Sparse Domains and Arrays

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This primer shows off some of Chapel’s support for sparse domains and arrays.


Sparse domains and arrays are currently unstable. Their functionality is likely to change in the future.

First, we declare a configuration variable, n, which defines the problem size for this example. It’s given a default value of 9, which can be over-ridden on the executable’s command line using: --n=<value>.

config var n = 9;

Sparse domains in Chapel are defined in terms of a bounding domain. The role of this bounding domain is to define the range of legal indices for the sparse domain. Here we declare a dense 2D rectangular bounding domain of n x n indices which will serve as the index space for the sparse domain/array in our example. As we will see, it will also be useful for operations that want to treat our sparse domain as though it was a dense n x n set of values.

const dnsDom = {1..n, 1..n};

Here we declare our sparse domain. The sparse keyword indicates that it will be used to only represent a subset of its bounding domain’s indices, and that arrays declared using it will store a zero value (described further below) for all indices in the set dnsDom - spsDom. Because we don’t initialize the sparse domain, it is initially an empty set of indices.

var spsDom: sparse subdomain(dnsDom);

Next, we use the sparse domain to declare a sparse array. This uses Chapel’s normal array declaration syntax.

var spsArr: [spsDom] real;

I/O on sparse domains and arrays only prints out non-vero values; initially there are none, so these will both print in a degenerate manner.

writeln("Initially, spsDom is: ", spsDom);
writeln("Initially, spsArr is: ", spsArr);

We can also do I/O more explicitly by iterating over the dense domain and indexing into the sparse array. Note that it’s legal to index into a sparse array in either its zero or nonzero positions; however it’s only legal to assign to nonzero positions, since those are the only ones that are explicitly stored.

proc writeSpsArr() {
  for (i,j) in dnsDom {
    write(spsArr(i,j), " ");
    if (j == n) then writeln();

Let’s try that procedure we just wrote:

writeln("Printing spsArr with a dense representation:");

Chapel’s sparse arrays store the element type’s default value for their zero value by default – so 0 for numerical types, empty strings for strings, nil references for classes, etc. However, a different value can be stored at zero positions instead which is why we don’t refer to it as the zero value and rather as the IRV or Implicitly Replicated Value. This value can be changed for a given array by assigning to that array’s IRV field, allowing a more interesting value/string/class instance to be stored at all the zero values.

spsArr.IRV = 7.7;
writeln("Printing spsArr after changing its IRV:");

OK, now let’s actually add some sparse indices to the spsDom domain and see what happens:

spsDom += (1,n);
spsDom += (n,n);
spsDom += (1,1);
spsDom += (n,1);

writeln("Printing spsArr after adding the corner indices:");

It appears as though nothing happened, but in fact it did. The sparse domain spsDom was reallocated to store the four new (corner) indices; the sparse array was reallocated to allocate storage for the four new elements corresponding to those indices; and those elements were initialized to store the IRV, since that’s the logical value that they were representing before the new sparse indices “filled in”. We can see this difference by going back to the default sparse I/O:

writeln("After adding corners, spsDom is:\n", spsDom);
writeln("After adding corners, spsArr is:\n", spsArr);

Or by assigning the array elements corresponding to the corners and using our dense printing procedure:

proc computeVal(row, col) do return row + col/10.0;

spsArr(1,1) = computeVal(1,1);
spsArr(1,n) = computeVal(1,n);
spsArr(n,1) = computeVal(n,1);
spsArr(n,n) = computeVal(n,n);

writeln("Printing spsArr after assigning the corner elements:");

Values can only be assigned to array positions that are members in the sparse domain index set. The boolean method Domain.contains(x) can be used to check whether a certain index (x) is a member of the domain’s index set. Note that, in multi-dimensional domains, the member method can accept the index as a tuple like spsDom.contains((i,j)) or as a parameter list like spsDom.contains(i,j). Below, we print * for the positions that are members in the sparse domain, and . otherwise.

writeln("Positions that are members in the sparse domain are marked by a '*':");

for (i,j) in dnsDom {
  if spsDom.contains(i,j) then
    write("* "); // (i,j) is a member in the sparse index set
    write(". "); // (i,j) is not a member in the sparse index set

  if (j == n) then writeln();

Like other domains and arrays, sparse Chapel domains and arrays can be iterated over…

writeln("Iterating over spsDom and indexing into spsArr:");
for ij in spsDom do
  writeln("spsArr(", ij, ") = ", spsArr(ij));

writeln("Iterating over spsArr:");
for a in spsArr do
  writeln(a, " ");

…reductions can be taken…

var sparseSum = + reduce spsArr;
var denseSum = + reduce [ij in dnsDom] spsArr(ij);

writeln("the sum of the sparse elements is: ", sparseSum);
writeln("the sum of the dense elements is: ", denseSum);

…and slices will be allowed to be taken (sparse slices of dense arrays, dense slices of sparse arrays, sparse slices of sparse arrays, etc.), but those aren’t implemented yet…

OK, let’s clear things out and start again, this time defining a sparse domain whose diagonal elements are represented.

spsDom.clear();     // empty the sparse index set
spsArr.IRV = 0.0;   // reset the IRV

for i in 1..n do
  spsDom += (i,i);

[(i,j) in spsDom with (ref spsArr)] spsArr(i,j) = computeVal(i,j);

writeln("Printing spsArr after resetting and adding the diagonal:");

Here are some other ways to enumerate sparse indices. You can assign a sparse domain a tuple of indices:

spsDom = ((1,1), (n/2, n/2), (n,n));

[(i,j) in spsDom with (ref spsArr)] spsArr(i,j) = computeVal(i,j);

writeln("Printing spsArr after resetting and assigning a tuple of indices:");

You can also define an iterator and have it generate the sparse indices:

iter antiDiag(n) {
  for i in 1..n do
    yield (i, n-i+1);

spsDom = antiDiag(n);

[(i,j) in spsDom with (ref spsArr)] spsArr(i,j) = computeVal(i,j);

writeln("Printing spsArr after resetting and assigning the antiDiag iterator:");

We’ll close with a brief note on performance: Chapel’s default single-locale sparse format represents the domain using a dense sorted vector of explicitly represented indices and the array using a dense vector of elements. This format is general, meaning that we can support 1D, 2D, 3D, …, nD sparse domains and arrays in addition to the 2D case shown here. However, it is also very general, which is why we use it. As Chapel continues to develop, it will support additional sparse formats that make various tradeoffs in efficiency and representation as part of its standard distribution library. In addition, advanced users will be able to define their own sparse domain/array representations using the user-defined distribution capability.

Regardless of the sparse format used, operations over a sparse domain’s indices or sparse array’s elements should typically be proportional to the number of nonzeroes (nnz) rather than the size of the dense bounding box. Operations like inserting new indices or testing for membership will tend to vary depending on the representation.

For example, in the default representation, adding indices in reverse sorted order will require O(nnz**2) time due to all of the insertions required. For this reason, users are encouraged to add indices in sorted order when performance matters.

Other general rules of thumb when working with sparse domains and arrays is to make the domains constant (const) whenever possible, setting their index set in their initializer using a forall expression or iterator invocation; and to assign sparse domain indices before declaring arrays over those sparse domains when possible (to avoid reallocating the arrays more than is necessary. While the choice of a sparse representations may make the impact of these decisions more or less crucial, they are good general rules of thumb.

As a final performance-related note, there are several important compiler optimizations that remain unimplemented for sparse domains and arrays. Today’s implementation is meant to expose users to Chapel’s sparse concepts, but additional performance will be added over time.

Anyone reading this far who is interested in exploring more with sparse domains and arrays in Chapel is encouraged to contact us. We currently have a Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) sparse domain/array layout within our modules and an implementation of the NAS CG benchmark that makes use of it, and would be happy to provide the curious with full explanations of the features therein, and are open to new suggestions.