Task Parallelism

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This primer illustrates Chapel’s parallel tasking features, namely the begin, cobegin, and coforall statements.

config const n = 10; // Used for the coforall loop

Begin Statements

The begin statement spawns a thread of execution that is independent of the current (main) thread of execution.

writeln("1: ### The begin statement ###");

begin writeln("1: output from spawned task");

The main thread of execution continues on to the next statement. There is no guarantee as to which statement will execute first.

writeln("1: output from main task");

Cobegin Statements

For more structured behavior, the cobegin statement can be used to spawn a block of tasks, one for each statement. Control continues after the cobegin block, but only after all the tasks within the cobegin block have completed.

writeln("2: ### The cobegin statement ###");

cobegin {
  writeln("2: output from spawned task 1");
  writeln("2: output from spawned task 2");

The output from within the cobegin statement will always precede the following output from the main thread of execution.

writeln("2: output from main task");

If any begin statements are used within a cobegin statement, the thread of execution does not wait for those begin statements to complete.

writeln("3: ### The cobegin statement with nested begin statements ###");

cobegin {
  begin writeln("3: output from spawned task 1");
  begin writeln("3: output from spawned task 2");

The order of the output is again undefined because the begin statements in the above cobegin statement are not guaranteed to have been executed before control reaches the following statement.

writeln("3: output from main task");

Coforall Loops

Another more structured form of task parallelism is the coforall loop. This loop form is like a for loop in which each iteration of the loop is executed by a distinct task. Similar to the cobegin statement, the main thread of execution does not continue until the tasks created for each iteration have completed.

writeln("4: ### The coforall loop ###");

coforall i in 1..n {
  writeln("4: output from spawned task 1 (iteration ", i, ")");
  writeln("4: output from spawned task 2 (iteration ", i, ")");

While the order of output within an iteration is deterministic (1 executes before 2), the order of output relative to other iterations is not defined. As with the cobegin statement, the output from within the coforall loop will always precede the following output.

writeln("4: output from main task");

As with the cobegin statement, any begin statements spawned within a coforall loop are not guaranteed to be complete before the main thread of execution continues.

writeln("5: ### The coforall loop with nested begin statements ###");
coforall i in 1..n {
  begin writeln("5: output from spawned task 1 (iteration ", i, ")");
  begin writeln("5: output from spawned task 2 (iteration ", i, ")");

The order of output is undefined.

writeln("5: output from main task");

Task Intents

The body of a task construct may refer to some variables declared outside its lexical scope, known as “outer variables”. When it does, “shadow variables” are introduced. Each task created by the task construct gets its own set of shadow variables, one per outer variable.

  • Each shadow variable behaves as if it were a formal argument of a function that implements the task’s work. (These “task functions” are described in the language spec). The outer variable is passed to this formal argument according to the argument intent associated with the shadow variable, which is called a “task intent”.

  • References within a task that seem to refer to an outer variable will actually be referring to the corresponding shadow variable owned by the task.

  • Each shadow variable is deallocated at the end of its task.

The default argument intent (The Default Intent) is used by default. For numeric types, this implies capturing the value of the outer variable by the time the task starts executing. Arrays are passed by reference, as are sync and atomic variables (Sync, Atomics). For begin statements, for example, this means that the captured value of an outer numeric variable can be accessed even after its scope exits, while an outer array variable cannot.

var outerIntVariable = 2;
begin assert(outerIntVariable == 2);

The task intents in, const in, ref, const ref, and reduce can be specified explicitly using a with clause.

An in or const in intent creates a copy of the outer variable for each task. A ref or const ref makes the shadow variable an alias for the outer variable.

var outerArray = [10, 11, 12];
begin with (in outerArray) assert(outerArray[0] == 10);

var outerRealVariable = 1.0;

coforall i in 1..n with (ref outerRealVariable) {
  if i == 1 then            // ensure only one task updates outerIntVariable
    outerRealVariable *= 2; // to avoid the risk of a data race

A reduce intent can be used to compute reductions with coforall loops. The values of each reduce-intent shadow variable at the end of its task is combined onto its outer variable according to the specified reduction operation.

 // The values of the outer variables before the loop will be included
 // in the reduction result.
var outerMaxVariable = 0;
var outerMinVariable = 0;

coforall i in 1..n with (+ reduce outerIntVariable,
                         max reduce outerMaxVariable,
                         min reduce outerMinVariable) {
  outerIntVariable = i;

  if i % 2 == 0 then
    outerMaxVariable = i;  // compute the max of even indices
    outerMinVariable = -i; // ... and the min of negated odd ones

  // The loop body can contain other code
  // regardless of reduce-related operations.