

use Version;


import Version;

Support for reasoning about version numbers.

This module contains features that support compile-time reasoning about version numbers in general, and Chapel version numbers specifically. In more detail, it features:

  • chplVersion: the version number of the copy of chpl used to compile the program.

  • sourceVersion: a type that can be used to represent a semantic version number plus an optional commit value.

  • createVersion: a utility function for creating new version values

Version numbers in this module are represented using param values to permit code specialization by being able to reason about versions at compile-time.

The sourceVersion type supports:

  • being printed out or cast to a param string

  • compile-time comparisons via ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >. Generally speaking, “less than” corresponds to “is an earlier version than.” For example:

    if chplVersion < createVersion(1,23) then
      compilerWarning("This package doesn't support 'chpl' prior to 1.23.0");
const chplVersion

The version of chpl used to compile this program. For an official Chapel release, this will have an empty commit value, while for a pre-release, it will indicate the Git SHA.

Note that, for historical reasons, Chapel 1.x.y/2.x.y corresponds to version 0.x.y/1.x.y in traditional semantic versioning.

proc createVersion(param major: int, param minor: int, param update: int = 0, param commit: string = ""): sourceVersion(?)

A helper function that creates a new version value from its arguments.

  • major : int – The major version number

  • minor : int – The minor version number

  • update : int – The optional update version number (defaults to 0)

  • commit : string – The optional commit ID (defaults to “”)


A new version value of type sourceVersion.

record sourceVersion

This record represents a software version in a Git repository. It uses param values to represent its components in order to support compile-time comparison of version numbers which in turn permits code to specialize to specific versions of Chapel. When printed or converted to a string, it is represented as version major.minor.update (commit).

Note that ordered comparisons between two sourceVersion values that only differ in their commit values are not supported due to the challenges involved in ordering commit values. However, when a value with an empty update value is compared to one whose update is non-empty, the latter is considered to be earlier than (less than) the former, due to the interpretation that it represents a pre-release of the official release.

param major: int

The major version number. For version 2.0.1, this would be 2.

param minor: int

The minor version number. For version 2.0.1, this would be 0.

param update: int

The update version number. For version 2.0.1, this would be 1.

param commit: string = ""

The commit ID of the version (e.g., a Git SHA)

proc type sourceVersion.==(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool
proc type sourceVersion.!=(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool

Equality/inequality operators between two values of type sourceVersion check whether or not the two values have identical major, minor, update, and commit values.

proc type sourceVersion.<(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool
proc type sourceVersion.<=(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool
proc type sourceVersion.>(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool
proc type sourceVersion.>=(v1: sourceVersion(?), v2: sourceVersion(?)) param: bool

Ordered comparisons between two values of type sourceVersion are based on the ordering of the semantic versions of the two values, as defined by their major, minor, and update components. If the two values have identical semantic versions, any cases that rely on an ordering of the commits will generate a compile-time error if the values have differing, non-empty commit values due to the challenge of ordering commits at compile-time. An empty commit value is considered to come after (be greater than) a non-empty value, as the former is considered an official release and the latter a pre-release.