blockDist-distributed.
 var A: [SparseDom] int;

 A = 1;

 writeln( "A[(1, 1)] = ", A[1,1]);
 for (ij,x) in zip(SparseDom, A) {
   writeln( "A[", ij, "] = ", x, " on locale ", x.locale);

// Results in this output when run on 4 locales:
// A[(1, 1)] = 0
// A[(1, 2)] = 1 on locale LOCALE0
// A[(3, 6)] = 1 on locale LOCALE1
// A[(5, 4)] = 1 on locale LOCALE2
// A[(7, 8)] = 1 on locale LOCALE3