

use Random.RandomSupport;


import Random.RandomSupport;

Seed generation for pseudorandom number generation.


For many of the functions in Random, if no seed is provided by the user, one is chosen based on the current time in microseconds, allowing for some degree of variability in seed selection. The intent of SeedGenerator is to provide a menu of other options for initializing the random stream seed, but few options are implemented at present. In particular, it would be useful to allow multiple tasks to create different seeds at the same time, or to allow different functions running at the same time to produce different seeds.

record SeedGenerator

Provides methods to help generate seeds when the user doesn’t want to create one. It currently supports two type methods. Both start with the current time.

proc type currentTime: int(64)

Generate a seed based on the current time in microseconds as reported by Time.timeSinceEpoch. This seed is not suitable for the NPB RNG since that requires an odd seed.

proc type oddCurrentTime: int(64)

Generate an odd seed based on the current time in microseconds as reported by Time.timeSinceEpoch. This seed is suitable for the NPB RNG.