

use Memory.Initialization;


import Memory.Initialization;

Support for move-initializing and deinitializing values.

The Initialization module provides functions which enable users to move-initialize and deinitialize values.

The functionality provided by this module can be used to implement collections in a manner similar to those implemented by the Chapel standard modules (such as List or Map).


Throughout documentation, the term variable also includes non-const formals, array elements, record or class fields, and tuple components.


The Memory.Initialization module has been deprecated; please use the ‘MemMove’ module instead

proc needsDeinit(type t) param

Check to see if a given type needs to be deinitialized.


t : type – A type to check for deinitialization


true if t needs to be deinitialized

Return type

param bool

proc explicitDeinit(ref arg: ?t)

Explicitly deinitialize a variable. The variable referred to by arg should be considered uninitialized after a call to this function.


At present the compiler does not account for deinitialization performed upon a call to explicitDeinit(). It should only be called when deinitialization would not occur otherwise.


A variable to deinitialize

proc moveInitialize(ref lhs, in rhs)

Move-initialize lhs with the value in rhs. The contents of lhs are not deinitialized before the move, and rhs is not deinitialized after the move.


If lhs references an already initialized variable, it will be overwritten by the contents of rhs without being deinitialized first. Call explicitDeinit() to deinitialize lhs if necessary.

  • lhs – A variable to move-initialize, whose type matches rhs

  • rhs – A value to move-initialize from


The formals ‘lhs’ and ‘rhs’ are deprecated, please use ‘dst’ and ‘src’ instead

proc moveInitialize(ref dst, in src)

Move-initialize dst with the value in src. The contents of dst are not deinitialized before the move, and src is not deinitialized after the move.


If dst references an already initialized variable, it will be overwritten by the contents of src without being deinitialized first. Call explicitDeinit() to deinitialize dst if necessary.


The static types of dst and src must match, or else a compile-time error will be issued.


If the compiler inserts a copy for the argument to src, then a compile-time error will be issued. The most likely cause is that the argument is used elsewhere following the call to moveInitialize. The moveFrom function can be used with the src argument to avoid the copy when certain of the variable’s usage:

moveInitialize(myDst, moveFrom(mySrc));

  • dst – A variable to move-initialize, whose type matches src

  • src – A value to move-initialize from

proc moveToValue(const ref arg: ?t)

Move the contents of the variable or constant referred to by arg into a new value.


The variable or constant referred to by arg should be considered uninitialized after a call to this function.


arg – A variable or constant to move


The contents of arg moved into a new value


‘moveToValue’ is deprecated; please use ‘moveFrom’ instead

proc moveFrom(const ref src: ?t)

Move the contents of the variable or constant referred to by src into a new returned value.


The variable or constant referred to by src should be considered uninitialized after a call to this function.


src – A variable or constant to move


The contents of src moved into a new value

proc moveSwap(ref lhs: ?t, ref rhs: t)

Swap the contents of the variables referred to by lhs and rhs. This function does not call the <=> operator. Unlike the <=> operator, moveSwap() does not perform assignment or initialization.

  • lhs – A variable to swap

  • rhs – A variable to swap


the formals ‘lhs’ and ‘rhs’ are deprecated, please use ‘x’ and ‘y’ instead

proc moveSwap(ref x: ?t, ref y: t)

Swap the contents of the variables referred to by x and y. This function does not call the <=> operator. Unlike the <=> operator, moveSwap() does not perform assignment or initialization.

  • x – A variable to swap

  • y – A variable to swap

proc moveInitializeArrayElements(ref a: [?d], dstStartIndex: a.idxType, srcStartIndex: a.idxType, numElements: int)

Move-initialize a group of array elements from a group of elements in the same array. This function is equivalent to a sequence of individual calls to moveInitialize().


This function will halt if the value of numElements is negative, or if any of the elements in dstStartIndex..#numElements or srcStartIndex..#numElements are out of bounds.

This function will halt if the ranges dstStartIndex..#numElements and srcStartIndex..#numElements intersect.

No checks will occur when the –fast or –no-checks flags are used.

  • a – The array with source and destination elements

  • dstStartIndex : a.idxType – Destination index of elements to move-initialize

  • srcStartIndex : a.idxType – Source index of elements to move-initialize from

  • numElements : int – The number of elements to move-initialize

proc moveInitializeArrayElements(ref dstA: [] ?t, dstStartIndex: dstA.idxType, srcA: [] t, srcStartIndex: srcA.idxType, numElements: int)

Move-initialize a group of array elements from a group of elements in another array. This function is equivalent to a sequence of individual calls to moveInitialize().


This function will halt if the value of numElements is negative, or if any of the elements in dstStartIndex..#numElements or srcStartIndex..#numElements are out of bounds.

This function will halt if dstA and srcA are the same array and the ranges dstStartIndex..#numElements and srcStartIndex..#numElements intersect.

No checks will occur when the –fast or –no-checks flags are used.

  • dstA – The array with destination elements

  • dstStartIndex : dstA.idxType – Destination index of elements to move-initialize

  • srcA : An array with the same element type as dstA.eltType – The array with source elements

  • srcStartIndex : srcA.idxType – Source index of elements to move-initialize from

  • numElements : int – The number of elements to move-initialize