use ChplFormat;
import ChplFormat;
The ChplFormat module provides a chplSerializer and chplDeserializer that aim to read and write data in a format similar to that of Chapel’s syntax.
ChplFormat module is considered unstable pending naming changes
- record chplSerializer¶
- proc ref serializeValue(writer: _writeType, const val: ?t) throws¶
- record AggregateSerializer¶
- var writer¶
- var _parent = false¶
- var _first = true¶
- var _firstPtr: c_ptr(bool) = nil¶
- proc ref startClass(writer: _writeType, name: string, size: int) throws¶
- proc endRecord() throws¶
- record TupleSerializer¶
- var writer¶
- const size: int¶
- var _first: bool = true¶
- proc ref writeElement(const element: ?) throws¶
- proc endTuple() throws¶
- record ListSerializer¶
- var writer¶
- var _first: bool = true¶
- proc ref writeElement(const element: ?) throws¶
- record chplDeserializer¶
- proc ref deserializeType(reader: _readerType, type readType): readType throws¶
- proc ref deserializeValue(reader: _readerType, ref val: ?readType): void throws¶
- record AggregateDeserializer¶
- var reader¶
- var _first = true¶
- var _parent = false¶
- proc startClass(reader: _readerType, name: string) throws¶
- proc endRecord() throws¶
- record TupleDeserializer¶
- var reader¶
- proc readElement(type eltType): eltType throws¶
- proc readElement(ref element) throws
- proc endTuple() throws¶
- record ListDeserializer¶
- var reader¶
- var _first = true¶
- proc ref readElement(type eltType): eltType throws¶
- proc ref readElement(ref element) throws
- proc endList() throws¶
- proc hasMore(): bool throws¶