.. default-domain:: chpl .. _Chapter-Lexical_Structure: ================= Lexical Structure ================= This section describes the lexical components of Chapel programs. The purpose of lexical analysis is to separate the raw input stream into a sequence of tokens suitable for input to the parser. .. _Comments: Comments -------- Two forms of comments are supported. All text following the consecutive characters ``//`` and before the end of the line is in a comment. All text following the consecutive characters ``/*`` and before the consecutive characters ``*/`` is in a comment. A comment delimited by ``/*`` and ``*/`` can be nested in another comment delimited by ``/*`` and ``*/`` Comments, including the characters that delimit them, do not affect the behavior of the program (except in delimiting tokens). If the delimiters that start the comments appear within a bytes or string literal, they do not start a comment but rather are part of the bytes or string literal. *Example*. The following program makes use of both forms of comment: .. code-block:: chapel /* * main function */ proc main() { writeln("hello, world"); // output greeting with new line } .. _White_Space: White Space ----------- White-space characters are spaces, tabs, line feeds, form feeds, and carriage returns. Along with comments, they delimit tokens, but are otherwise ignored. .. _Case_Sensitivity: Case Sensitivity ---------------- Chapel is a case sensitive language. *Example*. The following identifiers are considered distinct: ``chapel``, ``Chapel``, and ``CHAPEL``. .. _Tokens: Tokens ------ Tokens include identifiers, keywords, literals, operators, and punctuation. .. _Identifiers: Identifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~ An identifier in Chapel is a sequence of characters that starts with a lowercase or uppercase letter or an underscore and is optionally followed by a sequence of lowercase or uppercase letters, digits, underscores, and dollar-signs. Identifiers are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax identifier: letter-or-underscore legal-identifier-chars[OPT] legal-identifier-chars: legal-identifier-char legal-identifier-chars[OPT] legal-identifier-char: letter-or-underscore digit '$' letter-or-underscore: letter '_' letter: one of 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' 'o' 'p' 'q' 'r' 's' 't' 'u' 'v' 'w' 'x' 'y' 'z' digit: one of '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' .. *Rationale*. Why include “$” in the language? The inclusion of the $ character is meant to assist programmers using sync and single variables by supporting a convention (a $ at the end of such variables) in order to help write properly synchronized code. It is felt that marking such variables is useful since using such variables could result in deadlocks. *Example*. The following are legal identifiers: ``Cray1``, ``syncvar$``, ``legalIdentifier``, and ``legal_identifier``. .. _Keywords: Keywords ~~~~~~~~ The following identifiers are reserved as keywords: .. code-block:: text _ align as atomic begin bool borrowed break by bytes catch class cobegin coforall complex config const continue defer delete dmapped do domain else enum except export extern false for forall foreach forwarding if imag implements in index inline inout int interface iter label let lifetime local locale manage module new nil noinit on only operator otherwise out override owned param private prototype proc public real record reduce ref require return scan select serial shared single sparse string subdomain sync then this throw throws true try type uint union unmanaged use var when where while with yield zip The following identifiers are keywords reserved for future use: .. code-block:: text lambda pragma primitive .. _Literals: Literals ~~~~~~~~ Bool literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax bool-literal: one of 'true' 'false' Signed and unsigned integer literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax integer-literal: digits '0x' hexadecimal-digits '0X' hexadecimal-digits '0o' octal-digits '0O' octal-digits '0b' binary-digits '0B' binary-digits digits: digit digit separator-digits separator-digits: digit '_' digit separator-digits '_' separator-digits hexadecimal-digits: hexadecimal-digit hexadecimal-digit separator-hexadecimal-digits separator-hexadecimal-digits: hexadecimal-digit '_' hexadecimal-digit separator-hexadecimal-digits '_' separator-hexadecimal-digits hexadecimal-digit: one of '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' octal-digits: octal-digit octal-digit separator-octal-digits separator-octal-digits: octal-digit '_' octal-digit separator-octal-digits '_' separator-octal-digits octal-digit: one of '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' binary-digits: binary-digit binary-digit separator-binary-digits separator-binary-digits: binary-digit '_' binary-digit separator-binary-digits '_' separator-binary-digits binary-digit: one of '0' '1' Integer literals in the range 0 to max(\ ``int``),  :ref:`Signed_and_Unsigned_Integral_Types`, have type ``int`` and the remaining literals have type ``uint``. *Rationale*. Why are there no suffixes on integral literals? Suffixes, like those in C, are not necessary. Explicit conversions can then be used to change the type of the literal to another integer size. .. *Rationale*. Underscores can be used to group the digits of numbers for legibility. For example: .. code-block:: chapel var i = 1_234_567_890; var x = 0xFF_FF_12_34; Real literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax real-literal: digits[OPT] . digits exponent-part[OPT] digits .[OPT] exponent-part '0x' hexadecimal-digits[OPT] . hexadecimal-digits p-exponent-part[OPT] '0X' hexadecimal-digits[OPT] . hexadecimal-digits p-exponent-part[OPT] '0x' hexadecimal-digits .[OPT] p-exponent-part '0X' hexadecimal-digits .[OPT] p-exponent-part exponent-part: 'e' sign[OPT] digits 'E' sign[OPT] digits p-exponent-part: 'p' sign[OPT] digits 'P' sign[OPT] digits sign: one of + - .. *Rationale*. Why can’t a real literal end with ’.’? There is a lexical ambiguity between real literals ending in ’.’ and the range operator ’..’ that makes it difficult to parse. For example, we want to parse ``1..10`` as a range from 1 to 10 without concern that ``1.`` is a real literal. Hexadecimal real literals are supported with a hexadecimal integer and fractional part. Because ’e’ could be a hexadecimal character, the exponent for these literals is instead marked with ’p’ or ’P’. The exponent value follows and is written in decimal. The type of a real literal is ``real``. Explicit conversions are necessary to change the size of the literal. Imaginary literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax imaginary-literal: real-literal 'i' integer-literal 'i' The type of an imaginary literal is ``imag``. Explicit conversions are necessary to change the size of the literal. There are no complex literals. Rather, a complex value can be specified by adding or subtracting a real literal with an imaginary literal. Alternatively, a 2-tuple of integral or real expressions can be cast to a complex such that the first component becomes the real part and the second component becomes the imaginary part. *Example*. The following expressions are identical: ``1.0 + 2.0i`` and ``(1.0, 2.0):complex``. Interpreted string literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax interpreted-string-literal: " double-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] " ' single-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] ' double-quote-delimited-characters: string-character double-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] ' double-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] single-quote-delimited-characters: string-character single-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] " single-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] string-character: any character except the double quote, single quote, or new line simple-escape-character hexadecimal-escape-character simple-escape-character: one of \' \" \? \\ \a \b \f \n \r \t \v hexadecimal-escape-character: '\x' hexadecimal-digits Uninterpreted string literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax uninterpreted-string-literal: """ uninterpreted-double-quote-delimited-characters """ ''' uninterpreted-single-quote-delimited-characters ''' uninterpreted-double-quote-delimited-characters: uninterpreted-double-quote-string-character uninterpreted-double-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] uninterpreted-single-quote-delimited-characters: uninterpreted-single-quote-string-character uninterpreted-single-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] uninterpreted-double-quote-string-character: any character except three double quotes in a row uninterpreted-single-quote-string-character: any character except three single quotes in a row Uninterpreted string literals do not interpret their contents, so for example ``"""\n"""`` is not a newline, but rather two characters ``\`` and ``n``. Uninterpreted string literals may span multiple lines and the literal newline characters will be included in the string. A string literal can be either interpreted or uninterpreted. .. code-block:: syntax string-literal: interpreted-string-literal uninterpreted-string-literal Interpreted bytes literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax interpreted-bytes-literal: b" double-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] " b' single-quote-delimited-characters[OPT] ' Uninterpreted bytes literals are designated by the following syntax: .. code-block:: syntax uninterpreted-bytes-literal: b""" uninterpreted-double-quote-delimited-characters """ b''' uninterpreted-single-quote-delimited-characters ''' Uninterpreted bytes literals do not interpret their contents, so for example ``b"""\n"""`` is not a newline, but rather two characters ``\`` and ``n``. Uninterpreted bytes literals may span multiple lines and the literal newline characters will be included in the bytes. A bytes literal can be either interpreted or uninterpreted. .. code-block:: syntax bytes-literal: interpreted-bytes-literal uninterpreted-bytes-literal .. _Operators_and_Punctuation: Operators and Punctuation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following operators and punctuation are defined in the syntax of the language: =================================================================================================== ============================= **symbols** **use** =================================================================================================== ============================= ``=`` assignment ``+=`` ``-=`` ``*=`` ``/=`` ``**=`` ``%=`` ``&=`` ``|=`` ``^=`` compound assignment ``&&=`` ``||=`` ``<<=`` ``>>=`` ``reduce=`` compound assignment, cont. ``<=>`` swap ``<~>`` I/O ``..`` ``..<`` range specifier ``by`` range/domain stride specifier ``#`` range count operator ``...`` variable argument lists ``&&`` ``||`` ``!`` ``&`` ``|`` ``^`` ``~`` ``<<`` ``>>`` logical/bitwise operators ``==`` ``!=`` ``<=`` ``>=`` ``<`` ``>`` relational operators ``+`` ``-`` ``*`` ``/`` ``%`` ``**`` arithmetic operators ``:`` type specifier ``;`` statement separator ``,`` expression separator ``.`` member access ``?`` type query ``"`` ``'`` string delimiters =================================================================================================== ============================= .. _Grouping_Tokens: Grouping Tokens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following braces are part of the Chapel language: ========== =================================================================== **braces** **use** ========== =================================================================== ``( )`` parenthesization, function calls, and tuples ``[ ]`` array literals, array types, forall expressions, and function calls ``{ }`` domain literals, block statements ========== ===================================================================